View Full Version : JR Blog: Update on Cyborg, Spoilers and More

03-05-2011, 05:33 PM
Jim Ross has posted his latest blog at his jrsbarbq.com website. Here are some highlights.

This one cracked me up because I know how he feels: LONG, negative or positive emails to our Q&A section usually are deleted. Write what you want but please keep your thoughts succinct. LONG, rambling emails usually aren't read through and generally get future endeavored.

With time being limited, I know what he means. It is hard to get through really long emails when you get hundreds of them every day.

About releasing spoilers: IF I knew TV surprises why would I share them? I generally don't know the surprises that I see on Raw, for example, and if I did I damn sure wouldn't want to spoil the surprise for others. Am I wrong here?

About Mistico's name change: The Mistico name is owned by the wrestling promotion CMLL in Mexico City which is why the athletes formerly known as Mistico is now known as Sin Cara. I expect Sin Cara to debut after WM27 so as to not get lost in the Wrestlemania shuffle so to speak. Right now it's all about WM27 and not about introducing new people. Makes sense to me.

To follow up, obviously WWE wants to own the new name as well.

About WWE signing an MMA monster: Is Cris Cyborg leaving MMA/Strikeforce to migrate to WWE? Beats the hell out of me just as she would if she chose to but it is an interesting internet rumor. Seeing more athletic, hard hitting women compete in WWE is intriguing for me as a fan. Cris Cyborg is arguably the baddest women on the planet but she would need to learn better English and the art form of pro wrestling or she would run out of opposition in WWE just as she has seemingly done in MMA. Cyborg would be huge draw on a WWE event in Brazil, for example, or so I think.

For what it's worth, much like UFC did with Brock Lesnar after the confrontation with The Undertaker, Strikeforce officials have responded to the original report and stated that Cyborg is under contract to them and not going anywhere.

As always, JR's report is always worth reading.


The Mac
03-05-2011, 08:03 PM
i think all this cyborg talk is to force SF to pay her more