View Full Version : Michelle McCool Interview(MichelleMcCool.Net’s Exclusive Interview)

Black Widow
01-26-2011, 05:48 PM
As a special treat, Michelle has set some time aside to answer another series of questions, to which we believe may very well be her best interview with MichelleMcCool.Net. Oh, yes… we’ve said it, interview! We’re always trying to think up of questions that haven’t been asked before, and something that’ll get Michelle talking, and by George, did we ever! Have you heard about the time Michelle worked with two bulging discs in her neck? No? How about how she felt like a fish out of water when she auditioned for the 2004 WWE Diva Search? Probably not! We’re covering a lot of ground, and though it’s Michelle’s birthday, it’s her Faithful Followers who get the real gifts here!


MichelleMcCool.Net: Since your debut in 2004, you’ve always been able to call SmackDown your home. We’ve even dubbed you as “The First Lady of SmackDown”! But, every year, come the WWE Draft, the usual predictions say “this is the year she’s moving to RAW,” and of course, it isn’t. With all that you’ve accomplished on SmackDown, do you think a trade to RAW is 2011 bound?

Michelle McCool: “It’s funny because I always prepare myself mentally once the draft comes up. We have learned to expect the unexpected in our jobs. I honestly don’t mind which show I’m on, as long as I’m doing what I love!”

MichelleMcCool.Net: Any recent injuries that you’ve sustained that the fans weren’t made aware of? We do remember former WWE Divas in shoot interviews saying that you’re one of the hardest working Divas on the roster, even having worked through fevers and swollen bruises! Kudos to you, you wear your pain just as fierce as any fashionable accessory!

Michelle McCool: ” Haha….yeah, bumps & bruises come with the territory. Other than the normal, I did have two bulging disc in my neck (between C5 & C6). I’m not sure exactly when it occurred or if it just happened as a result of constant wear and tear, but boy did it hurt! It was probably the worst, pain wise, at Hell in a Cell. I remember barely being able to move my neck at all. It was so bad that day (& about 4-5 days after) that I couldn’t even bend my head down far enough to scratch my forehead. I was diagnosed the following Tuesday after HIAC when I had an MRI. I took it easy in the ring for a few weeks after. Right now, I’ve had a sprained pinky finger for 3 weeks. I know that sounds silly, but it’s aggravating “

MichelleMcCool.Net: Two Words: Lady. GaGa. By now, we’re sure that you know of our not-so-secret love affair with Lady GaGa and her influence over Michelle McCool’s style, or so we’d like to pretend. Obviously, when you FINALLY (and by finally, we mean nearly 3 years in the making) decided to dress up as GaGa for Halloween, it was a huge moment for us at the website. Parallel to your infamous Dolph Ziggler backstage skit (just don’t make us choose)! So, this begs the questions. When you’re getting ready for a photo shoot or you’re putting together a match, does it ever cross your mind: “Oh, MichelleMcCool.Net is going to love this!”

Michelle McCool: “I have to say I definitely thought of you guys when I dressed up as Lady Gaga! I wanted to tell y’all, but I just couldn’t “

MichelleMcCool.Net: We’re not sure how many in the WWE Universe may realize this, but you’ve actually lucked out during the whole “T & A” era, didn’t you? Aside from a few bikini contests/matches, a catfight and one bra & panties match, you’ve never had to compete in an outrageous gimmick match – at least not on television (Knock-on-wood) You have, however, been apart of some of the most extreme matches in WWE history! But, it’s a double-edge sword. Some people don’t like their Divas being “fluff” and others don’t really care for “tough,” either. With that said, WWE has come a long way from their Sable’s to their Lita’s to get to their Michelle McCool’s and Natalya’s. But, what were some of your favorite “gimmick” matches?

Michelle McCool: “It’s funny…..it seems that no matter what the diva’s do, there will be a million people loving it and another million hating it! I’ve never been a fan of the bra and panties matches…. The extreme makeover match was pretty fun, but nothing will top the rush I had during the TLC match. I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did! I felt it for several days after, but I loved every bit of it! I hope they continue to give the divas more opportunities like that. It was so refreshing to do something so extreme. The crowd loved it too, which is always nice! I actually thought they were ribbing us when they told us that our match would be a table match as well! It took asking about 5 people before I actually believed it “

MichelleMcCool.Net: It’s time to play “Remember When.” We’re going to ask a couple of questions about your career and past storylines. While looking back, we’ll laugh, we’ll cry, but mostly, we’ll remember the good ole memories! First up, Michelle McCool debuts as a sultry school teacher! Looking back, did you enjoy playing a raunchy character who wore low cut tops, short skirts, high boots and had a flare for yardsticks? Personally, it brings a smile to our face because we know how much of an opposite you are from the character that you portrayed, and we can only imagine the guts it must have taken you to even step foot in an arena with that wardrobe! But, it’s your interview, let’s dish on some of your favorite highlights!

Michelle McCool: “Looking back, I kinda wish I would have transitioned into the naughty teacher character. It was so polar opposite of me that it was tough for me to portray. I wasn’t that comfortable in front of the camera for quite some time…..add dressing like that, knowing I have actual legit former students watching me, it was kind of tough! I’m pretty sure I could do it a lot more justice now “

MichelleMcCool.Net: Now, let’s talk about your “Teachers Pets.” Casey James and Idol Stevens! Remember them? It was your first stint playing a manager, and to be quite honest, the best memories we have out of this era… was actually your wardrobe. We hate to say it, but it didn’t look like there was much chemistry there. Your boys did manage to score a shot at the WWE Tag Team titles, but not much else is to be remembered. Unfortunately, you were sidelined with an injury, which pretty much meant the end of the tag team duo, but the start of the “All-American Diva” upon your return! What was it like working with James & Stevens, and what do you wish could have happened in the long run?

Michelle McCool: “Oh, I don’t know…..we all definitely got along, but you’re right – there wasn’t much chemistry. I attribute a lot of that to just being new. Sometimes at the beginning of your career, you’re just afraid to go for it (for lack of better terms). I think I always held back in fear of screwing something up, versus just going for it and having them have to reel me back in (which is what Layla and I tend to do now)! They were both great guys that I hope are doing well!”

MichelleMcCool.Net: And to stay on topic, what ever happened to your plethora of skirts and boots?! And that dazzled bra you wore often! Think you’ll ever dish out another “Teacher’s Outfit” at television – for old times sake?

Michelle McCool: “I’m sure it’s in one of my many plastic bins of outfits/ring gear. Hmmm….don’t get your hopes up! “

MichelleMcCool.Net: Moving on, we all know by now that you didn’t have any formal acting or professional modeling credentials when you first joined the 2004 RAW Diva Search, and that you pretty much just entered the contest on a whim. With that said, what do you remember most when it came to your “first” photo shoot for WWE? You know us, we go nuts over your photo shoots! But when you were up against the likes of Carmella, Amy and Joy… that are, ahem, quite comfortable in front of the cameras, that had to be pretty intimidating.

Michelle McCool: “I was definitely a fish out of water, BIG TIME! I often thought I didn’t belong….just b/c I was so different than the rest (just a small town girl living a big time dream). I remember in NYC thinking that I had to of been the only person there who either 1.) Didn’t have their agent send them or 2.) Didn’t have a professional portfolio of pictures. I’m sure that wasn’t the case, but that’s how I felt. I didn’t even know fake eyelashes existed until I entered the diva search…. I learned a lot! It took a little bit of time to get used to being in front of the camera for photo shoots. I never mastered the sexy look – good thing is, they always wanted me to smile “

MichelleMcCool.Net: Real Talk! Ready to gab about your girlfriend, Lay? Cause we’re totally dishing out a question about her! When it comes to LayCool’s flawless wardrobe, which member is the brainchild behind the fierce matching outfits we get to see week in and week out? From matching jumpers, dresses, blazers, and boots, to even titles and accessories! We go into fashion overload! Do you two go shopping together, or does one see an outfit and take it in their size and then the others?

Michelle McCool: “Yeah, it’s a two way street. We literally just buy for each other whenever one of us is shopping. We pretty much have the same taste (with an exception of a few things…but we’re aware of what the other might not like as well) which makes it easy. We have drawers full of outfits ready to bust out! I’ll tell you one thing, I get tired of hearing the sales people say “Do you realize you have two of these in the same size?” Duh….yes, they’re for my flawless friend “

MichelleMcCool.Net: If you were to head on over to MichelleMcCool.Net right now, you’d see a poll up asking our visitors what they would like to see from you in 2011. Currently in the lead, it’s a video blog ala YouTube! Then we have an audio interview with us, posting more pictures on Twitter, or interacting more at the fan forum. Knowing you, you like to please your fans any which way that you can. But, coming from the Ms. Faithbraker, History Maker herself, what can your Faithful Followers expect to see from you in 2011?

Michelle McCool: “I like that….Ms. Faithbreaker, history maker – has a nice ring to it I do like to please my fans, though I normally get more hate than anything (which I embrace and welcome with wide open arms). As far as the YouTube videos and/or blog, it’d take me a year just to figure out how to do that. I think I can definitely post more pics on twitter….in fact, I’ll make that a promise “

MichelleMcCool.Net: Now that we’ve entered a new year, what more do you think you can accomplish? You’ve already unified the titles, you won the Slammy for Diva of the Year. What are some of your goals for 2011?

Michelle McCool: “To have the spotlight at Wrestlemania (with Layla of course) That’s not too much to ask, is it? “

MichelleMcCool.Net: You’ve gone through some pretty tough stuff in your career. You’ve been put through a table, you’ve been attacked with a cleaning bucket and ironing board, and you’re known to take your matches outside of the ring which we’re sure doesn’t provide a lot of padding. What have been some of the most painful moments in your matches?

Michelle McCool: “Oh goodness….I remember flying off the ring apron after being dropkicked while holding that ironing board. That didn’t feel good. Nor did the buckets being whacked against my back. Though the table felt as I expected (very painful), I’d do it again in a heartbeat! I have to say, wrestling with the bulged discs in my neck at HIAC & the raw the night after was probably the most painful I can remember!”

MichelleMcCool.Net: We know the LayCool Dictionary consists of words like, Real Talk and Flawless. What would the Michelle McCool dictionary have in it? Surely there are some words you use frequently outside of the ring.

Michelle McCool: “”Y’all”……”pullleaasse”……”

MichelleMcCool.Net: When confronted with a problem, be it with a person or some other obstacle, what’s your weapon of choice? Do you back away, tackle it head on, forget about it completely or go about it in a totally different way?

Michelle McCool: “I normally digest it first. I’m bad about holding my feelings in for quite awhile unless it’s something REALLY bad. I have no problem standing up for myself at all, but I also give people benefit of the doubt the first time they do something I don’t like. Unless it’s something that directly affects me or a loved one, I’ll normally let it slide. “

MichelleMcCool.Net: The WWE schedule is pretty unforgiving. There have been several Superstars and Divas who have shared their stories about being sick on the road, but they still competed on the show. Aside from the time you ended up in the hospital for a broken sternum and kidney issues, have you ever worked sick? Please say you weren’t like Gregory Helms and you didn’t roll under the ring to throw up, then came back to finish the match!

Michelle McCool: “Oh goodness, yeah…..all the time. I’ve never thrown up under a ring, but I’ve definitely been sick and worked…..ALOT (as I’m sure all the superstars have). A few weeks ago, I had laryngitis and bronchitis which makes sucking wind pretty difficult during matches I also had food poisoning at Tribute to the Troops this year in Ft. Hood – that wasn’t fun!”

MichelleMcCool.Net: Last December was your first year ever to do the Tribute to the Troops special. How was your experience? Were you bummed you didn’t get to travel to Iraq? And be honest, if you got to play with the huge guns, did everyone run for cover?

Michelle McCool: “Guess I kind of just answered that, huh? The experience was great though. We had several appearances throughout the morning and then again after the show. Seeing the soldiers and their families so happy and so grateful is such an awesome feeling. They are the true heroes!!!!!!”

MichelleMcCool.Net: Just by taking a glance at the WWE schedule, we know you fly a lot! Sometimes on Twitter, the Superstars and Divas will Tweet about their seat situations. What’s the best and worst case scenarios for being on a plane?

Michelle McCool: “Window seat in first class or an exit row window in coach (makes a huge difference for long legs). Worst has to be middle seat and/or next to someone who won’t leave you alone or waking up to someone next to you taking a picture of you while you were sleeping – Creepy!!!”

MichelleMcCool.Net: Aside from your goals with WWE, did you set any personal goals for yourself? Do you believe in New Years Resolutions or are you more of a, “There’s no time like the present,” believer?

Michelle McCool: “I’m not a New Year’s resolution kind of gal. I do set goals for myself, but I don’t need a particular time of the year to do it. I like to live in the present, always trying to better myself in some way. I don’t like to settle!”

MichelleMcCool.Net: You mentioned on Twitter that seeing all the pictures of people’s dogs made you want to get another one. What kind of dog would you get? Would you be like Torrie, Layla and some of the other girls who have brought their pets on the road?

Michelle McCool: “No, I wouldn’t bring my dog on the road because I’m not a small dog person. I think I’d get another golden retriever, without a doubt (& I can’t wait to do just that)!”

MichelleMcCool.Net: iMichelle. We know it’s probably a rare moment to see you without your iPod, iPhone or iPad. What are some of your favorite apps you have?

Michelle McCool: “Yeah, I rarely watch TV, but I always have my iPad with me. Flight tracker pro sure is a nice app for our job! I also like Simon Says (I know, I’m a dork) & YouVersion!”


01-26-2011, 06:03 PM
She is such an inspiration. I love her and Lay (my English Muffin). Lay-Cool rule!