View Full Version : 2/26 WWE results in Ft. Wayne, Ind.: Edge & Rey vs. Del Rio & Rhodes, Big Show-Corre,

02-27-2011, 10:36 AM
WWE Smackdown house show results
February 26, 2011
Fort Wayne, Ind.
Report by Zach Helton,

The show was sold out and opened with the usual disclaimer on WWE's live event rules, etc. Tony Chimel was on announcing duty.

(1) Chris Masters beat Jack Swagger via submission with the Masterlock. Typical house show opener with the crowd games.
Good opening match.

Cody Rhodes came out, mask and all. He cut a promo on Rey Mysterio and still had Rey's black mask from Friday's Smackdown. Rey came out to cut Cody's promo short after Cody called the crowd ugly. Rey said Cody did what no one has done - take his mask off. Not true, obviously. The promo set up a main event tag match of Edge & Rey vs. Del Rio & Rhodes.

(2) Percy Watson beat Curt Hawkins. Watson won with a jumping knee buster into a jumping neckbreaker. The crowd was in "snack break mode" for this one. Some fans cheered Watson, though. Watson was very serious in this one with just a couple of "oh yeah" poses an no "spirit fingers."

Kaitlyn came out as the host. She gave a kid the chance to be the guest timekeeper, but he said no. Hilarious! She got another kid, "Chanler," to do the guest timekeeper job.

(3) Chavo Guerrero beat Tyler Reks with a frogsplash. Impressive frogsplash tonight. Reks was also impressive here.

(4) Beth Phoenix beat Layla with Kelly Kelly as special referee. Beth got a nice pop. Rosa Mendes came down to ringside as Layla was about to hit "Diamond Dust" on Beth, but Beth got out and hit the Glam Slam for the win.

(5) Intercontinental champion Kofi Kingston beat Kane to retain the IC Title. Huge ovation for Kane and Kofi was just as over as Kane. Kofi had his arm taped, still selling Del Rio's attack on TV. Kofi hit the SOS on Kane after a ref bump during Kane's chokeslam attempt.

Kaitlyn was back out, this time with Hornswoggle. Quite a crowd pop for Hornswoggle. They plugged WWE t-shirts.

(6) Drew McIntyre beat Trent Barreta. Drew cut a promo about not being a bad guy. He said Ft. Wayne sucks. McIntyre won with a sweet belly-to-belly suplex out of the corner followed by the Future Shock DDT.

The Corre and Wade Barrett come out to an ovation. Chimel said Teddy Long has barred Corre from ringside for the next match. Big Show was out next to the biggest pop of the night so far.

(7) Big Show beat Wade Barrett. Good match. Wade can sell. Show with his chokeslam "Showstopper" for the win. After the match, Corre attacked Show, who hel them off. Kofi then came out with a chair to aid Show, who used the chair to fend off Corre.

Next up was the main event. Del Rio cut a promo beforehand about his destiny. He ran down Ft. Wayne, grabbed a sign out of the crowd, ripped up the sign on the top rope, and made his own sign with Chimel's marker. I couldn't make out what he wrote, but funny stuff.

(8) World Hvt. champion Edge & Rey Mysterio beat Cody Rhodes & Alberto Del Rio. Cody played up not wanting to get hit in the face. He even ran into the crowd twice. Rey and Edge combined for a 619 and spear, respectively, to send the crowd home happy. Edge got the pop of the night.

After the match, Edge and Rey took pictures and signed autographs. Overall, a pretty good mix of matches with such a weak Smackdown roster. The Expo isn't the usual choice for WWE to run an event, but the local Komets hockey team was playing in the arena tonight.

The last event I went to had the New Breed vs. The ECW Originals on the card for a Smackdown/ECW show. Since then, wow, what a change to the fanbase. It was about 50/50 kids vs. adults, making me think I was at the circus. Good event, though, and the Superstars performed well.