View Full Version : Kofi Kingston Interview: TLC, Favorite Match

12-16-2012, 11:17 AM
Kofi Kingston Interview: TLC, Favorite Match
Source: AM New York

How He's Prepping For His Match Against Wade Barrett At TLC: "What are you doing to get ready for your match on Sunday? It's been more of a mental preparation. I'm a guy who alwaystries to play by the rules, and Wade Barrett is pretty much the opposite ofthat. So initially, he and I had a match on "Raw" a couple weeks ago and I wasn't ready as far as knowing the lows that he would go to win a match. And kudos to him. But I know what I have to do now to compete and to win and retain my Intercontinental Championship."

His Favorite Match: "Well, right now, the first one that comes to my head is when I beat Sheamus for the United States Championship [last year at the Extreme Rules event], and we had a tables match. ... Winning the United States Championship was awesome. And even being able to put a guy like Sheamus through a table is no easy feat. When you see this guy, and you know that he's a brawler, so I know it was going to be a fight, but that's probably my best memory so far. Hopefully, this Sunday will be an even better memory when I beat Wade!"

Which TLC Match He Can't Wait To See: "Well, to be honest, I'm excited about all of them. You've got so many here. Cena versus Dolph with the Money in the Bank contract at stake - this is awesome. You think that once you win Money in the Bank, you're set. Pretty much 99% of the people who have cashed in that brief case have won.And for people who don't know Money in the Bank, basically you have a contract to be able to challenge for [the] title at any time, and that's a huge advantage. To put that on the line, it's almost like another championship, so I think that's going to be a great match. I know Dolph and Cena are two guys that definitely despise each other and that always makes for a great match. The Big Show and Sheamus - two brawlers who have been going at it for a couple of months and they have a chairs match. You put a chair in hands of a guy like Sheamus, it's probably not good news, even if you are 7 feet, 500 pounds like the Big Show. Like I said, there's a lot of great matches. You've got the Shield taking on Ryback and Team Hell No in a TLC match. It's going to be a great pay-per-view all around. I can't get excited enough to let people know.And being in the Barclays is going to be awesome, because obviously this is a brand new arena. I know a lot of people have been looking forward to being there. It's going to be great all around."