View Full Version : Full RAW Coverage / Results - 29th Dec, 2012

01-01-2013, 07:37 AM
RAW Results - 29th Dec, 2012
Location - Washington DC
Announcers - Jerry 'The King' Lawler, Michael Cole

New Years Eve Special: Champions choice night. All current Champions will get to chose an opponent of their choice for their match tonight.

Miz comes to the stage for the Most Must See show in WWE history, MizTV. On the final Raw of 2012, it will be ‘must see’. Per Vickie Guerrero, it is a ‘Championships on the Line’ kind of night. It will be champions choice. All current champions get to decide their opponents.

Miz brings out his guest, and he is a ten time WWE Champion, he brings out John Cena.

John wishes everyone a Happy New Year.

Miz points out that John Cena was involved with AJ and they were the feel good story of 2012, until she pushed him off a ladder. Miz says that AJ said that John toyed with her emotions and used her.

Miz wants to know what John thinks of AJ. Cena says that it is over and he throws out a few ‘Reallys’.

Miz says that AJ and Dolph invited him to a New Year’s Eve Toast.

John says that he will attend. Maybe they can watch the ball drop, or someone drop.

Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes come out and Damien says that T.S. Eliot once said that this is how the world ends, not with a bang, but with a whimper. Damien demands silence.

Cena does blustery speech and does his best Elihu Smails. He then says that it was Robert Griffin III who said, ‘You guys suck’.

Damien says that he has never heard of that man and he says that he did not ask for their opinion. He calls Miz a mouth breathing miscreant and then he demands silence while the crowd chants RGIII.

Miz chooses to spotlight this disgusting tabloid scandal.

Cena says that he agrees with Damien. Cena says that there is another issue that is facing us and growing out of proportion. Cena gets close to Cody’s mustache.

Cody says that John thinks he is so funny. He says that what sucked was when both Miz and Cena got laid out by Big E Langston and Dolph Ziggler.

Sandow says that they went from main eventing Wrestlemania to drowning in the shadow of the Rhodes Scholars.

Damien has a New Year’s Resolution and Cena wants to have a clean slate with Miz. Cena challenges Gandalf and Magnum P.I. for a match.

Rhodes Scholars vs John Cena and The Miz

Cena and Cody start things off and Cena with a shoulder tackle. Cena with a punch and he tags in Miz. Miz goes up top and he hits a double sledge from the turnbuckles. Cody tags in Sandow. Sandow with a side head lock take down. Sandow with a shoulder tackle and Miz with a flapjack. Sandow goes to the floor and Cody checks on him and we go to commercial.

We are back and Cena with an Irish whip and kick to Sandow followed by a suplex and a reverse chin lock. Sandow with elbows but Cena with a back body drop. Miz tags in and he works on Sandow’s back. Miz with a kick to the midsection. Sandow with a back elbow and clothesline. Cody tags in and he kicks Miz.

Miz with a back elbow and then he sends Cody into the turnbuckles and he punches Cody. Miz with a punch to the head and he gets a near fall. Cody with punches to Miz. Sandow tags back in and connects with a forearm to the back. He rubs Miz’ face in the mat and he kicks Miz in the ribs. Sandow with an elbow drop for a near fall. Sandow with the Elbow of Disdain and he tags Cody back in.

Cody with a head butt and then he stomps on the head. Cody with a rear chin lock. Cody punches Miz in the corner and Miz fights out of the corner but Cody puts Miz on the top rope and he kicks Miz in the abdomen. Sandow tags back in and gets a near fall. Miz with an inside cradle for a near fall.

Sandow keeps Miz from making the tag and Cody is tagged in. Cody with a kick and punch. Cody with a gourdbuster for a near fall. Cody with an arm bar. Cody sends Miz back to the mat and then he tags Sandow back in. Sandow with a kick and snap mare. Sandow with forearms across the chest and then an elbow drop to the head.

Rhodes tags in and he tags Cody back in and Cody kicks Miz. Cody with a kick but Miz pushes Cody away on a bulldog attempt and both men are down. Cena and Sandow tag in and Cena with two flying shoulder tackles followed by a Blue Thunder Bomb and he sets for the Five Knuckle Shuffle and hits it.

Cody with Beautiful Disaster to Cena. Miz with the Skull Crushing Finale on Cody. Sandow runs into an Attitude Adjustment when he misses a clothesline on Miz. Cena gets the three count.


Winner: John Cena and The Miz

After the match
Miz and Cena celebrate in the ring.

There is a New Year’s Eve Party in the back and Otunga has his travel mug that matches his sweater. Otunga is looking forward to 2013. He says that it will be the Year of Otunga.

Vickie sees Dolph and he thanks Vickie for the invite. Dolph suggests to let bygones be bygones. Vickie tells Dolph and his girlfriend to enjoy their New Year’s Toast. Vickie says that Dolph has a match against Sheamus tonight.

We are back and on January 11, 1993, an era began with Raw. On January 14th, we will celebrate the 20th anniversary.

The party continues with Millions of Dollars Dances.

CM Punk is at the party and he says that the WWE Universe does not appreciate what he goes through. He says that some believe that the injury is not real. CM Punk says that he has his doctor from Chicago with him to explain what happened to his knee. Punk says that he wants to wrestle tonight.

Vickie asks Punk who he would have defended the title against. Punk says Ryback.

Vickie says that Ryback will wrestle tonight against . . .

CM Punk suggests The Shield but Vickie says that it would not be fair to have to face three men.

Vickie decides to make it a handicap match.

Punk wishes Vickie a Happy New Year and kisses Vickie.

Antonio Cesaro is in the ring. He points out that he is in the capital of the United States as your United States Champion. He says that he went to the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Pentagon. Three things that he is the champion of. He ran into someone at the Pentagon with someone who is full of patriotism. Antonio selects a man who is the symbol of America itself.

Sergeant Slaughter comes to the ring.

United States Championship
Sergeant Slaughter vs Antonio Cesaro

They lock up and Cesaro with a hammer lock and he pushes Slaughter. They lock up and Cesaro with a waist lock but Slaughter with a standing switch. Cesaro gets to the ropes and Slaughter with a slap to the back of the neck. Cesaro with a kick and head butt to the chin.

Cesaro with a reverse chin lock. Slaughter with punches but Cesaro with kicks. Slaughter locks in the Cobra Clutch but Cesaro gets to the ropes. Cesaro with a European uppercut to Slaughter followed by the Gotch Style Neutralizer for the three count.


Winner:Antonio Cesaro

After the match
Cesaro kicks Slaughter and sets for another Neutralizer and he hits it.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Kane and Daniel Bryan are angry because they wanted to face the Shield. Who can they fight? They hear singing on the other side of the curtain and it is the 3MB.

Slater says that they are trying to rehearse.

Kane and Bryan have their opponents.

Back to the party and Ricardo is getting a beverage. Big Show wishes Ricardo a Happy New Year in Spanish. Show asks Ricardo if he would like a chance at the World Title tonight. Show says that his choice is Ricardo. Ricardo drops his drink on Show’s boots and Ricardo cleans it up.

Kaitlyn brings Mae Young to the party and she is with all of the Divas.

Eve says that everyone is wondering who she is going to defend the title against. She says that she has beaten all of them . . . except Mae Young. She says that she will see Mae in the ring.

Tag Team Championship
Kane and Daniel Bryan vs Heath Slater and Drew McIntyre

Bryan and Slater start things off and Slater with an arm drag and he plays some air guitar in the ring. They lock up and Bryan with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Bryan grabs the leg when Slater tries for a leap frog. Bryan sets for a surfboard and then he tags in Kane and Kane with a drop kick to Slater. Kane gets a near fall>

Drew makes the tag and he throws the bandana aside. Drew with a side head lock but Kane with a shoulder tackle. Kane with an Irish whip and uppercut. Bryan tags in and Bryan with a drop kick into the corner after being Irish whipped by Kane. Drew sends Bryan to the mat and then he stomps on the chest. Drew with a punch but Bryan with kicks after escaping a slam attempt.

Slater makes the blind tag and he pulls the ropes open and Bryan goes to the floor. Mahal with a high knee to the chest and Slater sends Bryan into the ring and gets a near fall. Slater with a reverse chin lock. Bryan with elbows but Slater with a knee and neck breaker for a near fall.

Both men go for cross body blocks and both men are down. Drew tags in and he keeps Bryan from making the tag for a moment but Kane tags in and he punches Drew and follows with a slam and leg drop. Kane with an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner. Drew with a boot but Kane with a side slam for a near fall.

Kane goes up top for the clothesline and he hits it. Kane signals for the choke slam but Slater tries to interfere and Slater is thrown over the top rope to the floor. Bryan with a knee to the head from the apron on Mahal. Drew tries for the Future Shock DDT but Kane counters with a choke slam. Bryan tags in and hits the diving head butt for the three count.


Winners: Daniel Bryan and Kane

After the match
Bryan wants to play some title belt guitar but Kane does not want to play.

CM Punk is in the back with Paul Heyman and his physician as we go to commercial.

We are back and we see highlights from the end of the opening tag match that saw John Cena and Miz face Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes.

CM Punk makes his way to the ring with his crutches, Paul Heyman, and his physician.

As Punk makes his way to the ring, we see the footage of CM Punk when he suffered his knee injury four weeks ago.

Paul Heyman introduces himself and he says that it is his pleasure to everyone the man who has held the WWE Championship for each and every single solitary day of the calendar year 2012. For 407 days, your champion has been CM Punk.

Punk says that 2012 has been quite a year for him. Wrestling and besting people like Chris Jericho, Dolph Ziggler, Alberto Del Rio, Kane, John Cena, Ryback, and John Cena, he has accomplished a lot. Being champion for 407 days, it is a tough schedule. He has been rendered injured. Punk says that he has had his share of lacerations, contusions, chipped teeth, and broken bones.

If anyone in the crowd had suffered through a fraction of what he did, they would be in the fetal position crying for their mommies. Punk says that he is a Champion’s champion’s champion.

Punk says that some question the veracity of his injury. Some think that this is felonious. That is why Punk has brought his doctor from Chicago, Samuel De Cero.

His doctor says that to fully understand Punk’s injury . . .

Punk interrupts and demands that the people show some respect.

In order to understand the injury, one has to see what a healthy knee looks like. We see a comparison of a healthy knee and Punk’s knee. The knee is in an obvious state of duress. There is major swelling.

Punk says that despite this swelling, he has a match against Ryback. Punk says that he made a career out of beating people like Ryback. He can beat Ryback with one arm, one eye, or one leg. Punk says that he will continue to do what he has done for 407 days. He will prove that he is the Best in the World.

The doctor tells Punk that he cannot allow him to compete.

Punk says that he was told in the back that he could compete.

After further review, he cannot allow Punk to wrestle in good conscience.

Vince McMahon comes out and he does the McWalk to the ring. Vince wishes everyone a Happy New Year. Vince says that he wanted to see how Punk was going to weasel out of the match.

Paul reminds Vince that Punk has been champion for 407 days and CM Punk has never weaseled his way out of anything.

Vince says that in terms of evaluating his condition, WWE officials will evaluate Punk next week. If they deem that Punk is capable of wrestling, he will defend his title against Ryback in a TLC match.

Punk says that Vince thinks that he is guilty of all of the things that people are accusing him of. Punk says that Vince was unjustly prosecuted.

Vince says that he is not taking anything away from Punk. Vince wonders why Punk has been champion so long. Was there a deal between Punk and Brad Maddox? Was there a deal between Punk and The Shield?

Punk says that this hurts because Vince was unjustly prosecuted by this government. Punk says that he had nothing to with the Shield or Brad ‘Mad Docks’ Maddox.


Paul tells Vince that even Vince surprises him. Punk is the best in the world and everything that Vince wanted to promote. Punk is a hero. He is an injured hero. How dare Vince, in the same city that his father first promoted sports entertainment, force an injured hero into action. Vince has become a flesh peddling promoter.

Vince says that if WWE officials say that Punk cannot go next week, he will not wrestle. They will need an opponent for Ryback.

Heyman seems okay with Vince’s new edict. . . until Vince tells Paul that he would be facing Ryback.

We go to commercial.

Dolph Ziggler (with AJ Lee and Big E Langston) vs Sheamus

Ziggler with a kick and punches to Sheamus. The referee pulls Ziggler out of the corner as he connects with elbows. Sheamus with punches to Ziggler. Sheamus sends Ziggler into the turnbuckles and hits a short arm clothesline. Sheamus with a slam followed by an elbow drop and he gets a near fall.

Ziggler with a kick and punches. Sheamus with a back body drop like maneuver and then he hits a suplex and gets a near fall. Ziggler with a kick but Sheamus sends Ziggler to the apron. Ziggler misses a shoulder and Sheamus with a knee lift and forearms across the chest but Langston pulls Ziggler to the floor and we get a stare down between Sheamus and Langston as we go to commercial.

We are back and Ziggler with a side head lock but Sheamus with two double sledges followed by a shoulder that sends Ziggler into the corner and Sheamus with a running knee lift. Ziggler escapes a power slam and he hits a DDT after an uppercut. Ziggler gets a near fall. Ziggler with a leaping elbow drop and he gets a near fall. Sheamus punches Ziggler but Ziggler with a kick to the knee. Ziggler with a drop kick to the chest and he gets a near fall.

Ziggler with a rear chin lock. Ziggler takes Sheamus to the mat and applies a body scissors. Sheamus with punches but Ziggler with a knee. Sheamus with a power slam for a near fall. Ziggler goes to the apron and Sheamus goes to the corner but Ziggler drops Sheamus on the top rope. Ziggler goes up top but Sheamus punches Ziggler.

Sheamus sets for a super Fallaway Slam and then Sheamus gets a near fall. Sheamus goes up top but Ziggler crotches Sheamus. Ziggler punches Sheamus and connects with elbows on the turnbuckles. Sheamus pushes Ziggler off and then he tries to get back onto the turnbuckles but Sheamus with a punch. Sheamus with a flying shoulder tackle and he gets a near fall.

Sheamus tries to apply the Cloverleaf but Ziggler gets to the ropes. Ziggler hits Sheamus in the knee and tries for another DDT but Sheamus catches Ziggler and then gets him set for White Noise and hits it.

Sheamus looks around and it is time to bloody the chest for the Brogue Kick. Langston grabs the leg and that allows Ziggler to climb on Sheamus’ back for a sleeper. Sheamus with an arm drag that sends Ziggler onto Langston and Langston catches Ziggler.

We get another stare down between Langston and Sheamus. Langston gets on the apron and then the Shield attacks Sheamus. The referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Sheamus (by disqualification)

After the match:


The Shield works over Sheamus but Sheamus sends Ambrose and Rollins to the floor. Reigns with a spear and the three on one attack resumes. They get Sheamus up for the triple power bomb and send him to the mat.

We go to commercial

Kofi is checking with someone about Sheamus’ condition.

Wade tells Kofi that every champion except him has picked their opponents. Is Kofi worried about choosing between Hornswoggle and Little Jimmy. Barrett tells Kofi to choose him.

Kofi says that Hornswoggle and Little Jimmy would be better opponents. He already beat Barrett at TLC. He will beat Barrett again.

CM Punk is interrupted by Brad Maddox. Brad says that they can help each other. Brad says that he lost his last chance on Smackdown and he is looking for a job. Paul tells Brad to find the person who hires people.

Paul tells Brad to get out of CM Punk’s locker room, the arena, and out of his life.

Mae Young is at the party and she is holding her sides. The Divas tells the doctor that Mae is suffering from cramps. They get a table ready for Mae so the doctor can check on her.

The doctor says that Mae cannot compete tonight because she is pregnant.

Mae says not again.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Eve comes to the ring and she says that it is a flimsy excuse from Mae Young to get out of this match. She says that she was looking forward to defending the title against a Hall of Famer. Since Mae cannot wrestle, she wants the referee to declare her winner by forfeit.

Kaitlyn comes to the ring and Eve attacks her. Kaitlyn with a shoulder tackle and she punches Eve. Kaitlyn goes after eve and sends her into the ringside barrier. Kaitlyn kicks Eve. Kaitlyn punches Eve in the back of the head.


Eve tries to leave with the title belt but Kaitlyn makes it hard for her to get away.

Ricardo is in the back getting ready for his match. Alberto tells Ricardo it is not fair or right. Alberto says that he should be fighting that monster. He wants to know how Ricardo feels. Ricardo says that he is going to win the title and he will do it in Alberto’s honor. Alberto tells Ricardo that he has shown him nothing but honor. Alberto says that he has treated Ricardo like dirt. Ricardo was his dirt. Nobody should be treating him bad. Tonight, he will be with Ricardo, he will be there for Ricardo.

Ricardo says this is for them. Alberto tells Ricardo that if he is going to face a champion, he has to look like a champion. He gives Ricardo his scarf and his car keys.

We go to commercial.

World Championship
Big Show vs Ricardo Rodriguez (with Alberto Del Rio)

Ricardo goes for the leg and Show with a forearm to the back. Show pulls off Ricardo’s jacket and then the shirt is unbuttoned for Show to chop Ricardo. Show with another chop. Show sends Ricardo to the mat. Show puts Ricardo on the top turnbuckle and he turns his attention to Del Rio.

Ricardo with a kick to Show and then Show misses a shoulder in the corner. Ricardo with a step up enzuigiri. Show misses a boot and Ricardo works on the hamstring. Ricardo comes off the turnbuckles and is met with a chop. Show with a short arm clothesline or two. Show sets for the knockout punch but Del Rio attacks Show.

Winner: Big Show (by disqualification)

Alberto with kicks to the leg and then he hits a super kick to Show.


Intercontinental Title
Kofi Kingston vs Wade Barrett

They lock up and Barrett with a knee and elbow. Barrett with an Irish whip but Kofi moves. Kofi with a punch and kick to the legs. Kofi with a side head lock. Barrett with a shoulder tackle but Kofi with a back elbow and a drop kick for a near fall. Barrett backs Kofi into the corner and connects with a shoulder. Barrett with a key lock but Kofi uses the ropes to escape.

Kofi tries for Trouble in Paradise but Barrett is able to stop short to avoid it. Kofi with a waist lock into a side head lock. Kofi tries for a monkey flip but Barrett pushes Kofi off. Kofi with a hip toss and both men go over the top rope to the floor. We go to commercial.

We are back and Barrett with a side head lock. Kofi with punches. We see Barrett with a boot to the head during the commercial. Barrett sets for a pump handle slam and hits it and gets a near fall. Barrett chokes Kofi in the ropes and then he puts Kofi in the ropes and connects with knees. Barrett misses the boot to Kofi and gets caught in the ropes. Kofi with a pendulum kick followed by a springboard cross body on the floor.

They return to the ring and Kofi gets a near fall. Kofi with chops followed by a drop kick. Barrett tries for the Blackpool Slam but Kofi counters. Barrett with a counter of his own for a near fall. Kofi escapes Wasteland and hits SOS for a near fall. Kofi leaps to the corner and he punches Barrett. Barrett with a Barrage Bomb for a near fall. Barrett shows some frustration. Kofi misses Trouble in Paradise and Barrett gets Kofi on the shoulders for Wasteland but Kofi kicks out at two.

Kofi with an inside cradle for a near fall. Barrett with a clothesline and kick to the ribs. Barrett with kicks to the midsection in the corner until the referee warns him. Barrett with punches and the referee pulls him out of the corner again. Kofi with a pendulum kick and then Kofi tries for a springboard cross body but Barrett moves. Barrett gets the Bull Hammer ready and connects for the three count.


Winner: Wade Barrett

We go back to the party and Great Khali is the stirrups for Mae Young while we get closer to the delivery.

We go to commercial.

We are back and do you remember when Santa Claus made the mistake of walking into Alberto’s car on Raw last week?

Santino and Zack are ready for the party but Vickie Guerrero says that Mae Young is going to give birth to the New Year’s Baby. Kane and Daniel Bryan enter. Daniel says No and Kane says Yes. Mae gives birth to sound effects and Hornswoggle.

Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, and Seth Rollins vs Ryback

The Shield attacks Ryback on his way to the ring and Ryback does his best to fight them off. Ryback gets into the ring with Ambrose and he sends Ambrose into the turnbuckles. Reigns and Rollins join in the attack and they connect with kicks and elbows. Ambrose punches Ryback.

Sheamus comes to the ring and he goes after The Shield. Reigns and Ambrose attack Sheamus while Rollins chokes Ryback.

Randy Orton’s music plays and he comes to the ring and he goes after Ambrose and Rollins and then hits the Thesz Press on Reigns.

Ryback presses Rollins over his head and then slams him onto Reigns. Ambrose gets an RKO from Orton. The Shield leave the ring.

AJ helps Dolph get ready for their toast and we go to commercial.

We are back and we are reminded that we will either see CM Punk versus Ryback or Ryback versus Paul Heyman.

Dolph and AJ are dressed for a party and adorned in white. Big E is still in his ring gear. Dolph says that this toast goes out to everyone who deserves it. Less than a month ago, each of you voted for the Slammy for Superstar of the Year and you picked the Golden Boy John Cena. Cena had a great year. In 2012, the first half of the year was the buildup to the Match of a Lifetime. . . John Cena versus The Rock. A match that John Cena said he could not lose. Let’s go to the video tape for the finish of the match.

The next night, on Raw, John did something equally as impressive. He got F-5ed by Brock Lesnar and we see the footage.

Dolph says that there is no shame in getting beaten up by Brock Lesnar.

Then there was Cena being beaten by John Laurinaitis at Over the Limit.

Dolph wonders if people remember the People Power crap.

Dolph says that there is one more and we go to John failing to cash in at Raw 1000.

John became the first person to cash in and lose.

We need to give John some slack because it is about what you have done last and what you have done lately. Dolph asks if anyone knows how John ended his 2012 PPV year.

AJ responds that John lost to Dolph Ziggler when she pushed him off the ladder.

Dolph says that John had the most embarrassing year of his life. Everyone voted for him as Superstar of the Year.

AJ says that some people think she has mental problems, but it is the WWE Universe that needs the evaluation.


Dolph says that Cena hasn’t changed in ten years. He tells Cena to get with the times. It is 2012 and John’s time is up and Dolph says that his time is now . . . no offense. John is no longer on his level any more.

Dolph tells AJ to toast and make this the greatest new year ever. Dolph tells Big E that John is no longer invited to this toast.

AJ wants to toast the man who will own 2013, Mr. Money in the Bank, the Show Off and the man she loves . . . Dolph Ziggler.

Dolph kisses AJ in the ring and John Cena’s music plays.

Langston is all that stands between Cena and the ring.

John tells Mr. T to take it easy because he did not come out to fight. He says that Ziggler was right.

Dolph wants to make sure that he heard Cena right.


John says that there is no way to say that 2012 is not a year to be proud of. 2012 is the year of Dolph and AJ.

Dolph says that 2013 will be even better.

John says the future screams Dolph and AJ. . . primarily AJ. AJ had so many relationships. John points out that he was the fifth of the year. Sixth time is the charm. She is ready to settle down and make it legal. Dolph is in on it. They shopped for their outfit for the big day.

John has a photo of Dolph and AJ in their wedding attire and then we see the baby photo.


John says that this is not AJ’s first child.


Dolph tells John that he has nothing so all he can produce is doctored photos. John is a man-child. He calls John the biggest loser in the WWE. In 2013, he will become World Champion and John will still be a loser.

John says that Dolph is wasting their time and he wants to celebrate New Year’s. John says that if he gets serious, it does not end good for Dolph.

2012 was not good for him. He owned up to his losses and never gave up. The WWE Universe voted for him to be Superstar of the Year but he did not accept the award. Cena reminds Dolph that this is his seventh year in WWE. Dolph has only talked about how the administration held him down and all he needs is a push. The only way that Dolph gets a set of nuts, he earns. Dolph was a caddy, then a cheerleader, then he was a blonde. He had a bigger girlfriend and now he has a smaller one.

Cena announces that he is in the 2013 Royal Rumble. John vows to be the WWE Champion in 2013.

Dolph says that it is easy to say that but talk, just like Cena’s outfit is cheap.

Cena comments on Dolph’s outfit and then he says that he could make a lot of jokes about AJ wearing white. He says that his uniform has not changed in ten years because he has not changed as a person. He will give the devil his due out of respect. Cena toasts to a prosperous 2013 with the one thing that Dolph is full of. We see something brown coming from the rafters.




John wishes everyone a Happy New Year.

We go to credits.

Happy New Year everyone :) Have a safe and wonderful 2013!