View Full Version : Mark Zuckerberg Saturday Night Cameo?

01-28-2011, 04:59 PM
MARK Zuckerberg, the dude who started that Facebook website, has been invited to appear on Saturday Night Live.

According to New York Post gossip column Page Six, the young billionaire will make a cameo alongside Jesse Eisenberg, who plays him in Oscar-nominated movie The Social Network.

“Mark has has indicated he’s interested in an SNL appearance tomorrow to show he has a sense of humor,” a source said.

“Others say it would be a coup for Social Network producer Scott Rudin, who’s hellbent on getting the Best Picture Oscar. He’s doing everything to campaign.

“Getting Eisenberg to host SNL in itself is a coup, but to get Zuckerberg up there next to him is an even bigger achievement.

“They add and throw things out right up to the broadcast, so nothing is guaranteed.”