View Full Version : WWE PPV 'Tables, Ladders, Chairs' 2012 Full Results

12-17-2012, 05:16 AM
WWE Tables, Ladders & Chairs PPV
Location: The Barclays Center in Brooklyn, NY
Announcers: JBL, Michael Cole and Jerry 'The King' Lawler

The show opens with Lillian Garcia in the ring. Before the PPV, they toll the bell 26 times in remembrance of the Sandy Hook Elementary School victims…

A video package is shown highlighting the Tables, Ladders and Chairs theme of the PPV. Various footage of superstars crashing through the aforementioned weapons is shown, before focus is shifted to the main feuds heading into tonights show.

The pyro hits and Michael Cole welcomes us to the show. As always, the set is one of the more impressive of the year with tons of ladders everywhere decorating the entranceway. The opening bell rings, and the first match will be the #1 Contenders Tables match to determine the #1 Contenders to the Tag Team Championship. Rey Mysterio is out to the ring first to a big pop from the crowd.

#1 Contender’s (WWE Tag Team Championship)
Tables Match
Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara vs. Team Rhodes Scholars

Team Rhodes Scholars is out next, and they get a bigger pop from the crowd than Cara. Sandow has a mic and he asks of all the loathsome ignoramuses across the country, is there any form of life lower than the Brooklyn hipster. The crowd is literally the unwashed masses. Rhodes says they aren’t pseudo intellectuals that spend time primping ridiculous facial hair. Sandow says everyone is like their opponents, trying to be cool and failing miserably. Tonight they’ll give everyone something to talk about, becoming the #1 Contenders to the tag team championship.

The bell rings and Cara and Rhodes and Sandow and Mysterio pair off. The faces get the upper hand with some kicks before Cara tosses Mysterio into Rhodes for a hurricanrana. Cara and Mysterio team up on Sandow, tossing him to the outside and hitting stereo baseball slides. Mysterio and Cara look under the ring and grab a table, and there’s tons of ladders under there. Rhodes and Cara bring the table back into the ring and hit Rhodes with it before hitting Sandow with a double low dropkick.

Cara and Mysterio set up the table. Mysterio sets Sandow on the table and Cara heads to the top but Rhodes breaks things up. Rhodes tosses Mysterio out to the floor while Sandow kicks away at Cara in the corner. Rhodes heads to the outside to toss Mysterio into the apron while Sandow tosses Cara into the turnbuckle. Rhodes heads in and stomps away at Cara. Rhodes and Sandow try for a double suplex, but Cara lands on his feet and sends Sandow to the outside. Cara hits Rhodes with an amazing arm drag, but Rhodes plants Cara face first in the corner before hitting the beautiful disaster kick. On the outside Sandow slams Mysterio face first into the ring post.

Back in the ring Sandow and Rhodes team up on Cara, tossing him to the outside. They both heads out and Sandow punches Mysterio before slamming him into the barricade. Rhodes traps Cara’s leg in the ring steps, and he and Sandow drive a table into the ring steps, crushing Cara’s leg between the steps and the ring post. Sandow throws Mysterio into the barricade hard again. Rhodes and Sandow set up two tables side by side on the outside.

Sandow sets Mysterio on one of the tables and Rhodes sets Cara on the outside. Sandow and Rhodes head into the ring. Mysterio pulls Sandow’s legs out and hits Rhodes with a seated senton. Mysterio hits an arm drag on Sandow and sends Cody to the outside with a hurricanrana. Mysterio heads to the apron and hits another seated senton to the outside on Rhodes. In the ring Cara hits Sandow with a hurricanrana that sends him to the outside, then he dives over the top to wipe out Sandow. Back in the ring Mysterio kicks Rhodes hard, but almost ends up in the Alabama slam. Mysterio fights out and is able to connect with the 619. Mysterio places Rhodes on a table and he heads to the top but Sandow stop him.

Sandow and Rhodes pick up the table and drive it into Mysterio’s face, sending him crashing to the outside. Cara comes in and hits an enzugiri on Sandow before backdropping Rhodes to the apron and hitting another enzugiri. Sandow backdrops Cara to the apron, and Cara hits Sandow with another enzugiri. Rhodes pushes Cara to the outside through the tables set up earlier and this one is over.


Winners and NEW #1 Contenders to the Tag Team Titles: Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow

The Shield Promo:
We get a video package from the Shield. They introduce themselves and address Ryback, saying that he’s reckless putting CM Punk into surgery and they can’t let that stand. Feed Me More, well they’ll feed them more than he can handle, and the Shield will be the ones to finish him. Kane and Daniel aren’t off the hook. A team never doubts each other and trusts each other. A team wins together, and Kane and Bryan are a disgrace to all tag teams, and on top of that, they just don’t like them.

WWE United States Championship Match
Antonio Cesaro (c) vs. R-Truth

The bell rings and we get a lock up with Truth backing Cesaro into a corner. Truth mocks Cesaro and punches him away. Cesaro kicks Truth in the gut before hitting him with a clubbing blow to the back and kicking him down to the mat. Cesaro locks in a head lock, wrenching back. Truth fights his way out of the hold, blocks a hip toss and rolls up Cesaro for two. Another roll up from Truth, another two. Truth takes Cesaro over with a headlock takeover. Cesaro fights up and out of the hold with a big belly to back suplex.

Cesaro hits Truth with a giant right, then a head butt. Truth begins to fight back, but runs right into a knee to the gut that’s good for another two count. Cesaro clamps on a modified rear chin lock, rearing back and putting pressure on Truth’s neck.

Truth is able to fight up to his feet, and Cesaro slams him into the corner, taking him from turnbuckle to turnbuckle all around the ring. Truth psychs himself up and slams Cesaro head first into the turnbuckle before hitting Cesaro with a couple of rights, and a nice spinning elbow. Truth kicks Cesaro in the stomach before hitting an axe kick. Truth pins Cesaro but can only get a two count. Truth hits Cesaro with a right, but runs into an elbow, only to hit Cesaro with a back heel kick.

Truth tries for a suplex but Cesaro lands on his feet and hits Truth with an uppercut from behind. Cesaro hits the neutralizer, and pins Truth for three.


Winner and STILL WWE US Champion: Antonio Cesaro

After the match:
Matt Striker is in the ring right after the match. Cesaro says unlike America, he’s a true international superpower. He’s the greatest US Champion in history. Therefore, by booing him, the crowd is booing their own country. Cesaro says that’s very appropriate since they have no respect for their country, their fellow citizens, of themselves. Cesaro rattles off something in German or Swiss, then celebrates with his title.

We get a look at the Tribute to the Troops special that will be airing soon.

Josh Matthews is backstage with Dolph Ziggler. He says Vickie Guerrero through Vince McMahon has endorsed thievery. If Cena wins he gets Ziggler’s contract that he already lost earlier, but what does Ziggler get. To make this fair, if Ziggler wins, Cena’s career should be over. Maybe the pressure is too much for Cena. Maybe he loses the Rumble, and at Mania as he watches the rise of Dolph Ziggler. He’s actually glad he’s got this match with Cena. Tonight, everything changes.

The MizTV:
The Miz makes his way out to the ring for a special edition of Miz TV. He welcomes the crowd to the show, getting the crowd behind him by name checking the city. Miz says you can take all the subways, transit and railways, but they won’t compare to the train wrecks that his guests are, 3MB.


Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre make their way out to the ring to absolutely no reaction from the crowd. They stand on the furniture of Miz’s set, playing their air instruments. Miz asks if they’re five. He tries to get a question out, but Slater has a question, where does Miz get off calling them a train wreck. Miz asks how they’re a band. Mahal says they’re a supergroup, 3MB. McIntyre says 3MB is bigger, badder and better than Jay Z. Miz asks really? Everyone responds yes. Slater says the Rolling Stones wish they could rock out with 3MB. Slaters says everyone needs to hear that tomorrow night, at the Slammy awards, 3MB will perform live. Miz congratulates the band on having the official bathroom break of the show.

3MB take a second to make fun of the Spanish announce team, heading out to get in their face. Slater says in this country, we speak American before Mahal slaps the headphones off of one of the announcers and McIntyre shoves the other down. Ricardo Rodriguez heads down to the ring and 3MB is all over him, pulling his hair and yelling in his face. Alberto Del Rio comes down to a big pop, taking out all members of 3MB, hitting McIntyre with a back drop on the apron, and Slater with a spear. The numbers catch up with Del Rio as 3MB gang up on him and take him into the ring.

Miz gets into it, knocking Mahal from the ring. Del Rio sends McIntyre from the ring. Slater has a mic. He says this isn’t how this is going to play out. Slater says they should find a partner tonight and take on 3MB. Miz says that’s not a problem. They’ll find a partner. Miz looks at Ricardo. He says the beating the three will recieve, will be awesome.

Kane is shown backstage. Bryan shows up and says Ryback is about as easy to talk to as Kane. He says he can’t stand when someone repeats themselves over and over again. Kane says who cares what Ryback says, what’s important is what he does. Kane says he knows what TLC matches are like, bodies will be broken. Kane and Bryan will feed him Rollins, Ambrose and Reins, and they will burn the Shield down. Bryan screams yes repeatedly.

Wade Barrett is backstage with Matt Striker. He says he’s beaten Kofi Kingston repeatedly, and Kingston is a cat without nine lives. He’s going to be muted tonight by the Barrett barrage.

Intercontinental Championship Match
Kofi Kingston (c) vs. Wade Barrett

The bell rings and Barrett slams Kofi right down to the mat. Barrett backs Kofi into the corner and hits him with a couple of elbows before trying for a quick cover. Barrett locks on a side head lock. Kofi fights up to his feet and sends Barrett into the ropes, but he eats a shoulderblock from Barrett. Kofi hits a couple of dropkicks that’s good for a two count, before kicking Barrett hard in the chest. Kofi hits the ropes and eats a clothesline that sends him to the outside.

Barrett heads to the outside and whips Kofi into the ring, where he pops up and leaps out to wipe out Barrett on the floor. Kofi sends Barrett back into the ring and leaps over him, springboarding into the ring. Barrett hits Kofi with a kick to the shin and takes him down to the mat with a suplex. Barrett blasts Kofi with a big right before hitting him with a big backbreaker that’s good for a two count. Barrett buries his knee in Kofi’s back and yanks back on his arms.

Kofi fights out of the hold and scores with a couple of kicks, but he runs into a tilt a whirl backbreaker for another two count. Barrett heads up to the second rope to deliver the elbow drop, getting another two count in the process. Barrett sits over top of Kofi and pulls back with a rear chin lock. Kofi fights to his feet and avoids another backbreaker, countering into a Russian leg sweep.

Kingston fights back with a series of chops, dropkicks, and a big clothesline. Kofi hits Barrett with the boom drop. He backs into the corner, but misses the trouble in paradise. Kofi tries for a roll up, not getting anything, but he scores with the SOS, and takes Barrett down for a two count. Kofi mounts Barrett in the corner and blasts Barrett with a series of punches, but he runs into double boots from Barrett. Barrett slams Kofi down to the mat hard for another two count.

Kofi heads to the top and hits a crossbody, but Wade rolls through into a pin for two. Kofi catches Wade with a roll up for a two count. Barrett hits the black hole slam out of nowhere and gets another two count. Barrett picks Kofi up and tries for the elbow, but Kofi catches him with trouble in paradise instead. He pins Barrett for the three count.


Winner and STILL WWE Intercontinental Champion: Kofi Kingston

CM Punk is shown in his own personal skybox with Paul Heyman. Punk says everyone wants an update. Heyman says ‘fughettaboutit’. Punk says that means none of your business. Punk says it was tough leaving his home in Chicago and sitting amongst all these animals. Punk says these people should move somewhere that isn’t the slums of Staten Island. These people cheered when Ryback hurt his knee. These people and Ryback have a ton in common. They don’t know what it’s like to be a champion. They’re dumb, like Ryback. Ryback is dumb and lucky. He’s dumb because he injured Punk, and he’s lucky that he injured Punk and he can’t compete tonight.


Punk is the most dangerous man in the WWE. He would have broken every chair this place had to offer, pushed him off the ladder, and put him through every table in New York. Punk says fiction is the idea that Ryback is unstoppable, because Punk has beaten him. Tonight, the Shield is going to beat him here tonight. Punk says another fact is that Punk is the longest reigning champion of the modern era. No one is going to take the title away from him, because no one can. He started 2012 as champ, and he’ll end it as such, and he’s just getting started.

Six-Man Tag Team TLC Match
Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns (The Shield) vs. Ryback and Team Hell No

The Shield is out to the ring last, and Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins make their way out through the crowd, getting a pretty decent reaction on their way down to the ring.

The Shield jump the barricade and it’s on right off the bat. Bryan and Rollins team up while Kane and Reigns fight. Rollins blasts Bryan with a series of rights, but he’s backed into the barricade. Ambrose and Rollins fight in the ring. Ambrose hits Ryback with a chop, but Ryback shrugs them off. Ryback hits Ambrose with a chop that sends him to the mat. Ambrose avoids a slam, and kicks away at Ryback’s leg. Ryback hits a Thesz press, taking Ambrose to the mat. The Shield gang up on Ryback, but Ryback fights them off, sending Rollin to the outside. Reigns sends Ryback to the apron and Ambrose dropkicks Ryback to the outside.

Kane tries to bring a ladder into the ring, and ends up getting it kicked into his face. Bryan heads into the ring and ends up triple teamed, thrown face first into the ladder. Ryback sends Reigns out of the ring and kicks the ladder into Ambrose and Rollins. Reigns comes in with a chair, blasting Ryback, but Kane pulls the chair away and chokes him against the ropes. Bryan blasts Reigns with a series of kicks in the corner before he and Kane whip Reigns across the ring into a ladder in the corner. Kane whips Bryan into Reigns with a big dropkick against the ladder that’s good for two.

Ambrose pulls Bryan’s feet out from under him, and Rollins leaps off the top rope into a right hand from Kane. Kane traps Rollins in a ladder and slams a chair down repeatedly against the ladder. Ambrose is in the ring and he hits Kane with a chair before dropping him with a DDT on the chair. Ryback heads back into the ring and slams Ambrose into the corner. He slams Rollins into the corner, but it’s broken up by Ambrose. Rollins grabs the ladder and slams it into Ryback’s gut before Ambrose slams Ryback’s head into the ladder. Ambrose sets the ladder up in the corner. Ambrose and Rollins team up on Ryback, trying to send him into the ladder with a hip toss, but Ryback slams them down to the mat before hitting them both with a clothesline. Ryback puts Rollins and Ambrose against the ladder before splashing them both.

Ryback sets the ladder on the mat and hits Rollins and Ambrose with a double suplex. Ryback grabs Rollins and Ambrose, but things are broken up by Reigns. Reigns stomps away at Ryback, allowing Ambrose to catch his breath and join in. Ambrose slams Ryback with a chair and Reigns drops a ladder on him. Reigns tells the Spanish announce team to move and the other members of the Shield bring Ryback to the outside. Ambrose slams Ryback’s head against the announcer’s table. The Shield hit Ryback with a triple team powerbomb, sending him crashing through the Spanish announcer’s table. The Shield turn around into a suicide dive from Bryan, wiping them all out.

The Shield team up against Bryan, but he’s saved by Kane. Bryan blasts Reigns with a couple of chair shots in the ring. Ambrose comes in and slams Bryan down with a chair across his back before Rollins blasts him with a chair shot to the back. Ambrose slams Bryan down in the middle of the ring with a chair across his back again before stomping down. Ambrose and Rollins set up a table in the corner propped across the top rope. Ryback is shown stirring on the outside. Rollins and Ambrose run Bryan into the side of the table before setting him on the table. Rollins and Ambrose climb up after Bryan, hitting him with a giant double superplex. They go for the pin, but it’s broken up by Kane.

Kane tries to hold his own, but he’s ganged up on, and tossed into the table in the corner. Rollins and Ambrose send Kane up on the table in the corner and climb up after him. Kane fights off both men, tossing Rollins out to the floor and hitting Ambrose with a clothesline from the top. Kane hits Reigns with a couple of running clotheslines, and a big sidewalk slam, but Ambrose breaks up a pin attempt. Ambrose grabs a chair and sets it up. He tries for a DDT, but Kane chokeslams Ambrose on the chair. Kane goes for the pin, but it’s broken up by Reigns. Kane clotheslines Reigns to the outside and follows, slamming him head first into the ring apron. Rollins attacks Kane from behind, and Reigns spears Kane through the time keeper’s area.

The Shield attempt to bury Kane in as much rubble as they can find. In the ring, Bryan has Ambrose locked in the No lock. He pops out to trap Rollins, but it’s broken up by Reigns. Bryan catches Reigns in the No lock, but it’s broken up by Ambrose. The Shield team up on Bryan, beating him down to the mat. They set up a chair in the middle of the ring. Rollins and Ambrose try for a double suplex, but Bryan fights out and kicks away at Rollins and Ambrose. Rollins catches Bryan out of nowhere and stomps down, driving his head into the chair. Ryback pulls Ambrose from the ring and comes in, cleaning house. Ryback slams Rollins to the mat.

Ryback picks up Rollins and tosses him to the outside before hitting Reigns with a spinebuster. Ryback tries for something, but Ambrose breaks it up, getting a spear for his troubles. Ryback hits Ambrose with a giant clothesline before shouldering the Shield member, and dropping him with shellshock. Rollins and Reigns break up the pin. Ryback tosses Ambrose to the outside and follows. Reigns and Rollins team up on Ryback, kicking away at him. Ryback spears Reigns into a ladder on the entranceway. Reigns mounts Ryback and hits him with repeated rights.

Ambrose hits Ryback with a chair to the back out of nowhere. Rollins tips a ladder on Ryback’s back, and Ambrose blasts him repeatedly. Rollins grabs a chair and takes a couple of shots himself. Ambrose drags Ryback toward a table and Rollins looks up at a giant ladder. Rollins begins climbing a huge ladder while Ambrose and Reigns walk toward the ring. Ryback comes to and Rollins is trapped on the ladder. Rollins climbs away, but Ryback chases, pulling him off and sending him through a bunch of stacked up tables.

Back in the ring, Ambrose and Reigns team up, sending Bryan through a table with a double team powerbomb off the top. Reigns pins Bryan and gets the three count.


Winners: The Shield

Divas Championship Match
Eve Torres (c) vs. Naomi

The bell rings and Eve mocks Naomi’s dancing, laughing at her. Eve backs Naomi into the corner and hits her with a couple of forearms. Naomi ducks a clothesline and hits Eve with a couple of strikes of her own. Naomi catches Eve with a big leg drop and a butt bump that sends Eve to the outside. Naomi makes her way to the apron, then back in, hitting a dropkick through the ropes that sends Eve crashing into the barricade. Naomi busts out a couple of dance moves and hits Eve with a forearm on her way back into the ring. Eve slams Naomi’s arm down on the mat before locking in a keylock hold.

Naomi fights out of the hold and hits a hurricanrana. Naomi hits Eve with another butt bump in the corner. She heads to the top and tries for a cross body, but Eve moves and Naomi crashes to the mat. Eve hits a neckbreaker that puts Naomi down for the three count and this one is already over.


Winner and STILL WWE Divas Champion: Eve

We get a quick update of the events of the past few weeks involving Big Show and Sheamus. This leads to Show backstage with Matt Striker. Show says the smartest thing Sheamus could have done was violate the no touch clause on Smackdown. He’s knocked Sheamus out with his bare hands, think what he can do with a chair. Sheamus’ Irish eyes won’t be smiling, they’ll be shut.

World Heavyweight Championship
Chairs Match
The Big Show (c) vs. Sheamus

The bell rings and Sheamus attacks off the bat, hitting Show with a series of clubbing blows. Show shoves Sheamus away, but Sheamus is right back on hit, hitting him with a low dropkick and hitting him with clubbing blows to the chest before taking him down with a chop block. Sheamus hits Show with a series of knees to the chest before Show swats Sheamus to the outside. Sheamus reaches under the ring and grabs a chair, but heading back in, Show swats the chair to the outside. Show heads out and walks around the ring. Sheamus follows and grabs a chair, but runs right into a big boot from Show.

Show hits Sheamus with a giant chop to the chest, following him around the ringside area and hitting him with another before sending him back into the ring. Show looks under the ring, but Sheamus is up and on the ring apron, charging and leaping off with a giant shoulder block to Show. Show comes back with a head butt, sending Sheamus back into the ring. Show heads in and goes into the corner, but walks into double boots. Show comes right back with a giant clothesline to lay Sheamus out.

Sheamus heads to the top with a chair in hand, leaping off with a giant chair assisted shoulder block to Show. Sheamus heads back to the apron and to the top again, chair still in hand. Sheamus goes off the top, and runs right into a big spear from Show, with the chair crumpling in between both men.

Sheamus falls to the outside and Show heads out after him, hitting him with a giant chair shot, then another. Show lays Sheamus across the ring steps and hits him with a big chop to the chest. Show brings things back into the ring and kicks Sheamus away from a chair. He goads Sheamus to get up, hitting him with a shot to the back. Sheamus tries to fight back, but Show knees him in the face. Show chokes Sheamus against the middle rope before hitting a big head butt. Show sends Sheamus into the corner, following with a running clothesline.

Show runs in with a big kick, but Sheamus moves and Show ends up hung up on the top rope. Show and Sheamus trade right hands on their knees, fighting up to their feet. Sheamus backs Show into the corner and buries his shoulder in Show’s midsection before hitting him with a big running knee. Sheamus ducks a punch, but runs right into a chokeslam that puts him down for a two count.

Show heads to the outside and goes under the ring, grabbing another chair, and a second, tossing them both in the ring. Show goes around the ring and grabs a third, and fourth chair. Show finally heads back into the ring and kicks Sheamus away from the chairs before grabbing one and blasting the challenger across his back. Show lays a chair across Sheamus’ chest, heads up to the top rope and hits a giant Vader bomb for a two count. Show sets up a chair in the middle of the ring, then sets up another facing the first. Show grabs Sheamus around the throat and tries for a chokeslam, but Sheamus picks up Show and hits him with white noise instead through the chairs, pinning the champ for a two count.

Sheamus begins to psych himself up, pounding on his chest. Sheamus tries for the brogue kick, but Show moves and nails Sheamus with the KO punch. Show pins Sheamus, but Sheamus kicks out at two.

Show rolls to the outside and heads under the ring once more. He grabs another chair, and this one is huge. It looks like a cartoon chair, it’s ridiculously oversized. Show picks up the giant chair and blasts Sheamus with a shot across the back. Show pins Sheamus and gets the three count.


Winner and STILL World Heavyweight Champion: Big Show

John Cena is shown warming up backstage. AJ walks in wearing Cena gear. Cena asks if she got it from the men’s locker room and she says no. AJ apologizes for everything that happened last week. AJ says she went a little, you know, and Cena was there, and she wants to thank him. Cena says don’t thank him yet, thank him at the end of the night when he takes Ziggler’s contract. AJ says she can’t wait and skips off.

3MB vs. Alberto Del Rio, The Miz and Brooklyn Brawler

3MB is out to the ring first, and just like earlier in the night, they get no reaction from the crowd.

Ricardo Rodriguez is out, and he introduces Alberto Del Rio, who makes his way out into the arena to a decent reaction from the crowd.

The Miz is out to the ring next, and the crowd doesn’t seem to care one way or the other for Miz. Miz has a mic in hand, and he introduces their hand picked tag team partner. They wanted a tough New Yorker, so they looked for someone from Brooklyn, the Brooklyn Brawler.

Slater and Del Rio kick things off and Del Rio takes Slater into the corner, hammering away with kicks before charging in and blasting Slater with a kick to the arm. Brawler tags in a clamps on a headlock, then hits Slater with a shoulder block. Brawler takes out Mahal and McIntyre, but he’s wiped out by a dropkick from Slater. McIntyre tags in and unloads with a series of rights to Brawler. McIntyre goes for the pin, but only get two. Slater tags back into the ring and takes Brawler down to the mat, but misses a fist drop from the second rope. Brawler makes the tag to Miz who comes in with a couple of clotheslines to Mahal before hitting him with a series of rights in the corner, then his signature corner clothesline.

Miz drops Mahal to the mat and things begin to break down. Del Rio takes McIntyre out with a suicide dive and Ricardo pulls Slater from the ring. Miz hits Mahal with the SCF and tags out to Brawler. Brawler locks in the Brooklyn crab and makes Mahal tap out.


Winners: The Miz, Alberto Del Rio and The Brooklyn Brawler

We get a video package that gives an extensive history of the issues between Ziggler and Cena, stemming from AJ losing her job as Raw’s General Manager.

Money in the Bank Contract
Ladder Match
Dolph Ziggler vs. John Cena

The rules of the match are explained to the crowd, and Dolph Ziggler makes his way out to the ring to defend his Money in the Bank contract. Ziggler gets a nice pop from the crowd on his way out to the ring.

John Cena is out to the ring next, and of course, he gets a mixed reaction, mostly booos.

The bell rings and Cena and Ziggler circle each other. We get a lock up and Cena goes into a head lock before running the ropes and then hitting a shoulder block. Ziggler works into a head lock, and catches himself in the ropes when Cena pushes him off. Another lock up and Cena goes into another head lock. Ziggler pushes him off and tries for a hip toss, but has it reversed. Cena takes Ziggler to the mat and clamps on another side head lock.

Ziggler fights to his feet and out of the hold. Cena trades holds with Ziggler, taking him over with a fisherman’s suplex, then hitting him with a monkey flip out of the corner. Cena tosses Ziggler to the outside and bows to the crowd to show that he can wrestle a bit. Cena heads to the outside and walks right into a chair to the gut from Ziggler. Ziggler takes Cena back into the ring and brings the chair with him. Ziggler wedges the chair in between the ropes in the corner, then walks into a flap jack from Cena.

Cena heads to the outside and grabs a ladder, bringing it up to the ring apron, and getting it dropkicked into his face by Ziggler. Ziggler brings the ladder back into the ring, and Cena follows, stopping Ziggler and hitting him face first with the ladder. Cena and Ziggler fight to the outside with Cena tossing Ziggler over the announcer’s table. Cena begins to dismantle the ring steps, grabbing the top two and charging, running right into Ziggler head on.

Cena goes under the ring and grabs a table, bringing it back into the ring and setting it up in the middle of the ring. Cena heads to the apron and ends up hung up on the top rope by Ziggler. Ziggler rolls back into the ring and sets up the ladder under the briefcase. Ziggler begins climbing the ladder but Cena stops him with a clubbing blow to the back. Cena and Ziggler trade right hands back and forth. Ziggler ducks a right and applies the sleeper hold.

Cena drops to a knee, but he stands and begins climbing the ladder. Cena climbs to the top of the ladder with Ziggler on his back, but then he begins fading. Cena falls off the ladder with Ziggler on his back, crashing through the table set up earlier.

Ziggler crawls over toward the ladder, setting it up under the briefcase again. Dolph begins climbing up the ladder, but Cena closes the ladder and picks it up, with Ziggler on it, on his back. Cena teases an AA to the outside, but Ziggler fights off the ladder. Cena hits a couple of shoulder blocks and the belly to back suplex, but Ziggler comes back with a rocker dropper to put Cena down to the mat. Ziggler rolls to the outside and heads under the ring. Ziggler grabs new ladder, bringing it into the ring, but Cena stops Ziggler and clamps on the STF. Ziggler grabs the ropes, but it doesn’t matter. Ziggler taps, but it still doesn’t matter.

Ziggler fades and Cena breaks the hold. Cena grabs the ladder and waits for Ziggler to stand on the ring apron. Ziggler hits a shoulder to Cena’s stomach, causing him to drop the ladder to the outside. Ziggler jumps onto Cena’s shoulder, but falls off and hits a neckbreaker. Ziggler goes to the outside and under the ring to grab another table. Ziggler brings it back into the ring and sets it up in the corner. Ziggler turns around into a belly to back suplex, and five knuckle shuffle from Cena. Cena tries for the AA, but Ziggler counters, hitting a giant DDT.

Ziggler heads up the entranceway to grab a larger ladder, bringing it back to the ring and dragging it inside. Ziggler sets up the ladder under the briefcase, climbing up toward the top. Ziggler gets his hands on the briefcase, but Cena is up on the other side and he stops Ziggler with a punch to the stomach. Ziggler and Cena trade rights on the top of the ladder and Cena sends Ziggler crashing to the mat with a series of head butts. Cena stands at the top of the ladder, but Ziggler is up out of nowhere behind Cena. Ziggler hits Cena with a couple of clubbing blows ad he fights Cena down to the mat. Cena takes Ziggler into the corner, but Ziggler comes back, slamming Cena head first into the side of the ladder.

Cena comes up with a sloppy hurricanrana out of nowhere that sends Ziggler crashing through the table propped up in the corner. Cena reaches for the ladder and gets his hands on it, but he turns around into a dropkick from Ziggler that causes him to drop it to the outside. Ziggler stands and pulls chunks of the broken table aside. He tries to toss Cena into the chair wedged in the corner, but Cena blocks it and fights Ziggler across the ring, seating him on the top rope. Ziggler fights Cena off, sending him crashing down to the mat. Ziggler heads to the top and hits a cross body, but Cena rolls through and catches Ziggler, trying for the AA. Ziggler grabs the chair out of the corner and blasts Cena with a couple of chair shots.

Ziggler clears the debris from the ring and tries for a superkick, but he misses. Cena connects with the AA and Ziggler falls from the ring. Vickie Guerrero is out and she’s got a chair in hand. She teases hitting Cena, but AJ runs out. AJ ducks a chair shot from Vickie and hits her with a shoulder block, then a sloppy belly to back suplex. AJ hits the ropes and does the five knuckle shuffle. Cena grabs the ladder and sets it up under the briefcase. AJ skips around the ladder, but then pushes Cena off into the ropes, and the arena explodes.

AJ looks furious, staring at Cena, then staring at Ziggler and smiling before leaving the ring. Ziggler sets the ladder up right and climbs to the top, pulling the briefcase down and winning the match.


Winner and STILL Mr. Money in the Bank: Dolph Ziggler