View Full Version : WWE Friday Night SmackDown Tapings for March 18th, 2011

03-16-2011, 04:49 AM
They announced early on that instead of Edge and Christian getting a shot at The Corre, Kane and Big Show would be getting it instead.

Edge beat Brodus Clay (with Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo). The story was that Alberto interfered until Christian made the save and then Edge hit the spear.

Teddy Long came out and made a main event of Christian vs. Alberto in a steel cage. They totally changed the show up.

Sheamus beat Kofi Kingston in a US vs. IC champions match. No belts on the line but a good match.

Layla beat Kelly Kelly. Michelle McCool was on commentary. People were looking for Trish to come out.

The tag title match went to a DQ when Wade Barrett and Zeke interfered.

Jack Swagger beat Chris Masters.

Rey Mysterio beat Ted DiBiase (with Maryse).

Christian beat Alberto in the cage. Good match that saw Edge come out in Alberto's car to distract him. Afterwards, Brodus and Alberto laid out Edge to end the show.