View Full Version : Ric Flair says the WWE product now is average and more

01-12-2013, 06:07 PM
Ric Flair recently spoke about working for McMahon, the current WWE product and more. Here are the highlights…

Working For Vince McMahon: “Vince again is a great guy, he’s very honest and to the point and truthful. He is brutally honest and it takes a lot for someone in this day and age to be brutally honest but Vince is and I respect that about him. He’s the man, there is no one like him and no one has ever compared to him in this business, he has put things together that no one ever has, he’s a genius. But don’t piss him off! I’ve pissed Vince off plenty of times but oh boy did he make me aware of it and at the end of the day Vince always wins.”

The Current WWE Product: “I think the current product is average but that’s because you can’t replace guys like The Undertaker, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair, it’s very hard to replace all of those great guys, but the WWE is still the best wrestling product there is. The WWE really misses that whole attitude era but you’ll never get that back because it is just so hard to establish new names over night, you can’t just take a generation of people and try to replace them to make it better because it is a very tough and difficult business.”

Current WWE Superstars That Stand Out To Him: “The first three that come to my mind are John Cena, Randy Orton and Big Show, I really like Rey Mysterio and I think Dolph Ziggler can be great. There are a lot of good guys there right now but it’s just not what it was when you had the likes of Steve Austin, Triple H, Kurt Angle, I think Kurt is awesome, right now he is the best wrestler in the business


Y0UR Messiah
01-14-2013, 05:51 AM
And he didn't say anything about Punk...for shame.