View Full Version : Hathaway Dosen't Play Love Games

02-02-2011, 04:28 PM
ANNE Hathaway doesn’t like women who play games with their men.

The sexy actress — who’s currently dating actor Adam Shulman — says ladies should go easy on guys should go easy on men looking for love and not repel their advances.

“I am a girl without game because I don’t think that’s fair,” she said.

“I’m not interested in games. I’m a wear-my-heart-on-my-sleeve, fall in love-at-first-sight and go with it sort of girl. It’s all about having fun with someone and learning how to communicate with someone, in a way that you enjoy.”

Anne recently revealed she’s “dying” to become a mom!

“I’m dying to be a mother,” she said. “I’m not ready for it yet, but it’s one of the joys of life that I’m looking forward to so very much.”