View Full Version : Jericho on WWE PG-13, Triple H Running WWE, His Return

The Mac
02-26-2011, 08:23 PM
Chris Jericho recently spoke with Slam Wrestling and here are some of the highlights:

Triple H taking over WWE:
"He's going to take over the company. This isn't the year 2000 anymore where he was trying to bury me. Nobody wants to be Bruce Hart, where he takes over Stampede Wrestling and goes out of business two years later after his father had it for 40 years."

Returning to WWE:
"It could be two days down the road. I'm still a huge fan of the business. When it's time to go back, I'll go back."

Favoring a PG-13 product:
"I think I did better in the PG-13 environment. It's easier to get pops when you say, 'ass.' they're going 'tee-hee-hee, he said a swear word.' I wasn't really doing any swearing. I just go with the flow. If I have to do an X-rated environment, I'll do that. And if it's PG, I'll do that


02-26-2011, 10:14 PM
"Nobody wants to be Bruce Hart" ain't that the truth. :shifty:

And... Jericho continues to be cryptic about his return. I'm glad about that though, too many surprises are given away these days through Twitter and such and whenever he decides to show up, I wanna be blindslided by his return, not expect it.

Kenpachi Zaraki
02-27-2011, 06:34 AM
"Nobody wants to be Bruce Hart" ain't that the truth. :shifty:

And... Jericho continues to be cryptic about his return. I'm glad about that though, too many surprises are given away these days through Twitter and such and whenever he decides to show up, I wanna be blindslided by his return, not expect it.

The day you see random codes and numbers on WWE TV you'll know its him :shifty:

02-27-2011, 06:40 AM
The day you see random codes and numbers on WWE TV you'll know its him :shifty:

Lol, okay, that one wasn't unexpected, but... the next one might be.

02-27-2011, 07:56 PM
He comes in at Mania during Hunter and Takers match causes Taker to loose Triple H and Jericho now a tag team, and taker is out to get them...could only wish :P.

02-27-2011, 08:26 PM
A Triple H/Jericho team, eh? That'd be very interesting.

The Mac
02-27-2011, 08:29 PM
A Triple H/Jericho team, eh? That'd be very interesting.

less then 1% chance of that happening lol

02-27-2011, 08:34 PM
less then 1% chance of that happening lol

Lol, I'm aware of that. Just saying it'd be interesting.

02-27-2011, 08:42 PM
We can always wish :P.

02-28-2011, 05:02 AM
Sounded like jericho was sucking up to the soon to be boss .

The Y2J Plan
02-28-2011, 06:07 AM
Why not suck up to the boss? Especially when you and him used to constantly bump heads for the #1 spot. Pretty sure Triple H wanted to be the first undisputed champion...

And I've read that Triple H has played his political card to have him replace Jericho in some way shape or form in the past too. They may not be worst enemies, but they don't get along that great either.