View Full Version : Triple H Pushing For Major WWE Developmental Overhaul

02-12-2011, 07:56 AM
In what may be the very first clue of post-Vince McMahon World Wrestling Entertainment, HHH is pushing hard behind the scenes for what a key insider described to WrestleZone as "a major overhaul" to the developmental system.

"It's no secret within WWE that HHH feels the developmental system is a joke," our inside source told us this evening, "and the Florida developmental area looks to be a runaway train."

Our source tells us that HHH has pitched directly to Vince McMahon that Jim Ross be utilized in a recruiting capacity, while HHH would oversee more of what Talent Relations Executive John Laurinaitis does on a daily basis in terms of checking up on the system.

We'll keep you updated on this developing story as more information becomes available.

From Wrestlezone

02-12-2011, 08:38 AM
If this is legit, it's perfect. Jim Ross has always been a great talent evaluator and HHH is one of the best minds in the business.

02-12-2011, 10:18 AM
It does seem quite exciting for the future wrestling wise if true.

The Game is a wrestling guy so will hopefully draw away form all this celebrity style shit and hiring models/athletes mindset.

02-12-2011, 05:54 PM
It does seem quite exciting for the future wrestling wise if true.

The Game is a wrestling guy so will hopefully draw away form all this celebrity style shit and hiring models/athletes mindset.

Indeed. Ya know, I really look forward to seeing HHH take more control over things in the WWE. As much as Vince has done to make wrestling a huge business, I feel he falls far too in love with the idea of mixing his product with Hollywood. I think HHH has enough old school in him to, at least initially, put the focus back on in-ring storytelling rather than just using Hollywood writers. I think him wanting to overhaul the developmental is decent proof he'll try and take things a different direction on the big stage as well. I, for one, welcome the change.

The Mac
02-12-2011, 06:05 PM
if vince agrees This would be the first good decision vince made in awhile JR has discovered countless talent and is well respected in that regard, and HHH is a perfect mix of hollywood and wrestling, he would push for the guys that actually have the skills wheras the guy they got now looks at how he looks in the ring and prays to god he knows how to do something

02-13-2011, 09:42 PM
I agree that the current development system is a complete joke. Guys will spend months and months in FCW perfecting a gimmick, then they are brought up and have to do something completely different.

02-14-2011, 02:35 AM
I agree that the current development system is a complete joke. Guys will spend months and months in FCW perfecting a gimmick, then they are brought up and have to do something completely different.

Well, one thing I think needs overhauling is the need for several different developmental divisions. In my opinion, one of the best things they WWE could do would be to expand out from just the FCW, buy up a few of these lesser promotions and treat them like territories, places where wrestlers can cultivate their characters over time, rather than being forced into gimmick that don't work for them. I think there are a lot of guys who simply fall through the cracks because the WWE looks at them in a certain way, rather than allowing them to develop their own character/style.