View Full Version : WWE PPV 'Elimination Chamber' Full Results / Report 2011

02-22-2011, 08:05 AM
WWE PPV 'Elimination Chamber' 2011 Full Results / Report / Screencaps

Dark Match:
WWE United States Champion Daniel Bryan defeated Ted DiBiase

The announcing team will be Booker T, Michael Cole and Josh Matthews.

Ricardo Rodriguez is at ringside, so Alberto Del Rio will be kicking off the show in some fashion.

During the countdown show, they announced a sixth Smackdown talent will enter the Elimination Chamber. Interesting to note they spent a lot of time pushing The Rock's return as well.

Kofi Kingston vs. Alberto De Rio

Del Rio turned his attention to Kofi Kingston, calling him trash and saying Kingston can’t stop destiny. Kingston’s music started, cutting off Del Rio from completing his rant.

They locked up and Kingston backed Del Rio into the turnbuckles but Del Rio slipped out of the ropes to force a break. There was a sizeable chant for Del Rio early. Del Rio called for Ricardo and when the ref stopped Del Rio’s announcer, Del Rio grabbed Kingston and rudely slammed him over. Kingston slipped out of a tiltowhirl backbreaker and dropkicked Del Rio, who escaped to the floor to cut off Kingston’s momentum.

Kingston followed to the floor and kicked Alberto while he was down. He deposited Del Rio back into the ring and followed suit with a series of right hands and forearms. Kingston charged Del Rio but was backdropped over the ropes. Kingston landed on his feet but was knocked off the apron to the floor when Del Rio shoulderblocked him into the ringpost.. Del Rio grabbed the Intercontinental champ and whipped him into the ring steps, then tossed him back into the ring for a two count, Del Rio locked in a submission but Kingston refused to tap.

Del Rio continued the assault on Kingston, beating Kingston with punches as he held him down. Del Rio nailed a nice belly to back suplex for another near fall. He scissored Kingston’s body and squeezed, trying to work Kingston down. Kingston fought back and came off the ropes with a nice forearm for a near fall. Kinbgston and Del Rio fought back and forth until Kofi drilled Del Rio with several double chops and a dropkick. Kingston nailed the Boom Drop and began setting up for Trouble in Paradise. He went for it but Del Rio ducked the kick. Kingston missed a splash in the corner but used the ropes for momentum to kick Del Rio in the head.

Kingston came off the ropes with a flying bodypress but Del Rio pulled his knees up as they connected, changing the tide of the match immediately. Del Rio scored several near falls and went for a superplex but Kingston fought him off. Kingston nailed a missile dropkick for a two count. Del Rio caught Kingston with several strikes to the ribs and scored another near fall.

Kingston countered a move into a DDT but Ricardo Rodriquez distracted the referee, who missed the initial cover. By the time the ref went to count the fall, Del Rio was able to kick out at two. Kingston went to complain but Del Rio caught him and went for the rolling armbar. Kingston slipped out and nailed a kick to the head for a two count. Kingston went for a diving attack in the corner but missed and was nailed by Del Rio.

Del Rio locked on the rolling armbreaker but Kofi locked his fingers to prevent Del Rio from torquing the arm. Del Rio beat on Kofi until he let go. Alberto locked in the move and Kofi, after failing to reach the ropes, finally tapped.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

They show Randy Orton backstage, standing around, wondering what was going through his mind. As the announcers spoke, Michael Cole said Booker T headlined Wrestlemania.

Todd Grisham interviewed World champion Edge backstage. Grisham asked Edge his frame of mind after the last few weeks. Edge said that after everything he went through the last few weeks, he knows what he’s walking into. He said that after Vickie Guerrero, ten tons of steel is a walk in the park. He said that he knows no champion has ever survived the Elimination Chamber but he knows what it takes to win a Chamber. Drew McIntyre showed up and asked Edge how he feels knowing that Kelly Kelly lost her job, an innocent victim of Edge’s problems. He said that Edge took something important to him, so he’s going to take Edge’s prized possession, the World title. Edge remarked that Kelly and the World title have one thing in common – neither will ever be seen with Drew and walked off. Drew wasn’t happy.

They replayed the awesome Elimination Chamber video package.

The Chamber began lowering.

Smackdown Elimination Chamber:
World Champion Edge (c) vs. Kane vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Wade Barrett vs. Rey Mysterio vs. ?

Before the Elimination Chamber began, Teddy Long came out and reminded everyone that he fired Dolphg Ziggler, then announced Ziggler's replacement would be Big Show. Everyone else (except Edge, who wasn’t out here yet) looked shocked and pissed. Drew McIntyre showed some good fire when he came to the ring, getting right in Kane’s face and then banging his head against his pod’s glass to fire himself up.

Edge vs Rey Mysterio:

Edge and Rey started off. Edge backed him into the corner and worked him over but Rey came back with several kicks. Rey rebounded off the ropes but was nailed with a flapjack for a two count. Edge whipped Rey into the corner but Rey kicked him off and nailed a twisting DDT off the ropes. Rey kicked Edge in trhe face as he rebounded off the ropes but Edge backdropped him over the ropes into the Chamber’s steel grate outside the ring. Edge and Mysterio battled in front of McIntyre on the ropes and Rey nailed a top rope rana for a two count.

Back on the grate outside, Edge shoved Mysterio backwards into the cage several times and then began stomping him. Edge slammed Rey’s head into the pod containing Kane. Edge tossed Rey back into the ring and covered him for a two count. Edge grabbed at Rey and whipped him into the corner but Rey slipped out and nailed a drop toe hold.

Next Entrant: Wade Barrett

Barrett began attacking Rey. There was a “Let’s go Wade” chant. Edge attacked Wade and beat him down in the corner. Rey and Edge worked over Barrett, but Edge tossed Rey sliding out of the ring and across the grate, which looked nasty. Barrett dropped Edge and scored a two count. Barrett provoked Big Show, who was still locked in his pod.

Barrett grabbed Rey and nailed a scoop slam for a two count, then whipped Rey into the buckles hard. Barrett went after Edge, who was outside the ring on the grate, slamming him into the cage, then covered him for a two count. Edge came back to backdrop Barrett over the ropes onto the grate. Barrett grabbed at his leg. Mysterio nailed Edge and went to the top but Barrett pulled him off. Wade went for Wasteland, nailing Edge with Rey. Rey pulled off and climbed up the cage, then nailed a rana into the ring on Wade. He went for the 619 but Edge killed him with a Yakuza kick for a two count.

Edge began stomping Barrett as the countdown for the next competitor continued…

Next Entrant Kane

Kane was released and cleaned house on all three, covering Barrett for a two count. Kane then turned his attention to Rey, beating him in the corner. He whipped Edge into Barrett in the corner, then nailed a big boot on Edge. Mysterio nailed a hard shot to Kane, setting Edge up to score a two count with a kick of his own. Wade then kicked Kane and scored a two count.

Drew McIntyre was going nuts demanding to be let out.

Kane mounted a comeback, working over Barrett on the outside, beating him with punches. Barrett fought back and tried to send Kane into the Cage but Kane countered and Barrett was nailed. Rey went to the ropes to prepare for a dive but Kane nailed an uppercut and Rey fell backwards, upside down in the corner. Edge nailed a running kick to Rey and scored a two count. Kane continued controlling the battle field as the countdown for the fifth competitor came out.

Next Entrant: Drew McIntyre.

Drew went right after Rey, running him like a dart into one of the pods. Drew and Wade doubled up on Kane outside on one of the grates, nailing a double kick. As Barrett entered the ring, Drew kicked the ropes, nutshotting him and then threw Barrett into the pod backwards. The glass exploded, leading to a “holy sh**” chant.

Drew then attacked Edge, screaming and beating on him while gaining several near falls. He went for the Futureshock but Edge escaped, kicked him in the gut and nailed a DDT. Edge was too beaten to make the cover, instead pulling himself up to attempt a spear. Fans were chanting for it. He went for the spear but instead Kane grabbed him for a chokeslam. Edge escaped and nailed Kane. Kane landed in the 619 position but moved before Rey could nail it, killed Edge and then sent Rey headfirst at Mach speed into a pod. Drew went for Futureshock but was backdropped over the ropes onto Barrett on the outside.

Last Entrant: Big Show

Big Show took out everyone. He sent Drew flying out of the ring with a massive chop. He then went hunting for Barrett. Show finally caught him, sending Wade into another pod, breaking the glass. Wade tried to climb away but was chopped to death across the chest, then run into the cage. Show KO’d Barrett with a right hand and pinned Barrett.

Wade Barrett was eliminated.

Kane came off the top with a clothesline, taking out Show. Edge came off with a top rope elbow for a two count. Drew went for Futureshock and nailed it on Show, but Show kicked out. Rey, perched atop a pod, nailed a seated senton for another two count. They kicked Show into the 619 position. Rey nailed it and Edge speared Show. Kane took out Edge and Rey, then teased a chokeslam on Show. He nailed a chokeslam and scored the pin.

Show is eliminated.

Drew went for a running dive on Kane but was caught and chokeslammed for the pin.

Drew is eliminated.

Rey came off the ropes with a legdrop on Kane for a two count. Kane shoved him off but Rey kicked him. Rey came off the ropes but was caught in a chokeslam. Rey kicked him off and nailed the 619. He came off the top but was caught by Kane. Edge speared them both and covered Kane.

Kane is eliminated.

Kane nailed Edge after he was eliminated and then chokeslammed Rey. He grabbed Edge and chokeslammed him as well.

Kane exited the Chamber with the final competitors, Edge and Rey, the men who kicked off the match, beaten and down.

They finally covered. Edge went for the spear but Rey countered and covered Edge for a two count. Rey hit a high cross bodyblock off the ropes for another two count. Edge whipped Edge into the corner but Edge was kicked off. Rey hit a Lucha takedown into a bulldog for another two count.

Rey went to the top rope but Edge tried to fight him off. Rey got the better of it and went for a rana but Edge caught him and nailed a sitdown powerbomb. Rey kicked out at the last second. Edge went for a powerbomb but Rey escaped and set up for the 619. Edge slipped away and Edge locked on an Indian Death Lock. Rey slipped him into a small package for a two count.

Edge went for a spear but Rey slipped out. Rey went after Edge but was caught with another spear. Mysterio just barely kicked out, which Edge was shocked at. Rey nailed the 619 and hit a springboard splash for a two count.

Rey set up for the 619 again and nailed it. He ascended to the top rope and jumped off but Edge speared him in mid-air, scoring the pin.

Rey Mysterio is Eliminated

Winner and Still World Champion: Edge

After the match:
Alberto Del Rio attacked Edge in the Chamber and locked on the rolling armbar as a number of referees tried to break him up. Christian's music hit and he made his return, "saving" his best friend. Christian attacked Del Rio and worked him over. Christian ran Del Rio's shoulder into the corner. The referees tried to hold him back but he broke free and nailed the Unprettier before walking off. Christian doesn't check on Edge? The announce team discuss the match.


Matt Striker interviewed Jerry Lawler last night. Lawler said that this week should have been the most enjoyable week of his life, but as we all know, his mother passed away.


He said that’s all he’s been thinking about but he also realizes that things have to move on and the match is going to take place whether he likes it or not. He said that he’s had an OK career and won “a few matches” but he’s never been the WWE champion or competed at Wrestlemania and those are his goals. He said that he’s got friend and family that have been there for him and he’s going to go out and do what he’s got to do to get it done. It was a nice Memphis-style babyface softspoken Lawler promo.

Booker T came into the ring and promoted Tough Enough, announcing Trish Stratus would be one of the trainers for the series. Nice surprise.


Booker welcomed her back to WWE. She said she’s excited to be part of the process to find new WWE Superstars.

Stratus said that she’s getting excited to be around the ring and wrestlers and said she’s been working on a new catchphrase.


She did The Rock’s “Finally” line, which the crowd loved. She tossed in Booker’s “Sucka” at the end. Booker whipped out his, “Tell me she did not just say that.”


Booker pushed the Tough Enough debut the night after Wrestlemania. He then said that everyone wanted to know why Trish was here tonight. Stratus said she was there to see Jerry Lawler win the WWE championship. Booker signed off the segment.

Drew McIntyre is currently trending on Twitter.

WWE Tag Team Championship Match:
Vladimir Kozlov & Santino Marella w/Tamina Vs. Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel w/Ezekiel

Kozlov and Santino worked over Slater early. Slater ducked a takeover and began nailing knees and stomps across Santino’s back. Gabriel tagged in and nailed a series of elbowdrops. Santino used a trip to takedown Gabriel, then brought him back into the corner.

Kozlov tagged in and ran Gabriel into the corner with a series of shoulderblocks. Gabriel was bounced across the ring by a battering ram. Gabriel went to the floor. Kozlov grabbed him but was kicked hard in the side of the head. Slater tagged in and worked over the champion.

They worked over Kozlov who made a comeback and tagged in Santino. Santino nailed the Cobra on Gabriel but he wasn’t the legal man. Slater stomped the hell out of Santino and whipped him into the corner. Gabriel tagged in but missed a move and Vladimir tagged in with a big boot to the chest. Slater made a blind tag. Ezekiel pulled out Gabriel. As Vladimir complained to the referee, Slater attacked him from behind. He tagged Gabriel in and drilled Marella off the apron.

Gabriel nailed the 450 splash and scored the pin on Kozlov.


Winner and New Tag Team Champions: The Corre

Todd Grisham interviewed WWE champion The Miz, with Alex Riley. Grisham asked if he was nervous since a title just changed hands.


Miz said it was 2011, the year of the Miz, not 1983 when it was good to be King or 1999 when we had to smell what the Rock is cooking. Miz said that he would crush 40 years of dreams in one evening. He said that tonight, five men will lose tonight in the Elimination Chamber and at Wrestlemania, number six will lose to the greatest WWE champion ever. He’s the Miz and he’s awesome.

Vickie Guerrero sullenly came to the ring saying, “Excuse me.” Guerrero talked about Dolph Ziggler getting fired. She said they were dealing with some serious issues. Guerrero said that Dolph has an uncontrollable temper and his state of mind was confused.


She said all Dolph was doing was trying to show Vickie how much he loved her and that he committed a crime of passion. She said that was she there to say how sorry Dolph was and asked everyone to convince Teddy Long to give Ziggler a second chance. Guerrero, who was AWESOME here, said she deserves just a little bit of compassion and love, asking everyone to give them a second change. Guerrero said she was begging the fans.

Out came Teddy Long, who told her to stop it.


Guerrero said that she and Dolph were so sorry. She said that Teddy looked amazing and asked him to do the right thing and re-hire Ziggler. Teddy said that she was lucky because he is in a hiring mood. Guerrero began thanking Teddy and rambling but Teddy stopped her. He said that he didn’t hire Ziggler back but someone who has been given time to personally thank Guerrero for all her time as acting General Manager of Smackdown.

Out came Kelly Kelly, who chased Guerrero around the ring. She finally caught Guerrero in the ring. Guerrero offered Kelly her hand, but Kelly kicked her in the gut and began beating the hell out of Vickie. LayCool hit the ring and attacked Kelly, beating her down and throwing her into the barricade.

Trish Stratus came down to ringside and checked on Kelly.


LayCool backed off then attacked Trish. They tossed her into the ring but Stratus nailed McCool with a series of forearms and the Chick Kick. She went for the handstand into the rana in the corner on Layla, but her heels (she was wearing leather boots with huge heels, which can’t be easy to do spots in) messed up the timing of it. They saved the spot and Layla took the rana. McCool went after Trish, who nailed her and Layla with the springboard bulldog.


Trish and Kelly celebrated in the ring.

Trish Stratus is now trending on Twitter.

WWE Championship:
The Miz w/Alex Riley vs. Jerry Lawler

Lawler came out old school Mid-South Coliseum style with a sequined robe, carrying the crown. Great to see. They did the big fight introductions. Huge Lawler chant at the bell.

They locked up and Lawler rolled up Miz for a quick two count. Miz was pissed about that. Miz ducked under Lawler and began nailing Lawler with strikes and punches. Lawler slipped out and went for a backslide for a two count.

Miz grabbed a headlock and shoulderblocked Lawler down. Lawler blocked a hip toss and clotheslined Miz for another two count. Lawler shoulderblocked Miz down and hit a high cross bodyblock for another near fall.

Lawler caught Miz in the corner and began nailing a series of rights. Lawler clotheslined Miz over the top to the floor. Lawler followed Miz to the floor. He was distracted by Riley, allowing Miz to shove him face-first into the ringpost.

Lawler was dead on his feet. Miz placed him on the apron and nailed a running knee lift to Lawler’s face. Miz covered him but Lawler kicked out. Miz shoved Lawler against the ropes. Riley nailed Lawler. Miz covered Lawler and scored a two count.

Miz continued stalking Lawler. Lawler blocked a punch and nailed a retaliatory shot. Miz reversed an Irish whip into the corner and hit a leaping clothesline. Lawler crumpled to the mat. Miz went to the ropes but Lawler cut him off. They battled back and forth atop the ropes. Lawler got the better of the exchange and nailed a superplex. Lawler covered Miz for a two count.

Lawler and Miz peppered each other with back and forth punches. Miz showed signed of being out of it as Lawler nailed a dropkick. Lawler backdropped Miz and nailed the fistdrop. Miz slipped out of a move but Lawler nailed him. Lawler rebounded off the ropes but Riley tripped him. The referee threw Riley out of ringside.

Miz missed a running charge in the corner, nailing his shoulder in the ringpost. Lawler rolled him up for a two count. Lawler went for the piledriver but Miz escaped. Miz drilled Lawler with a kick for a two count but Lawler reversed it into a pinfall reversal for a two count. Miz got nailed and fell outside of the ring in front of the announcers.

Michael Cole began screaming at Lawler, allowing Miz to attack him from behind. Lawler stopped Miz from sending him into the announcer’s table and drilled Miz into the table face-first a number of times. Lawler tossed Miz over the table into Cole, wiping him out.


Miz was tossed in the ring. Lawler came off the ropes with a modified firstdrop but Miz kicked out at the last second. Miz raked Lawler’s face but Lawler slipped out of the Skull Crushing Finale. Lawler kicked Miz off and nailed a DDT. Lawler went to the middle rope, looked at the Wrestlemania logo, and pulled down the strap. Lawler nailed the fistdrop but Miz got his foot on the ropes at the last second.

Lawler set up for the piledriver but Miz backdropped him and held on for a pin. Lawler reversed it into a sunset flip style pinfall but Miz kicked out. Miz nailed Lawler and nailed the Skull Crushing Finale for the pin.


Winner and Still WWE Champion: The 'AWESOME' Miz

After the Match:
Michael Cole and Miz celebrated in the ring. Miz headed back up the aisle.

http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/840/55463108.jpg http://img251.imageshack.us/img251/1793/51475888.jpg

Jerry Lawler received a nice ovation as he left. Michael Cole was ranting and raving about how we can all stop talking about Jerry Lawler going to Wrestlemania, embarrassing himself and WWE.


John Cena was backstage eating Fruity Pebbles, so the entire show screeched into lame immediately.


Todd Grisham tried to get word from Cena on what The Rock said but Cena said he had to concentrate on the Chamber match. He said he felt “Yabba, Dabba, Delicious.” This was terrible, especially when compared to Rock’s promo.

Matt Striker interviewed CM Punk. Punk said that he’s batting a thousand against Cena and can’t see Cena beating him tonight, can’t see anyone winning the Chamber…except ME. He was mocking Cena’s “Can’t see me” as all this was going on.


Triple H is in all the Wrestlemania promos.

Kelly Kelly, LayCool, Trish Stratus and Alex Riley are all Trending on Twitter.

Raw Elimination Chamber:
CM Punk vs. Randy Orton vs. R-Truth vs. John Morrison vs. Sheamus vs. John Cena.

Fruity Pebbles is now trending on Twitter.

Morrison vs Sheamus

John Morrison and Sheamus opened the match. Good choice. You can hear “CM Punk” chants early. Big heel crowd tonight. Sheamus took down Morrison with several headlocks early. They ended up throwing down. Sheamus went to the outside and Morrison hit a dive to the outside over the ropes. Morrison tried to smash Sheamus into the cage but was blocked and nailed in the guts.

Morrison tried to come off the ropes but Sheamus moved. Morrison caught the cage and drilled Sheamus with a kick to the head. He covered Sheamus for a two count. Sheamus cut off Morrison with a big clothesline. Morrison drilled Sheamus and went to the top for Starship Pain but instead was blasted to the outside to the grate outside. Sheamus continued to assault Morrison dragging him into the ring as the countdown ended.

Next Entrant: Randy Orton

Orton went right after Sheamus, nailing powerslams on both Sheamus and Morrison. He backdropped Morrison onto Sheamus on the outside. He tossed Morrison into an empty pod. Orton ducked a Sheamus kick and clotheslined him over the ropes into the ring. He dragged Sheamus back out and nailed the hanging DDT on the grate to Sheamus.

Orton tossed Morrison back into the ring. Fans began chanting “RKO.” Punk had a maniacally happy look on his face. Orton drilled Morrison with a kneedrop for a two count. He then went after Sheamus, nailing stomps. Orton drilled Morrison with a superplex for a two count. He then nailed a superplex on Sheamus for a two count.

Next Entrant: CM Punk

The door only partially opened for Punk so he was trapped half in and out. Orton attacked Punk and stomped the hell out of him as he dragged him out of the Chamber. He tossed Punk into the ring and nailed the RKO, then covered Punk.

Punk is eliminated.


The Raw General Manager emailed and Michael Cole announced that due to a malfunctioning pod, Punk wasn’t given a fair chance to compete.


Therefore, Punk can re-enter his pod and reinstated in the match. Orton was pissed while Punk cracked up. The crowd began chanting for Punk.

Sheamus attacked Orton and nailed a backbreaker. Before he had the chance to make the cover, Morrison attacked him but was tossed outside to the grate. Sheamus and Orton battled. Morrison nailed a springboard kick on Sheamus but was again tossed out. Morrison grabbed at his ankle. Sheamus tossed him into the Chamber back-first.

Next Entrant: John Cena.

Sheamus was right next to the pod and attacked Cena in the pod, beating him down as it opened. He sent Cena backwards into the Chamber then tossed him into the ring. Sheamus whipped Cena into the corner but was caught with an elbow. Morrison was tossed back outside but hit a dive into the ring on Orton and Sheamus.

Fans are chanting “Fruity Pebbles.”

Morrison went after Cena but was tossed outside onto the grate. Cena and Morrison battled on the outside. Sheamus hit a double clothesline over the ropes to the outside. Orton attacked Sheamus from behind. Sheamus came back but was caught with a Thesz Press and a series of punches. Orton dropped a knee for a two count.

Sheamus caught Orton with a high knee to the mid-section as he rebounded off the ropes. Sheamus tossed Cena into the ring as the Chamber counted down to the next entrant.

Next Entrant: R-Truth.

Sheamus tried to catch lightning twice but Truth evaded the attack and worked him over in the pod.

Truth cleaned house, drilling Cena with a spinning forearm but was caught with a high kick and pinned Truth.

R Truth is eliminated.

All four remaining competitors currently in the ring are down. Punk ends up the last man to be released.

Morrison drilled Sheamus with a kick for a two count. Orton and Cena recovered. Morrison beat down Sheamus with kick after kick in the corner as Orton stalked behind them. Morrison sees Orton coming but is still caught and tossed through the glass of a pod.

Orton and Cena began battling back and forth inside the ring with the crowd solidly behind Orton. Orton nails a dropkick and covers Cena for a two count.

Last Entrant: CM Punk

Orton was waiting for Punk but Cena went after him. Orton nailed the RKO. That allowed Punk to attack Orton and toss him in the ring. Punk mocked Orton’s mannerisms, then hit the GTS and scored the pin.

Randy Orton has been eliminated

There was a huge CM Punk chant after the pin. Punk nailed Cena then tried to bulldog Sheamus, but Sheamus slipped out, slammed him into a pod, then clotheslined him down onto the grate.

Morrison and Sheamus went back and forth in the ring. Morrison nailed a big leg lariat. He charged Sheamus but was backdropped over the ropes. He landed on his feet and began ascending to the top of a pod. Sheamus cut him off and followed him up. Sheamus used a boot to the throat of Morrison atop of the pod.

Sheamus called for the High Cross off the top of the pod but Morrison fought back and kicked him off into the ring. Morrison began scaling the top of the inside of the Chamber Dome. He hung off the top, then came down with a big dive into a clothesline, pinning Sheamus. It looked pretty damn impressive.

Sheamus has been eliminated.

Morrison was down and out from the big bump. Cena made a comeback on Punk with a series of shoulderblocks on Punk. He nailed the five knuckle shuffle on Punk. Punk rolled to the outside and Cena followed him. He grabbed Punk for the Attitude Adjustment but Morrison dove over the ropes and came down on Punk and Cena.

Punk recovered first and covered Cena, who got his shoulder up at the last second. Morrison went for a running knee on Cena outside, who ducked. Morrison nailed the pod and went down, screaming and clutching his knee.

Inside the ring, Punk snapmared Cena over for a two count. He locked in a variation of the Anaconda Vice (it was really a triangle choke using his knees) and began raining down with elbows. Cena powered up to an Electric Chair and Morrison came off the top rope with a clothesline, LOD style on Punk.

All three men were spent and exchanged two counts. Cena nailed the AA on Morrison but Punk drilled Cena with a high roundhouse kick to the head. Cena went to the outside but Punk nailed a springboard clothesline to the grate outside for a two count. Punk ripped open his thigh with the spot. Punk nailed a catapult into a pod.


Punk, tried to do the same to Morrison but Morrison caught himself on the pod, then came off with a big kick to Punk. He went for Starship Pain but Punk rolled out of the way. Morrison grabbed at his bad leg and was nailed with the GTS and pinned.

Morrison is eliminated.

Cena grabbed Punk and hit the AA over the ropes onto the grate and scored the pin.

CM Punk is Eliminated

Winner: John Cena

After The Match:
The Miz and Alex Riley came out on stage to staredown his Wrestlemania opponent.





We go to Credits