View Full Version : Ryback Talks About Evolution of His Character

01-24-2013, 02:21 PM
The College Time recently spoke with Ryback, who was promoting Sunday's Royal Rumble PPV. Here are some highlights from the interview.

How much input he had in the evolution of his character: "I was very vocal in that, actually. A lot of people don't know that I was Ryback before I was Skip Sheffield down in the developmental territories. It was a name I came up with and created, as far as when I was away from the WWE. 'Skip Sheffield' was presented to me by Dusty Rhodes. It was something I don't regret ever having happened because it did happen [and] that's what got me to the WWE initially. I cannot tell you enough how glad I am to not be doing that right now. What you see now is me. I'm a very intense individual in real life in everything I do. I set goals and I attack them with the intensity you see on TV."

His friends in the company: "I get along with everyone to some degree. I travel alone, though, and Stone Cold Steve Austin always said, 'Don't trust anybody.' He didn't just say that to say that. I always say, there are sharks swimming with dolphins. There are a lot of sharks in the WWE. You gotta be wary of everybody. Wade Barrett, though, still to this day is one of my friends that I keep in contact with and talk to a lot up there, and Daniel Bryan, believe it or not, I tend to get along pretty well with. I'm not there to make friends. Razor Ramon/Scott Hall used to always say, 'You can make money or you can make friends.' I'm here to make as much money as possible and put out a great product for WWE and that's my goal."


01-24-2013, 02:39 PM
Very honest interview I must say. I guess not trusting anyone comes from all the past incidents but at least he says he is there to make as much money as possible and entertain. I would like to see him as champ some time this year but may have to wait till 2014 i am guessing but who knows with the WWE lol

01-25-2013, 08:09 PM
I don't think he's a great performer and do not really need his character in WWE but respect what spots he filled within the last months and that he improved his performances.
Nonetheless I really can't imagine that this guy is a funny person in real life...