View Full Version : Matt Striker's WWE Status

Shane McMahon's Ass
02-12-2011, 02:07 PM
For those unaware, Matt Striker did provide commentary for the Smackdown matches on this week's edition of WWE Superstars, so it appears that he is remaining a color commentator with WWE despite being replaced on Smackdown by Booker T.


02-12-2011, 05:57 PM
As much as I love seeing Booker in the ring, his commentary is B-R-U-T-A-L. For all you Matt Striker haters out there, I hope you're enjoying listening to Booker as he single-handedly makes Smackdown unwatchable.

02-12-2011, 07:34 PM
As much as I love seeing Booker in the ring, his commentary is B-R-U-T-A-L. For all you Matt Striker haters out there, I hope you're enjoying listening to Booker as he single-handedly makes Smackdown unwatchable.

Well, to be fair, I think Cole has a lot to do with that as he's constantly tearing down everything Booker says and, I know it's a character and all, but they could at least have a little professionalism involved. But with that being said I'm still disappointed with Booker's commentary overall, but I still hold hope that he can get in "the zone" and do half decent in the coming weeks.

02-12-2011, 07:57 PM
It is brutal. As much as I love Book, I can't understand a damn thing he says. Not sure why anyone thought that this would be a good idea. Perhaps it's until Tough Enough begins and Striker can come back then. The rapport is better with Striker than it is with Booker.

02-12-2011, 09:42 PM
Well, to be fair, I think Cole has a lot to do with that as he's constantly tearing down everything Booker says and, I know it's a character and all, but they could at least have a little professionalism involved.

Oh, I 'm not even taking into account how awful the whole Cole/Booker thing is, which is equally terrible. My main issue with Booker is I can't understand him. Maybe he just needs more time working with someone in his ear all the time but his half-sentences and mumbled words makes it impossible for me to listen to him. For a 30 second promo, I can deal with him. A 2-hour show? Painful.