View Full Version : Triple H Takes Aim At Internet Sites, Hulk Hogan, and More

08-28-2006, 12:57 AM
source: WWE Magazine

WWE Magazine conducted an interview with Triple H for the the October 2006 issue. He was asked about wrestling internet sites such as this one, Hulk Hogan, losing to the Ultimate Warrior at WrestleMania 12, old & new D-X, the "curtain call" incident, and much more. Here are a few quotes from the interview:

Q: Once and for all, say something to the wrestling websites that claim you're nothing but a power-mad, backstage dictator.

Triple H - I haven't read a dirt sheet in 10 years. And that's the damn truth. Yes I'm in a top position. Yes I'm married to the boss's daughter. Yes I sit in production meetings. But, at the end of the day, there is only one person with the stroke in this business. And that's Vince McMahon. If he doesn't like something , whether it's my idea or not, it's not going to happen. I want guys like John Cena around. I want to bring new guys up and help make them. People always accuse me of not wanting to drop the belt to a guy. That's complete crap. I didn't drop the belt to RVD because no one asked me to drop it to RVD. I've yet to see Hulk Hogan lose to anybody. He wrestles once every 6 months, and it doesn't matter if you're the biggest name in active competition today, he's not going to lose to you. There was suppose to be a Hogan/Michaels 2, and Hogan was supposed to lose. All of a sudden his knee starting "bugging" him.

Q: Since you were poised for a big break, does your embarrassing loss to the Ultimate Warrior at Wrestlemania 12 in 1996 still haunt you to this day?

Triple H - Do people really thing I thought I was going to beat the Ultimate Warrior? The fact of the matter is that he was a completely unprofessional dipsh*t. (Shawn Michaels Interjects: Don't talk about me like that!) That's what pisses me off about the match, not the fact that I lost.

Triple H comments on the internet one more time: "One more thing for the internet haters.... It all stems from people who have opinions about the business they've never been involved in. And they're the same people waiting outside for my autograph after the show."

08-28-2006, 04:24 AM
Hogan Lost to The Rock!!

08-28-2006, 01:11 PM
Well, he did also hit the nail on the head about Hogan... If Hogan does not like the way a match of his is set to end, his knee starts "bugging" him

08-28-2006, 05:27 PM
Triple H comments on the internet one more time: "One more thing for the internet haters.... It all stems from people who have opinions about the business they've never been involved in. And they're the same people waiting outside for my autograph after the show."

i agree with that statement 100%:cool:

08-28-2006, 08:31 PM
Yup can't fault him sayin' that.