View Full Version : Mila Kunis Bullied Because of Looks

02-09-2011, 04:45 PM
MILA Kunis was bullied at school for her looks.

The stunning Black Swan actress hated her big eyes and lips when she was younger after being taunted by her classmates but says she is now happy she has finally grown into her strong features.

“I was always the smallest in my class. I’ve learned it wasn’t a bad thing to be picked on because when you’re little it seems awful like it’s the end of the world,” she said.

“I grew into my face. I had a very funny looking face when I was little. I had like big eyes, big lips, big ears. But when I was little I was constantly being made fun of for having big eyes and that was awful. I used to come home crying: ‘Why do I have big eyes?’ And my parents were like: ‘You’re crazy!’”

However being bullied at school has not put Mila off education forever and the 27-year-old beauty is now planning to follow in her Black Swan costar Natalie Portman’s footsteps and attend university.

“I will go to university one day. I wanted to, it’s just I chose a career from an early age.,” she said.

“Who’s to say I made the right decision? I don’t know. Time will tell.”


02-09-2011, 06:44 PM
So... people made fun of Mila Kunis for her looks and made fun of Katy Perry for her boobs... what the fuck was wrong with these kids? I guess they both went to school with a lot of jealous girls and angry homosexuals.