View Full Version : Top TNA Star In WWE?

02-27-2011, 05:20 PM
WWE Legend The Honky Tonk Man said on his Facebook yesterday that a top behind-the-scenes player in TNA, someone close to Hulk Hogan, has left and is returning to WWE. Honky’s team then wrote the following blog on his official website against Hulk Hogan:

“You guys keep asking what’s the issue with Hogan. Here’s the deal. Hogan is in a back brace and without it he is on a walker as an old crippled dogshit of a man who could only be found with his feet in Lard Ass Bubba’s ass. You ask why HTM doesn’t like Hogan?

Jeff Jarrett approached HTM for a TNA merchandise deal in 2010 and “sent” a contract. Contract never came. HTM signs with WWE & Mattel. The same time, Hogan and Bischoff join TNA and Bischoff publicly insults HTM. HTM is called up for the “Hogan & Friends Tour”, went to the show and had a great event with the boys and the fans. HTM and Jimmy Hart spend hours setting up the show, spots etc. HTM and his web team promote “Hulk and Friends” everywhere which Hogan’s agent praised and admitted none of the other stars did! Bubba the lard sponge calls out HTM on his radio show so HTM posted a video owning Bubba in retaliation. Hogan goes off without seeing the facts and HTM is off the tour.

HTM went to Hogan’s room on the Hogan & Friends tour and spent hours talking to Hogan. Hogan was nice to HTM’s face. That’s the deal with Hogan. That’s always the deal with Hulk Hogan. Ask Vince McMahon or Randy Savage.Hogan is a walking dead because he went with that travelling door to door meat salesman Bischoff instead of hanging with the guys who stood beside him and once again turned on WWE. McMahon’s done with Hogan and WWE have no interest in his dead ass. They put over Hogan, built him up as Babe Ruth and he spat in their face. Hogan was due to wrestle John Cena at a recent past WrestleMania but couldn’t commit due to his health issues then announces at Vince’s backyard MSG that he’s signed with TNA. Now after taking TNA nowhere Hogan’s had to take a pay cut with TNA and mark my words within 6 months he’ll be gone.

What is WWE going to do with a free agent crippled Hulk Hogan? Nothing. They own the entire back catalogue, anything of worth they have. Hogan has his chance to be the Babe Ruth of WWE and spat in their face. He demands top money from Vince and has nothing in return to offer.Hogan’s “Hulk & Friends” Tour is dead in the water. Events were cancelled due to poor ticket sales and performance and Hogan’s $100k fee demand while paying his fellow boys $3k.

THQ recently signed Hogan to WWE Allstars as his contract allows for outside licensing which is a slap in the face to TNA. Would McMahon let any WWE star sign a TNA merchandise deal? How is that taking “the company to the next level” Brother!.

The guys in the back have no respect for Hogan and Nash is laughing his ass off now that Hogan is broke and Nash is back as a player.

A major TNA backstage player has bolted TNA for WWE, someone close to Hogan which has left Hogan reeling. More on that to come..

Hulkamania killed itself.

HTM Team”

Source - WNZ.

The Y2J Plan
02-27-2011, 06:08 PM
Who could it be. Who could it be...

02-27-2011, 07:05 PM
Hmm interesting read although I'm skeptical on how major a player it would be if anyone.

02-27-2011, 07:05 PM
^ Kevin Nash?

02-27-2011, 07:09 PM
So, is he saying Nash is the top behind the scenes guy, or is he saying it's someone in addition to Nash? Honky's rambling is so convoluted it's hard to understand exactly what the hell he's talking about.

Here's what I find funny: Guys like Honky Tonk Man get a 2-year run, 25 years ago and they start thinking they're legends. Now, Hogan is far from perfect and has no doubt screwed over PLENTY of folks during his time in the business, but throwing cheap shots at the biggest name in your industries history just comes off as sour grapes and pathetic.

It's not like Honky has any inside info anyways. His comment about the WWE wanting to make Hogan the 'Babe Ruth of Pro Wrestling' was part of an episode of Hogan's friggin' reality show like 4 years ago! So, in the end, despite all his big talk, Honky is a Hogan mark too.

02-27-2011, 07:09 PM
^ Kevin Nash?

The way it's worded is as if it's someone we don't already know about though.

Wouldn't surprise me if it was just about Nash though.

02-27-2011, 07:54 PM
That's crazy... Hogan will prob be out of TNA though by this time next year I bet... I'm actually hoping this week is the final week he will be there with that court hearing that they have been advertising on TNA.

02-27-2011, 08:25 PM
It's Vince Russo. :shifty:

02-27-2011, 08:43 PM
It's Vince Russo. :shifty:
And he is responsible for the rock cena storyline :).

Vick Diesel
02-27-2011, 09:55 PM
I hope it's Hogan or Bischoff that would be wonderful...lol

02-28-2011, 02:49 AM
I hope it's Hogan or Bischoff that would be wonderful...lol

Hogan is the most boring wrestler in the world, I dont see WWE taking back that hasbeen

02-28-2011, 04:56 AM
HTM is a very bitter dude . wouldnt call him reliable . I liked his gimmick back in the day .

A Blissful Ass
02-28-2011, 05:04 AM
I would fucking love it if it was Flair but i think it's someone that's in Immortal it's starring at us in the face i bet

The Y2J Plan
02-28-2011, 05:51 AM

02-28-2011, 07:52 AM
Rob Van Dam? Anderson? Flair?


02-28-2011, 08:12 AM
Everyone is apparently looking over the "behind the scenes" part.

02-28-2011, 08:26 AM
please be dreamer lol

02-28-2011, 01:03 PM
Very mysterious, and wow did HTM have some air to clear there about things..OUCH! Well I wonder if it's Sting or Jeff Hardy? Probably not...but it must be someone important.

02-28-2011, 02:39 PM
Again, it's behind the scenes. So if this isn't all just bullshit Honky's spouting, it may just be someone who has a pretty big role backstage, but isn't all that well known.