View Full Version : Zack Ryder News

03-07-2011, 07:51 PM
- RAW Superstar Zack Ryder has posted the third episode of his “Z! True Long Island Story” video blogs on YouTube, embedded below.

CM Punk gave props to Ryder for his work with the following message on Twitter: “It’s embarrassing that WWE writers don’t have @ZackRyder on raw more. They’re dropping the ball. Go watch his YouTube videos. ENTERTAINMENT”

Source - WNZ

Zack Ryder has amazing talent, and deserves to be a weekly comedy character on Raw, if not something much more. I moan about Cena being a Comedy character, but that's because he is in the main event and needs to build his matches up, not talk about how the Miz has an obsession with Cats.. Ryder is the sorta guy that can make you laugh, and has an amazing personality. The day where Ryder is on Raw weekly couldn't come sooner!

03-07-2011, 07:54 PM
Agreed. If used right, Ryder could definitely be a major fixture on Raw, in some capacity.

03-07-2011, 08:44 PM
I love his Z! episodes, the thing is the writers don't just have nothing for him I think RAW needs to use their time better. They waste time of stuff that's not important instead of trying stuff with new people but of course it's WM time so now's not a good time for Ryder to get any sort of push unless it's some exposure as he heads into the MiTB match (if they have it).

Dragón De Muerte
03-08-2011, 02:32 PM
In my version of wwe he is one half of my biggest tag team...he does mic work while big guy looks scary behind him :D I know wwe don't care about tag division but with right partner he could start a revolution in wwe :D