View Full Version : Mason Ryan's Hometown Upset He's Billed From Another City

Black Widow
01-26-2011, 06:33 PM
WWE newcomer Mason Ryan (real name Barry Griffiths) was born in Gwynedd, Wales, however WWE bills him as being from Cardiff, Wales. According to the UK's Daily Post newspaper, Ryan's hometown isn't happy about being snubbed by WWE.

The chairman of Porthmadog Town Council calls WWE's decision to not acknowledge them as a great disappointment. "We are very proud of him and all he has achieved in his profession, so it is a great disappointment that he is not being promoted as from this area."

Ryan's father Malcom also expressed disappointment, but understands why WWE decided to bill him from Cardiff.

His dad Malcolm Griffiths said the geography blip was a shame. He said: “It is disappointing because I am sure he would have liked to have been promoting his home village.

“It is a shame but there are not that many people in America who even know Wales, and of those most will only know Cardiff. I suppose this is why they’ve done that. He was born and bred in North Wales but spent 18 months in college in Cardiff."


01-26-2011, 06:44 PM
Can't they just say he's from Wales and no specific town/city?

01-27-2011, 12:51 AM
WWE will odo shows in Cardiff operhaps. If they have a top guy as being from there, it will only help ticket sales.

Not to mention no one in America really will have heard of anywhere other than Cardiff and Swansea perhaps.

I ahve friends from little villages and stuff but they just say Swansea because it's the nearest big town and is much easier to pronounce also.

01-27-2011, 01:24 AM
They should scale back the rage a bit...not like Ultimate Warrior is REALLY from Parts Unknown. It's pro wrestling...it's a work. Hell, the sumbitch isn't even using his real name!

01-27-2011, 01:28 AM
You mean the Undertaker isn't from Death Valley!?!?! Shocker! lol He's been on TV twice. If they're that upset, let them wait until he breaks free from the group and challenges the leader for the title... oh, wait... that's Batista.