View Full Version : The Wrestlemania 27 Guest Host Will Be

02-15-2011, 05:21 AM
Dwayne Johnson, who tweeted he was the Mania Guest Host two minutes before a big reveal on Raw.

The Wrestlemania appearance will be the first for Johnson since he wrestled his last official match at Wrestlemania 20, teaming with Mick Foley in a loss to Ric Flair, Randy Orton and Batista at Madison Square Garden.

While Johnson visited with the company after Wrestlemania 21 in Los Angeles and inducted his father and grandfather into the WWE Hall of Fame during Wrestlemania 24 weekend, it has been six years since he's been involved with the WWE's flagship PPV event.


Vick Diesel
02-15-2011, 05:24 AM
The rock is back....can you smelllll what the rock is cookin?!

02-15-2011, 05:42 AM
Awesome lol. It was expected but just the fact it was actually him and he was there just wow.

Kenpachi Zaraki
02-15-2011, 05:46 AM
cool will post more after actually watching the show lol

02-15-2011, 05:53 AM
Calling out Cena was a total surprise . And i guess pg is gone . Fucking hope so

02-15-2011, 05:54 AM
does anybody have anywhere i can watch this, last time i study for an econ test when raw is on :(

02-15-2011, 05:57 AM
Will be uploaded soon check out WWE Media Section.

Nah probably not but WWE sort of said fu*k it at the end no bleeps just go for it.

02-15-2011, 06:45 AM
I also absolutely love the fact that the Rock called out the Miz and Michael Cole. I almost had to turn the channel during the Miz/Daniel Bryan match. It was just getting too hard to listen to. So when the Rock called out Miz about his always having to say how good he is, he definitely made me stand up and holler!!

02-15-2011, 06:46 AM
Omg yea Daniel Bryan and The Rock are in the same promotion :drool: All we need now is Jack, Mox and Nigel and then I can die.

02-15-2011, 12:12 PM
Well damn. Vince seems hell bent on leaving the "pg 2010" image behind. He is really stepping things up this year. I hope this year just keeps on getting better.

The ShowOff
02-15-2011, 01:46 PM
Well that chick who was the one who came up with the whole PG thing has left WWE so lets see Blood one week so many damn ass's the next it just seems to be going up.


WWE has giving me so many mark out moments over the last month or so I'm just :D Yes!

02-15-2011, 02:36 PM
does anybody have anywhere i can watch this, last time i study for an econ test when raw is on :(

I will have it up in a few hours!

and as for Rocky's return, all I can say is......HOLY SHIT!!! :rock:

02-15-2011, 06:33 PM
FINALLY, simply put and 1 of the hugest pops ive heard since Austin was guest host. I just hope he lives up to the 'never ever going away' he said or does a limited schedule like hbk taker did or do.

02-15-2011, 06:45 PM
Well damn. Vince seems hell bent on leaving the "pg 2010" image behind. He is really stepping things up this year. I hope this year just keeps on getting better.

To me, this smells like HHH increased influence with creative. Hope they keep it up.

02-15-2011, 11:05 PM
Fu*king awesome Signature TNAFan.

02-15-2011, 11:10 PM
Loved how there was a cut in the sound the first time Rocky said ass only for him to say bitch and ass un edited when berating Cole :D

Stone Cold is back hosting Tough Enough, The Rock is back and basically ripping shit out of all the annoying stuff, HHH is due back soo along with The Undertaker, HBK is involved again.

WWE got their groove back? :rockstar:

02-15-2011, 11:22 PM
Lol yup so much going on Jericho possibly return. Tyler Black and Kong to come. Some new young guys. Rock, WCW HOF/Mania. Goldberg maybe. Booker and Nash lol. Taker, HBK, HHH, Mistico to come so much WWE Really are back lol and sort of a big ball out of Rock's return lol. But everything there in the ice cream except for 1 thing. 1 THING IS MISSING FROM THAT ICE CREAM SUNDAY!!!

A Cherry on the top isnt there.


02-16-2011, 06:30 AM
I was so fucking happy when Rock's music hit on Raw & I hope he continues to appear on weekly basis atleast from now until WM.

02-16-2011, 06:41 AM
I found it funny though when he said he is not back for the money or to advertise a movie he is doing. It is possible the money is not a huge concern as he does make alot from movies etc but I am sure he is getting a nice tidy little sum. His movie with Vin Diesel 'Fast Five' comes out around Wrestlemania so I am guessing he will advertise that somewhere along the way, maybe even at RAWs after Wrestlemania.

I don't see him coming to many RAWs as he is making a movie right now I think, he has Journey 2 - The Mysterious Journey and Arabian Nights being made at the moment. Not to sure on that but Vince bringing Rock out now is a good way to get people to watch RAW, to see if he is going to be on it.

02-16-2011, 06:41 AM
I found it funny though when he said he is not back for the money or to advertise a movie he is doing. It is possible the money is not a huge concern as he does make alot from movies etc but I am sure he is getting a nice tidy little sum. His movie with Vin Diesel 'Fast Five' comes out around Wrestlemania so I am guessing he will advertise that somewhere along the way, maybe even at RAWs after Wrestlemania.

I don't see him coming to many RAWs as he is making a movie right now I think, he has Journey 2 - The Mysterious Journey and Arabian Nights being made at the moment. Not to sure on that but Vince bringing Rock out now is a good way to get people to watch RAW, to see if he is going to be on it.

02-16-2011, 06:43 AM
FINALLY, simply put and 1 of the hugest pops ive heard since Austin was guest host. I just hope he lives up to the 'never ever going away' he said or does a limited schedule like hbk taker did or do.

Don't count on it. He's said several times that he won't ever return to wrestling in any other capacity than as that of a short-term thing. He's said he did all he wanted to do in pro wrestling and now wants to accomplish the same thing in Hollywood. Makes sense to me, too. $20 million for a 3 month movie shoot or $5 million for a year of Big Show choke slams? Seems like a pretty easy choice to me.

Kenpachi Zaraki
02-16-2011, 07:32 AM
To me, this smells like HHH increased influence with creative. Hope they keep it up.

its neither of those its Donna Goldsmith's departure

02-16-2011, 09:51 AM
To me, this smells like HHH increased influence with creative. Hope they keep it up.

I have to agree, I would also have to say Triple H did / does not like the PG era, he came to the WWE just before the Attitude era and I believe Trips would have been a huge star but he had to contend with Austin and The Rock and others, there were alot of stars back then. Don't get me wrong, Triple H was a big star back then but he was not as big as them and had to stay behind them a bit, then later on at the end of the Attitude era he started to come out and win the title etc. lol My point is, he was part of that era and I am sure that influence will shine through him in some way if it hasn't already.

02-16-2011, 12:20 PM
I'm fully expecting The Rock to not be involved remotely full time.

Instead I see it as more of a Bret Hart style deal.

Select dates with a big showdown of sorts at Wrestlemania (not a match), maybe costing Cena the title or coming out and beting him down during his celebrations.

Possibly be around for the fall out but then disappears again ready for Cena to slate him for just up rooting etc.

Returns around Summerslam possibly to have a match against Cena.

Few more bit part dates before a HOF induction next year :)

02-16-2011, 01:08 PM
I find it funny he is getting everyone to go to his facebook page. If you have seen it, you know it has alot of pics from his new movie 'Five' with Vin Diesel. I mean he probably shares alot of his movie info on there, so why wouldn't he want people there. I just remember him saying in the ring at RAW, I am not doing this for money or promotion. Him asking everyone to visit his facepage is a way for him to promote his movies, whether he promotes them on WWE or not. WWE even showed his facebook address on the screen, so I am thinking that this was part of his deal. 'Five' comes out around Wrestlemania, so expect him to always invite people to his twitter where he probably asks them to go to his facebook page or he will ask us to go to his facebook page.

Don't get me wrong, I marked out for him as most people and think it is great he is atleast back for a bit and I can not wait for him to tell off Miz and Cena but why did he have to lie, if he did ofcourse about not promoting or money. I guess it is a wait and see how much they push his facebook and twitter account. I tell you one thing, I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when he and Vince made out this deal.

Returns around Summerslam possibly to have a match against Cena.

That will not happen IMO, can you imagine the insurance needed for him.

02-16-2011, 01:55 PM

That will not happen IMO, can you imagine the insurance needed for him.

I know, I wouldn't lay money on it but it's fun to hope :P