View Full Version : Helen Mirren: ‘I Loathe Chick Flicks’

02-08-2011, 01:39 AM
HELEN Mirren hates chick flicks.

The Oscar-winning British actress admits she can’t abide slushy romantic movies targeting young females.

“I loathe, I hate, chick flicks,” she said.

“I think women as an audience have to take responsibility.

“It’s the film industry in America. It’s not the film art. It’s not the world of art. It can be very artistic. But a film, unlike a painting, or even a piece of music, certainly a novel, is an incredibly expensive thing to produce.

“And they know that the people that drive cinema-going are young men and their girlfriends. But it’s the young men who choose the movie. Girls go out together to see a chick flick or something.”

Mirren, 65, recently admitted she has got more “frightened” as she has got older.

“I try not to be but, you know, as you get older, you get more frightened,” she said.

“The realities of life start coming in on you and you realise that you do want security and so on and so forth. So you start working towards that and that’s when you start losing your idealism, which is sad.”