View Full Version : Ryder-Facebook, Cena Comments on Snooki and Sheamus' Losing Streak

03-09-2011, 03:16 PM
Zack Ryder has opened up a Facebook page for his new YouTube blogs at facebook.com/longislandicedz.

John Cena wrote the following about Snooki on Twitter last night: "CeNation. Very excited bout @sn00ki comin 2 raw. Now I can beat up a washed up reality star ( miz). In front of a real one!"

Going into next week's title shot against WWE United States Champion Daniel Bryan with his job on the line, Sheamus has lost his last 8 pay-per-view/TV matches. On a related note, Dolph Ziggler ended an 8 match losing streak on SmackDown by defeating John Morrison on his return to RAW this week.


The Yiz
03-09-2011, 05:02 PM
I wish Snooki would go to TNA and face Cookie :(

03-09-2011, 08:02 PM
Isn't "real reality star" a bit redundant? Not only that, but an oxymoron these days, since none of this shit's real anymore.

And Dolphy Ziggler was on a 8 match losing streak? How ironic, considering he "won" the World Title in that time, lol, that's gotta be a first. Winning a World Title whilst on a losing streak.