View Full Version : JR Blog Update: The Rock, Sin Cara-Mysterio and Michael Cole

03-02-2011, 10:28 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his blog, which you can read in its entirety at JRsBarBQ.com. Here are some highlights of what JR said about:

Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara in WWE: Is there room for both Rey and Sin Cara in WWE? Absolutely. Why not? Do some feel that because both are Hispanic, masked stars that they cannot both be major assets in WWE at the same time. I think not. WWE is lucky to have both men. Rey is an established main event star and a future Hall of Famer while Sin Cara has a huge upside but has to prove himself to the WWE fans.

Michael Cole: "I agree with many emailers that Michael Cole is the type of antagonist that one legitimately wants to see get beat up and humiliated. He has Cornette-like heat hearkening back to the Mid South days where fans lined up in droves to see somebody, anybody humiliate the manager of the Midnight Express. Same emotion elicited by the late Andy Kaufman in Memphis. BTW most fans don't realize that the Lawler-Kaufman issue lasted well over a year."

The Rock Back On WWE TV: "I am personally ecstatic that The Rock is back in WWE for WM27 and no matter Rock's role he's going to positively add to the event in multiple areas. Rock is a huge star on several fronts and his promo ability is as good as it gets. People 'over think' Rock's return as in what's going to happen when he's not on TV? How does he make Cena/Miz look? What happens if Rock steals the show in Atlanta, etc?"

"All talents throughout the Raw and Smackdown rosters need to step it up to attempt to get on Rock's level. Competition is great for everyone. If Rock, Austin, etc make the incumbents dig a little deeper to perform at a higher level then everyone wins especially the fans."

"I have no idea what Rock is going to do at WM27 but I can assure you that it will be impactful. His interactions via Twitter, @The Rock, directed to Cena, etc have been entertaining."