View Full Version : WWE News & Notes: Hulk Hogan, The Rock, John Cena, More

08-27-2006, 08:23 PM
source: PWInsider

CinemaBlend.com has added a review of The Rock’s newest movie “Gridiron Gang.” The trailer for the movie looks excellent. You can check out the review by going here (http://www.cinemablend.com/reviews/Gridiron-Gang-1748.html).

SciFi made a mistake in their weekly Newsletter by plugging Monday’s special live airing of RAW using a photo of Sabu.

Today’s New York Daily News made mention of John Cena’s love for puppies. Cena was quoted as saying "To me, puppies are the cutest things in the world. But I don't like those Paris Hilton-type handbag dogs. I like golden retriever puppies, bulldog puppies – dogs that are full of piss and vinegar and run around like crazy. The ones whose legs are too big for their body: They make me melt. I can admit that."

The Ottawa Sun published an article today discussing Hulk Hogan and Randy Orton’s match at SummerSlam. The article discusses if it was the right choice to let Hogan defeat Orton. Some say that Hogan should have “passed the torch” to help give future superstars a push. You can check out the entire article by clicking here (http://ottsun.canoe.ca/Sports/OtherSports/2006/08/27/1779098-sun.html).

08-27-2006, 11:40 PM
Well everybody already new Hogan wasn't going to do that and probably will never pass the torch. Awwww cena has a soft spot for puppies.

08-28-2006, 06:13 AM
Awww Cena's got a soft spot for puppy wuppys soo cute!