View Full Version : WWE Superstars Report for February 3rd, 2011

02-04-2011, 04:29 AM
We start off this week’s show with the Raw brand and your announcers are Josh Mathews and Scott Stanford.

As Primo and Zack Ryder walk to the ring, Zack stops Primo and hands him a pair of matching sunglasses.

Zack gets on the mic and he says that this morning he woke up with a really sick tan and a huge smile on his face. It was because they are the hottest tag team in the WWE.

Primo demands that the fans show them respect because they are the only undefeated tag team in the WWE.

Zack says he has been following the tweets since they won last week over Smith and Yoshi and they continue to DZP (doubt Zack and Primo).

Primo says that nothing and nobody is going to stop them from going to Wrestlemania.

Match Number One: Primo and Zack Ryder versus David Hart Smith and Yoshi Tatsu

Primo and Yoshi lock up and Primo works on the arm and he takes Yoshi down with a drop toe hold and then he rolls through. They lock up again and Primo works on the wrist some more. Yoshi uses the ropes to reverse things as he works on Primo’s wrist. Yoshi works on the shoulder and puts Primo in a side head lock. Primo with a head scissors but Yoshi escapes. Yoshi takes Primo down again and Primo with another head scissors. Yoshi with another side head lock followed by a Japanese arm drag and chop.

Smith tags in and hits a power slam for a near fall. Smith with European uppercuts to Primo and Primo falls into the ropes. Primo with a kick to Smith and Zack is tagged in but Smith with an arm drag. Zack with a head scissors. Smith with another take down and Zack with another head scissors. Yoshi tags back in and they connect with a double kick and double chop to take Zack to the mat and Yoshi gets a near fall.

Primo tags back in and he chops Yoshi but Yoshi chops back. They exchange chops and Yoshi takes control and he punches Primo and then knocks Ryder off the apron. Primo with a suplex that sends Yoshi over the top rope to the floor. Ryder with a running boot to the head on the floor and Smith checks on Yoshi as we go to commercial.

We are back and Primo has Yoshi in a camel clutch as we see footage from what happened before the commercial. Primo continues to work on Yoshi’s back and then he rakes the eyes with his boots. Primo chokes Yoshi but Yoshi kicks Primo in the head and back of the legs. Yoshi tries to make the tag but Primo catches Yoshi and Primo is the one to make the tag. Ryder with a neck breaker to Yoshi followed by another neck breaker and he gets a near fall.

Ryder with a reverse chin lock as he continues to work on the neck. Ryder tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Yoshi counters with a lateral press. Yoshi with a sunset flip from the apron but Primo makes the blind tag and hits a drop kick to the back and gets a near fall. Primo with an Irish whip followed by a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Primo with an arm bar on Yoshi followed by a knee to the chest. Primo with an Irish whip and then he tries for a drop kick into the corner and he misses.

Smith and Ryder tag in and Smith with clotheslines to Ryder followed by a boot to Primo and then a boot to Ryder. Smith with a leg drop but he only gets a near fall. Smith with the delayed vertical suplex and he turns it into a jackhammer. Primo breaks up the cover and then Yoshi sends him to the floor and Yoshi with a pescado. Yoshi with a spinning heel kick followed by a drop kick and back body drop to Ryder. Yoshi misses a round kick but he hits another kick to the head for the three count.

Winners: David Hart Smith and Yoshi Tatsu

It is time for the trailer to The Chaperone coming to a theatre near somebody else.

Melina is walking in the back and she won’t deal with the photographers. We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Tamina versus Melina

Melina wants the referee to keep Tamina away and then she goes to the floor. Melina runs back in and slaps Tamina and Melina runs away. She returns to the ring and slaps Tamina again. Tamina takes Melina down and she catapults Melina. Melina with a kick and forearm before she mounts Tamina. Tamina with a snap mare and slam to Melina. Tamina works on the arm and shoulder. Tamina with an arm bar but Melina with forearms to escape. Tamina with a shot to the head and Melina goes down again. Melina holds her face and the referee checks on her. Melina says that her nose is broken. The referee holds Tamina back but it was a trap and Melina with a kick to Tamina when she charges into the corner. Melina with a forearm and kick. Melina chokes Tamina in the ropes and is warned by the referee. Melina with a rollup for a near fall. Melina with a dragon sleeper on Tamina with a body scissors but Tamina gets to her feet and Tamina escapes the hold and hits a back breaker on Melina.

Tamina with a clothesline and drop kick followed by a leaping head butt. Tamina tosses Melina into the air and then gets a near fall after Melina hits the mat. Melina retreats to the corner and Tamina tries for a splash into the corner but Melina moves. Melina goes to the apron and drops Tamina on the top rope and screams as she goes to the ground. Melina gets a near fall. Melina with the screaming step over leg lariat for the three count.

Winner: Melina

We go to commercial.

It is now time for the Smackdown portion of the show with your hosts Matt Striker and Jack Korpela.

Since it is the Smackdown portion of the show, it is time for the Raw Rebound.

Match Number Three: JTG and Trent Barreta versus Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins

Hawkins and Barreta start things off and they lock up. They go for a Greco Roman knuckle lock but Hawkins with a kick and side head lock take down. Hawkins with a shoulder tackle but Barreta with an arm drag into an arm bar. Hawkins with a punch but Trent with another arm drag into a wrist lock. JTG is tagged in and he hits a drop kick on Hawkins and gets a near fall.

JTG works on the arm but Hawkins backs JTG into his corner and Reks is tagged in. JTG is able to escape but Reks with a kick and forearm followed by a European uppercut. Reks with a slam. JTG escapes a slam attempt and he kicks Reks in the knee and then puts him in a side head lock. Reks sends JTG into the ropes and hits a shoulder tackle. Hawkins tags back in while Reks kicks JTG.

Hawkins with a snap mare and he gets a near fall. Hawkins with a kick but JTG blocks it and hits a double thrust and gets a near fall. Hawkins with a jaw breaker and Curt with a knee to JTG. Hawkins Irish whips JTG to Reks but JTG goes through Reks’ legs and pulls him to the apron. JTG sees Reks out of the corner of his eye and that allows Hawkins knocks JTG off the apron.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Reks with a running power slam to JTG for a near fall. Reks with a knee to the back as he stretches JTG. Reks with a forearm to the back and then he connects with a forearm across the chest. Reks with a knee drop to the back followed by an Irish whip. Hawkins is tagged back in and he chokes JTG in the corner. Reks kicks JTG on the apron.

JTG punches Hawkins and then he knocks Reks off the apron. JTG tries to make the tag but Hawkins with an elbow drop to stop JTG’s momentum. Hawkins with a reverse chin lock on JTG but JTG with punches. Hawkins with a knee but JTG with a sliding uppercut. Hawkins stops JTG from making the tag and then he slams JTG but can only get a two count. Reks tags in and he connects with a double sledge to the ribs. Reks kicks JTG in the back and then he connects with an elbow to the back of the head. Reks with a rear chin lock as he puts his knee in JTG’s back.

Reks turns it into a front face lock and JTG tries to make the tag but Reks with a forearm to the back. Reks sends JTG to the mat again and Hawkins is tagged back in. Hawkins with a snap mare and kicks to the back for a near fall. Hawkins with a forearm across the chest and he applies a reverse chin lock. JTG punches Hawkins and sends him into the turnbuckles and hits a flapjack. Both men are down as Barreta tries to will his partner to make the tag. Hawkins grabs JTG’s leg to stop him but JTG kicks him off and Trent tags in.

Trent knocks Reks off the apron and then Trent with a series of kicks to Curt. Reks comes in and Trent hits him with a springboard drop kick. Hawkins with a Taste of Pain but Trent kicks out. Hawkins knocks JTG off the apron and then he goes up top. Trent crotches Curt while JTG and Reks battle on the floor. Hawkins knocks Trent off the turnbuckles and Curt hits the elbow drop from the top turnbuckle for the three count.

Winners: Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks

After the match, Hawkins tells Reks what to do and Tyler punches Hawkins and gives him the Burning Hammer.

We go to credits.