View Full Version : JR Comments on Hogan-Hart and In-Ring NXT Time

03-04-2011, 05:04 PM
Stan sent word that there was 10 minutes and 1 second of in-ring action on this week's WWE NXT finale, down from 11 minutes and 1 second the previous week.

Jim Ross commented on the Twitter beef between Bret Hart and Hulk Hogan with the following on his website's Q&A section:

"Two strong, outspoken personalities who obviously, or seemingly, don't care for one another. Not my hill to die upon. I like Bret very much and know him much better than Hulk who I have no personal issues with whatsoever. My health and my life are both in a much better place after I detached myself from matters such as this. I read them and simply move on and consider it one day closer to college football season. BTW....I appreciate your business."


03-04-2011, 09:34 PM
Wow kinda says alot when the amount of action in-ring is about the same amount of time as a couple of ad breaks :S

As for the those two wrestlers, lets face it they both think they are the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be so the egos are always gonna clash.