View Full Version : Frugalware 1.4 Adds Linux Kernel 2.6.37

02-16-2011, 08:27 PM

Frugalware Linux 1.4 has been released after some six months in developments. It comes with updated packages for most of its applications along with some newer technologies, like systemd, and a GUI installer by default.

The Linux kernel, X.Org, GNOME, KDE SC and many other main packages have been updated, though they're still sometimes behind the very latest stable version available. There is a new LCD font rendering option in GNOME that should result in better looking text in some cases.

"The Frugalware Developer Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Frugalware 1.4, our fourteenth stable release. The only added feature since 1.4rc2 is LibreOffice (replaces OpenOffice.org), additionally 109 changes have been made to fix minor bugs," Miklós Vajna announced.

Highlights of Frugalware Linux 1.4:

ˇ Linux kernel 2.6.37;
ˇ X.Org server 1.9;
ˇ GNOME 2.32;
ˇ KDE SC 4.5;
ˇ Drupal 7;
ˇ Python 2.7;
ˇ KOffice localization packages have now been included;
ˇ New LCD font rendering in GNOME which kicks in when using a digital video output;
ˇ OSSv4 is now included as an alternative to the standard ALSA;
ˇ systemd has been included but sysvinit is still the default init;
ˇ NetConfig now supports mobile 3G connections;
ˇ Booting from virtio devices is now supported;
ˇ The GUI installer is now included in the default images.

About Frugalware Linux

Frugalware aims to be a generalist Linux distribution mostly staying close to the source packages and keeping away from making too many customizations. It's intended for the intermediate Linux user, who isn't afraid of employing the terminal, but who generally expects everything to work as it should out of the box.
