View Full Version : EA Sports abandons paper manuals, goes digital

03-21-2011, 10:47 PM
As of the release of Fight Night Champion, EA Sports will no longer be including paper manuals with its games. Kotaku reports that the decision comes as part of an effort for the company to be more environmentally friendly. Instead of full paper manuals, future EA titles will include an in-game digital manual instead. Ubisoft recently made a similar decision -- just check your Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood box.

Given recent trends to 'go green,' and the fact that digital manuals eliminate printing costs, we wouldn't be surprised to see more publishers follow suit.


Daniel the Imapler
03-22-2011, 05:54 AM
Yeah, I'd rather stick with the paper manuals... Its much more easier if you're trying to remember something on the fly.. You just whip it out and read it while the game is still going..

03-22-2011, 08:52 AM
God dammit. First they took away cartridges and now this?! Damn kids and their new fangled gaming... it was much easier in my day. :shifty: