View Full Version : Maria Paint Drying From RAW, WWE Still Advertising Angle

09-05-2006, 08:43 PM
# For those who enjoyed the Maria paint drying segments on RAW last night, WWE.com has added additional footage, which also involves Eugene joining Maria and eventually taking over watching of the wall. He also goes on to taste the paint.

# Commercials in Canada during RAW were still wrongly advertising Kurt Angle and King Booker in a tag-team match against Batista and Rey Mysterio at a SmackDown house show in Ottawa.


09-05-2006, 11:26 PM
They are still running ads for Angle wrestling at the ECW house shows at the end of the month too. Its only sold 374 tickets, so I imagine they are reluctant to take one of their main eventers off the advertisements. They always have that "Card subject to change" stipulation to fall back on.

09-07-2006, 10:01 PM
I'm confused by the whole paint drying. We got the joke the first time. Talk about taking an invisible ball and running with it