View Full Version : ECW On Sci Fi Results - September 5, 2006

09-06-2006, 08:10 AM
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ECW On Sci Fi Results – 09/05
Columbus, Georgia

The show opened with a video feature building the match.

DX entered the building. Shawn Michaels asked Triple H if this was the place. Helmsley looked around and said, "Bingo. This is the place." That reference is as old as the DX gimmick.

Extreme Rules: Sabu & Rob Van Dam vs. Mike Knox & Test (with Kelly Kelly)

I believe this is the first time Sabu and Van Dam have teamed up since 1999. Joey Styles said that Knox and Test have the advantage because Sabu and Van Dam are singles competitors. Uh, they were ECW Tag champs, Joey. Knox and Sabu started out with Knox getting the better of Sabu. Sabu took down Knox with a leg lariat and tagged in Van Dam. Knox and RVD exchanged blows. He backed Van Dam into his corner and went to work on him as Test choked Van Dam from behind. Sabu grabbed a chair on the floor and brought it to his corner. Test tagged in and worked over Van Dam. Van Dam reversed an Irish Whip and hit a spinkick in the corner on Test. Sabu and Van did the old school Rolling Thunder combo from when they were a team in the past. Van Dam and Sabu hit leg lariats on Knox but Test broke up the count. Sabu set up a table on the floor but Knox attacked him and tossed him back into the ring. RVD dove towards Knox on the floor. Test pressed Sabu overhead but RVD came off the top with a Ryder Kick to the mush. Test recovered and tried to powerbomb Van Dam out of the ring through a table but Van Dam recovered and turned it into a sunset flip. Test whiopped Van Dam towards the ropes and Knox pulled them down. Van Dam recovered, landing on his feet outside the ring on the apron. Test and Knox doubled on Van Dam outside on the apron. Sabu dove off a chair and hit a flying bodypress, and all four crashed through a table as they went to commercial.

When ECW returned from commercial, Sabu rolled Test into the ring and set up a chair for the Triple Jump Moonsault. Test grabbed Sabu's leg as he leaped past him, sending Sabu facefirst into the chair. Test tossed Sabu out to the floor. Van Dam nailed Test with a chair. Van Dam hit the running, skateboarding dropkick into Test in the corner. Van Dam leapt to the top for the Five Star Frog Splash but Knox nailed him with a chair. Knox hit a superplex on Van Dam but Sabu broke up the pin with a chair. Knox was bleeding from the nose. Sabu locked Knox in a camel clutch and held a chair in front of his face. Van Dam rebounded off the ropes and dropkicked the chair. Nice old school Sabu/RVD stuff. Sabu made the cover but Test broke it up and knocked Van Dam out of the ring. Test whipped Sabu in the corner and charged but Sabu tripped him. Sabu hit Air Sabu in the corner. Test fell forward, catching his face on the back of the chair. Sabu nailed the triple jump moonsault. Sabu made the cover but Test kicked up at the last minute. Sabu and Van Dam set up a table in the ring. They blasted Knox with a chair. They put Knox atop of the table. RVD hit a frog splash as Sabu came off the top with a legdrop (that missed) in an old school style ECW spot. Knox was pinned.

Your winners, Sabu and Rob Van Dam!

It wasn't always perfect in execution but it was entertaining. It was fun to see Van Dam and Sabu tagging again. Knox and Test were working a lot harder than I expect most fans will give them credit for, because, well, they are Test and Knox.

They showed Big Show looking determined in his locker room.

Somewhere surrounded by candles, Kevin Thorne was kissing Ariel and asked her what the cards hold for them tonight. She placed a card, and Thorne smiled. He said, "That's very..." and she answered, "Sexual." and he continued going to town.

Matt Striker came out for another segment of "Matt Striker's Classroom" as they showed clips of The Sandman-Striker incident from last week. Striker said that last week, Sandman learned that brains will always triumph over brawn. Striker pointed out he was in Columbus, Georgia, the home of the Little League World Series champions. He said that little dumb jocks will grow up to be big dumb jocks. Striker began tearing on the fans for caring more about sports than they are about politics and literature. He said we'd never see him swinging with stingrays because by the grace of the Lord above, he's different from each and every one of the fans. Sandman's music hit and he came out from the audience. Striker jumped on his desk, brandishing a stapler. He challenged Sandman to fight him right now, then ran away to the entrance way. Sandman wrote, "SUX" under Striker's name and then wrecked his set. Striker pointed at Sandman and said he proved Striker's point by being, "a big dumb jock taking things to the extreme."

They aired a feature on the John Cena feature film, "The Marine."

Kevin Thorne and Ariel came to ringside, where Ariel jumped over the announcer's table and gave Joey Styles the first lapdance of his life as he shrieked, "Tazz, this woman has fangs!" Thorne and Ariel watched the next match.

Stevie Richards vs. Balls Mahoney

Richards is always announced as Stevie but the graphic always says Steven. Paging Kevin Dunn. Richards went right after Mahoney, who fought back and charged him in the corner but missed. Richards got a two count. Richards hit a neckbreaker for a two count, then kicked Mahoney in the back. Richards locked on a rear chinlock as Mahoney tried to rally the fans behind him. Balls finally made a comeback and traded punches with Richards. Mahoney hit a back elbow and a Russian Legsweep into a cradle for a two count. Mahoney began measuring and hitting Stevie with punches. Kevin Thorne got on the apron and was nailed. Ariel distracted the referee. Richards hit a low blow. Mahoney staggered towards Thorne, who hit him in the throat with his walking stick. Richards covered Balls and scored the pin.

Your winner, Stevie Richards!

Thorne and Ariel smiled as they walked off.

They showed DX walking backstage, ready for the main event.

Backstage, Shannon Moore said he was the Prince of Punk. CM Punk showed up. He looked at Moore and said, "You're a poseur", then slapped him. Moore and Punk stared down each other. Punk smirked at Moore and walked off.

Joey Styles and Tazz put over the main event.

Extreme Rules: The Big Show vs. DX

Big Show came to the ring. Paul Heyman came to the ring with his security force. Heyman said that he's had an attack of conscience. He said that he cannot encourage Big Show to destroy DX with weapons in a match where anything is legal. He said that it was absurd and claims to have been wrong. Heyman apologized, then announced the match would not be contested under Extreme Rules. Show smiled and shook Heyman's hand.

DX made their way to the ring. DX jumped Show. He shoved them off. Michaels went for a DDT but Show picked him up. HHH kicked Show, allowing Michaels to swing down with the DDT. Michaels went for the pin but was easily shrugged off. Show measured each member of DX with headbutts. Show missed an elbow off the ropes on HHH. Michaels went to rebound off the ropes but the security force pulled the ropes down. Michaels fell to the floor where he was assaulted. HHH tried to make the save but was laid out. Show worked over Michaels, who was now left alone. The crowd chanted, "Let's go DX." Show pressed and slammed Michaels. Show locked a bearhug on Michaels. Michaels fought off as HHH finally returned and hit a series of rapid-fire punches. HHH hit a kneelift and charged Show in the corner but was elbowed. HHH hit a spinebuster on Show. Heyman's personal security tried to get involved, so Michaels dove out of the ring on them. HHH went for the Pedigree but Bob Holly attacked him. Styles called him Heyman's "newest Kool-Aid drinking minion." Michaels fought off Holly, but was laid out by Show. All of Heyman's army began beating down Michaels in the ring as HHH was out on the floor. HHH grabbed a sledgehammer out from under the ring (nevermind how it got there) and saved the day. Styles explained that it was planted by HHH because the match was originally Extreme Rules. I guess that explains it. The show ended with DX doing crotch chops as pyro shot off.

Report By: Mike Johnson of PWInsider

Still 2nd Place
09-06-2006, 08:26 AM
Good show overall I thought I wish they would keep Raw and Smackdown off from the show and let it just be as they dont need to have someone from another brand be in the main event each week to keep rating

I lwas let down by the Shannon Moore/Punk thing tonight they made Sannon seem like ajoke I dont get it all these weeks of hype and this week he was made to come off as a joke I know it punishment but I dont know bottom line I hope they have a match as I think it could be a show stealer for sure both men are favorites of mine and I enjoy seeing both men and in a match together would be so great

One of the best opening matchs tonight that tag match was just awesome and was a joy to watch