View Full Version : WWE NXT Report 8th February, 2011

02-09-2011, 05:01 AM
Tonight’s show starts off with a look at the four remaining rookies because one of them will be going home after tonight’s show. Who has made an impact and who is on the outside looking in?

We are live on tape on the internet on WWE.com and your announcers are Todd ‘Don Majkowski’ Grisham and Josh ‘Eddie Lee Ivery’ Mathews. Your host is Matt ‘Forrest Gregg’ Striker.

The rookies are on the stage along with Matt Striker and it is time for the Rock Em Sock Em Rookie Challenge. Derrick has a cheese head on to get the fans behind him. We see that Johnny Curtis has three immunity points while Derrick Bateman has two points. This challenge is for two immunity points.

Johnny Curtis is in the first match and he will face the man who is closest to him in the standings, Derrick Bateman. They have fun on the posts and Curtis pushes Bateman off but he left the platform first and Bateman advances to the finals.

Byron Saxton faces Brodus Clay and Todd wonders if the inflatable fighting area will sustain Brodus’ weight. Clay doesn’t get on his platform and he throws the foam implement of battle away and pushes Saxton off.

Clay says that he is six foot eight and three hundred sixty pounds. He will not embarrass himself in there, but he will show what he can do in the ring.

It is time for the finals and Derrick Bateman faces Byron Saxton for two immunity points.

They fight and Bateman appears to have left the platform first but Saxton appeared to hit the ground first. The officials confer and Saxton is declared the winner.

Bateman argues the result and wants them to reconsider as we see another replay. Josh thinks that Derrick won while Byron thinks he won.

Matt announces that we will have a replay of the finals based on the controversy.

This time it is obvious that Saxton won things and he ties Bateman for second with two immunity points while they still remain behind Johnny Curtis with three points. Brodus Clay is alone in fourth place.

Todd mentions that the winner of the second challenge tonight will earn immunity.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we see Derrick Bateman’s winning performance last week in the Talk the Talk Challenge where he insulted Dolph Ziggler.

Match Number One: Byron Saxton with Dolph ‘Turd Ferguson’ Ziggler versus Derrick Bateman with Daniel Bryan

They lock up and Bateman backs Saxton into the ropes and Bateman with a break. Bateman with a drop kick and hip toss to Saxton followed by an arm drag into an arm bar. Bateman works on the arm and takes Saxton down and kicks him in the back. Bateman gets a near fall. Saxton with a forearm or two. Bateman and Saxton block hip tosses so Bateman with a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall. Bateman addresses Turd Ferguson and then he goes up top.

Saxton crotches Bateman and gets a near fall. Saxton with a reverse chin lock and then Bateman escapes the hold. Saxton with a clothesline for a near fall. Saxton with a back elbow and then he gets a near fall. Saxton with a reverse chin lock while Masters starts the ‘Turd’ chant for Dolph.

Bateman with a belly-to-back suplex to escapes the hold. Saxton with a head butt to the midsection but Bateman with a kick and running double thrusts. Bateman takes a page out of Bryan’s book and hits a running drop kick into the corner. Bateman with a near fall. Bateman tries for a submission hold but he takes too long and Saxton with a near fall on a rollup.

Saxton with another near fall on a rollup and then Bateman with the LaBell Lock and Saxton taps out.

Winner: Daniel Bryan

After the match, Bryan celebrates Bateman’s victory while Ziggler appears embarrassed of his rookie’s performance.

We go to commercial.

We are back and the rookies are in the ring with Matt Striker and they have mics. The current standings are Johnny Curtis with three points; Derrick Bateman and Byron Saxton have two points; and Brodus Clay has zero points. This challenge is worth three points.

This challenge is the WWEShop.com challenge. They have to guess the suggested retail value and the closest gets a point.

Our guest host for this challenge is AJ.

Dolph points out that AJ lost.

The first product is the Top Fifty Superstars of All Time.

Brodus guesses $29.99. Saxton guesses $24.99. Derrick guesses $19.99. Johnny goes with $1.00. The actual retail value is $34.95. Brodus Clay gets the point.

The next guest presenter is Naomi. This product is WWE Kids Magazine. Johnny goes first and guesses $6.95. Derrick guesses $9.99. Byron guesses $10. Brodus guesses $1.00. The retail value is $3.99 and Brodus gets another point.

AJ is back for another product to display. This product is a toy World Title Belt. Derrick guesses $39.99. Byron guesses $19.99. Brodus guesses $19.95. Johnny guesses $30.11. The price is $19.99 and Byron gets the point.

Naomi is back for our next product. It is the History of the WWE Title book. Byron guesses $28.95. Derrick guesses $38,451. Johnny guesses $30. Brodus guesses $23.00. The price is $28.00. Brodus Clay gets the point.

Dolph says that was the first time that Saxton went over.

Clay gets three immunity points and he ties Johnny Curtis. Their match will determine who gets Immunity.

We go to commercial, but someone needs a chaperone.

We are back and it is time to talk about the Elimination Chamber pay per view. Who wants to see a video package?

Johnny Curtis is in the back and R Truth is finally in Green Bay. Johnny says that he is dealing with accusations that Truth says that he has a big head and an ego. Truth says that he is believing in lies. Truth tells him to worry about the elimination and his opponent Brodus Clay.

Match Number Two: Johnny Curtis with R Truth versus Brodus Clay with Ricardo Rodriguez in an Immunity on the Line. . . not a Pole Match?

Rodriguez has some advice for Clay and Ziggler mocks Truth’s geography skills and then he drops an elbow on the cheese head.

They lock up and Clay backs Curtis into the corner and Clay misses a punch. Curtis with a European uppercut and punch but Clay with a head butt and chop. Clay wih a knee and then he throws Curtis to the floor. Curtis punches Clay in the head and then he connects with shoulders from the apron. Curtis slides in and Clay tries for an elbow drop but Curtis moves. Curtis with punches but Clay pushes him off.

Clay puts Curtis on his shoulders and then drops him behind him and hot shots Curtis on the top rope. Clay with a boot to the throat. Clay with a t-bone suplex and he gets a near fall. Clay with chops to the neck of Curtis and then he puts Curtis in a front face lock. Curtis with punches but Clay with a forearm to the back and punches to Curtis. Curtis with a forearm. Clay with a shoulder in the corner.

Clay returns to the front face lock while Ziggler and Masters try to figure out if the chant in the crowd is ‘nerd’ or ‘turd’. Ziggler threatens to leave while Curtis punches Clay in the corner. Clay sends Curtis into the turnbuckles and he punches Curtis. Curtis with a jawbreaker followed by European uppercuts to Clay but Clay stays on his feet. Curtis with a drop kick to the knees and Clay goes down. Curtis goes to the apron and he hits a slingshot leg drop and he gets a near fall. Curtis goes up top for a missile drop kick and he takes Clay to the mat but Clay rolls to the ropes and Curtis cannot get a cover.

Clay hits Curtis from the apron and then he drops Curtis on the top rope. Clay sets for a running power slam and he hits it and gets the three count.

Winner: Brodus Clay

Matt asks the pros to confer on their picks and Ziggler wants everyone to give a Whoa Bundy.

We go to commercial and wonder who is coming on 2/21/11.

We are back and it is time for elimination. Matt mentions that there is a tie in the immunity standings so Matt has Brodus and Johnny come forward to explain why they deserve immunity.

Johnny says that he should get immunity because the Packers rule.

Brodus says that he deserves immunity because he works alone and he trains alone. He does not care what the Packers fans think because the Steelers should have won.

In the biggest shocker, Johnny Curtis gets immunity for sucking up to the fans while Josh points out that Brodus beat Johnny moments ago.

It is time to see which of the three remaining rookies have had their last appearance on NXT. The NXTlimination 5000 spits out the photo of Byron Saxton. Matt asks Byron for his final thoughts.

Byron starts to cry and he tries to compose himself. He says that he doesn’t understand how the WWE Universe eliminates him. He doesn’t understand how you take a model citizen and a man’s man and send him home. Byron says that he forgives everyone. He says that we make mistakes all the time. We are misguided all the time. He says that he knows that one day that little birdie known as common sense will come home and everything will be A-OK.

Dolph wants to know what Bryan Saxton is smiling for because he is embarrassing him. He says that Saxton will never be anything and he disgusts him. He tells Saxton to get out of the building.

Saxton smiles as he leaves and he points at Ziggler.

We go to credits.