View Full Version : Man arrested for iPad Mini theft reportedly had maxi mouth

Shane McMahon's Ass
11-17-2012, 10:32 PM
Next time Google "forklift."

An employee at New York's JFK airport has reportedly been arrested in connection with the theft of nearly $2 million in iPad Minis after he asked co-workers for details about the shipment and about where he might get his hands on a forklift.

The FBI arrested Renel Rene Richardson, who, law-enforcement officials allege, floated the suspicious inquiries, and acted as lookout while two accomplices made off with the pallets of Minis, The New York Post reports.

The theft occurred Monday night at the Cargo Air Services Building at JFK, with the thieves using an airport forklift to load more than 3,500 Minis onto a truck, according to an earlier report from the Post. They reportedly left another three pallets behind -- driving away after being confronted by an airport employee.

Port Authority detectives tracked down Richardson after interviewing staff at JFK, the Post reports, adding that after his arrest, Richardson accompanied the detectives as they searched Long Island for the truck full of missing Minis. The Post says it's unclear if the Minis have been found and that the FBI isn't commenting.
