View Full Version : WWE Friday Night Smackdown Spoilers for February 25th, 2011

02-23-2011, 08:40 AM
WWE Friday Night Smackdown Spoilers
February 25th, 2011

*Rey Mysterio defeated Kane to open the show.

*Dusty Rhodes came to the ring and called out his son, Cody Rhodes. Dusty talked Cody into apologizing to Rey Mysterio. Dusty and Rey shook hands and then Dusty turned on Mysterio after the handshake. Cody then beat Rey down and took his mask, smashing Rey into the Titan Tron mirror that is used for his entrance.

*Dusty Rhodes and son Cody are backstage. Dusty said he would do anything for Cody. They celebrate.

*Rosa Mendes defeated Layla by DQ when Michelle McCool, who was on commentary, attacked Rosa Medes. They teased more tension between LayCool.

*Jack Swagger defeated Kofi Kingston with the ankle lock. Said to be a good match.

*Vickie Guerrero was backstage trying to recruit Chavo Guerrero for help but he didn’t want any part of it.

*The Big Show defeated Wade Barrett by countout. The Corre was banned from ringside for this match. Post-match saw The Big Show attack Wade Barrett. He then went for a chokeslam but The Corre came out for the save. The Big Show chased them off with a steel chair to end the segment.

*Edge and Kelly Kelly defeated Vickie Guerrero and Drew McIntyre. Kelly Kelly speared Vickie and Edge speared McIntyre at the end of the match. Teddy Long came down to celebrate with Edge and Kelly Kelly. Vickie threw a fit while this was ongoing. She even asked Booker T for help at one point during her rage. Post-match saw Alberto Del Rio come down to attack Edge.

Pro Wrestling Scoops

02-23-2011, 08:45 AM
Rey Mysterio my ass!!!!!!!!!! Why does he always have to beat Kane, that is just crap. Kane is just to big for Mysterio to beat and since Mysterio is not even sure whether he is staying in WWE or not by not resigning a contract this year, why are they pushing him ... unless it is to crawl up his ass. Gawd I hate it when he beats Kane, utter crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02-23-2011, 02:14 PM
And hey I thought Undertaker was advertised to be there!!! :omg: I can't take it!!!

The Mac
02-23-2011, 06:30 PM
where was christian?

02-23-2011, 06:56 PM
Poor Kane :(

This has to stop :(

Thanx for posting Lion

02-23-2011, 07:11 PM
WHERE THE HELL was Christian?????

02-26-2011, 05:44 AM
Seems like a very uneventfull episode.