View Full Version : Internal Concern Over WrestleMania Line-up

01-26-2011, 09:52 PM
There continues to be great concern amongst WWE officials over the match line-up for WrestleMania XXVII.

While it's likely that WWE will produce a strong wrestling card, the major point of concern is that it will take more than that to attract the masses and draw the type of revenue that is expected of the organization's grandest event of the year.


01-26-2011, 10:12 PM
They better pull a rabbit out of their hat. With their stock prices in the tank, Vince has gotta make a big splash.

01-27-2011, 12:45 AM
You'd like to think they more or less have the matches set and are just working on creating some exciting/intriguing builds for them and perhaps tweaking a few of the spots to try to create those memorable Wrestlemania moments.

Add in the "celebrity" guests, random gimmick segments later.

If they out on teh strongest wrestling card possible and work hard on a convincing build they should be fine.

I worry that with the stock fall and the seeming obsession with celebrity stuff that they'll focus on that over the wrestling product. Whcih in my view would be a big mistake and cause a bigger loss of numbers than the right way.

01-27-2011, 01:15 AM
Yeah, Vince seems to have been leaning heavily on Hollywood types to bring a little juice to the show, rather than creating it themselves via quality writing. I look forward to seeing what he does as Vince always seems to work best under pressure.

01-27-2011, 01:25 AM
Don't they have this concern every year and it turns out fine? It's an exciting time of the year for the business and of course the powers that be are a little worried. The pressure has certainly got to be there but at the end of the day it'll turn out fine.

01-27-2011, 01:30 AM
Don't they have this concern every year and it turns out fine? It's an exciting time of the year for the business and of course the powers that be are a little worried. The pressure has certainly got to be there but at the end of the day it'll turn out fine.

There's always gonna be pressure to put on a great Wrestlemania, that's true. But their stock prices are at a 10-year low...that's legit 'HEADS ROLLIN, PEOPLE LOSING THEIR JOBS' pressure.

01-27-2011, 01:33 AM
There's always gonna be pressure to put on a great Wrestlemania, that's true. But their stock prices are at a 10-year low...that's legit 'HEADS ROLLIN, PEOPLE LOSING THEIR JOBS' pressure.

Ah, makes sense then. Well, they better get to work then.

01-27-2011, 01:34 AM
Yeah, I have a feeling it is NO FUN AT ALL right now being around Vince!

01-27-2011, 01:42 AM
I'm slightly concerned by the backstage segment on Raw that could well be a foundation setting for Miz vs Cena over the title.

As Ive said previously. The title matches in my view would work as being Cena vs Orton vs CM Punk. Cena as defending champion, Orton on a rematch and Punk as the rumble winner. Blockbuster main event with arguably the WWES two biggest names right now and they're best worker in his preferred heel role.

Couple that with Edge vs Christian for the World Title and you have many longer term fans well happy as well.