View Full Version : Who Are The Likely WWE Royal Rumble Winner Candidates?

12-03-2012, 02:55 AM
Who Are The Likely WWE Royal Rumble Winner Candidates?

Well, WWE this year are not entirely sure.

There have been plenty of names discussed as with every year for the Royal Rumble, but this year is being said to be a particularly hard decision with The Rock vs CM Punk already being talked about as the main event.

Names already listed have been John Cena, Ryback, Randy Orton and Wade Barrett. There has been much topic on what the main 3 matches of this year's Wrestlemania will be and there is still a lot to be done as it is still very unpredictable even at this early stage.


12-03-2012, 03:20 AM
Should be Daniel! but thinking about it yea Wade makes sense but it could be Miz or Orton.

12-03-2012, 06:00 AM
Do they mean that the Royal Rumble will be before Rock vs. Punk? Are they crazy? I think that Jericho should come back and win the Rumble, while Ziggler wins the world title and then build that feud strong, that way it'd be who won 'the big one.' Who else can I see winning the Rumble? It depends on the champions, if Rock is WWE Champion at the end of the night then maybe Punk can enter himself as the 30th entrant and win? My main concern is that the Rumble used to be about helping someone rise to the top, so I think maybe Cody Rhodes or Ziggler should win the Rumble.

Just imagine Ziggler winning the Rumble, while still holding the briefcase, then challenging for the World title. He could lose that match, then assault the winner and then cash in and take it.

12-03-2012, 02:57 PM
Could see Barrett win it, but he needs The Nexus back!

The Shield is better without a leader right now...but In would like the idea of Brock Lesnar winning RR great...don't know why exactly because he will wrestle Trips at WM

12-03-2012, 10:27 PM
Cena will win it so he can face the Rock at Mania.