View Full Version : WWE RAW Spoilers [12/11/12]

11-13-2012, 10:07 PM
Randy Orton vs Dolph Ziggler

Dolph hits a shoulder block then sends Orton into the ropes, but Orton throws him up into the air and shoves him on the apron. Orton suplexes him back in and gets a two count, then he sends him into the corner but Dolph elbows him in the head and dropkicks him for a near fall. Dolph follows up with a neckbreaker and some elbow drops, then he taunts Orton before hitting a final elbow for a close near fall. Dolph applies a headlock but Orton counters with a suplex, then Dolph charges him but Orton drops him with some clotheslines and a powerslam. Orton throws him on the apron and connects with a hanging DDT, then he gets the crowd into it and calls for a RKO. Alberto Del Rio runs out and tries to distract him, but Orton shoves him off the apron and fights off Dolph then rolls him up for the win.

Winner - Randy Orton

Ricardo, Alberto and Dolph attack Orton after the bell, but Kofi Kingston runs out to fight them off and Teddy Long follows him out and tells them to hold up. Teddy says Vickie Guerrero must be too obsessed with the AJ Lee scandal to pay attention, but he is out here of behalf of Booker T to make an announcement. He says this is a Supershow so he is going to do something super, and they will restart the match as a tag team match right now.

Kofi Kingston & Randy Orton vs Dolph Ziggler & Alberto Del Rio

Kofi hits a dropkick as we go to a break, then we get back to see Alberto put Kofi in an extended chinlock, then he throws him in the corner and tags out. Dolph goes for a neckbreaker but Kofi counters with a backslide pin attempt, then Dolph dropkicks him in the face puts him in a headstand headlock. Kofi breaks the hold but Dolph shoves him in the corner, then he goes for a corner splash but Kofi dives away and gets the tag. Orton runs in and punches Alberto and knocks Dolph outside, then he powerslams Alberto and sets him up for a hanging DDT. Alberto frees himself but Orton kicks him and tags out, then Kofi hits the S.O.S. but Dolph dives in and breaks up the pin. Orton clotheslines Dolph outside and Kofi sets up Trouble In Paradise, but Ricardo jumps up and distracts him so Alberto hits a step up enziguiri for the win.

Winners - Dolph Ziggler & Alberto Del Rio

Vickie Guerrero joins Dolph Ziggler in the ring, and Dolph tells everyone what the definition of a scandal is, and he's out there because he wants the truth. He shows everyone the previously released 'evidence' and adds his own commentary, then Vickie says AJ threatened to beat her up. Vickie says she won't be threatened by anyone, including AJ, and she could have suspended her but she didn't because she is a fair person. She says she has concrete evidence that AJ is a liar, then she tells her to come out to the ring and try and explain herself one last time.

AJ asks why she is doing this because she already got what she wanted, but Vickie says she didn't do anything because AJ is at fault and she should come clean. AJ says she won't lie about anything, but Vickie says she knows she had an affair with John Cena and she should watch how she talks to her. Vickie says all she needs is for AJ to admit what she did, then AJ finally says she admits the truth and she and Cena are just friends. AJ says nothing inappropriate ever happened between them, and she wants Vickie to tell them what she's really mad about. She says this is about Vince McMahon naming her in charge over Vickie at RAW 1000, and she's also mad that AJ embarrassed her in the ring twice.

AJ says she could do it again, then Dolph tells her it's not worth it but Vickie says AJ really just caused a bigger mess and she wants to play her a voicemail. The voicemail is AJ telling Cena that 'things went too far and it's a mistake,' then AJ says she never left that message but Vickie plays another. AJ asks how she did that, but Vickie says she has more and AJ says she must've hacked into Cena's phone and edited the messages. Dolph steps in and tells her to stop lying, and he says they all know she's lying then he asks what was more disappointing: Cena not seeing her or the nights in the hotel.

Cena comes out and punches Dolph in the mouth, then he kicks a speaker out of the ring and looks at AJ while Vickie and Dolph take off backstage. After a commercial, Cena and AJ are seen talking backstage about what just happened, and Cena says he just wants to make sure she's OK because Dolph and Vickie are giving her hell. He says this is over something that wouldn't and didn't happen, then AJ looks disappointed and asks if he means wouldn't. Cena seems taken back and says 'OK, just didn't', then AJ smiles as he gets flustered and says he has to go get ready for his match.

William Regal vs Big Show

Show shoves Regal in the corner and chops his chest, then Regal tries to punch him but Show shoves him back and hits some kidney punches. Regal connects with some punches but Show just picks him up and bodyslams him, then he goes for an elbow drop but Regal rolls away. Regal unloads on Show with some knees and uppercuts, but Show shakes it off and chokeslams him for the win. Show tries to hit a Knockout Punch after the bell, but Sheamus runs out and hits several punches before Show takes his title and heads backstage.

Winner - Big Show

#1 Contender's Match (Divas Championship)
Kaitlyn vs Layla

Layla punches Kaitlyn and hits a facebuster for a near fall, then she kicks her in the corner and attempts a flying crossbody. Kaitlyn catches her midair and shifts her weight, then she hits an inverted DDT for the win. Kaitlyn rolls outside and gets in Eve's face (at commentary), but Eve just stands up at smiles at her before leaving.

Winner - Kaitlyn

Michael Cole and Jim Ross welcome Jerry Lawler back to RAW, and King walks out and hugs the two of them before saying how overwhelming this is. He thanks everyone for the response, and he says he wasn't sure if he'd be back but he's glad to be there and he is thankful. King says he has lived the movie 'It's A Wonderful Life' the past few weeks, and he had no idea how much he meant to so many people. King says it's great to be back, then CM Punk cuts him off and says he's glad King just got out of the ring because he would've beaten him to death... again.

Punk says people get on him about his behavior, but no one points a finger at King, and he thinks King acts in bad taste when he tries to fight him. He says people are blaming him for what happened to King, but the only person who is at fault is King and he says the heart attack was a stunt. Punk says he doesn't care about how long King was clinically dead, because the only number that matters is 358, and he just tied the 9th longest title reign ever. Punk says they can dismiss that, but 365 means something and he will be standing there as champion next week after he wins at Survivor Series.

Punk says he's honestly glad King is back, because he wants him to have a first row seat for the beating he gives out; and he only hopes King makes it to Sunday. Heyman fakes a heart attack while he's talking and Punk screams at people to help, then Heyman comes to and says he's fine while King watches at commentary. Punk says Heyman almost gave him a heart attack, then Mick Foley comes out and says nothing he does amazes him. Foley says Punk wants respect but he refuses to return it, then Punk says Foley is wasting their time because they have no issue.

Punk says Vince McMahon put him in a title match to further screw him, and he isn't a captain anymore so Foley should start worrying about getting a full team. Foley says the fans will pick the final member, then Punk says he should change the team name to 'Worthless' because that's what he is. Foley screams at him and tells him to shut up because they almost King, and Punk lost sight because he thinks this is still all about him. He says he didn't have a voice in changing the teams, and he wanted to be part of a team that taught Punk a lesson, so he is pissed.

Punk says no one can figure out how to beat him so he's not worried, then he says Foley should leave because this doesn't concern him. Foley says he actually has a parting gift, then he informs Punk that he will be special guest referee in his match tonight, and he leaves after telling him to have a nice day. Punk is shown complaining to Heyman about what just happened, and he says he's tired of everyone trying to screw him over. Punk says they need to fix the problem with Mick Foley, then Heyman says they have issue with Brad Maddox so Punk tells him to fix that too. Heyman says they may be out of options, but Punk yells at him to fix everything and walks away.

International Airstrike, Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara vs Prime Time Players, Primo & Epico (w/ Rosa Mendes)

Gabriel chops Titus but Titus comes back with a quick strike, then he slams Gabriel on the mat and suplexes Young on to him. Epico applies a headlock while Ricardo Rodriguez makes his way out, then he hands Rosa a note and Epico screams at her to walk away. Gabriel kicks him in the head and tags out, then Rey connects with a hurricanrana and sets up for a 619. Primo counters it but Rey throws him outside and hits a moonsault from the apron, then all the teams gather on the floor as we go to a break. We get back to see Titus hit a press slam backbreaker, then he puts him in a bearhug but Rey fights out so Titus knocks him down with a shoulder block.

Primo comes in and applies a front facelock, but Rey breaks the hold and avoids a rollup with a kick to the head, then he crawls for a tag. Young jumps in and pulls him away but Rey whips him into the ringpost, then Kidd kicks him in the face and follows with an enziguiri. Kidd connects with a dropkick, then he heads up top and hits a diving neckbreaker but Primo jumps in and drops him with a Backstabber. Everybody ends up in the ring and they continue to send each other outside, then Cara hits a top rope crossbody on the floor while Kidd counters a gut buster by Young. He knocks Young into the ropes and sets him up for Rey, and he hits a 619 then Gabriel hits a 450 splash for the win.

Winners - International Airstrike, Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara

Miz is shown talking to someone on the phone about being left off of the Survivor Series pay-per-view, then Dolph walks over and says he'll be begging for a spot on his team. They bicker back and forth until Mick Foley walks over, and Dolph says Foley getting involved is as smart as Miz being on his team. Foley says they'll have a match between some of their team, then Dolph walks away and Miz says he has an idea. Miz wants to be on the ballot, and he knows they don't like each other but it would be awesome if he beat Dolph Ziggler, so Foley says he's in and Miz walks away.

R-Truth vs Tensai

Antonio Cesaro comes out and says he sees through Truth's gimmick, and he talks to an invisible boy because he is a joke like the United States. He says he is going to show Truth why he is better than him at Survivor Series, then he says he'll find out why he's a superpower and sits at commentary. We join the match in progress as we get back from a break, and Tensai hits a few shoulder tackles and some quick strikes. Tensai applies a hammerlock but Truth breaks out and connects with a dropkick, then he goes to the apron and snaps Tensai's head on the top rope. Truth hits a dropkick and a bicycle kick, then he follows with a side kick and a diving STO for the win. Cesaro stands up and taunts him, but Truth smacks the mic out of his face and says he's going to knock his teeth out on Sunday.

Winner - R-Truth

Brad Maddox vs Ryback

Brad Maddox makes his entrance as an ambulance is backed into the arena, then Ryback comes out and some EMT's come out with a stretcher. Ryback paces around the ring and waits for Maddox to get in the ring, then Maddox gets in as the ref starts to count him out. Maddox goes out the other side of the ring, then he finally rolls inside and Ryback repeatedly slams his head off of the mat. The ref checks on Maddox but Ryback slams his head a few more times, then he picks him up and throws him headfirst into the bottom turnbuckles. Ryback tells him he's dead and powerslams him, then he ties him in the ropes and clotheslines him outside before rolling him back in the ring.

Ryback powerbombs him three times and steps back while the ref checks on Maddox, so Ryback readies himself in the corner, then he connects with a Meathook clothesline and Shell Shocked for the win. Maddox is loaded onto a stretcher as Ryback celebrates, then Ryback goes outside and tips the stretcher over. Ryback picks him up and throws him into the barricade, then he backs up and hits another clothesline. Ryback picks him up on his shoulder and carries him to the back of the ramp, then he slams him into the side of the ambulance and opens the doors. He picks Maddox up and throws him into the back of the ambulance, then he slams the doors shut and walks away as they pull out of the arena.

Winner - Ryback

Sheamus vs David Otunga

Sheamus backs Otunga into the corner but Otunga punches him a few times, then Sheamus hits a shoulder tackle and Otunga talks some trash. Otunga throws him into the ropes but Sheamus hiptosses him and ties him up near the ropes, but Otunga takes a cheap shot and goes after him in the corner. Sheamus fights back and hits White Noise, then he clubs his chest in the corner and connects with a Brogue Kick for the win. Sheamus tells Big Show he hopes he was watching, because he is going to Brogue Kick him on Sunday and take back his title. Big Show appears on the Titantron and says he knows what will really happen at Survivor Series, then he beats the hell out of William Regal and Sheamus runs backstage.

Winner - Sheamus

Daniel Bryan is shown chasing Kane down a hallway trying to get his attention, and Kane finally stops and asks him what he wants. Bryan says Kane got a new teammate, but he won't get mad, eventhough he would have said no if Mick Foley asked him to team with someone else. Kane says they just got a new teammate and it'll be OK, then Bryan tries to reason with him and says they should go to Foley and get it changed. Bryan says no matter what he'll wish Kane luck, but Kane walks away and Bryan screams NO! to himself as we head to the ring.

Rhodes Scholars make their entrance followed by Kane, then Justin Roberts reveals the RAWactive poll results and Miz is revealed as the final team member. Miz makes his entrance but Daniel Bryan cuts him off, then he tries to quiet the fans and smiles as he reaches for a handshake. Miz is reluctant but Bryan shakes anyways, then he gets in the ring and raises Kane arm in the air as we go to a break.

Rhodes Scholars vs Kane & The Miz

Miz attacks Sandow and puts him in a hammerlock, then Sandow throws an elbow but Miz punches him in the corner and follows with a running clothesline. Kane tags in and he connects with a running dropkick for a near fall, then he tries to body slam Sandow but he floats over and tags out. Cody gets pulled in the ring and hit with a double elbow smash, then Miz smiles at Bryan (at commentary) and backdrops Cody outside. Miz hits a double axe handle smash from the apron and rolls him inside, then Bryan starts to walk over and Miz asks what he wants. Cody surprises him with a Disaster Kick and Sandow follows with an Elbow of Disdain, then they use quick tags to keep Miz grounded. Miz comes back with a backbreaker / neckbreaker combination, then they both tag out and Kane levels Cody with a clothesline.

Cody hits a dropdown punch but Kane comes back with a clothesline, then he hits a few corner clotheslines and follows with a side slam for a two count. Kane hits a top rope clothesline and calls for a chokeslam, then Sandow runs in so he uppercuts him and clotheslines him outside. Bryan runs over and tries to throw Miz into the ringpost but Miz reverses it, and he sends Bryan into Cody and they both smash their heads on the post. Miz rolls Cody in the ring while Bryan gets up, and Kane hits a chokeslam for the win then Bryan argues with Maiz about being a team.

Winners - Kane & The Miz

John Cena vs CM Punk (w/ Paul Heyman)
(Mick Foley as Special Guest Enforcer)

Punk hits a shoulder tackle but Cena comes back with some armdrags, then he applies an armbar but Punk ducks under the ropes and rolls outside. He looks at Foley as we go to a break, then we return to see Punk connect with a top rope dive on the floor before he rolls Cena back in. Cena goes for a backslide but Punk kicks out, then Punk goes for a cover before putting him in an inverted chinlock, but Cena is able is reverse it. Cena goes for a clothesline but Punk ducks and puts him in a sleeperhold, then Cena slams him back into the turnbuckles and trades punches with him. Punk kicks him a few times but Cena ducks a clothesline, then he hits a few shoulder tackles and a sitout side slam before calling for the Five Knuckle Shuffle.

Punk rolls away and tries to win it with a quick rollup, then he hits a corner knee strike and hits a clothesline before heading up top. He jumps off but Cena rolls away, then Cena hits a Five Knuckle Shuffle and goes for an Attitude Adjustment but Punk counters it. Punk kicks him in the head and calls for the finish, but Cena counters a GTS and attempts another Attitude Adjustment. Punk drops down and puts him in the Anaconda Vise but Cena pushes himself to the ropes, then Punk goes for a springboard clothesline but Cena avoids it and puts him in a STF. Punk motions for Heyman to get in the ring but Cena cuts him off, then Foley helps get rid of him and Cena counters another GTS attempt with a STF. Punk makes it to the ropes and tries to leave, but Ryback cuts him off and Cena pulls him back in the ring and hits an Attitude Adjustment for the win.

Winner - John Cena

Source: WZ