View Full Version : 3/18 WWE results in Hartford, Conn

03-19-2011, 08:20 PM
WWE Raw house show report
March 18, 2011
Hartford, Conn.
Report by Nick Trav,

WWE champion The Miz came out to start things off. He cut a basic promo that got heat on him. Randy Orton's music hit to a big pop.

(1) Randy Orton beat WWE champion The Miz via DQ; Miz retained the WWE Title. About a ten-minute match. C.M. Punk came out and attacked Randy. This led to the GM making the main event a tag match with Cena & Orton vs. Punk & Miz.

(2) Santino & Kozlov & Evan Bourne beat Team Ryder (Zack Ryder & Primo & Tyson Kidd) in a six-man tag match. Great back and forth action. Primo looked good in the ring and Ryder played his role perfectly as the heel. The match finished with The Cobra, then Air Bourne on Ryder.

(3) R-Truth beat Ted DiBiase. The match was okay. DiBiase worked circles around Truth the whole match before taking Truth's finisher.

(4) Great Khali beat Alex Riley. Not much to this one, which went about eight minutes. Khali can't even move. Riley was funny on the mic saying he was competing for a contract in this match.

(5) U.S. champion Sheamus beat Daniel Bryan in a Street Fight to retain the U.S. Title. Great match that went about 20 minutes. These two went everywhere and had great spots in a long match. I hope to see it at WrestleMania. Sheamus won with the Brogue Kick.

(6) Divas champion Eve & Gail Kim beat The Bellas. Kim appeared to suffer an injury during the match.

(7) John Morrison beat Dolph Ziggler after a referee re-start. Slow-paced match with some good action. The finish was Morrison missed Starship Pain and Ziggler rolled him up with his feet on the ropes, so another ref came out to re-start the match. Morrison then won with a running knee strike.

(8) Randy Orton & John Cena beat WWE champion The Miz & C.M. Punk. Punk and Miz got into it with a few fans and the whole front row wanted to kill them. Another basic match to get the heels over leading to a strong finish with the faces hitting double finishers for the win.

All in all, great show with great matches. No Triple H, but it looks like WWE is doing a good job with the talent they have.

Biggest Pops:

(1) Cena
(2) Orton
(3) John Morison

Biggest Heat:

(1) Vickie (host of the show)
(2) The Miz
(3) C.M. Punk