View Full Version : Bret Hart Comments on Whether He Would Induct Shawn

01-24-2011, 02:43 PM
Bret Hart appeared on The LAW Sunday night promoting his appearance this past weekend in Toronto for March of Dimes Canada, here is a highlight of the interview:

Whether he would be willing to induct Shawn Michaels into the Hall of Fame:

I wouldn't have any problem inducting Shawn, the truth is Shawn was a great wrestler and I had a lot of great matches with him. The Ironman match I had with Shawn was as good a match as wrestling has ever had. I’m proud of some of the great memories I had with Shawn and I’d be happy to induct him into the Hall of Fame if they asked me.

On the current status with the WWE:

Right now it’s totally in limbo. I’m not expecting to be a part of WrestleMania but then I could get a call tomorrow asking me to play some sort of part. I’d be happy to be a part of WrestleMania or even something that comes up in the next few months. I’ve had a lot of fun this last year and thinking back to winning the U.S. Title here (in Toronto) back in May. It’s a happy little memory, I had a great night here in Toronto and I was glad that I got to bring that moment back to Toronto where I had some of my most loyal fans here in Toronto.

The entire interview can be heard on the Jan. 23rd edition of The LAW at 1:16:00 mark, available for download at http://lawradio.podbean.com/feed.