View Full Version : WWE Results 2/12 from Victoria, BC Results

02-13-2011, 11:04 PM
WWE Live
Victoria, BC
February 12, 2011

Just returned from a live event in Victoria. First of all, to the best of my knowledge there was no fan altercation with a wrestler. Maybe because there was no Jericho or perhaps because it was pouring rain, everything seemed to run smoothly. Maybe we can now remove the crowd stink off of Victoria? Overall it was a enjoyable show. Everyone seemed to work hard, and there was very little stalling during the matches. I would estimate the attendance between 3000-4000. There were a lot of empty seats. Definitely a kid friendly show, as evidenced by security reminding fans not to curse. Onto the matches.

1. Daniel Bryan (with/ Gail Kim) successfully defended his US Championship against Tyson Kidd. Very nice back and forth match. Ended with Kidd tapping out.

2. Primo pinned Alex Riley. Decent, nothing to write home about.

3. Eve & Natalya beat Melina & Alicia Fox. This match had some length. Surprising since the Diva's matches on television get very little time. Eve spent most of the time on the apron as Natalya worked the majority of the match.

4. DH Smith beat Ted DiDiase. Funny thing was Maryse walks out near the end of the match and flirts with Justin Roberts for about a minute then walks off. Talk about a sweet pay day for minimal work

5. Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov (with Tamina) retained the Tag belts against The Nexus (Michael McGillicutty and Mason Ryan - David Otunga ringside) Santino/Kozlov got a huge pop. Probably the second largest of the night.

6. CM Punk beat Mark Henry. Punk came out to a mixed reaction. Quickly changed to heat when he got on the mike and ran down the crowd.

7. John Morrison beat Sheamus in a Street Fight. Probably the best match on the show.

8. Randy Orton defeated The Miz (with Alex Riley) by DQ after Nexus interferes. The story of the match was Alex Riley kept getting involved to prevent Orton from winning. Nexus eventually came out and prevented Orton from winning the WWE Championship. The beat down by Nexus on Orton didn't last long, as Orton found his Cena powers and gave RKOs to the group. Orton sent the crowd home happy.

Biggest Pops:

Biggest Heat: