View Full Version : 9/10 WWE Smackdown brand house show results from Uncasville, CT

09-11-2006, 09:59 PM
9/10 WWE Smackdown brand house show results from Uncasville, CT

I have attended many house shows in my day but this was the first one I have ever been to that had an entrance way and pyro. That's right this show had the entire Smackdown entrance way with the fists and all and 3 video screens. There was also pyro before the event and for a few of the wrestlers. The Mohegan Sun Arena holds around 10,000 people and it was like 75% full. Batista, Benoit, Taker, and Boogeyman were all advertised but did not appear.

Scotty 2 Hotty defeated Jamie Noble. This was mostly a comedy match but it was alot of fun. At one point Jamie had his tights pulled down and Scotty said "Hey there is something wrong with your ass. It has a huge crack in it". Then later on someone in the front row asked Jamie where Kash was and he said "He's at your house doing your grandma". Scotty won with The Worm.

Cruiserweight Champion Gregory Helms d. Jimmy Yang to retain his title. Very boring match from bell to bell. There was a "Brokeback Mountain" chant for Yang. Helms won with a roll up and his feet on the ropes. Yang got in hardly any offense at all and did none of of the high risk moves that made me a fan of him.

WWE Tag Team Champions Paul London & Brian Kendrick defeated Idol Stevens & K.C. James to retain their titles. Short but decent match. James isn't a very good worker. He botched a few moves including a powerbomb that he tried to do on Kendrick. London got the pin on Stevens after leaping off Brian's back and hitting a shooting star press.

Sylvester Terkay d. Tatanka. I went to the concession area about 3 minutes into this because it was awful. It was still on when I came back because it ended up going close to 20 minutes. The crowd chanted boring for most of the match. Terkay won with one of the most awful looking Muscle Busters I have ever seen. It was so bad it would make Samoa Joe cry.

Ashley won a dance contest that also invloved Kristal, Jillian, and Layla. Ashley obviously has had some breast enlargement surgery done since comes to Smackdown. I don't get to see Smackdown to often but her breasts are now gigantic compared to what they were on Raw. I am not one to complain about that sort of thing though as it only adds to her beauty. Overall this was pointless honestly. Ashley got a huge reaction but the others Divas didn't get much of a reaction at all.

Vito defeated William Regal. Awful match overall. Seeing Regal treated this way is very sad. Vito won when he put his dress over Regal's head and he tapped out.

US Champion Ken Kennedy defeated Finaly and Bobby Lashley in a 3 way to retain his title. This was match of the show and was honestly very good. Lashley has improved so much as of late and is way better then most muscle heads in the WWE including Batista. Kennedy won after giving Finlay a DDT onto the belt when the ref. was checking on Lashley. Sadly The Little Bastard did not make an appearance.

Rey Mysterio defeated World Champion King Booker on a DQ. Short and dissipointing match. The crowd was upset because this was advertised as Batista vs Booker but that would have most likley sucked worse. Booker was DQ'd when Sharmell ran in the ring and gave Rey a low blow. After the match Rey gave Sharmell and Booker a double 619.

After the event was over I met Ashley, and Mysterio out back of the arena. They were both very nice and signed my program for me. I asked them when Benoit was coming back and neither of them had any idea. Someone else said that the Angle situation is very sad and they both agreed. Rey said he is confident though that Kurt will be back sooner or later because wrestling is all he cares about in life.

Overall it was an ok show. The wrestling was sub-par for the most part but getting to meet Ashley who is very gorgeous in person and Rey who is super nice made it all that much better. The crowd was pretty good overall and the inclusion of the entrance way and pyro were a nice touch and something I think the WWE should always do at house shows where the venue is large enough.

Biggest Pops:

1. Lashley
2. Ashley
3. Mysterio
4. Mr. Kennedy
5. Scotty 2 Hotty

Biggest Heat:

1. King Booker
2. William Regal
3. Gregory Helms

From Doug Wellox: