View Full Version : Bret Hart Comments On Rock, Cena/Rock Segment Planned?

The Mac
03-01-2011, 04:57 PM
Bret Hart wrote the following on Twitter last night about The Rock's promo: "Nice promo from the Rock... Although his trophy case could use some work to bring it up to Hitman standards!"

- WWE is planning a in-ring showdown between The Rock and John Cena for an upcoming RAW before WrestleMania, likely the March 14th or March 21st show. With Steve Austin appearing on next week's show, it isn't expected that The Rock will be there because of concern that it might be overkill, but that's not confirmed.


03-01-2011, 09:06 PM
Screw overkill, I wanna see a Rock-Austin showdown, if those two aren't on the same show at the same time, with them both back in WWE, it'll be disappointing.