View Full Version : Is Edge Still The World Heavyweight Champion?, Angle Created Following SmackDown

02-12-2011, 06:27 PM
The WWE website is questioning whether Edge is still the World Heavyweight Champion following last night's episode of SmackDown.

The "Rated R Superstar" retained the belt over Dolph Ziggler after Green Bay Packers linebacker Clay Matthews replaced Vickie Guerrero as the bout's Special Guest Referee and made the three-count.

WWE.com published an article concerning Matthews' involvement with the match, which teases controversy.

"And although Matthews wouldn't divulge who gave him the authority to be a WWE Official, the WWE Universe is left to wonder if Edge is still the World Heavyweight Champion and if Matthews’ power as a WWE Official ultimately supersedes that of an angry "acting" SmackDown General Manager in Vickie Guerrero."

The match featured a stipulation where Ziggler would automatically become the new World Heavyweight Champion if Edge attempted to use the Spear against his opponent. Edge hit the banned Spear on Ziggler two separate times during the closing moments of the match.

Dragón De Muerte
02-12-2011, 07:21 PM
teddy coming back already? please tell me he is please.... only other option is anyomonous raw gm....anyone else starting to think dolph may have taken out Mr long?

02-12-2011, 09:32 PM
Devin Cutting sent word that WWE's review of last night's episode of Smackdown ended with the following passage, teasing the potential of the World title being held up:

"However, the outcome of SmackDown’s main event became unclear when the injured Guerrero waved-off The Rated-R Superstar win. Who is the rightful holder of the World Title?"

It should be interesting to see what, if anything, comes of that.


02-12-2011, 09:43 PM
Cole said that "Dolph's the new Champ, says Vickie", so there may be something to this. Vickie was the Official Referee, so her opinion counts, so, I dunno, maybe Dolph shall be crowned the World Champion until WrestleMania. However, this means that Edge has to regain the Belt at EC, which would mean that Dolph needs his return Title shot, possibly at Mania. A 3-Way would be a good match.

02-12-2011, 09:55 PM
i think we will see teddy come back and vacate the title and say the winner of the chamber will be the world champion. or come back and say becouse of vickies abuse of power he sent a special ref to even the match and vickie is removed from her role as his assistant.

02-13-2011, 02:44 AM
i think we will see teddy come back and vacate the title and say the winner of the chamber will be the world champion. or come back and say becouse of vickies abuse of power he sent a special ref to even the match and vickie is removed from her role as his assistant.

I could live with that. Makes the most sense since they're both in the Chamber anyway. To be quite honest, what's the point in doing all of this when there's still the chamber to contend with. Does it really matter who's champion going into the chamber?

02-13-2011, 12:43 PM
It did seem a pretty stupid fuck up.

The first spear was fine as Vickie had her back turned so couldn't see it. Instead of being taken to the back though she was just sitting at ringside watching the match so could clearly see Edge hit the second spear.

She'll probably open up next weeks Smackdown or have a segment on Raw to declare she's stripping Edge of the title and awarding it to Ziggler only for the recently returned Vince McMahon to come out and superceed her authority.

Probably along the lines of "In the interests of fairness....Edge did use the spear when it was banned so will be stripped of the title." Instead of it going to Ziggler though it'll just be a vacant title so they can try add some interest back into the Chamber match with an "It's anyones for the taking" kinda deal.

Dragón De Muerte
02-13-2011, 10:03 PM
does that mean edge will become an 11 time champ if he wins elimation chamber?

02-14-2011, 01:45 PM
Wasn't the old saying that the referee's decision cannot be reversed? So even if Edge did cheat to win, the new referee made the call that he won. That being said, as punishment (I think they did this when it was Edge & Vickie doing this same story to Undertaker) they'll probably just have Vickie strip the title from Edge and have whoever wins the chamber get it.