View Full Version : Tom Prichard: Dean Ambrose Is Unique

Black Widow
01-21-2013, 10:34 PM
Having been involved in pro wrestling for five different decades, Dr. Tom Prichard (left, with Dory Funk Jr) can claim to be somewhat of an authority on the industry. As a wrestler, respected trainer and agent, there isn't much Prichard hasn't done in the business.

Writing a guest column in the pages of FSM, Prichard shares his thoughts on what the various members of The Shield – Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns have to do to be successful in WWE, collectively or otherwise. This preview of the article singles out Ambrose for praise, as Prichard compares him to some of the most volatile names in wrestling history.

“Dean Ambrose is an interesting one. He's hard to read unless you've been around his type of personality before; people like Terry Funk or Roddy Piper spring to mind immediately, and although lofty, those are very fair comparisons. Even so, he has had to learn that you can't always be switched on to that full-on mindset; sometimes you've got to learn when to switch off, which is a delicate balance”, Prichard wrote.

“Perhaps because of that, he's been misunderstood backstage – or at least he was when I was in WWE. He's trying to keep that mystery about him, and be different – breaking the mould, so to speak. Ambrose has a unique style and presence, and he reminds me a lot of Johnny Valentine. William Regal was one of the first to recognise how smart he was, and that stamp of approval is good enough for me”.

The full article is available in Issue 88 of FSM, available now from WH Smiths in the UK and Easons in Ireland! Visit DrTomPrichard.com for more information on Prichard, and follow on Twitter @drtomprichard. Please also use the hashtag #FSM.


01-21-2013, 11:04 PM
I really hope they use Ambrose right after the Shield splits, he could be great.