View Full Version : WWE Star Debuts New Name & Character and Using Stone Cold Stunner As Finisher

03-21-2011, 02:18 AM
Husky Harris, who was demoted last month to Florida Championship Wrestling (though officially still listed as a Raw Superstar), recently debuted a masked character in the developmental promotion.

Paying homage to his grandfather, WWE Hall of Famer Blackjack Mulligan, Harris appeared at the March 9 and 16 FCW live events as Axl Mulligan. His appearance is similar to the Casey Jones character from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, or Lord Humongous from the 1981 film Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior, which spurned various wrestler knock-offs. Harris wears jeans and a black Misfits T-shirt to go along with the hockey like mask.

Harris has also changed his in-ring mannerisms and is using the Stone Cold Stunner as his finishing maneuver. He beat Ricardo Rodriguez with the move last Wednesday, and then struck Brodus Clay during a post-match brawl.

It is unclear as to whether the character will continue as Harris appeared as himself at last Thursday's FCW live event, one day removed from appearing as the masked persona.


03-21-2011, 02:20 AM
He was fine the way he was... Why change it to something that obviously wont last.

03-21-2011, 04:58 AM
He was fine the way he was... Why change it to something that obviously wont last.

100% AGREED. He seemed comfortable in his gimmick, leave him the hell alone and let him improve.

03-21-2011, 02:27 PM
Couldn't agree more, personally though Husky Harris was treated quite poorly unless they're gonna go with the angle of him barely being spoke about now because the focus is on the other 3 Nexus guys being out and Harris will get the run in to help Punk go over Orton.

Would be good to continue the feud.

If I'm a betting man though the match will be short, start out fairly even then Punk has to job and do the standard, powerslam/backbreaker followed by rolling to the apron, trynna come back through the ropes oh no, hangman DDT, time to punch the canvas and bang RKO. 1.2.3..

Best match potential on the card is over in less than ten minutes and sadness compels me :P

03-21-2011, 07:59 PM
Agreed on Husky, he was fine the way he was.

About the Punk/Orton match though, I think Punk will go over Orton somehow, based on what has happened recently, with Orton looking strong, I think Punk will ultimately win the match. I hope so, at least.