View Full Version : Superstars Report - 16th December 2012

12-16-2012, 04:14 AM
It is time for the show that you can watch if you don’t have three hours to watch Raw. We will also get two matches. Let’s see who gets to wrestle around the Raw recaps.

This week, Superstars is in Trenton, New Jersey and your announcers are Scott ‘Exit 16’ Stanford and Matt ‘Does he miss the mustache as much as we do’ Striker.

Match Number One: Drew McIntyre and Jinder Mahal (with Heath Slater) versus Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel

McIntyre and Kidd start things off. They lock up and Kidd with a side head lock. McIntyre with a slam and then he celebrates with some solo and tandem guitar work. Kidd with a hammer lock but Drew with a reversal. Kidd gets to the apron and then he goes through the ropes and ties Drew’s arm in the ropes and Kidd mocks 3MB.

Drew with a kick when it appears that they are going to have a Greco Roman knuckle lock. Drew works on the wrist but Kidd with an Arabian Press and arm drag. Kidd with an arm bar and he tags Gabriel in. Gabriel with a sunset flip for a near fall and then he applies an arm bar after an arm drag.

Drew with a kick and he sends Justin to the mat. Mahal tags in and he kicks Gabriel in the head. Mahal with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Gabriel with a forearm and a kick that sends Mahal to the mat. Gabriel lifts up Mahal’s head for Kidd to hit a drop kick. Kidd with an arm bar and wrist lock.

Gabriel tags back in and Gabriel hits a moonsault onto the arm and he gets a near fall. Gabriel with an Irish whip and Kidd is tagged in. Kidd kicks Mahal in the corner and Gabriel with a leg sweep and Tyson gets a near fall. Mahal with elbows to the head. Kidd gets sent to the apron. Kidd with a rana to send Mahal to the floor. Kidd teases a move from the ring to the floor and Mahal and McIntyre flinch. Kidd holds the ropes for a suicide dive from Gabriel onto Mahal.

Kidd with a rana off the apron on McIntyre. We go to commercial.

We are back and Gabriel gets a near fall on Mahal. Mahal with an arm bar. Mahal with a clean break but it was only a ruse to allow McIntyre to interfere. However, Gabriel had an idea of what was coming so he is able to get in a pre-emptive strike with a forearm. Mahal knocks Gabriel off the apron. Drew sends Gabriel into the apron and ring steps when the referee was not looking. The referee sees Drew send Gabriel into the apron.

Drew gets a near fall and then he tags Mahal back in. Mahal with a knee to the midsection followed by a knee drop for a near fall. Mahal with a reverse chin lock to keep Gabriel from making the ropes. Gabriel with a kick but Mahal with a clothesline and he gets a near fall. Mahal sends Justin into the turnbuckles and McIntyre tags back in. Drew with a slam but Gabriel is able to tag in Kidd.

Kidd hits a blockbuster on Mahal but he is able to get his foot on the rope, with a little help from Slater. Kidd with a running kick to Slater from the apron and then Gabriel with a plancha onto McIntyre on the floor. Kidd tries for a cross body but Mahal drops down and Kidd hits the ropes. The whiplash allows Mahal to hit a full nelson slam and get the three count.

Winners: Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre

We go to commercial.

We are back with footage from Raw when CM Punk told the WWE Universe about his knee injury.

We go to commercial.

We are back with footage from the Vickie Guerrero/AJ Lee match with the return of Brad ‘Mad Docks’ Maddox.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Brodus Clay (with the Funkettes) versus Michael McGillicutty

They lock up and Brodus lets Michael fall to the mat. They lock up again and Michael with a chop. Clay shimmies but Michael with more chops. Michael begs for mercy and Brodus with a punch that sends Michael over the top rope to the floor. Michael returns to the ring and he runs into a shoulder tackle. Clay with knees and a back fist to the midsection. Clay with a running butt splash followed by a belly-to-belly suplex and leg drop for a near fall.

Clay tries for a charge into the corner but Michael moves. McGillicutty with a drop kick for a near fall. Michael with punches and kicks to Clay. Michael with a clothesline to a seated Clay for a near fall. Michael with kicks and a drop kick to keep Clay on the mat. Michael with a front face lock. Clay picks up Michael and sends him to the mat. Clay with clotheslines.

Clay with an Irish whip and splash into the corner. Clay with the Sheeeplex followed by a head butt to the sternum. Clay tells us it is time to call his momma and Clay hits the splash for the three count.

Winner: Brodus Clay

After the match, Brodus and the Funkettes dance with some kids.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Raw Rebound of the John Cena/Big Show match.

We go to credits.