View Full Version : RAW Results - 10th Dec, 2012

12-11-2012, 05:08 AM
RAW Results - 10th Dec, 2012
Location - Trenton, New Jersey
Announcers - Jerry 'The King' Lawler, Michael Cole

Dolph Ziggler is in the ring atop a ladder with his Money in the Bank briefcase over his head. He says that he is on top of the world, right where he belongs . . . on top. He is out here to talk about two numbers. Six and Fifteen. Six is the number of days until the TLC pay per view. Fifteen is the number of days until Christmas. For John Cena, TLC and Christmas are one in the same.

When John Cena cashed in and lost, the golden boy has been given opportunity after opportunity to win a title, but he has failed. Santa Claus . . . . aka Vince McMahon, has forced him to put his briefcase on the line against John Cena in a ladder match. This will not be a Merry Christmas for John Cena. He will be the coal in John’s stocking. He will beat John Cena.

Dolph says that he will give himself the greatest Christmas present of all. He will cash in the briefcase and defeat Big Show to become the World Champion.

Sheamus’ music plays and he must not like that Ziggler gives him no chance to win on Sunday.

Ziggler wants to know if he can help Sheamus.

Sheamus says that Ziggler is finally taller than everyone. He also says that Ziggler won’t have to cash in against Big Show because Sheamus says that he will win the World Title when he beats Big Show in their Chairs match.

Sheamus tells Ziggler that he has to beat John Cena to cash in on Sunday. Sheamus says that he thinks it will be him versus John Cena for the World Title.

Wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwell, the Big Show comes out and he is not impressed with what has been said so far. Show mocks Sheamus and Ziggler and he says that both of them are delusional. He would like nothing more than to come to the ring and smear Sheamus’ ignorant immigrant face with his fist. Because of the contract they signed, he will wait until TLC.

Show tells Ziggler to try to cash in because he will knock out Ziggler as well. He doesn’t know if he will knock out Sheamus on Sunday or if he will try to knock Sheamus’ pasty skin off his body with the chairs.

Sheamus says that he knows why Show is grumpy. It is because he send Ricardo Rodriguez into Big Show’s big stones. He cannot wait to fight Big Show, but he will lose his title match at TLC because of the clause. Because he cannot have contact with Show, it doesn’t mean that he cannot have contact with someone else.

Sheamus pushes the ladder over and Ziggler gets crotched on the ropes and he falls to the floor.

Vince McMahon struts in the back as we go to commercial.

Kofi Kingston and Antonio Cesaro are at the announce table. That must mean . . .

I guess Wade Barrett will have to wait because Vince McMahon makes his way into the arena. Vince mentions John Cena versus Big Show in the main event and he wants the Managing Supervisor to come out since she came up with that match.

Vince says that two main events would be better than one. He tries to convince Vickie to put Sheamus in a match . . . against . . . Vickie thinks of some people and Vince whispers Dolph’s name in her ear and she screams it out.

Vince thinks about a third main event and he wants Vickie to come up with it. Vickie suggests that AJ be in a handicap match. Vickie wants Vince to join in the matchmaking. Vince has an idea. AJ’s opponent will be Vickie Guerrero.

Number One Contender vs Number One Contender Match
Wade Barrett vs R Truth

Barrett with forearms and then he sends Truth to the floor in front of the announce table. Wade has something to say to Kofi while Barrett runs Truth into the apron. Barrett gets a near fall. Barrett with an elbow drop to the chest followed by a boot to the head and he gets a near fall. Wade chokes Truth in the ropes.

Wade with a reverse chin lock. Truth with punches but Barrett with a back heel kick and then he tries for a pump handle slam but Truth with a rollup for the three count.

Winner: R Truth

After the match:


Truth has something to say to Antonio Cesaro and Cesaro gets up to confront Truth but Truth leaves. Meanwhile, back in the ring Kofi with a cross body onto Barrett.

We go to commercial.

We are back and AJ Lee is so happy that Vince McMahon gave her a match. She asks Aksana what she thinks about this and she is so happy. Aksana asks about John Cena. AJ hugs Kaitlyn and talks about her match. Kaitlyn mentions that John is in his locker room and John enters. AJ enters John’s locker room and Justin Gabriel, R Truth, and some other people are in there. AJ is happy about her match and he suggests that they go somewhere else.

# 2 Contender Elimination Tag Match to see who faces Rey and Sin Cara in a Tables Match to determine the #1 Contenders for the Tag Titles at TLC
Darren Young and Titus O’Neil vs Epico and Primo vs Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes versus The Usos

Jimmy and Epico start things off and Epico tries for a drop kick but Jimmy blocks it. Jimmy with an atomic drop and clothesline. Jey tags in and they hit a double back elbow and a double elbow drop for a near fall. Jey tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Primo tags in and they hit a Flatline and drop kick combination for a near fall on Jey. Primo with forearms across the chest and then he connects with shoulders in the corner.

Epico is tagged in and Primo with a suplex and Epico with a slingshot elbow drop for a near fall. Primo tags back in and he hits a drop kick and gets a near fall. Primo with a reverse chin lock. Primo with a drop kick to Jey’s knee and then he chokes Jey in the ropes. Young gets out of the way of Jey so he does not get tagged in accidentally.

Primo with a side Russian leg sweep on Jey for a near fall. Jey with a savate kick to Primo and Jimmy tags in and hits a Superfly splash to pin Primo while Jey hits a dive onto Epico to take care of him.

Epico and Primo Eliminated

Titus comes in and he connects with a clothesline on Jimmy.

We are back and Jey with a side head lock on Cody. We see The Usos eliminating Darren Young and Titus O’Neil during the commercial break.

Jimmy tags in and so does Damien. Sandow with a kick and punch to Jimmy. Jimmy with a thrust to the throat followed by a diving head butt for a near fall. Jey tags in and hits a double sledge to the chest after a back breaker by Jimmy. Jey with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot and Damien with kicks to Jey and he chokes him.

Cody tags in and he punches and kicks Jey. Damien tags in and kicks Jey while the fans appreciate Cody’s facial hair. Damien with a side Russian leg sweep followed by the Elbow of Disdain for a near fall. Sandow with kicks to Jey and Cody tags in and tries for a bulldog but Jey pushes Cody away and both men are down.

Jimmy tags in and he connects with a clothesline to Cody followed by a savate kick and a Samoan drop on Cody. Jimmy sends Cody into the corner for the running butt splash and he gets a near fall that is broken up by Sandow. Jey with a savate kick to Sandow but Sandow pulls Jey to the floor with him.

Jimmy goes up top and Sandow distracts Jimmy long enough for Cody to get to the turnbuckles. Jimmy sends Cody to the mat. Cody gets his knees up on the superfly splash and Cody hits Cross Rhodes for the three count.


Winners: Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow

After the match:
Damien does the Cartwheel of Reunion.

Alicia Fox and Eve Torres walk through the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and next week, the Slammys will be back too.

Non Title Match
Eve Torres vs Alicia Fox

Eve comments on Alicia’s ring attire and then she kicks Alicia and applies a side head lock take down. Alicia with a rollup for a near fall. Eve with a shoulder tackle. Alicia with a head scissors take down and then she sends Eve into the turnbuckles. Eve goes to the floor and Alicia follows after her. Alicia sends Eve into the apron and then they return to the ring.

Eve has the referee check to see if her mouth is bleeding. Alicia is not tricked by Eve and she hits a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall. Eve with a kick to Alicia but Alicia hits a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall. Eve with a kick and Irish whip. Eve misses a charge into the corner but Eve pulls Alicia off the top turnbuckle and Eve with a swinging neck breaker for the three count.


Winner: Eve Torres

After the match:
Eve wants the photographer to come into the ring to get some shots of Eve posing over her vanquished opponent.

CM Punk is on crutches in the back and he is accompanied by Paul Heyman holding the WWE Title belt. We go to commercial.

We are back and CM Punk makes his way onto the stage with Paul Heyman and Paul has the title belt and a microphone.

Punk takes the mic and Paul holds the title belt over his head. Punk says that it has come to their attention that there are a few people in the WWE Universe who believe that this injury is phony. Some people think that the surgery did not really take place and it is an elaborate scheme to duck a title match with Ryback.

Punk tells everyone that this is 100% real life. This is what happens when you work more days than anyone else. This is what happens when you are WWE Champion for 388 grueling days. Injuries happen. It is a tough sport. 388 days with no signs of slowing down. Injuries happen frequently. Punk wants to show everyone how he was injured last week.

Paul says that everyone in the building is ticking him off. He wants to know how these people can chant ‘Feed Me More’ at the reigning champion six days after emergency surgery. This is a legitimate champion. He is not like the New Jersey Devils, who haven’t brought this state a title in how many years. For 388 days, Punk has been champion. Punk did not have a stunt double like the Rock. He wasn’t sitting in a trailer stirring his latte while they bring in the stunt double to be put through a table.

Your champion is not complaining. Your champion is not kvetching. He is standing here, unlike the Rock. He says that Punk is here while the Rock was too busy to come to . . . New Jersey. Rock only shows up when he gets a title opportunity. Ryback is no longer in front of CM Punk.

Punk will be defending the WWE Title against the Rock because he is not going anywhere. His champion is the best in the world.

Punk wants to talk about the people who think that Punk should be stripped of the WWE title. He thinks it is a bunch of Ryback fans. To think that he would fake an injury when the man who is trying for the title is too stupid to keep him healthy. Punk wants to know who will try to strip the title from him. John Cena, Big Show, Kane, Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, and so many more have tried and failed. Ryback had two chances and he failed. Rock gets one shot at the Royal Rumble. He will also fail. On Sunday, anyone else would be sitting in bed, hitting the button on their pain pump, but he will be at the PPV.

He will watch the Shield, who he is not affiliated with, do to Ryback what Ryback did to him last week.

Dolph Ziggler and Sheamus walk in the back and we go to commercial.

Dolph Ziggler vs Sheamus

Ziggler has his thigh taped from when he hit the ropes earlier tonight. They lock up and they go into the turnbuckles. Ziggler with punches and Sheamus with a single leg take down and he connects with an elbow drop to the leg. Sheamus continues to focus on the leg. Ziggler with an elbow to the back of the head.

Sheamus with an atomic drop to the injured leg and Sheamus gets a near fall. Sheamus punches Ziggler in the midsection but Ziggler with a kick. Sheamus with a back elbow to Ziggler. Sheamus puts Ziggler’s injured leg in the ropes and the referee warns Sheamus.

Ziggler with a standing drop kick and he punches Sheamus in the head. Sheamus sends Ziggler over the top rope to the floor. Sheamus with a running double sledge on the floor. We go to commercial.

We are back and Ziggler with a chin lock and body scissors. We see footage of Ziggler hitting a Fameasser off the apron during the commercial break.

Ziggler with a knee to the midsection and Sheamus rolls to the floor. Ziggler tries to get some feeling back into his arm and then he goes after Sheamus on the floor and punches him. They return to the ring and Ziggler punches Sheamus and the referee pulls him out of the corner. Ziggler with a kick to Sheamus followed by a neck breaker and he gets a near fall.

Ziggler with a reverse chin lock. Sheamus with elbows and he sends Ziggler sternum first into the turnbuckles. Sheamus with punches followed by two double sledges, a shoulder into the corner but he misses a second shoulder when Ziggler moves and Sheamus hits the turnbuckles. Ziggler with a rollup and he uses the ropes but the referee sees what Ziggler is doing. Ziggler gets a near fall. Ziggler kicks Sheamus and then Ziggler goes to the turnbuckles but Sheamus catches him and hits a back breaker followed by a fallaway slam.

Sheamus with forearms across the chest to Ziggler on the apron. Sheamus suplexes Ziggler back into the ring. Sheamus goes to the apron for the shoulder tackle from the turnbuckles but Ziggler recovers and crotches Sheamus.

Sheamus and Ziggler exchange punches on the turnbuckles and Sheamus with the advantage. He pushes Ziggler off the turnbuckle but Ziggler recovers and hits a super X Factor for a near fall. Ziggler tries for the sleeper but Sheamus pushes him off. Sheamus tries for White Noise but Ziggler escapes. Sheamus then remembers that Ziggler has a bad knee and goes for the Cloverleaf but Ziggler gets to the ropes.

Ziggler misses a Fameasser but Sheamus does not miss the uranage back breaker. Sheamus gets a near fall and then it is time to signal for the Brogue Kick. Sheamus misses the Brogue Kick and Ziggler rolls to the floor. Sheamus follows after Ziggler and Ziggler hits Sheamus with a chair.

Winner: Sheamus (by disqualification)

After the match:
Ziggler hits Sheamus a few more times and then Sheamus with a Brogue Kick into the chair and it hits Ziggler in the head.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Vickie Guerrero is stretching in the back and Hornswoggle and Great Khali enter. Hornswoggle is about to ask Vickie something, but Vickie says that she is a little tight. Khali and Hornswoggle are helping her to loosen up and Vince McMahon enters and sees them all contorted. Vince says that he thought this was a family show.

Michael Cole reminds everyone of what The Shield did on Friday night.

We go to a video feature on The Shield. The introduce themselves and they say that they know injustice. CM Punk, the champion for more than a year, was disrespected with a lie detector test by the Miz. Welcome to consequences. Randy Orton took advantage of a young, defenseless Brad Maddox. Welcome to payback. They shield the WWE from injustice. Team Hell No . . . nobody says no to The Shield. Ryback has been handed success on a silver platter. He has been put on a pedestal, but they have knocked him off the pedestal. They welcome Ryback back to reality.

They do not work for anyone. They do not work for Paul Heyman or CM Punk. They work for each other. They welcome everyone to the Shield of Justice. Bring ladders, tables, and chairs to TLC. They will bring the sword.

Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez) vs Zack Ryder

Del Rio with a punch to Ryder but he misses a clothesline. Ryder with a drop kick and forearms in the corner. Ryder gets a near fall. Ryder with a short arm clothesline for a near fall. Ryder with a side head lock and take down. Del Rio drops Ryder’s arm on the top rope but when Del Rio returns to the ring, Ryder with a flapjack for a near fall.

Del Rio blocks knees from Ryder when he charges into the corner and Del Rio with an enzuigiri for a near fall. Del Rio with a kick to the arm and he wraps the arm in the ropes. Ryder with punches but Del Rio returns to the arm and he hits a suplex and gets a near fall. Del Rio with forearms to the back and then he applies a rear chin lock.

Ryder with punches but Del Rio with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall. Del Rio hits a step up enzuigiri to the arm for a near fall. Del Rio with a boot to the head and then he gets another near fall. Del Rio with a rear chin lock. Ryder with a sunset flip for a near fall. Del Rio with a German suplex and bridge for a near fall.

Del Rio with a double sledge from the turnbuckles and he gets a near fall. Del Rio with a rear chin lock but Ryder with a jaw breaker. Ryder sends Del Rio over the top rope and he falls to the floor. Ricardo checks on Del Rio while Ryder struggles to get back to his feet.

Ryder with two clotheslines. Del Rio with an Irish whip but he runs into knees from Ryder. Del Rio with a drop toe hold to avoid the Broski Boot and Del Rio applies the cross arm breaker and Ryder taps out.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

After the match
Michael and Jerry remind us that Alberto Del Rio faces Ryback on Main Event, which will air at 6:30 PM Eastern on Wednesday.

If you want to vote for the Slammys, you have to download the WWE app.

AJ Lee is skipping in the back and we go to commercial.

AJ Lee vs Vickie Guerrero

Vickie wants to know where the referee is and AJ does not do anything while Vickie has her back turned.

Your referee is the returning Brad Maddox.

Vickie attacks AJ from behind and slams AJ’s head into the mat. Vickie chokes AJ in the ropes and then she slams AJ’s head into the mat. Vickie laughs while she works over AJ and she slaps AJ in the face.

AJ with a take down and she punches Vickie. Vickie goes to the floor and AJ follows after her and she takes Vickie down on the floor. AJ brings Vickie back into the ring and she punches Vickie.

AJ slams Vickie’s head into the mat and the referee warns AJ. AJ with a forearm and the referee refuses to make the count. Vickie recovers and gets the three count with a rollup.

Winner: Vickie Guerrero

After the match
AJ throws a tantrum and she punches the mat. This might not have been the best time to have the TLC pay per view set up around the ring because AJ throws a few chairs, pushes over a ladder, rearranges the announce table, and slaps Justin Roberts.

We go to commercial.

We are back and AJ is destroying more stuff in the back until John Cena comes by to calm her down. John tells AJ to relax and calm down. He tells her it isn’t the end of the world and everything is fine. They hug.

Antonio Cesaro says that he has been traveling this country and it is going rotten. It is most evident in New Jersey. The real truth is that no one needs Antonio Cesaro as their United States Champion more than the people in this building. On Sunday, R Truth will learn the hard way that the Truth hurts.

Champion versus Champion non-Title
Kofi Kingston vs Antonio Cesaro

Cesaro works on the arm and he turns it into a waist lock. Cesaro with a front face lock but Kofi with an escape and he applies a hammer lock but Cesaro works on the wrist. Kofi tries for a leg sweep but Cesaro with boots to Kofi. Cesaro with a head butt and side head lock. Cesaro with a shoulder tackle. Kofi with a leaping back elbow and then he leaps into the corner and punches Cesaro ten times and rolls back to the mat. Kofi with a twisting forearm to the head and Cesaro goes to the apron.

Cesaro drops Kofi on the top rope. Cesaro with a slam and a leaping stomp to the chest for a near fall. Cesaro chokes Kofi in the ropes and he kicks Kofi in the head. Cesaro chokes Kofi in the ropes and the referee warns him. Kofi with a kick. Cesaro with a slam and elbow drop for a near fall.

Cesaro with a knee to the midsection and he tries for a slam but Kofi escapes and he kicks Cesaro in the leg. Kofi with a few Steamboat-esque chops and follows with a drop kick and Superman punch. Cesaro knows that the Boom drop is coming so he rolls to the floor.

Cesaro misses a shoulder on the apron and Kofi with a kick. Kofi iwht a monkey flip and Kofi runs into a boot and we go to commercial.

We are back and Cesaro with a waist lock on Kofi. Kofi with elbows but Cesaro with a bear hug. Kofi with a head butt and then he slides through Cesaro’s legs to get a sunset flip. Cesaro picks Kofi up but Kofi with a near fall on a rollup. Cesaro with a take down and he gets a near fall.

Cesaro wit a dead lift side salto and he gets a near fall. Cesaro with a boot to the head. Kofi with kicks and forearms but Cesaro with a spinebuster for a near fall. Cesaro leaps onto Kofi’s chest again and he returns to the waist lock. Cesaro sends Kofi into the turnbuckles but Kofi with a back elbow. Kofi goes to the turnbuckles and he hits Shadows over Hell on Cesaro for a near fall.

Cesaro blocks an SOS attempt and Cesaro with a European uppercut to the back of the neck. Cesaro with punches in the corner and the referee warns him. Kofi hits SOS but Cesaro gets his hand on the ropes before the referee can make the three count. Kofi misses a splash into the corner but Kofi with a pendulum kick. Kofi goes up top but Cesaro catches Kofi and hits a tilt-a-whirl back breaker and then he gets ready for the Gotch Style Neutralizer and he gets the three count.

Winner: Antonio Cesaro

We go to commercial.

We are back and the MizTV set has been moved to the stage and he has the old Abraham Washington Show couch. Miz welcomes everyone to MizTV. After winning the elimination tag match, he brings out Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow. He calls them Beardo and the Weirdo.

Damien says that the only thing worse than Miz having his own show is the ignoramuses who watch it.

Damien tells everyone to be quiet since he is going to speak. He says that it is his esteemed honor and privilege to reintroduce his tag team partner and best friend. He wants everyone to act like adults and remain silent for the new and improved Cody Rhodes.

Cody thanks Damien for that proper introduction. He tells Miz that he may not realize this because he is too busy watching himself in the main event of Wrestlemania two years ago when he was somebody.

Cody says that they are light among a cesspool. They are like Princeton. An island amidst some of the densest people in the country, New Jersey.

Miz says that he mustache Cody a question. He wonders if Cody grew it or if Sandow’s beard fell onto his lip.

Damien says that someone who was the star of a reality show has completely lost touch with reality.

Miz throws out a few reallys and Damien demands silence.

Miz says that he wonders how they think they can beat Bryan and Kane when they won’t even beat Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara on Sunday.

Damien says that Miz is not a good host. He says that he has bad form and his questions are repugnant, when they are directed at the future tag team champions.

Miz asks Cody how it felt that Damien Sandow did not visit him once when Cody was rehabilitating his shoulder. Damien says that is not true. Miz asks Cody how he feels about Damien saying that he carries the team. He says that Cody is the Marty Jannetty to his Shawn Michaels. How does it feel that no matter what Cody says or does that he will always be overshadowed by someone whether it be his father or his tag team partner.

Cody tells Damien to calm down and he says that he has heard it before. Maybe Miz’ current slump has to do with Miz becoming one of those people. He says that this interview is over.

Miz wonders if it was something he said. Miz says that they should be known as The Pink and the Stink.

John Cena is walking in the back and AJ stops him. AJ asks if she can join him at ringside. She wants to support him. John tells her that she does not have to do that because he will be wrestling the Big Show. AJ acknowledges her past with the Big Show. Cena says that he would feel responsible if something happened to her at ringside.

AJ understands John’s position and she says that she will be watching from the back.

We go to commercial.

Dolph Ziggler joins Jerry and Michael at the announce table for the main event.

Non Title Match
John Cena vs Big Show

They lock up and Show backs Cena into the corner but Cena escapes and punches Show but Show with a head butt. Show with a punch to the midsection. Show with a head butt to Cena. Show with a running butt splash into the corner. Show with another head butt. Cena climbs on Show’s back for a choke.

Show falls to one knee and then Cena gets a near fall. Cena tries to get Show up for an Attitude Adjustment and Cena cannot get Show up. We go to commercial.

We are back and Big Show tries for a choke slam but Cena counters with a DDT and both men are down again. Show with a side slam to Cena for a near fall. Show with a head butt to Cena. Cena with a drop kick that sends Show to the ropes but Show responds with a spear for a near fall. Show with an elbow drop and he gets a near fall.

Show runs into boots from Cena and Cena with punches. Cena leaps into a bear hug. Cena escapes the hold and Show kicks Cena out of the ring. Show sends Cena into the ringside barrier and the referee continues his count. Show palms Cena onto the apron and Cena with punches and shoulders.

Show with a clothesline to Cena. Show goes to the turnbuckles for the Vader Bomb and he hits it. Show with punches to Cena in the corner. Show goes to the turnbuckles again for an elbow drop but Cena moves. Cena with a flying shoulder tackle and then he hits a belly-to-back suplex. Cena signals for the five knuckle shuffle and he hits it. Cena walks into a choke slam and Show gets a near fall.

Show gets ready for his five knuckle shuffle known as the KO punch but Cena avoids it. Cena gets Show on his shoulders and hits the Attitude Adjustment.

Winner: Big Show (by Disqualification)

Seth Rollins hits the ring and he goes after John Cena. The referee calls for the bell. Ambrose and Reigns join Rollins and they attack Cena. Reigns with a head butt and the three-on-one attack continues.

They bring a table into the ring and it is put against the turnbuckles. Kane’s pyro goes off and Kane and Bryan run to the ring and the brawl is on. It is only a matter of time before someone wants to be fed.

Dolph Ziggler attacks John Cena to make it four on three. Show makes it five on three. Sheamus makes it five on four and he goes after Ziggler and not Big Show because of the contract stipulation. Cena spears Show through a table.

Sheamus and Ziggler fight into the crowd while Ambrose, Rollins, and Reigns work over Bryan and Kane.

Ryback’s music plays and he saunters to the ring and he throws a ladder at the Shield. Ryback goes after Reigns while Ambrose and Kane brawl and Bryan and Rollins do the same.

We go to credits.