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02-08-2013, 06:49 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with a new blog on jrsbarbq.com. Here are some highlights:

- Will the Undertaker wrestle at WM29? I honestly and truly have no idea. However, I don't believe all that I read online from those who are speculating multiple tales regarding the subject.

Do I think that the Undertaker is done? No. Absolutely not.

- Would Bruno Sammartino have made it in today's wrestling business? Absolutely. Bruno had 'it.' 'It' cannot be taught or feigned. Bruno knew how to connect with the paying customers. He was believeable. Just because Bruno never did a hurricanrana or a tope doesn't mean he would not have done well. It's all about talent and television and how the talents are perceived on TV. That means it takes a partnership between the two entities with the talent being the key component.

- Who was the MVP of the Royal Rumble PPV? Another subjective question with multiple right answers but for me, in my personal opinion, it was Chris Jericho, @IAmJericho. That's no knock on any of the other 'boys.' I think the live audience attending in Phoenix would likely agree.

- Do I think that JBL gets the credit he deserves for his long, title run? No. @JCLayfield reinvented himself multiple times after we hired him and each time he got better. He's a smart Texan who likely overachieved, as he and I both did in marriage, in the eyes of his peers. John was an excellent athlete who did not want to be average. He was a competitor who wanted the spotlight and was willing to put in the work to get it. If that meant pushing someone aside, so be it. I applaud that mindset and am proud of John's certain, HOF career. He's also a breath of fresh air on WWE TV and brings a high IQ to the broadcast table in his antagonist role.

02-09-2013, 03:10 PM
JR Blog: This Week's WWE Tryouts at Developmental, Thursday's NXT TV Tapings
By Marc Middleton
Feb 3, 2013 - 7:58:09 AM

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with a new blog on jrsbarbq.com, talking about the tryouts at NXT this week and Thursday's TV tapings. Here are some highlights:

- The NXT TV taping was another great learning experience for all involved. Tag Title tournament culminated along w/ several Divas getting significant TV exposure. As w/ any TV taping, some facets were better than others but in developmental that's the nature of the beast. Working in WWE Talent Development is a wonderful assignment for me and allows me to contribute to WWE's future & give back to our business. Helping the young broadcasters is extremely rewarding for me. Being able to offer positive motivation to all those who are just beginning they've career journey is rewarding & allows me to come away from each assignment feeling better about my day.

- The NXT tryouts started somewhat slowly on an extremely long Friday but Saturday was a superb day. The retention from Friday to Saturday w/ the drills was exceptional. Focus was improved, everyone seemed to be more comfortable. Fun day.

- Sunday will wrap up the process for the 30+ young men who were invited. Promos & more matches on tap before we wrap things up. If we can replicate the productivity we experienced Saturday, I'd expect a nice handful of offers to be extended over the next few weeks. Getting a WWE contract is daunting but well worth the effort and sacrifices it takes to get a shot at the Promised Land.


02-09-2013, 03:10 PM
Jim Ross Blog: Lesnar's Attack On McMahon, Chris Jericho's Return, Bo Dallas
By Michael Bluth
Jan 29, 2013 - 4:10:14 PM

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his blog at JRsBarBQ.com with his thoughts on Monday's RAW. Here are some highlights of what JR wrote about:

Bo Dallas: "Loved that Bo wears a black glove much like his WWE HOF family members, Grandpa Blackjack Mulligan and Uncle Barry Windham."

Chris Jericho's Return "The return to WWE for whatever the over discussed term of his contract may or may not be for @IAmJericho has been a shining light beginning on Sunday at the Rumble and Monday on RAW. Chris Jericho can make whoever he competes with better which is an artform that isn't in abundance in today's mat world. Great 'get' by WWE."

Brock Lesnar Attacking Vince McMahon: "Dramatic conclusion to Raw with the in ring confrontation of Mr. McMahon and @HeymanHustle which I knew would be a highlight of the night but I never dreamed it would become THE highlight of the broadcast. Great, organic chemistry between two men who have had plenty of experience 'debating' the other over the years. My black hat is off to both as it was the show closing moment that Raw needed and it delivered. The shocking return of Brock Lesnar was something that I did not expect to see Monday night and I certainly did not foresee the "Psycho Viking" F5'ing the Chairman of the Board. Freighting moment, in my view, taking all elements into consideration."


02-11-2013, 03:57 AM
Jim Ross updated his JRSBARBQ.com blog with some Sunday thoughts about the WWE Network, the WWE Hall of Fame, and more:

Ross on the WWE Network: “As a DirecTV customer I’m intrigued that they have legit interest in the much discussed WWE Network but why wouldn’t they? I know what you know about the proposed WWE Network but I’m hopeful that it becomes a reality in the future. I applaud WWE’s diligence in taking it slow and deliberate in the planning of such a major project.

Ross on WWE Hall of Fame possibilities and celebrity inductees: “Curious to see if WWE adds another name to the 2013 WWE HOF class this Monday night on Raw. This class is already star studded but it seems inevitable that another name, maybe two, will be announced. I’d assume a ‘Celebrity” inductee will be named and I can think of several on a short list including Regis Philbin, Andy Kaufman, Lawrence Taylor and Cyndy Lauper among others. Stay tuned.”

Ross on the anniversary of the passing of Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig: “Can’t help but think about Curt Hennig aka Mr. Perfect today on the anniversary of his untimely passing. “Perfecto’ was as good a natural athlete as I’ve ever been around in the wrestling biz. Curt starting so young and wrestling so much likely contributed to his lingering back injuries as back ailments are horrific for any performer in the sports entertainment biz. Curt was also one of the funniest guys that I ever worked with on commentary and had legit, natural timing much like a guy he watched while growing up, Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan.”

02-14-2013, 11:33 PM
Source: JrsBarBq

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has published a new blog on JrsBarBq.com. Here are some highlights.
Thoughts on Jack Swagger & Zeb Colter: "I like the potential of ' Zeb' being added to the presentation of @RealJackSwagger. Key term is 'potential' but if it works it will help put Swagger back where I feel he will eventually land and that's in main events on a regular basis. Winning the Elimination Chamber match this Sunday in #NOLA would give the former #Sooner two sport star significant momentum. I may even pick Swagger to win when I do my predictions for the PPV this Sunday."

WWE Sending talent to rehab: "WWE has literally spends thousands upon thousands of dollars on helping former talents deal with their personal issues. TONS of big, money for the record. WWE never has received the credit due them for their help especially when they are not contractually obligated to do so but they instead address these matters because it's the right thing to do. However, people have to want to truly help themselves in order for rehab to work and unfortunately many more don't and would rather catch their buzz and continue to live the same pre-rehab life that they lead before therapy. I've been knee deep in these issues throughout my career and can assure you that relapses by talents and former talents is heartbreaking."

Undertaker's WrestleMania 29 status: "Getting tons of questions daily on Twitter about the Undertaker. I get the curiosity but I don't have any answers. One a more strategic note why would any announcement be made until after the Elimination Chamber when the Road to WrestleMania really starts rolling? I was also asked in the Q&A section if WWE would put Taker in a multiple person match at a WM? I can't and won't speak for WWE but I certainly wouldn't do such a booking. Finally, once again, I NEVER see the STREAK ending at the hands of ANYONE at ANY WrestleMania."

02-19-2013, 12:49 AM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has published a new blog on JrsBarBq.com. Here are some highlights.

The overall production: EThe #WWEChamber had many moments that I enjoyed. New Orleans live audience felt emotionally invested while watching on PPV from my home in Oklahoma. The look of the show, graphics, music, video packages were top shelf as always. No one does PPV better than @WWE in my biased opinion.

World Heavyweight Championship: I never saw the submission victory for Alberto Del Rio coming. @VivaDelRio using the cross armbreaker to submit @WWETheBigShow shows the effectiveness of the hold and that ADR can beat any one with it. I've always been a fan of when sport entertainment utilizes established submission holds.

United States Championship: Continue to be impressed with the United State Champion @AntonioCesaro as he seems to continue to get better with each outing. Cesaro is so fundamentally sound, much bigger and stronger than most perceive and is in magnificent physical condition. He has a legit shot to reinvigorate the US Title and it seems as if his rivalry with @MikeTheMiz is on going. The disqualification decision caught me off guard but the Ref's call appeared to be the only one that he could make.

Elimination Chamber match: The Elimination Chamber match delivered in a big way in my eyes. Loved that it came down to all six men before the first elimination was declared. It certainly was one of the better bouts of its type as all the participants had significant moments along the way. Even though @TheMarkHenry did not win he had a monster night. Very impactful and memorable. Great example of maximizing his minutes. Same can be said to some degree for @RandyOrton, @IAmJericho Chris Jericho and the eventual winner and former #OU Sooner Jack Swagger. Swagger now is in line for a major assignment at WM29 in Met Life Stadium where he will face Alberto Del Rio for the World Title.

Jericho continued his torrid paced return to WWE and his marathon like performance was outstanding. It's hard to believe that, arguably, Jericho is as good as he ever was, perhaps better in many ways, after such a long lay off. A true artisan.

Team Cena vs. Team Shield: The 6 man tag exceeded my expectations and I thought it, along with the Elimination Chamber, were, arguably, the matches of the night. Shocked to some degree that @TheShield won as their victory was definitely an 'upset' in my view. @WWERollins, @DeanAmbrose and @RomanReigns all had excellent nights against top quality opponents. The @WWENXT alums came though on game day and have added a freshness and unpredictability to WWE that always makes the TV product better.

Divas Championship: Kaitlyn is slowly building a nice body of work within the WWE Divas division that feels like anyone can beat the other on any given night.

WWE Championship: @TheRock defeating @CMPunk wasn't a total shocker including the controversy that dotted the bout toward its crescendo. Punk will likely have plenty to say about the matter tonight on #Raw that emanates from Lafayette, Louisiana. This bout saw two referees utilized, @HeymanHustle get dusted, Punk pinning Rock for long enough to grab a sandwich, and a well timed Rock Bottom to seal the deal. Lots of things to process in the final moments of the contest. "Was justice served?" Great line by @JCLayfield that certainly stimulated plenty of conjecture.


02-19-2013, 08:44 PM
Credit: JRSBARBQ.com

Jim Ross recently posted a new blog entry. Here are the highlights…

On Zeb Coulter: Getting lots of Tweets regarding Zeb Colter’s politically based comments and many feel that the comments are untimely. Isn’t that what wrestling villains do, make inflammatory, controversial comments that strike a nerve with the audience? Same type of comments are made daily on a variety of news outlets so I’d suggest to the most vocal of critics to simply, “Lighten Up Francis.” Zeb’s TV persona is that of a political zealot who has controversial opinions. Zeb…if that is his real name. Jack Swagger is too good of a big, athlete to not have a viable shot at long term success in WWE. The former, two time, Oklahoma State High School Heavyweight Wrestling Champion AND All State football lineman went to OU as a two sport star and earned two time All American Honors in wrestling while a Sooner. Colter is helping develop Swagger’s TV persona which is timely while Swagger is as athletic a big men, 6’6″-270, as anyone on the WWE roster.

On The Shield: Huge win for the Shield on their first RAW bout defeating Jericho, Sheamus and Ryback, who seems to be in implosion mode. The Shield talents, who honed their skills at NXT, have proven that they can hunt with the big dogs. Now the difference maker is to not be satisfied with their skill set and today’s body of work but to relentlessly push to refine their game and to improve upon it.

On The New WWE Title: The Rock unveiled the newly designed WWE Title of which has been a topical, Twitter subject @JRsBBQ. I’ve stated many times in the past, I’m not a title belt aficionado and have never invested much of my time on the design of any championship. I think classy, simple is better but, again, I won’t lose any sleep over how a championship belt looks. Personalized Championship tittles are simply what they are. I always thought the old WCW Title belt was WAY too big as was the UWF Title back in the day while I still think that the Lou Thesz version of the NWA Title along with the Race, Funk, Brisco NWA title belt was classy and cool. But again, I’m not your best source for an opinion on the Spinner Title or Rock’s Brahma Bull Title. I’d say the same thing re: the Smoking Skull title as well in case you’re wondering.

On Paul Heyman and Vickie Guerrero: Paul Heyman and Vickie Guerrero have great chemistry. I enjoy their interactions. As I’ve said, Heyman is this generation’s best ‘manager’ and I don’t even know who’s in second place. One also has to tip one’s hat to Vickie Guerrero who has become a major player in WWE after getting such a late start in the biz. I am amazed at how good Vickie Guerrero has become. I’m very proud of Vickie and I’m positive that Eddy would have been too.


02-25-2013, 12:13 AM
Source: JR's BBQ

Jim Ross posted his latest blog at JRSBBQ.com. Here are some highlights:
The Undertaker's return last night: "Lots of buzz about the surprise return of the Undertaker Saturday night at a WWE live event in Waco Texas. Taker wasn't advertised and competed in a tag team bout. It's great to see the Phenom stepping back into the ring and I hope that he gives himself a passing grade for his latest experience and that he feels great today.

"My Twitter @JRsBBQ blew up last night when photos of Taker in the ring in Waco starting being posted and then WWE.com posted more info and things really got crazy. Obsessed fans had the rest of the year booked within a matter of minutes as it relates to Taker.

"Perhaps these fans should spend as much time on their school homework.

"Like everyone else, I hope that Taker's return to the squared circle results in him performing at WM29 but I would suggest that isn't exactly a 'done deal' as I write this. Perhaps we will learn more next week on WWE TV or the week after. I'm willing to simply stay tuned and enjoy the ride and I remain optimistic. (What a novel concept.)"

Jack Swagger's arrest last week: "I'm still waiting for all the info to roll in from Mississippi regarding Swagger's arrest where he was changed with some misdemeanors. Obviously this situation was ill advised and should never have happened no matter how badly timed it is perceived by some. Any time is a bad time.

"I got criticized for saying that I wasn't turning my back on Swagger and I'm still of that mindset. Can you realize how many people that I would have failed to support back in my talent relations days if I had that mentality? At some point, if one cannot solve a problem, then one must eliminate said problem. But I've always felt compelled that one should exhaust all reasonable remedies to solve an issue before saying adios to any talent. I'd like to think that back in the day that I was a 'player's coach' but that doesn't mean that repeat offenders or those who are so defiant and that resist positive changes in their lives need to be kept around.

"I simply hope that Swagger has learned a life lesson from his mistake and that nothing like this ever occurs again. He owes it to himself, his family, the fans and his company to do so."

Much more is contained in Ross' latest blog, including his thoughts on the Q&A panel he participated in on Friday, Cena vs. Punk on RAW, UFC 157, Ronda Rousey being UFC's hottest star and much more. You can check out the full entry by clicking here.

Also, don't forget to order some of JR's BBQ Sauce, which is great for the kitchen and the grill, at WWEShop.com by clicking here.


02-27-2013, 12:42 AM
Credit: JRSBARBQ.com

Jim Ross has posted a new blog entry. Here are the highlights…

On Lesnar vs. Triple H: I really enjoyed the hot start to Monday Night RAW from Dallas and also the close of the broadcast which translates to me into a good broadcast. Dallas was a legit sell out, I couldn’t even get tickets for a few friends, and the crowd helped make the show better. The McMahon-Heyman in ring confrontation told a brief albeit short story that set up the HHH-Lesnar confrontation nicely. Lesnar needed, allegedly 12 or more staples in his head to close up a nasty gash that he received in a collision with the ring post. BTW the ring post generally wins those meetings. I am hopeful that HHH vs. Lesnar is a major part of WM29 and I have NO issues with this or any other viable match being a ‘return’ contest. Those that have issues with big time matches having a second go around have issues that I honestly can’t fully fathom. I can’t think of too many, major WWE main events that haven’t had a return match with the exception of a small handful. This concept has been around since before I got in the business in 1974 and is a viable part of the fabric of what sports entertainment is.

On The WWE Hall of Fame: Amazes me how some who follow me on Twitter @JRsBBQ or hit our Q&A section of the site can differentiate a WWE HOF induction for a celeb from an active participant. Donald Trump going in the ‘celebrity wing’ is essentially an honorary award and should not be confused with someone like Bruno or even a broadcaster like Mean Gene Okerlund. However for some reason there are many who feel that Trump is going into the WWE HOF over say, for instance, Macho Man Randy Savage, etc. That’s simply NOT the case but many refuse to want to understand this matter. BTW Donald Trump made many contributions to WWE including WM’s 4&5 and his involvement in the hair match with Mr. McMahon at WM23 did huge business. I take personal offense when I am tweeted that the WWE HOF is meaningless. I wear my WWE HOF ring daily and feel very blessed to have been inducted in 2007.

On Cena vs. Punk: I thought that the Cena vs. Punk match that filled approximately the final 30 minutes of Monday Night RAW was one of the absolute best RAW TV bouts that I can remember in a long, long time. The near falls continued to escalate as did the effort and physicality of both men. Punk working such a high level match after flying back from Turkey and battling jet lag as well as a motivated John Cena was $2 steak tough. Cena adding a few new wrinkles to his offense was surprising and effective. Both men had a noticeable sense of urgency which never fails to translate well if it is genuine and this certainly was. Bottom line is that two, main event talents had something tangible to fight for, the opportunity to compete for the WWE Title at WM29, and were allotted the appreciate TV time to tell us a helluva story. Not enough can be said about the pacing of the match and how it built to a significant crescendo. My black hat is off to both men as these are the types of main events that announcers throughout the ages have embraced and love to broadcast.

03-01-2013, 11:43 PM
Jim Ross posted his latest blog at JRSBBQ.com. Here are some highlights:
His appearance on SmackDown tonight: "Check out my cameo tonight on Friday Night Smackdown where I conduct an in ring interview with Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter taped Tuesday night in OKC. Colter's anti Hispanic rant is uncomfortable to say the least. Swagger's conduct is no better."

JBL not commentating on tonight's show: "BTW...tonight on Smackdown the broadcast trio of Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler and Josh Mathews will voice the show over live in order to really making it social media friendly and topical to today's news and happenings. Hopefully we might get to hear from the mountain climbing JBL, or at least get an update, but that's dependent on John's ability to communicate from his lofty location."

Monday's Old School RAW: "Seems like this Monday's Old School Raw has created a nice buzz for the live, TV event to emanate from Buffalo, New York. I still have my lovely, yellow blazer hanging in my closet from a past Old School Raw broadcast which always reminds me of the good, old days of Monday Night Football. I'm guessing that there will be some fun surprises in store for the fans Monday night live on RAW. "

Much more is contained in Ross' latest blog, including why he never makes appearances at Comic Con, his thoughts on Ronda Rousey, Booker T, signing his first WWE contract 20 years ago this week and much more

03-04-2013, 02:49 AM
Jim Ross posted his latest blog at JRSBBQ.com. Here are some highlights:
This Monday's RAW: "I expect Monday's RAW to have ample amounts of 'surprise' elements, particularly with some of the returning old school talents and how they are utilized and a definitive feel as to what we can expect to experience at WM29. In addition, thanks to some of the 'Legends' in attendance, I would expect to see some,hopefully, timely humor infused into the show. What will be the proverbial water cooler talk regarding #Raw come Tuesday morning?

"Whoever wrestles in the main event of the evening will have huge shoes to fill following last week's John Cena vs. CM Punk instant classic."

Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar: "Starting the show off with Mr. McMahon, Paul Heyman, Brock Lesnar and HHH will be hard to top this week but I'm anxious to see how WWE sets the stage for the much anticipated three hour broadcast that will obviously be focused on WM29."

Added pressure heading into WrestleMania: "I always looked at these last few Road to WrestleMania shows like an athlete competing in the playoffs. Nothing but one's absolute best will do no matter one's assignment or the segment in which they appear. Every role is important and any one with a "business as usual" mindset needs a heart to heart talk."

Much more is contained in Ross' latest blog, including his thoughts on last week's RAW, business picking up for WrestleMania season, last Friday's Smackdown, and much more

03-04-2013, 09:25 PM
Jim Ross posted his latest blog at JRSBBQ.com. Here are some highlights:
Legends on tonight's RAW: "WWE.com released an impressive list or names earlier today that are slated to appear on tonight's Old School Raw. Happy to see them all especially guys like the Honkytonk Man who hasn't been involved in WWE programming in quite some time. Always good to see my old Mid south Wrestling buddy Hacksaw Jim Duggan get a call as well as Nature Boy Ric Flair who I'm sure the Buffalo, live audience will embrace. I know that Mean Gene Okerlund has been looking forward to this night for quite some time. The Million Dollar Man will be on RAW tonight with two, newly replaced knees."

John Cena vs. The Rock: "One could realistically expect some sort of confrontation between The Rock, the WWE Champion, and his number one contender and WM29 opponent, John Cena. If this confrontation does occur, I'd guess that both men will be compellingly serious. The responsibility that they carry in closing the show at WM29 is massive. The top guys always carry the heaviest load but with that comes the greatest rewards. Some guys can handle the pressure and some fold like a cheap shirt....and often blame the promotion for their lack of push or general success."

CM Punk: "It's also a huge night for @CMPunk, arguably WWE's MVP for the past year and change, as he has to re-position himself for WM29. There's lots of speculation on this matter and we'll hopefully know more conclusive info during tonight's three hour broadcast. @HeymanHustle will be knee deep in whatever happens, as well, one can assume.

"I'm guessing that we come out of tonight's Old School RAW with a much clearer picture of what we can expect to see from an upper card level respect at WM29 on April 7 at MetLife Stadium.

Much more is contained in Ross' latest blog, including his thoughts on Bruno Sammartino being honored at the Arnold Classic, title belt designs, broadcasting with Bruno and much more

03-06-2013, 11:43 PM
Credit: JRSBARBQ.com

Jim Ross has posted the following blog on the passing of Paul Bearer. Here is what Ross had to say…

It’s never easy reflecting back on the life of a great friend and someone so universally well liked. My friend Bill Moody aka Paul Bearer aka Percival Pringle 3 passed away Tuesday at the age of 58. Here are some personal thoughts….

I met Percy, as I called him for the duration of our relationship, while he worked in Dallas for WCCW and the Von Erich’s in the wrestling office in Dallas and while managing a variety of villain wrestlers. Our mutual friend Dennis Brent introduced us as Percy also did some work with Dennis to help make ends meet. This was in the early 80′s.

We hit it off immediately as we both had the love of the business in common and we both were in the business in a non wrestling role. Were we earning as much money as ‘the boys?’ Of course not but we were having fun because we were living out our boyhood dreams of being involved in the most unique of genres.

Percy was one of the funniest guys that I ever met in the wrestling biz. He could make anyone laugh and enjoyed doing so. He was also a natural ‘heel’ and had the psychology of being a villain manager down to a science. Calling Paul Bearer a student of the game would be an understatement.

Growing up in the Pensacola, Florida area with Michael Hayes and others who also made their way into the business Percy always dreamed of being in the biz but knew that athletically speaking that he would have to take a different route than most to make it to the big time. He took that challenging road and navigated it successfully scratching out a living but loving every minute of the journey.

In 1990, PP3′s big break came when Vince McMahon brought him to WWE and paired the licensed mortician to be the Undertaker’s manager.

As great as Taker’s run has been in WWE, arguably the most marvelous, long term run in WWE history, it would have not been the same without Paul Bearer being added to the presentation in the Phenom’s formative years.

They went together like BBQ sauce on a great rack of ribs and created a presentation that including the perfect music, with perfect lighting and special effects to go along with the amazing package of the Dead Man and his scary, unmistakable figure of a manager.

When I got to WWE in 1993 I was so happy to reunite with Percy and so proud that he had made it to the top of the mountain in the biggest promotion in the world. That’s a long way from P’Cola and working multiple jobs for the fading WCCW territory while taking on a second job to pay the bills.

Percy was so proud of his sons and loved his family deeply. His southern roots ran deep as he never moved, for long any way, from Alabama. During the football season we would exchange messages or talk about his Crimson Tide and my Sooners hoping that they would meet for the national title in our life time. If I got a ‘Roll Tide’ message on my phone or on Twitter I did not have to think twice about who sent it.

He always laughed about me calling him a “Rotund Demon” on a broadcast and often identified himself in that manner when we would speak on the phone.

Percy dearly loved George Jones and occasionally when a new talent would come into the WWE some pranksters would put the newbie up to telling Percy that George Jones had just passed away. Wrestlers have strange senses of humor and Percy never thought that ‘rib’ was a funny one. He would commence to cutting a promo on the unsuspecting newcomer AND who ever put the kid up to the unappreciated shenanigans.

Some of my fondest memories was Percy enjoying a taste of Jack Daniels and singing George Jones tunes especially ‘He Stopped Loving Her Today.’

Percy dearly loved George Jones but that love paled in comparison to his love for his late wife Diana who passed from breast cancer a few years ago. I’m not sure Percy ever recovered from that loss.

One of Percy’s closest, long time friends text me last night that “Paul is happy now. He’s back with Diana.”

Rest in Peace old friend until we meet again.

03-09-2013, 07:37 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with a new blog on jrsbarbq.com. Here are some highlights:
- The new, @BretHart DVD collection just released this week is exceptional. When a talent sits down and emotionally invests themselves in a project such as a DVD, inevitably the product is that much better.

That was certainly the case with the last @steveaustinBSR DVD and same goes for the two DVD presentations that Bret has helped produce.

Emotionally investing in one's life, totally, generally equates to positive results. Living in one's comfort zone isn't advisable.

- Got an email from a NFL writer/friend where former Tough Enough winner Andy Leavine is preparing to try his hand at pro football again. I wish him the best on such a daunting challenge and getting a free agent deal.

My theory is that, if one does the math, that it's harder to make a WWE primary roster than it is to make a NFL team. Certainly an arguable point but the number of 'spots' available for both entities favors football.

- Anxious to see the follow up Monday night in Indy on RAW especially between @CMPunk and The Undertaker notwithstanding Brock Lesnar and @TripleH. Two hugely compelling WM 29 scenarios. Do I expect Lesnar to commit to fighting HHH at WM29? Do I want to sell you some JR's? Hell, yes! This is crunch time for everyone associated with WWE as the Road To WrestleMania separates the wannabe's from the players.

- Amazed at how busy @JerryLawler stays virtually each and every weekend doing appearances and signings. However, there's no doubt that Jerry would rather be wrestling. I'd be surprised if things work out to where The King has had his last bout.

03-12-2013, 01:37 AM
Jim Ross has posted his latest blog online. Check out the highlights:

On tonight’s Raw: “There are many things to keep an eye on tonight on the live, three hour RAW that emanates from Indianapolis. Obviously, it will be WM29 oriented as the big day of April 7 will be upon us before we know it. How can we expect to see the Undertaker presented on RAW tonight?”

On CM Punk vs. Undertaker: “The amazing Deadman is slated to defend the most auspicious streak in the history of the business at WM29 against the talented and opportunistic @CMPunk. Punk has been, arguably, WWE’s MVP the past many months highlighted by his long reign as WWE Champion. Versus ‘Taker, at least in my view, Punk has everything to gain and nothing to lose which makes the controversial, expert of the pipe bomb even more of a threat to pull off what many of us feel will never happen…someone, anyone ending the Undertaker’s undefeated streak at WrestleMania. Many fans suggest that it is ‘time’ for WWE’s longest running, major star to ‘go down.’ Mother Nature has not been kind to the Demon of Death Valley has he has had his share of serious injuries that were brought upon by a fierce, in ring style that featured a plethora of non, big man moves for a near 7 foot, 300 pounder. Not to mention, a hellacious road schedule for many, many years that are especially challenging to maintain for anyone much less a man the size of Taker. Airplane seats or normal automobiles are not made for mammoth men of Taker’s proportions. “

More on Undertaker vs. Punk: “Punk is, arguably, more unpredictable than any opponent that Taker has ever faced at a WrestleMania event including the legendary Shawn Michaels as certainly Punk has a completely different style than HBK. Punk’s Muay Tai based, submission approach to the game versus HBK’s more traditional catch as catch can style with some calculated, high risk thrown in for good measure pose a different set of problems for the man we have not seen compete on TV since last WrestleMania. One has to wonder what that match took out of the Phenom. It is easy to fathom that Punk will wrestle Undertaker with an enhanced sense of urgency at WM29 but will that be enough to hang the only loss at WrestleMania on the all time great? Some speculate here on our Q&A’s and via Twitter @JRsBBQ that they think that if Taker loses at WM29 that he will hang it up. I don’t know abut that but I do know that the day that the Undertaker feels that he can’t be ‘The Undertaker’ that he will fade into the darkness and not attempt to perpetuate what once was as so many of his peers have embarrassingly attempted to do. The Deadman has too much pride.”

On whether a breaking of the Streak would hurt Undertaker’s legacy: “So, does Taker being 20-1 at WrestleMania’s adversely affect his legacy? Not in my view. However, does beating the Undertaker at WrestleMania essentially make Punk even more special? Absolutely. A Punk win at WM29 would essentially punch Punk’s WWE HOF ticket and whether the outspoken Punk would admit it or not, being inducted into the WWE HOF is an amazing honor even for the most devout of individuals. Time will tell and it’s a main event match of which I’m extremely interested. Undertaker and Punk have my attention and are likely to have even more of it after tonight’s RAW in Indianapolis.”

On Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H: “That brings us to one Brock Lesnar. The amazingly gifted fighter/wrestler who we recruited straight out of the University of Minnesota where he was a national, NCAA heavyweight wrestling champion and a multiple time All American for Coach J Robinson’s Golden Gophers. Lesnar was always a uniquely complex individual to manage but many extraordinary athletes in a variety of sports are. Lesnar has always had an obsession with being the best and with also being the alpha male in any environment that he resides. It is my opinion that Lesnar doesn’t need WWE’s money but what he does need is to re-validate to himself that he is still the best/toughest in the sports entertainment genre just as he was when he abruptly left the business to try his hand at the NFL and before dominating UFC as their PPV cash cow and UFC Heavyweight Champion. I see Lesnar accepting @TripleH WM29 challenge tonight but not without significant fanfare. There is only so much spotlight to go around the evening of April 7 and world class athletes like Lesnar want the bulk of that spotlight to be on them. Plus, the Psycho Viking has @HeymanHustle in his ear. Enough said.”

On Chris Jericho: “Speaking of men who crave the spotlight, @IAmJericho Chris Jericho is another. Arguably, no one in WWE is more driven to conquer more world’s than is Jericho. Jericho is one man that his peers don’t embrace ‘following’ at any major event and WM29 is the biggest ‘major’ the biz has to offer. As of yet, Jericho isn’t slated for a WM29 bout but how can he not be on this showcase of Hall of Fame level talent? Perhaps we will find out tonight in Indy what awaits Jericho at WM29 but be assured that if and when Y2J is booked he will turn his sights directly on creating yet another WrestleMania moment.”

03-13-2013, 05:00 AM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with a new blog on jrsbarbq.com. Here are some highlights:
- For those complaining about the usage of Paul Bearer's image less than a week after his sudden passing last Tuesday at the age of 58, I suggest that they relax. I'm guessing that I knew Percy better than most complaining within the internet wrestling community and I can say without hesitation that he would have loved how his TV persona was honored notwithstanding how he contributed to one more storyline leading into WrestleMania.

Punk interrupting the final moments of the opening Paul Bearer tribute was villainy 101.

As a matter of fact, I felt like Punk had more antagonist angst when Raw was going off the air than he did when he first arrived on the scene in the first segment of the show.

The idea is to motivate fans to pay to see the villain get his ass handed to him and if that theory is accurate then WWE succeeded in regards to the Taker-Punk 'Streak' match at WM29.

- WWE utilizing John Cena's divorce in the WWE Title video package surprised me. However, it made perfect sense and is an issue that most people can relate to in some fashion. It also helps realistically explain Cena's own self proclaimed downward spiral in 2012.

- Proud of The Shield guys after having seen them evolve and develop in NXT even though some will either hit me on our Q&A's or on Twitter @JRsBBQ that both Rollins and Ambrose were ready for prime time upon leaving ROH. I have a different opinion on that matter and I think that the talents themselves would concur. That's no knock on ROH who I am pulling for in a big way to be successful.

- Add @WWEDanielBryan vs. @HEELZiggler to my list of 'Best of Seven' candidates. They had one helluva wrestling match on RAW Monday night. I'd expect both men to travel in different circles post WrestleMania as in faster circles or so I hope.

03-15-2013, 01:27 AM
Credit: JRSBARBQ.com

Jim Ross has posted a new blog entry. Here are the highlights…

On Ric Flair: Got a nice call this morning from @RicFlairNatrBoy who was in great spirits and talking about how proud he was of his son Reid who is in Japan wrestling for All Japan Pro Wrestling and is apparently learning a great deal and doing well. I’d suggest Reid stay in Japan for a year or longer and really refine his game before attempting to make his mark in the USA. Tough last name to have and even tougher to step away from the shadow of one of the most influential and famous fathers in the history of the business. I’m looking forward to catching up with ‘Naitch’ in a social setting during WrestleMania week.

On Attending WWE AXXESS: I know that I will be at WM29 AXXESS the Friday before the PPV at the WWE Super Store where they will be selling JR’s products. I think the time is 1:30 until ??. When I get my official AXXESS schedule I will pass it along. JR’s products will only be available at AXXESS and NOT inside the stadium. Order now from WWEShop.com to get yours shipped to your home for WM29 gatherings.

On The UFC: Nick Diaz is actually doing the #UFC a favor with his alleged ‘bad boy’ behavior prior to this Saturday’s PPV vs. GSP. Diaz’ every move is seemingly being documented and the talented albeit combustible MMA athlete will have many people paying big bucks to see perennial hero St. Pierre silence GSP’s controversial nemesis in the heroes hometown. Perfect scenario for a momentous upset even thought Diaz is a huge betting underdog. If GSP comes out looking to humiliate and decimate Diaz and not fight his usual strategic fight, strange things could happen in Montreal.

Great ‘villains’ are the one’s who can motivate fans to invest financially in the villain’s demise or comeuppance. It’s been that way in sports entertainment for decades and it happens every Sunday in the NFL which is why the NFL rarely plays a game on a neutral site. The visitors play the role of the ‘villain.’

Speaking of the UFC, their primary broadcast team, who I happen to really enjoy, @MFG16 and @JoeRogan, work like government mules on show day just on the air alone. Facebook bouts, prelims on cable and then the PPV which equates roughly to a 6 hour broadcast. That’s insane. That means that the most important thing that they do, the PPV Main Event, is at the end of a marathon day of double digit hours.

03-15-2013, 10:52 PM
JR's Random Thoughts, 'NAITCH,' Ref Korderas Book, Diaz-GSP, Duck Dynasty, Order JR's Products Today for WM29!
Thu, 03/14/2013 - 12:06pm — J.R.
Posted in:


Thanks for stopping by our site on a beautiful day in Norman, Oklahoma where you can buy JR's products off the shelf at great prices. There are four, Norman @HomelandStores and all do a great job with our brand. Let's get random....

Nick Diaz is actually doing the #UFC a favor with his alleged 'bad boy' behavior prior to this Saturday's PPV vs. GSP. Diaz' every move is seemingly being documented and the talented albeit combustible MMA athlete will have many people paying big bucks to see perennial hero St. Pierre silence GSP's controversial nemesis in the heroes hometown. Perfect scenario for a momentous upset even thought Diaz is a huge betting underdog.
If GSP comes out looking to humiliate and decimate Diaz and not fight his usual strategic fight, strange things could happen in Montreal.
Great 'villains' are the one's who can motivate fans to invest financially in the villain's demise or comeuppance. .
It's been that way in sports entertainment for decades and it happens every Sunday in the NFL which is why the NFL rarely plays a game on a neutral site. The visitors play the role of the 'villain.'
Speaking of the UFC, their primary broadcast team, who I happen to really enjoy, @MFG16 and @JoeRogan, work like government mules on show day just on the air alone. Facebook bouts, prelims on cable and then the PPV which equates roughly to a 6 hour broadcast. That's insane. That means that the most important thing that they do, the PPV Main Event, is at the end of a marathon day of double digit hours.
Funny how some fans are just discovering my original 'pipe bomb' promo from 1996. It pales in comparison to @CMPunk but it was somewhat unique for the day. I remember wearing poor, Jerry Brisco out as we rode together from Philly to Hershey as he had to listen over and over to what I thought I would say.
My pal @JoeyStyles tweeted the DeAndre Jordan dunk with my voice over on it and it's at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLDS3q. This has had a much longer life span than I would have ever dreamed and even made the Sports Illustrated website this week.
Several asking about if I think that the Cruiserweight division will be returning to WWE any time soon. Answer is that I have no idea but if forced to speculate I'd give that one a no. many wrestlers feel that being labeled a Cruiserweight hampers there professional growth.
Plus, it's another title to attempt to establish which can be challenging.
I hope that the #Rams get ample offensive line help for my man and former #Sooners QB Sam Bradford. Securing some WR's is important too but it all starts up front with any football team...American football team that is.
Nice, pro wrestling mentions on @DuckDynastyAE Wednesday night including WWE HOFer Hacksaw Jim Duggan was a HUGE star in Mid South Wrestling back in the day and was making an impact all over Louisiana. Mid South generally promoted the Monroe Civic Center every Tuesday night back in the day and that's where the Duck Commander folks reside. @steveaustinBSR also got some nice props. I'm waiting on the call to come down to my old stomping grounds and do a 'cameo.'
Got a nice call this morning from @RicFlairNatrBoy who was in great spirits and talking about how proud he was of his son Reid who is in Japan wrestling for All Japan Pro Wrestling and is apparently learning a great deal and doing well. I'd suggest Reid stay in Japan for a year or longer and really refine his game before attempting to make his mark in the USA. Tough last name to have and even tougher to step away from the shadow of one of the most influential and famous fathers in the history of the business. I'm looking forward to catching up with 'Naitch' in a social setting during WrestleMania week.
Just got a copy of former WWE referee Jimmy Korderas book, "THREE COUNT: My Life in Stripes as a WWE Referee. Going to start on it ASAP. It's a soft cover book covering 232 pages and I'm sure that it will be a fun read. Jimmy was an excellent referee, always reliable and hard working. One of the good guys and I hope that his book does wonderfully. It's being published by ECW Press. Check it out. I'll have more on it when I've finished reading it.
I hear that the bout between @RealJackSwagger vs. @IAmJericho this Friday night on Smackdown is a dandy. Anxious to watch it.
Happy @JCLayfield is back from his latest mountain climbing adventure unscathed. John does wonderful work for underprivileged kids in Bermuda. I recommend that you download the @LayfieldReport App.
I know that I will be at WM29 AXXESS the Friday before the PPV at the WWE Super Store where they will be selling JR's products. I think the time is 1:30 until ??. When I get my official AXXESS schedule I will pass it along. JR's products will only be available at AXXESS and NOT inside the stadium. Order now from WWEShop.com to get yours shipped to your home for WM29 gatherings.
Anyone having WM29 parties in the UK or Europe with JR's from @americansoda? If so, send us photos on Twitter @JRsBBQ.
I've updated the Q&A's elsewhere on this site and they await you. Boy, there are ample, judgmental people who enjoy hiding behind a keyboard these days, eh? I didn't know so many perfect people existed.
I appreciate you stopping by and come back and visit any time.
Boomer Sooner!

03-17-2013, 02:46 AM
Jim Ross posted his latest blog at JRSBBQ.com. Here are some highlights:
CM Punk interrupting The Undertaker's tribute to Paul Bearer on RAW: "Still getting some lingering feedback regarding @CMPunk interrupting The Undertaker's tribute to the late, Paul Bearer Monday night. Again, I did not and do not have a problem with it especially considering that WWE honored the memory of my late friend throughout the night. For PB to be involved in another major, storyline leading into WrestleMania, would have thrilled him to no end. Villains do bad things and usually get their comeuppance in the end. Time will tell on the latter as it relates to Punk ending 'The Streak' which would be as big a defining moment as when the Ultimate Warrior beat Hulk Hogan at WM6, in the eyes of some."

What moment from his career that he would do over: "Was asked about if there was something that I could do over in my career what would it be. There aren't too many things because I'm a believer that things happen for a reason and we generally get what we have earned in life. However, I would love to have a 'do over' on my part of the call of @ShawnMichaels vs. @NatrBoyRicFlair bout. They deserved better from me at WM24. Perhaps I was TOO invested in the retirement match. However, no excuses just wish I had nailed it better."

Steve Austin: "@steveaustinBSR about to head to Mexico to tape season three of CMT's Redneck Island and then onto his ranch in south Texas to start a new, reality show for CMT taped on the Broken Skull Ranch. Plus, the Texas Rattlesnake and devout JR's BBQ Sauce and Chipotle Ketchup user is about to step into the world of weekly podcasts. Stay tuned and follow Steve on Twitter for more info."

Much more is contained in Ross' latest blog, including his thoughts on tonight's UFC 158 PPV, Chris Jericho vs. Jack Swagger on RAW and much more. You can check out the full entry by clicking here (http://www.jrsbarbq.com/).

03-18-2013, 06:22 PM
Jim Ross has posted his latest blog entry online. Check out the highlights:

On UFC production values: “I have issues with how UFC mic’s their live audience as I feel that the announcers should have to work harder and have to have a more distinct tone and infliction at the loudest moments of the live event. That did not occur. On entrances that are hot, like GSP and Diaz, there is really nothing that any announcers can say that exceeds the organic and real feel of what the audience is providing the PPV customer…as long as the audience is mic’ed well. So, in my view, those two entrances in particular would have been perfect examples where the broadcast team would have simply sit back and allowed the viewer to soak in the moment. By the way, Mike Goldberg and Joe Rogan did stellar work on their marathon assignment Saturday night which started late Saturday afternoon, if not much earlier, and finishing well after midnight Saturday night. No one should overlook how hard those two work during a PPV day for UFC.”

On Johny Hendricks’ win: “Happy for Johny Hendricks, a native Oklahoman who was a stud, high school wrestler with three state championships and a Division One star who was a 4 Time All American at Oklahoma State in wrestling, getting his biggest win to date against the highly skilled Carlos Condit. If this fight had been a 5 rounder instead of 3, Condit would have likely pulled it out. As it stands. apparently Hendricks, aka Big Rig, is the next challenger for George St. Pierre’s welterweight title. Suggestion to Hendricks…don’t fight GSP in Montreal.”

On Nick Diaz’s loss: “Nick Diaz is a tough dude with many fights under his belt but has some issues at times expressing himself. (He also had issues Saturday night in figuring out how to create offense against GSP.) How’s that for a revelation? I feel that many of Diaz’ issues are out of his own frustrations. I’ve dealt with many talents in the genre of sports entertainment that were miserable to be around, at times, and challenging to manage but the old theory of solving a problem or eliminating it resonates here. I am not advocating that UFC rid themselves of Diaz because Nick is still a viable commodity who fans, like me, will still pay to see fight. Diaz isn’t boring but he’s a unique communicator to say the east with a polarizing personality. I’m sure that there are bigger pains in the backside that UFC officials have to deal with other than Diaz.”

On financial planning: “Any company can provide the proper financial tools to a talent whether they be a WWE performer or a UFC fighter but no one can make these men and women be responsible with their cash and fulfill their financial and moral obligations. So, one way to address that matter is to recruit and sign athletes who come into an organization with some level of structure and the intellect to help them make better decisions. Honestly, those values start at home when the individuals were kids which is always why I liked to learn about the talent’s family when I could. Is there a fool proof way to address this matter? Absolutely not. That’s why there are so many sad stories that we hear from every walk of life where one has found success in athletics or entertainment or any other field one can name and have squandered their money and turned their back on their obligations because of ignorance, irresponsibility and being so egocentric that the world was only about one thing, them.”

On unions preventing financial mistakes: “Some critics decry that if these men and women were not independent contractors that these issues would be significantly lessened and to that I call BS. Look at all walks of society where men and women are members of unions, are fulltime, regular employees and they still can’t be forced to spend their monies wisely, to pay their taxes, and to prepare for their future.”

03-19-2013, 12:04 AM
Source: JR's BBQ

Jim Ross posted his latest blog at JRSBBQ.com. During his blog, he discussed the top three matches at WrestleMania:
"What really is the main event of WM29? From a marketing standpoint the answer is obvious, @TheRock defending the WWE Title against @JohnCena...without question and hands down. However, that doesn't mean that particular bout, which has the heavy responsibility of likely closing the near, four hour show, is dancing alone.

"Many fans are just as interested to see if 'The Streak' survives another year. Obviously, @CMPunk and @HeymanHustle feel that it won't and that Father Time and Punk's unique skill set can derail the most impressive accomplishment ever earned on the grandest stage of them all. Just curious, is being the man who finally beats the Undertaker at WrestleMania more of a lasting memory specifically to Punk's legacy than is his long, 400+ day WWE title reign?

"Others are intrigued to see if #TripleH can derail the PPV performing juggernaut Brock Lesnar in a match driven by an intense, personal issue. Will Lesnar's MMA skills be too much for the Cerebral Assassin to handle? I am very anxious to see the strategies utilized by both men which obviously are going to be dictated by the stipulations of the match."

03-19-2013, 11:35 PM
Credit: JRSBARBQ.com

Jim Ross has posted a new blog entry. Here are the highlights…

On Raw’s Not So Hot Open: Perplexing Raw Monday night in Pittsburgh. Obviously, the live crowd was not into some aspects of the broadcast, which resonated at home. Not the hot start to the broadcast that we’ve experienced on RAW the past few weeks. I will say that John Cena has physically never looked better in my view. I’d suggest that Cena’s cardio vascular conditioning could well be a major factor when he challenges The Rock for the WWE Title at WM29. The Rock’s worldwide, travel schedule is freakish and nothing can prepare one’s stamina inside the ring better than being inside the ring on a regular basis.

On CM Punk: The CM Punk biz with the urn made me uncomfortable.

On Booker T Heading Into the WWE Hall of Fame: Congrats to Booker T for being selected to be inducted into the all star, 2013 WWE Hall of Fame Class the night before WrestleMania at the sold out Madison Square Garden. After, self admittedly, making some serious mistakes as a young man, Booker Huffman has made some amazing life changes and is a success story that needs to be heard over and over again. Arguably, over the long haul, Booker T was WWE’s best ‘get’ from WCW when the Turner folks closed their doors. Whether it be wrestling, fan favorite or villain, utilizing scientific wrestling or brawling, cutting entertaining and compelling promos, doing commentary or representing WWE in a variety of ways, Booker has been at a main event level in every thing that he has been asked to do. Knowing Booker’s back story, I am so proud of him and use Book as an example to rookies on a regular basis. Booker and his lovely wife Sharmell are the parents of adorable twins, a son and a daughter, and are living the American dream. Well earned and it couldn’t happen to nicer people.

On The Main Event Angle: Paul Heyman took almost an inhumane, physical beating from HHH before The Game signed his name to a contract that says The Game is done as an active wrestler if he doesn’t beat Brock Lesnar on April 7. I know that HHH would rather wrestle than sit in business meetings even though his long term future as WWE COO is well established. Men like HHH want to end their run on their terms and not the terms of people like Heyman and Lesnar. However, HHH could be facing the same fate as his friends Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels who both ended their in ring careers in WWE at WrestleMania events.

03-24-2013, 04:10 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with a new blog on jrsbarbq.com. Here are some highlights:
- We had one of our best nights of TV production ever at NXT on Thursday while taping five, one hour broadcasts of NXT. The marathon took less than four hours which is a credit to all involved on the production and organizational side notwithstanding the talents themselves.

- @BigELangston had an impressive night and I look for 'E' to have a memorable 2013 in WWE. Hugely strong, highly intelligent, athletic with good feet, Big E simply needs experience to become what WWE needs from him and that is to be a break through star ala The Shield.

- Good work at the announce desk by Tony Dawson, Tom Phillips, William Regal and Brad Maddox. Maddox could evolve to be very good in the color commentator role as he has a natural gift of gab, good timing and is a bright kid. I always said that he reminded me of the late, Eddie Gilbert while watching Maddox in the ring down in talent development. @MichaelCole and I enjoy working with the young broadcasters who are getting plenty of reps in NXT.

- WWE has hired a new, strength and conditioning coach which is a brilliant move for the long term development of every talent in the system.

- HUGE RAW Monday in Philly headlined by both @TheRock and @JohnCena in the house live. The redemption vs. legacy tag lines are all well and good and while being accurate never discount the fact that both men are hugely competitive and accustomed to being 'the man.' They are Alpha Males of which is always interesting to observe. I've often wondered how Rock and Cena would have co-existed during parts of the Attitude Era especially when one throws in an element like @steveaustinBSR. It would have made for an interesting locker room. These two men travel in different circles and have never been in the WWE grind long enough together to build the unique and often times unspoken bond that many performers have. Call me naive if you choose but I see two, strong willed men who will try to show up the other on April 7 when finesse inside the ring ropes won't be acceptable to them or the fans.

03-25-2013, 10:56 PM
Jim Ross posted his latest blog at JRSBBQ.com. Here are some highlights:
Tonight's RAW: "I look at tonight's RAW very simplistically. I feel the show is in a 'must win' situation as it relates to the road to WrestleMania but the same can be said for every Monday Night Raw broadcast since the Elimination Chamber PPV occurred. A heightened sense of urgency, from everyone, some timely surprises and a renewed and enhanced focus on the money match aspects of WM29 are imperative to nail tonight in Philly where the arena is sold out. Hopefully, the broadcast starts off hot and engages the live audience early so as to sustain momentum and build upon it throughout the three hour broadcast. Obviously, what ever closes the show needs to leave fans talking and create some 'water cooler talk.'"

Surprises on tonight's RAW: "As I write this, there is lots of online speculation as to who may be appearing on RAW tonight. I hear that the 'potentials' could be an impressive gathering. Time will tell and I don't have that info and if I did I wouldn't ruin the surprise with 'spoiler' info. Another good reason to tune in."

WrestleMania business predictions: "I'm predicting that WM29 will be the most lucrative event ever produced by WWE from a live gate standpoint, I'm guessing the live gate will be approximately $12M, and over 1M PPV buys."

03-26-2013, 08:30 PM
Jim Ross has posted a new blog entry. Here are the highlights…

On Punk vs. Undertaker: The physicality, albeit brief, that ensued between The Undertaker and @CMPunk was unexpected by me but was certainly was explosive and well timed. One can assume that the Streak match at WM29 will be one of Punk attempting to eliminate Taker’s vertical base, use well placed kicks to the quads of the Deadman and attempt to win via submission which would make for a massive victory. Because I see strikes being utilized in the Streak match more than perhaps actual wrestling, I’m guessing that this main event contest might end suddenly and more quickly than some perceive. Punk is a great strategist and deep thinker so his game plan will be well planned and he likely will push the pace against his future Hall of Fame opponent who hasn’t wrestled a complete, single’s match in approximately one year.

On Jericho vs. Fandango: We’re getting some interesting feedback on Twitter @JRsBBQ regarding Fandango. some fans love the persona while others are vehemently opposed to it even though it hasn’t developed fully including Fandango having his first, full match. Perhaps that’s the issue..fans simply have significantly less patience to allow a new, TV persona to develop and want results yesterday. Chris Jericho wrestling Fandango at WM29 is a win in my view if for nothing else Jericho is on the card, and he makes any card that he is on better, and Chris certainly deserves to be at the biggest event of the year. Secondly, @IAmJericho will push Fandango to wrestle and perform at Jericho’s pace and we will all see what Fandango has to offer under pressure at MetLife Stadium. I will assure you that Jericho won’t modify his big event, game to accommodate the young Fandango.

On Henry vs. Ryback: Quite the strong man display by Mark Henry and Ryback Monday as their one on one match at WrestleMania continues to evolve. I’ve seen strongman themed matches that were atrocious but don’t feel as if this one will be whatsoever. Will it be Flair vs. Steamboat? No but what will on any card in today’s world? I do think that both Ryback and Henry will both have great outings and use not only their strength but their strong TV personas to make their collision at WM29 memorable.

On Raw’s Closing Segment: The concept of the last segment of #Raw was intriguing as hell. I loved seeing the Legends Panel and wish, in hindsight, that I had known who all were going to be participating earlier as it would have increased my anticipation for the final scene of the night. Rock and Cena felt natural and organic verbalizing in the lengthy segment that ended with some surprising physicality…at least I did not see it coming. I applaud Cena’s desire to dominate the Rock in the main event at WM29 which tells me that their bout will be more physical than we have seen in the past between the two which always works for me. Physicality and aggression cures many ills in my view. If their aggression was at a 8, for argument’s sake last year in Miami, then it should be at a 10 for the return on a crisp Sunday night in MetLife Stadium. I expect a fast paced contest and many near falls in this show closer as following over three hours of content isn’t an easy task but these two will not wilt under the pressure.

On Ric Flair: Heard Ric Flair was in Philly Monday but was send back to Charlotte for medical reasons. I don’t know any details but hopefully Ric has followed up with his doctor’s in Charlotte to determine what the issue is with apparent swelling in his knee. Naitch will always be Naitch but he’s in his mid 60′s now and Mother Nature and Father Time rarely compromise.

03-27-2013, 09:21 PM
Jim Ross has posted a new blog entry. Here are the highlights…

On Terry Funk Inducting Mick Foley into the WWE Hall of Fame: Great choice by Mick Foley to select Terry Funk to induct Mr. Foley’s baby boy at the 2013 WWE HOF induction ceremony. The Funker is Mick’s mentor and idol. I think it’s pretty cool when a Hall of Fame inductee can actually have their all time favorite wrestler, their father like figure within the business and their role model as it relates to in ring style and approach to the game induct them. Speaking of Terry Funk, he was arguably the most UNDERRATED broadcaster that I ever worked with as we did several prime time broadcasts during the WCW days in Atlanta. Terry was a great story teller, understood the business explicitly, was a great listener and he always put the in ring talent first. If I were asked, I’d suggest that the Funk/Foley duo be the first out of the gate on Saturday night April 6 in the sold out Madison Square Garden to kick off the WWE Hall of Fame Ceremony.

On Henry vs. Ryback: Heard the Mark Henry/Ryback weight lifting contest that airs on Friday Night Smackdown was damn impressive and blew the NFL record away as it relates the number of reps on the 225 bench press.

On Fandango: Fandango is a lightning rod right now because many or perhaps a few vocal ‘fans’ don’t like the TV persona even though they have yet to see it fully on display in a match of significance. I’m of the persuasion that I’ll reserve my opinions until I actually see the talent get it on bell to bell. Chris Jericho is the perfect opponent to perform with Fandango at WM29 because Jericho is all about stealing the show ala the great @ShawnMichaels no matter Y2J’s role. Fandango can also expect Jericho to beat the hell out of him along the way. Believe that!

On Ric Flair: Got a text from Ric Flair early this morning and Naitch is feeling great and has been provided medication to dissolve the blood clot that is in his leg. The doctor’s are highly optimistic that the meds will do the trick and eliminate a potentially, dangerous issue. Ric and I will get together Wednesday evening in Jersey to catch up which is one of our WrestleMania traditions.

03-30-2013, 01:03 AM
Source: JR's BBQ

Jim Ross posted his latest blog at JRSBBQ.com. Here are some highlights:
If Sting or Kurt Angle will ever be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame: "Absolutely, is my best educated guess. When? I have no idea but I hope I'm around to see both inductions."

What match he is most looking forward to at WrestleMania 29: "Several have my interest and ALL are important for those involved on a variety of levels. I certainly look forward to the Shield's 6 man tag in their debut at the 'Big Event.' Very curious to see how @TripleH and Brock Lesnar engage. I love these physical, hellbent for leather type of matches. The Streak is a WM highlight and no element in WrestleMania history has been more significant than the Undertaker going 20-0 at the Super Bowl of WWE. As one who had a hand in signing both @JohnCena and @TheRock I am proud that they are going to close the show, again, but also am nervously anxious to see how they follow all that precedes them. Big time players step up and play when the game's on the line and closing a WrestleMania event is akin to the game being on the line."

His WrestleMania appearances: "Yes I am gong to WrestleMania and will be appearing at the WWEShop Super Store Friday afternoon from 1-3 signing and taking photos, as I understand it. The Super Store which is located just inside the MetLife gate at the Stadium is going to be a big hit and they will be stocking all JR's products Thursday-Saturday and everything but the Beef Jerky on Sunday but I'm hoping that we well out of Jerky by Sunday.

"I have one AXXESS appearance. It is Saturday morning 8-10 at the Legends booth. Autographs and photos as usual there and I hope we have a big crowd. Bring your JR's products Saturday morning and I will be happy to sign them."

Much more is contained in Ross' latest blog, including which WrestleMania match he called that had the most reaction, the most emotional WrestleMania for him, which match he would "do over" at WrestleMania, how Fandango will do against Chris Jericho and much more.


04-01-2013, 08:57 PM
Credit: JRSBARBQ.com

Jim Ross has posted a new blog entry. Here are the highlights…

On who will feel the pressure to deliver at WrestleMania: Fandango is on the list even though I have gone on record as say that his bout at WM29 with Chris Jericho will exceed the expectations of many cynics. I find it somewhat ill advised (read, silly) that some fans have written me venom-filled emails that Jericho “deserves’ better of which I find laughable and I’m sure that @IAmJericho would as well. Throw Big E on the pressure filled list. Add The Shield, too and let’s not forget Ryback either. There are obviously others that could take residence on our list of pressure packed performers at WM29. I’ve seen the NXT talents in action and have the utmost confidence in each of them and expect them to come out of their first WrestleMania experience proud of their effort, accomplishment but wanting more.

On Rock vs. Cena main eventing the show: While some mindlessly complain about a return match, a staple within the wrestling business seemingly forever, in the show closing, main event slot at WM29, I prefer to be optimistic and address the fact that so many talents are making their WrestleMania debuts this Sunday.

On tonight’s RAW: Have to believe that RAW will be an interesting broadcast tonight especially how it chooses to address the top, three, marquis matches for WrestleMania. I’m as curious as the next fan as to how that will be approached and executed. There may actually be more pressure on many talents regarding tonight’s final RAW before this Sunday than WM29 itself. The sold out crowd in Washington, D.C. will also contribute greatly to the feel of the program.

On DDP helping Scott Hall and Jake Roberts: I am very proud of the work that DDP is doing to attempt to help rebuild the lives of Jake Roberts and Scott Hall. If I could wish for one thing regarding the business in general this year, it would be for The Snake and The Bad Guy to get healthy and enjoy their lives as they deserve…and that would be clean and sober. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of both men and so many others I’ve known in the business, and in life in general, who have made the wrong turn at the proverbial fork in the road of life. Many of us have had that same decision to make over the years and by the Grace of God, fate, a good woman/partner, friends, or whatever, it did not happen to all that it easily could have. This problem isn’t just a ‘wrestling problem’ but one that is an epidemic the world over. People have to make better choices or pay dire consequences.

04-03-2013, 05:53 AM
JRs Full Blog for this week:

Monday Blog, Who's Under Pressure?, JR's 20th Anniversary in WWE, Cauliflower Alley Club, Online Biz is Booming!

It's the start of a huge week in WWE kicking off with tonight's last, Monday Night Raw broadcast prior to this Sunday's WrestleMania. We had several new, Q&A's submitted over the weekend of which we have updated here on our site. With that said, the bell has rung...

Heading to New Jersey in a few days to attend the WM29 festivities. For the first time, WWE is building a Super Store inside MetLife Stadium which is where I will be this Friday from 1-3 doing a signing and providing photo op's. The WWE Store at the stadium is where you can find ALL our products including our JR's Cookbook that I will personalize and sign on Friday if you drop by. JR's products will NOT be available at AXXESS and only at the Super Store.

Speaking of AXXESS, I have one appearance there and that is Saturday morning from 8-10 at the Legends area.

Looking forward to attending the WWE HOF Induction Ceremony Saturday night in MSG in New York City which is the toughest ticket to obtain that I can recall for any WrestleMania oriented event. I've had many friends ask for them and I haven't been able to accommodate one request. I'm fortunate that I got the two for Mrs JR and me.

While some mindlessly complain about a return match, a staple within the wrestling business seemingly forever, in the show closing, main event slot at WM29, I prefer to be optimistic and address the fact that so many talents are making their WrestleMania debuts this Sunday.

Who has the most pressure on them to overachieve inside MetLife Stadium this Sunday? Valid arguments could be made for several entities, quite honestly.

Fandango is on the list even though I have gone on record as say that his bout at WM29 with Chris Jericho will exceed the expectations of many cynics. I find it somewhat ill advised (read, silly) that some fans have written me venom-filled emails that Jericho "deserves' better of which I find laughable and I'm sure that @IAmJericho would as well.

Throw Big E on the pressure filled list. Add The Shield, too and let's not forget Ryback either. There are obviously others that could take residence on our list of pressure packed performers at WM29. I've seen the NXT talents in action and have the utmost confidence in each of them and expect them to come out of their first WrestleMania experience proud of their effort, accomplishment but wanting more.

At the end of the day, who that has a role at WrestleMania isn't under pressure and it that a bad thing?

Arguably, the two men that will close the show are under more pressure than anyone else on the card. Cena and Rock get the live audience after multiple hours of, hopefully, an emotional investment, and sitting in one's seat on a crisp, April evening in New Jersey longer than usual.

Have to believe that RAW will be an interesting broadcast tonight especially how it chooses to address the top, three, marquis matches for WrestleMania. I'm as curious as the next fan as to how that will be approached and executed. There may actually be more pressure on many talents regarding tonight's final RAW before this Sunday than WM29 itself. The sold out crowd in Washington, D.C. will also contribute greatly to the feel of the program.

I am very proud of the work that DDP is doing to attempt to help rebuild the lives of Jake Roberts and Scott Hall. If I could wish for one thing regarding the business in general this year, it would be for The Snake and The Bad Guy to get healthy and enjoy their lives as they deserve...and that would be clean and sober. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of both men and so many others I've known in the business, and in life in general, who have made the wrong turn at the proverbial fork in the road of life. Many of us have had that same decision to make over the years and by the Grace of God, fate, a good woman/partner, friends, or whatever, it did not happen to all that it easily could have. This problem isn't just a 'wrestling problem' but one that is an epidemic the world over. People have to make better choices or pay dire consequences.

At the end of the day, the person that we look at in the mirror largely determines our success or our failure.

Good luck to all the promotions, there are too many to name, that are playing off the WWE brand and WrestleMania specifically to promote seemingly countless events in the NYC area this weekend. I'm one that has trouble keeping up with what I'm paid to do much less attempt to know of all the events taking place during WrestleMania weekend but I wish them well nonetheless.

It's always good to see all talents earn a payday and for the fans to enjoy all the wrestling that they can digest.

It's hard to believe that it was 20 years ago this week that I made my debut in WWE after only a 19 year journey to get to the top level of our business. Quite the over night sensation, right? Working on my first, live WWE broadcast was the WWE's biggest event of the year, WM9, and a unique WrestleMania being outdoors and at Caesar's Palace with elephants, togas, etc. Plus, it was a three man announce booth, something that I had done very infrequently, with two men that I had never worked with before...Bobby Heenan and Randy Savage.

Vince McMahon made a bold move putting me on the air for the very first time in WWE at that event and one that I know some within WWE weren't too sure of to say the least. Guys like me coming in from WCW who were perceived as the enemy weren't welcomed with open arms by all involved. All I can say is that the last 20 years have been the best I've ever experienced both professionally and personally (married wife Jan in 1993, too). As I always say about my life, the best is yet to come and I have yet to do my best work. So to address the same, old tired subject, I have not retired, I have no plans on retiring and I am having a wonderful time working in WWE Talent Development along with a multitude of other projects that I'm entrusted in which to participate.

The announce team this Sunday for the four hour PPV will undoubtedly wear dark clothing and may be even NASCAR like under garments as 4+ hours without a bathroom break may be the greatest "pressure packed" moment of the night.

I wish more fans and wrestling media folks wold take an interest in http://www.caulifloweralleyclub.org. It's a wonderful organization and one that I'm proud to say that I'm a life member. Their big, annual get together is April 15-17 in Las Vegas at the Gold Coast Hotel and Casino.

Business is really picking p with the grilling season nearing for many. Thanks to those ordering online at http://www.wweshop.com and at http://www.americansoda.co.uk.

Be well and count your blessings. Join me for live Tweeting tonight during RAW @JRsBBQ.

Boomer Sooner!

04-03-2013, 03:02 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with a new blog on jrsbarbq.com, where he talked about the three top WrestleMania 29 matches and Monday's RAW:

- Thought that the final segment of Raw involving Taker and Punk was controversial and dramatic and it made me want to see the match between the two even more. I can certainly see where some viewers were uncomfortable with the presentation but perhaps that was the intent. Mark my words, @CMPunk vs. Undertaker will be tougher than a $2 steak to follow.

- The hay is in the barn for Rock vs. Cena. It;'s been over a year since this rivalry started and Sunday is the time for the talking to end and the show closer to deliver. Following everything on the card and attempting to engage the audience who has been at the stadium for hours is daunting but that comes with the territory. I have every belief that the two men that I signed to WWE contracts will rise to the occasion.

- Thought the addition of HBK in HHH's corner vs. Brock Lesnar was a timely touch and that Paul Heyman was excellent on the mic representing his client. Slobber Knocker time for the Cerebral Assassin and the former WWE and UFC champion without question. This one won't be a Brisco vs. Funk catch as catch can masterpiece but it will be car crash-like. I see some sweet chin music in @HeymanHustle future in Jersey. Just saying.

04-04-2013, 12:58 PM
JRs full blog - Tue, 04/02/2013

JR's RAW Thoughts..WM29..Mauro Ranallo Podcast..WWE Super Store..Charlie Chaplin, Really??

Busy day...busy week...headed to Newark soon to begin WrestleMania activities. Let's roll...

The key elements on Monday Night Raw stood out to me quite vividly. WM29's three, marquis matches all got ample attention and what was presented worked for me.

Thought that the final segment of Raw involving Taker and Punk was controversial and dramatic and it made me want to see the match between the two even more. I can certainly see where some viewers were uncomfortable with the presentation but perhaps that was the intent.

Mark my words, @CMPunk vs. Undertaker will be tougher than a $2 steak to follow.

The hay is in the barn for Rock vs. Cena. It;'s been over a year since this rivalry started and Sunday is the time for the talking to end and the show closer to deliver. Following everything on the card and attempting to engage the audience who has been at the stadium for hours is daunting but that comes with the territory. I have every belief that the two men that I signed to WWE contracts will rise to the occasion.

Thought the addition of HBK in HHH's corner vs. Brock Lesnar was a timely touch and that Paul Heyman was excellent on the mic representing his client. Slobber Knocker time for the Cerebral Assassin and the former WWE and UFC champion without question. This one won't be a Brisco vs. Funk catch as catch can masterpiece but it will be car crash-like.

I see some sweet chin music in @HeymanHustle future in Jersey. Just saying.

Sleeper match of the night just well might be Fandango vs. Chris Jericho. Jericho IS that good and many naysayers don't have a clue how good the newcomer can be bell to bell. It's one thing to not embrace a TV persona but to lambaste someone's wrestling ability before it's happened is a head scratcher to me.

Thought @JCLayfield joining @MichaelCole and @Jerry Lawler was a smart move for the three hour show which is challenging to watch with so many commercial breaks. No commercial breaks Sunday obviously on PPV. The three will handle the broadcast Sunday, I read that on the Layfield Report, and I'm sure that they will be great. There really are no other options. It is WrestleMania.

BTW..the @LayfieldReport app is tremendous. I'm on it daily...multiple times. I'm still waiting for the call to provide JBL and Cole some JR's products to use as premiums on their show rather than use me in a dated, Charlie Chaplin reference.

Stay tuned for the Mauro Ranallo podcast debuting this week @mauroranallo as I'm a guest on his first show. Had a blast. Good dude and an excellent broadcaster. I'm proud to call Mauro a friend. Who knows? We might do a gig together some day.

I'm booked at the WWE Super Store on Friday from 1-3 pm at MetLife Stadium and it is free to come in and shop, etc. The Super Store has all of JR's Products stocked and it's a great time to load up and not have to worry about shipping. I will also be personalizing JR's Cookbooks while there if you're interested. We're hoping to sell lots of delicious products especially our five flavors of Beef Jerky.

You can shop for JR's products Thursday thru Sunday at Metlife Stadium at the Super Store but our products will not be available at AXXESS.

My only appearance at AXXESS is Saturday morning from 8-10 at the Legends table which is code for the old guys area. Come by and say hello..autographs and photos abound.

Please say a prayer for the Ric Flair family. Reid will be missed by all of us that knew him. I still can't believe that the 25 year old is gone. I will be so happy to see Ric this weekend. Thanks for all the kind words regarding the blog that i wrote about Reid's passing that is elsewhere on this site.

Pleasantly surprised to see how Naomi has maintained her athleticism as some of her bouts in developmental were excellent in my view.

It's hard to believe that this week marks the 20th anniversary of my debut in WWE. First assignment...doing live, Play by Play at WrestleMania 9...not too shabby. Ignorance is bliss, I suppose, because I was either too naive or too arrogant to be overly nervous before WM9. Best business and personal decision that I ever made was coming to WWE. I could have done without the three bouts of Bells palsy but other than that I wouldn't change a thing. I worked 19 years to get to the big league and to call a WrestleMania event. Quite the over night sensation, huh?

I still say that I haven't called my best match as of yet but that mindset is what drives me and keeps me 'paying attention.' It's just how I'm wired. With that said, to commemorate my WrestleMania 9 debut I'm NOT packing a toga for this trip to Jersey....but I am taking a jacket.

Follow me on Twitter @JRsBBQ as it will be a busy week from New Jersey and NYC.

Boomer Sooner!

04-11-2013, 08:39 PM
Jim Ross posted his latest blog at JRSBBQ.com. Here are some highlights:
His favorite match at WrestleMania: "My match of the night at WM29 was Taker vs. @CMPunk. Loved @TripleH vs. @BrockLesnar too. Tough act to follow, as I have discussed here for weeks, and going on last is always a daunting experience and it was Sunday for @JohnCena and @TheRock but they came through it well especially considering that Rock had a torn abductor muscle that he suffered early in the bout."

The Rock's injury: "My match of the night at WM29 was Taker vs. @CMPunk. Loved @TripleH vs. @BrockLesnar too. Tough act to follow, as I have discussed here for weeks, and going on last is always a daunting experience and it was Sunday for @JohnCena and @TheRock but they came through it well especially considering that Rock had a torn abductor muscle that he suffered early in the bout."

Fandango buzz: "Not shocked, I wrote about it here multiple times, that Fandango had a solid outing with the great @IAmJericho Chris Jericho at WM29 notwithstanding the point that Jericho's retaliation on Fandango Monday night on RAW was pure textbook. Young wrestlers need to take note of Jericho's unbridled passion And realism in getting a piece of Fandango on RAW. The Fandango buzz is intriguing and it will last as long as his in ring performances hold up positively to his controversial TV persona."

04-15-2013, 04:50 AM
im Ross posted the Sunday edition of his blog online. Check out the highlights:

Last Week’s Rowdy Crowd At RAW: “Speaking of reactions, the live events, RAWS, Smackdown, and the PPVs are the places fans should express themselves and not, as I wrote about recently, at an event like the WWE Hall of Fame. The boorish behavior of a loud, perhaps inebriated, minority of male fans is inexcusable and, believe me, I’ve heard all the excuses since writing about some of the attendees who acted like morons at the 2013 #WWEHOF Induction Ceremony. I see this behavior as a total lack of respect for all involved in the process not just those being jeered. Finally, the “we pay our money, so we can act any way that we choose” excuse is laughable….and embarrassing.”

Ryback Attacking Cena: “Just because @Ryback22 is hungry for the WWE Title and the money that comes along with it why does that motive make the powerhouse a villain? Since when did ambition make one an antagonist. Antagonist display a variety of common traits, non of which I have seen yet, I stress yet, from Ryback. I do like the apparent pairing of Ryback vs. John Cena and where this matter may be heading. To me, it certainly feels fresh even though some will take exception to the fact that Cena is in the equation. It doesn’t both me and I see this rivalry selling tickets and producing a reaction in the arenas.”

Steve Austin’s Thoughts on Fandango: “@steveaustinBSR predicts that @WWEFandango will be IC Champion within a few months. It might not take that long but I could also see Fandango winning the US Title as well at some point. Stars become stars over the long haul and even though Fandango has had an amazing few weeks and change as it relates to recognition, etc, it’s how he does long term that writes his story. If Fandango can continue to grow, a key role at WM30 could be in his future and that’s generally considered the yard stick.”

04-20-2013, 12:41 AM
Credit: JRSBARBQ.com

Jim Ross has blogged about this year’s Cauliflower Alley Club Reunion. Here is what he had to say about the event…

Great time at the 48th Cauliflower Alley Club Reunion this week in Las Vegas. It wasn’t a money making trip as my lovely wife attended and did her part to contribute to the economy of Vegas by doing two days worth of shopping. Seriously, we both had a wonderful time seeing so many old friends and fans that we have gotten to know over the years.

CAC is a great non profit organization that does many amazing, charitable things for those in need from within the wrestling biz. CAC doesn’t look for publicity as many of their benevolent acts would bring embarrassment to many of the recipients. But, take it from me, CAC helps lots of people that you know or have heard of over the years and I’m of the mindset that more people, fans and wrestlers alike, should join the organization. For more info check out the CAC website at http://www.caulifloweralleyclub.org.

I wish the event would be moved to June as I feel that following WrestleMania so closely and while many WWE talents are in Europe and can’t attend doesn’t serve the attendance at CAC well. Two trips in one month are too much for many to endure both physically and financially. Hopefully the CAC Board of Directors will take this into consideration. If they want to grow, get younger, etc then why not have their only, annual fundraiser when fans can bring their children who are in school during the month of April but are available to travel to Vegas in June?

I had the pleasure of presenting Adam Copeland AKA Edge the Male Wrestler Award from CAC in a surprise presentation. Only three people knew of this matter as it was a total surprise to Edge. I followed such powerful and serious presentations as the DDP/Jake the Snake Roberts duo and the late, Paul Bearer/Percy Pringle presentation so I attempted to ad lib my way into a more light hearted mood in what felt like a somber room and rightfully so at that particular time of the evening.

Reading Adam’s resume is really amazing as he’s accomplished and earned an amazing body of work winning over 30 titles in WWE. However, Adam is a much better human being with a kind soul and unwavering character which even surpasses his professional accomplishments inside the ring. The 2012 WWE Hall of Famer is one of my all time favorite signees as we signed him, and Christian, in 1997.

We loved spending time with Adam and his best pal Beth Phoenix in Vegas as Adam prepares for a five month stint of filming the new season of SyFy’s Haven in Nova Scotia, if I’m not mistaken. Adam’s character on Haven has expanded to appear on every episode at this time.

The amazing work that DDP is doing with Jake Roberts is awe inspiring. I met 3 of Jake’s 8 children at CAC and it was a wonderful reunion for the previously estranged family. Obviously, it was a very emotional weekend for the family as the creator of the DDT is well on is way to recovery from drug and alcohol abuse and let’s all pray that he steers the course and reaches his destination. Jake’s speech at CAC was damn amazing as was DDP’s.

It was great seeing Ivan Koloff who has issues getting around and walks with a cane. Ivan is still barrel chested but like many older veterans is ‘shrinking’ or so it seemed. Uncle Ivan was a great hand with amazing endurance and strength back in the day and is now an ordained minister and spends most of his time helping others including speaking with inmates in prison. The former WWWF Champion, who defeated his hero Bruno Sammartino, always treated me wonderfully when I went to work for Jim Crockett Promotions back in the 80′s.

Nora Greenwald aka Molly Holly also received an award, presented by Lisa Moretti aka Ivory, that was well deserved and beautifully received. If more people, men and women alike, had Molly’s character and integrity, the business would be infinitely better off. I hired her on the recommendation of Dean Malenko and even though she did not fit the stereotypical mold of a WWE Diva, Nora was one of the most successful and productive women that ever worked in WWE. She’s now working in a drug treatment facility in Minnesota and is happily married.

04-20-2013, 08:06 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has published a new blog entry on JrsBarBq.com. Here are some highlights.

Attending CAC event: Great time at the 48th Cauliflower Alley Club Reunion this week in Las Vegas. It wasn't a money making trip as my lovely wife attended and did her part to contribute to the economy of Vegas by doing two days worth of shopping. Seriously, we both had a wonderful time seeing so many old friends and fans that we have gotten to know over the years.

CAC is a great non profit organization that does many amazing, charitable things for those in need from within the wrestling biz. CAC doesn't look for publicity as many of their benevolent acts would bring embarrassment to many of the recipients. But, take it from me, CAC helps lots of people that you know or have heard of over the years and I'm of the mindset that more people, fans and wrestlers alike, should join the organization. For more info check out the CAC website at http://www.caulifloweralleyclub.org.

Presenting Edge with an Award: I had the pleasure of presenting Adam Copeland AKA Edge the Male Wrestler Award from CAC in a surprise presentation. Only three people knew of this matter as it was a total surprise to Edge. I followed such powerful and serious presentations as the DDP/Jake the Snake Roberts duo and the late, Paul Bearer/Percy Pringle presentation so I attempted to ad lib my way into a more light hearted mood in what felt like a somber room and rightfully so at that particular time of the evening.

New performance center: The announcement earlier this week of the construction and soon to be opened for business WWE Performance Center in Orlando is HUGE news for the long term future and success of WWE and is a personal dream come true for me. Back in the mid 90's when we started the developmental system in such markets as Louisville, Memphis, Cincinnati, and Los Angeles, I always wanted to someday have a NFL-like facility where athletes could be trained in all facets of the business. To successfully recruit world class, Division 1 like college athletes, we needed to have a facility that would fit every need and compete with the facilities that many of these high level athletes were accustomed to frequenting.

Credit: Steve Carrier

04-21-2013, 02:30 AM
From jrsbarbq.com

Happy Saturday to all! Hope everyone's weekend is enjoyable in every way. Let's GRILL!

Interesting Twitter feedback @JRsBBQ on the new, WWE Performance Center opening soon in Orlando. Mostly positive but there are always some who simply love to embrace their half full glasses.

How can one not think that a 26,000 square foot facility complete with multiple rings, a world class weight room with a full time strength and conditioning staff, a promo area to work on one's natural, verbal skills and a state of the art editing suite won't help develop talent is beyond my logic.

Plus, when one adds a great staff that is skilled and motivated by results and a passion for making the product better to insure the long term success of the genre, it appears to be a winning formula....the proverbial no brainer. For me, it's a dream come true.

WWE will continue to look to colleges, the NFL, etc for world class athletes who have TV friendly personalities and the aptitude for sports entertainment. College athletes will come from wrestling, football, basketball, etc...no sport will be not considered if all the previously listed criteria is in place. For example, I'm planning on attending an upcoming major, Strongman competition just to see if there may be one individual who might have the youth, strength, look and personality for WWE to consider as a potential developmental talent.

For novice athletes who aspire to join WWE, I suggest that you attend a credible wrestling school and obtain proper training. After one gets proper training, do all you can to work as many indy dates as possible, get your body of work in place and then make inroads to WWE Development with a DVD of some of your bouts and of you doing succinct promos.

Would a beginner walk into a NFL training camp and expect a tryout? Obviously, no.

It's sad that some on Twitter associate the Performance Center with what they perceive to be their own personal issues with WWE Creative which isn't a fair association whatsoever. "yeah, but...."

The current WWE International tour is doing sellout or near capacity business nightly which is another statement of the global growth and the massive, media footprint that WWE has established over the years and that continues to grow. I'm of the belief that one of the reasons for success is that WWE tours these areas no more than twice annually. Some international markets are better served once a year while others are still developing their TV following and will be added to the schedule in the future.

Big night for UFC tonight in San Jose on Fox on what I think will be a really fun night of fights. I like @BensonHenderson and his personal 'story' plus the fact that he always has action filled fights. Picking Daniel Cromier, the former OSU Cowboy, to beat Frank Mir in a heavyweight fight. I'd expect a hot, live crowd because of the 'local' influence of many of the fighters on the card and that crowd passion always, or it should, resonate at home.

Had a great lunch Wednesday with my old friend Marc Ratner who is a VP of the UFC and who formerly was the head honcho of the Nevada State Athletic Commission and who governed WWE Vegas events back in the day. Marc took me by his office to show me around and to let me look at his sports memorabilia collection of which I am a big fan. Marc also introduced me to Dana White, Joe Silva and several others including my pal and former OU coach David White who now works for UFC as well. Classy organization and I really appreciated the hospitality and had a blast shooting the breeze with Dana for a few minutes. @DanaWhite is a great follow on Twitter.

Why some folks have issues with me saying that WWE or pro wrestling in general is an entertainment entity is a mystery to me. When I first became a fan of the genre, not unlike football, I did so because they both entertained me. All sports must be entertaining and therefore becomes an entertainment entity. UFC is entertaining and it's damn sure a sport. For example, I don't understand the game of Cricket so I don't watch it and therefore it is not entertaining to me. Not picking on Cricket, just making a statement of fact.

As I said at the @CACReunion, Edge is now a full time cast member of SyFy's 'Haven' and will be shooting the fall's 10 or so episodes near Halifax from May thru September.

I'll never forget the Monday Night RAW we did years ago in Halifax when Mr. McMahon, the King and I were a broadcast team and McMahon had his on camera issues with @BretHart. The skirmish that the two of them had at the announce table created amazing angst in the arena not to mention when we actually walked the two blocks or so back to our hotel from the arena. I vividly remember flying to Nova Scotia on a Saturday to save on commercial airfares for the Monday Taping. I found the Halifax area to be absolutely beautiful.

Watched Brock Lesnar's performance on Raw Monday again on DVR and it always amazes me how naturally animalistic Lesnar is and what an amazing athlete that he is. Lesnar got to the 'first team' quicker and the most effectively of any one that I can recall that we signed back in my era in talent relations. No one we ever signed was more athletically gifted than the former NCAA and UFC heavyweight champion. No one. Brock was making amazing money in WWE quicker than any of his predecessors or any one since.

@BrockLesnar was the best rookie that I recall seeing in WWE.

@americansoda located in Manchester and online at http://www.americansoda.co.uk is offering FREE SHIPPING on their package of JR's products within the UK only thru Friday. Great time to try our four products and not pay for the shipping for those qualifying for this great offer. UK fans...please hurry and order before this offer expires.

Still feel that in many ways WWE is going through a significant transitional period as it relates to up and coming talents and where they are moving. Obviously, upward is the goal and many are heading in the right direction. One thing some fans don't understand is that the spotlight will only shine on a small number of newer talents at a time. The 'rub' or shine a talent gets can't be spread too thin to too many individuals which then becomes a likely failure or, at best, a slow process which then becomes a point of consternation for some fans. Bottom line is that patience is needed during the process but the good news is that when talents do connect with the fanbase that more often than not they generally stay marketable longer.

Some fans also ask about who is the next 'breakout star' and that one is virtually impossible to answer. Honestly, the fans will largely determine such or that 's my take on the matter. Plus, calling up more talents from NXT without the proper spacing and the ability to shine a bright spotlight on them over an extended period of time makes little...i take that back...it makes NO sense. I'd rather see a talent continue to develop in NXT as to come to a WWE roster without a strategic plan of entry plus an extended game plan for their first several months on the roster.

So in other words patience is required as it relates to new talents showing their faces on WWE TV but I do expect some significant call up's during the Summer and Fall and once that WrestleMania is over.

WWEShop at http://www.wweshop.com has some super packages of JR's products that are timely with grilling season upon us. I'm grilling today here in Oklahoma as it's 65 degrees outside. Our products are just as viable in the kitchen which many of you know and have sent us recipes.

WWEShop ships JR's Cookbook signed by me to anywhere in the world without exception I am told.

Our Beef Jerky biz has been jumping off the page as the custom made, hickory smoked . 97% Fat Free Jerky is made in Oklahoma the old school way and not mass produced. WWEShop also has plenty in stock.

The Q&A's are updated here. Quick reads and you actually might learn something....or not.

Lastly, today's independent promotions are NOT the same as the wrestling territories of yesteryear....not even close. Nonetheless, I applaud these promotions for attempting to be successful and WWE will still be recruiting the best of the indies to bring to NXT for further development.

Boomer Sooner!

04-22-2013, 05:53 AM

Beautiful Sunday here in Norman, Oklahoma and hopefully where ever you may be as well. Let's Grill!

Obviously I'm not booked on the current international tour and my "talents" (Thanks @KingJames) aren't needed for the two, London TV's. I'm sure that the live crowds will be on top of their game but will they be as raucous as the RAW crowd the day after WM29?

@MichaelCole and @JCLayfield are busy promoting their various projects in London today including the @LayfieldReport and their You Tube show. I admire their ambition and hope that they continue to be successful. The King, of course, will arrive into London on Monday morning, take a nap, most likely, broadcast RAW and then take the first flight back to the USA Tuesday morning. Wham, bam , thank you mame.

I wonder if the trio of Cole, Lawler and JBL are the new, full time RAW broadcast team? If so I think that it helps the three hour broadcast and I've never been one to embrace a three man broadcast booth in WWE or elsewhere within the genre but I do like these three and the job that they do. I'm still not wild about three man broadcast booths in the NFL or the NBA but they seem to work in the slower game of baseball. I encourage you to follow Cole and JBL on Twitter as they keep everyone updated on their various projects.

I filled in for Jerry on the last UK trip in the fall of '12 as I recall and always have a great time there. We have so many loyal fans in that part of the world that they always make me feel great when I'm in their country. One year, I think the year that I flew over and kissed Michael Cole's feet after he had been 'Knighted," I arrived at the same time that the London Marathon was taking place. Our hotel was a couple of blocks from the starting line and allegedly 250,000 people or more were within a few block area of our hotel. So, traffic was blocked off for miles and I walked with someone pulling my roller bag for approximately three miles through the marathon fans, with my black hat in place, taking more photos than one can ever imagine. It was quite the ordeal and certainly a unique way to wake up after flying 8 hours or so.

What's the over/under that me kissing Cole's feet on the night that he was Knighted won't make air Monday night? I'm great with all that if only they would mention our products which are sold on WWEShop.com.

Of course, after weaving/walking our way through thousands of people, I get to our hotel and my room isn't ready so the hotel manager offers to buy me breakfast but, unannounced, decided to join me for an impromptu Q&A session. That lasted two hours but I ended up with a nice room and a full stomach which equated to a timely nap.

Our distributor in the UK area of the world, @americansoda is offering FREE SHIPPING within the UK until Friday on the JR's Sauces Package at http://www.americansoda.co.uk. This is a limited time offer so if you reside inside the confines of the United Kingdom I'd encourage you to consider pulling the trigger on this great offer.

Great job by @UFC and @FoxSports Saturday from San Jose on #UFCONFOX7. The San Jose crowd really helped the show. This was a solid, exciting card from start to finish that kicked things off with an awesome fight between Jordan Mein and Matt Brown. These dudes fought each other like they owed each other money and gave the show a superb beginning. One can't underestimate how important the opening moments of a broadcast are whether it be WWE or UFC, etc.

Some fans got restless during the heavyweight fight between Frank Mir and Daniel Cormier because, I'm assuming, their styles contrasted so drastically to what preceded them and what was expected to follow in the main event. Cormier is going to be problematic with any heavyweight or light heavyweight if that is where he finds himself. Cormier's short, has a low center of gravity, great balance, heavy hands and an amazing, amateur wrestling background that includes Oklahoma State University and the Olympics.

Benson Henson and Gilbert Melendez, who was the local favorite by a mile, had a helluva fight that actually could have gone either way in my novice way of observing their fight. I thought Melendez had won the fight but picked Henderson to win in Saturday's blog.

The crowd was indicative of what you get more often than not when there is a clear cut, fan favorite vs. an adversary who organically assumes the role of a villain. There may be a thin, gray line between good and evil in sports but when the audience declares their vocal allegiance to one fighter over another it makes the process that much more exciting and entertaining.

That concept is why sports teams play home games and few franchises play on 'neutral sites.' The home team equates to being the fan favorites while the visitors are organically the villains.

@UFC also continues to up their game with their pre fight and post fight broadcasts of which I enjoyed. @Sonnench aka Chael Sonnen is a natural born talker/salesman who reminds me of some of the best, former players turned broadcaster in their respective sports and of some of the great, old school, pro wrestlers who were golden on the mic back in the day of adlibs and organic passion when selling tickets was their only source of significant income. Sonnen has done infinitely better in selling the next UFC PPV where he challenges Jon 'Bones" Jones than has Jones which is unfortunate for all involved. Jones should not be pleased with the lack of effort that he has seemingly put forth on promoting a PPV that he is headlining next weekend.

One thing that I felt Saturday night was that Fox was seemingly "in a hurry" to get off the air and hit their top of the hour programming. Would Fox do that with a NFL game? Obviously not. When Fox places @UFC within such a rigid window it really limits the backstage/locker room interviews, the video packages to build the fights, etc. That takes away from the show as it somewhat lessens the emotional investment the fans/viewers need to make to insure that they return the next time.

One area that the MMA fighters of the future must master and make more of a focus is to be able, in an organic, natural way, to market their fights as more PPV's sold equals more money for all involved as a rule. Even if a fighter isn't getting a PPV bonus, helping the parent company get healthier financially is good for everyone in the process.

I used to tell WWE guys that it is our obligation to keep the goose that's laying those golden eggs we all cherish as happy and as healthy as possible. That concept puts one's company or team ahead of one's individual agenda.

WWE's business on this current International Tour has been stellar thus far with every event near capacity or sold out. Plus, from what I understand there have no significant injuries to report thus far. (Knock on wood.)

Good luck to Dwayne Johnson @TheRock on his upcoming abdominal surgery as a result of injuries he suffered early in his WM29 bout vs. John Cena.

Getting great feedback on the new, @RealMickFoley DVD especially on the documentary aspect of it and the extras. I'd highly suggest that you check it out as it was well produced and contains some amazing memories and reactions from some of the biz's biggest stars.

Love it (not) when I get Tweets and emails from some fans who want to know if I'm going to write a 'honest book' some day that dishes all the dirt that I know and ID where all the "corpses" are buried. It's amazing at what some folks thrive on..."dirt." If I do write an autobiography, it will be honest but if some are only looking for dirt and half truths, as I remember things happening years ago, I'm not likely going to want to go there. Why BS my way thru sensationalistic periods of my career while having no problems throwing people under the proverbial bus just to sell a few more books? That's not happening. If I can't be creative enough and tell MY story without being salacious or overly negative as many wrestler's books are then I will simply pass on the project.

It's NBA playoff time and @okcthunder are at home tonight hosting Houston. This is getting close to the time that the NBA starts playing defense more than merely the final 2-3 minutes of the 4th quarter. Hopefully the Thunder can get this series over quickly but I'm not sure what to expect as Houston has zero to lose, they're not supposed to win, and every thing to gain plus former OKC star James Harden is steering his own ship now in H-Town.

Happy things are getting somewhat back to normal in Boston after such a horrific week in 'Bean Town' as Gorilla Monsoon used to call it. I'm blessed and grateful that I got to call a WWE match in the old, Boston Garden and it was with Gorilla many moons ago. It was a bucket list moment for me as I loved the Celtics back in the day and follow them to this very day thanks to my pal and their radio voice @seangrandePBP.

Can you believe that friends and me are already making plans for our travel to South Bend this fall for the #OU vs. Notre Dame college football game at the end of September? Yep, I've got my priorities in the right place.

Have a great day/week and thanks for stopping by our site. If you have any questions then throw them at me at the Q&A section of the site. Thanks for supporting my family business with all our JR's products. We appreciate everyone's support.

Boomer Sooner!

04-23-2013, 06:54 AM

Mon, 04/22/2013 - 9:34am — J.R.
Posted in:Wrestling
Let's kick off the work week with a quickie....a succinct blog loaded with random thoughts. Grilling time!

As a big fan of the #NFL, even though they essentially took a dump on the XFL whenever they could back in the day, I'm excited for draft week which 'kicks off' (see what I did there) in prime time Thursday night. I expect an offensive tackle to be the first player selected with no can't miss QB's in this draft as in QB's that are projected as first year starters ala Luck and RG3. I enjoy watching other broadcasters work without a script or simply reading lines from a teleprompter.

It's a shame that @UFC Light Heavyweight Champion Jon Jones isn't selling this Saturday's much anticipated #UFC PPV as aggressively as is challenger @sonnench Chael Sonnen. Sonnen is a natural born salesman and promoter and if the Oregonian can sell his fights then he can sell others fights as well. Bottom line if Chael is unable to unset Jones Saturday night I wouldn't be surprised to see Sonnen retire and go into broadcasting full time for the rapidly growing UFC. Jones apparent lack of commitment to promoting the PPV is troubling which takes nothing away from what the talented athlete does inside the Octagon. Bones seems like a smart guy so why isn't he beating the bushes selling PPV's on a show that he's HEADLINING?! Arrogance? Attitude? Bad info from his 'people?'

Building depth in UFC's broadcasting roster is imperative much like building depth on the talent roster while developing new fighters. Sonnen, Dominick Cruz, and Brian Stann are all potentially strong color analysts for cage side roles even though their studio work is entertaining and informative. Developing new, play by play talents is more challenging than is developing the analyst role.

I enjoyed UFCONFOX7 Saturday night but at the end of the day it felt as if the network was rushing the show along too much as in putting a gun to the head of UFC production people to do all they could to get off the air so the late, local news, where applicable, could start on time. I can see those restrictions for a WWE event where times are more controlled but for a sporting event that theory makes zero sense. Either start the event a hour earlier or take the restrictions off how one produces the prime time broadcast. Fans want to hear from many fighters, at times, before and after their fight when it works. Viewers who are new need to be educated as to why specific fights are happening. If Fox truly wants to build the UFC brand and monetize their investment, then Fox should not restrict the utilization of important, programming elements/nuances in their UFC broadcasts due to ludicrous, time restrictions.

Has the Rock, @TheRock, wrestled his last match due to injury? Seems as if Rock has left that matter open for speculation depending on the results of the surgery and his non stop schedule, etc. However, knowing Dwayne as I do, I would think that he would want to go out differently and be remembered for one, last major bout. If I had to make a wager, I'd say we haven't seen the last of @TheRock. The one wild card may be his movie partners who may not want to risk their franchise player stepping back in the ring. That's all TBD. I would speculate that if Dwayne can't do WM30 for any reason that he may be closer to done than many want to see.

Interesting note....recently I read about @steveaustinBSR being in great shape physically and looking excellent ala being in 'show shape' but not wrestling shape for a return to a WWE ring. News flash or as the one person in the world that I would really NOT want to take a long, care trip with, Nancy Grace, might say....BOMBSHELL....Steve is ALWAYS in great shape. Old habits die hard and the Texas Rattlesnake (Thanks, JR) is a gym guy in that he hits the gym regularly and with P&V. With all that said, the only way that I see Steve returning to the ring for one, final bout is obviously on the biggest stage (WM30), with the exact, right opponent (Who is that?) , and with a strategic game plan that Steve can emotionally invest . That's a bunch of if's so the door isn't closed but it's not exactly standing wide open either. Austin fans will continue to hold out hope until it's either a done deal or not but a Stone Cold return at WM30 would help insure that the biggest event of 2014 would be a can't miss event. AS I have said in the past, I'd gage an Austin return to WWE for a farewell promotion as 50/50 or less.

Someone suggested to me on Twitter @JRsBBQ that Austin should wrestle the Undertaker at WM30 which I personally find to be pet coon goofy for a litany of reasons. That would not be a smart booking.

WWE is bringing some new Diva prospects to NXT to begin training soon plus with the new, WWE Diva reality show that will be airing this Fall, I assume, on the E Network, I'd say that WWE is essentially setting the reset button on the Divas division sooner than later. E cameras were all over the place at WM29 as some new talents are also featured in this new show. Being the reality show junkie that I am, I'm looking forward to seeing this production and from what I could tell all the ladies were just being themselves, for better or for worse, and not doing 'canned' reality.

Some outstanding Diva prospects are already in NXT and each of them seemingly get better every time that I see them. They are a hard working group who appear to have their head's on straight and committed to getting better daily so that they can eventually be called up to the main stage and make their mark in WWE. The money is in being on a RAW or Smackdown roster and not in NXT which is as it should be.

Best wishes to Superstar Billy Graham who is still hospitalized in Wyoming and is in serious condition. Billy has been hospitalized in serious condition now for over a week. Billy influenced countless numbers of wrestlers with his bigger than life personality and physique back in the day. Nice to have the big 'pythons' but more people remember his outrageous personality and verbal skills just as much as they do his muscles.

My twitter timeline blew up Sunday after @BillSimmons referenced your's truly on the ABC/NBA pre game show.

American Soda who is our distributor in the UK, Ireland and Europe for JR's products is offering FREE SHIPPING within the UK only thru this Friday on their JR's Sauces package only. Check it out at http://www.americansoda.co.uk or hit them with questions on Twitter @americansoda which is located in Manchester, England.

I authored blogs Friday, Saturday and Sunday here on our site plus I've updated the Q&A's as regularly as I can during that same time frame. If you have succinct questions or comments for me, go to the Q&A section and ask away.

There are some sweet deals right now on several items at WWEShop.com but none taste better than JR's products. Today is the perfect day to order. Sample the best Beef Jerky out there, guaranteed, that you can have delivered to your home by going to http://www.wweshop.com.

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy Monday Night RAW tonight from the O2 in London.

Boomer Sooner!

04-24-2013, 10:03 PM
Wed, 04/24/2013 - 12:10pm — J.R.
Posted in:Wrestling
Bombshell!! It was 28 degrees last night in Norman and will be 80 by Sunday. If you don't like Oklahoma weather just hang around a day or two as it always changes. Weather report over...let's grill

Enjoyed many aspects of the London RAW Monday night and found it much easier to watch from home than to fly across the proverbial pond to kiss Sir Michael Cole's feet.

It felt like there was much more in ring content Monday night which, for an old school guy, I always enjoy. No matter is the match is 5 star classic or a ho hummer, I'm simply a fan of the ring product on any wrestling broadcast more than any other aspect.

Certainly not saying that I don't like a passionate, organic promo because I do as it was largely the promos that got me hooked on wrestling when I was a boy. They felt real, sounded real, and appeared to come straight from the heart of the speaker to a 10 year old only child growing up in Eastern Oklahoma who hung intently on every second of the one hour, locally produced TV show..

It's always great to see Undertaker on free TV and he never fails to give me my monies worth but, admittedly, I am extremely biased. I made a statement on Twitter earlier in the week @JRsBBQ that many disagreed with that I thought that Taker had overtaken Andre the Giant as the Greatest 'Big Man' in the history of the biz. Frankly, factoring in tenure, leadership, productivity, tickets sold, etc, a viable argument can be made that the Undertaker isn't the greatest star ever in the genre.

Even though the Shield had some indy experience before joining NXT, the training that the trio received in Florida has served them well. Further proof to me that NXT is the true future of WWE as it relates to the TV product which is what drives the entire company. Nothing's more important than talent and television within WWE.

The Shield had a pivotal week in the world of WWE TV and it continues this Friday night on Smackdown. Already some fans are clamoring for the trio to break up and go their separate ways. I content that it's too early for that and that there are many productive miles left in this new, hot faction that has a chance to become one of the more significant groups ever assembled in WWE.

Enjoying the development of Big E Langston who is an intelligent, grounded athlete of immense strength and overall athleticism. E's still evolving/growing but he is making steady progress from my perspective. Patience is the key here which many young talents and seemingly even more fans have little.

Ryback had a productive week in his transition to becoming a 'villain' and challenging the polarizing, WWE Champion John Cena. I think that these two will have sound chemistry when they meet at the Extreme Rules PPV and wouldn't be surprised to see Ryback win the WWE Title. Seems as if it is enviable that the Vegas wrecking ball will be 'the man' at some point in the future as he is one of the more focused and hellbent on success performers that I have encountered in many years.

As I have said many times, if a talent doesn't want to headline WrestleMania and be WWE Champion, WWE has recruited the wrong athlete. No matter the apparent challenges of accomplishing such, the goals must remain the same and the work to accomplish such has to continue. Compromise and comfort zones are the beginning of the end in my view.

Anxious to see what the next step in the progressive chart is for World Champion Dolph Ziggler who was a Jerry Brisco recruit during our days working together and after Dolph had a stellar career wrestling at Kent State. Ziggler is a special talent whether he be a friend or foe who's uncanny timing and natural athletic skills are next to impossible to find.

A little housekeeping of which I apologize to regular readers:

I am STILL working with WWE and hope to until the day I die. My primary focus is in talent development which has been a passion since we created the developmental system way back in the day.

The day I 'retire' is when you read a blurb about my passing away. Retire and do what?

There are no plans on me going back on the air on a weekly basis that I'm aware of but I'd be happy to do so if needed. I'm grateful for my tenure or 'run' as is said inside the biz and have zero left to prove at the announce table. ( I think that @MichaelCole @JCLayfield and @JerryLawler are doing great on RAW.)

Would I like to try my hand at broadcasting entities other than WWE? Sure if WWE was cool with it and did not consider it a conflict of interest and it fit within my WWE work.

The Mid South Wrestling DVD is due out in September but I don't know what is going to make the final edit of the multiple DVD release.

We are still working to get JR's products into grocery stores but at this time outside the Norman, Oklahoma Homeland Stores it's only available in the USA, Canada, Australia, etc online from http://www.wweshop.com @WWEShop on Twitter.

Yes, our products are available in the UK, Ireland and Europe via @americansoda in Manchester and a hand full of their stores plus online at http://www.americansoda.co.uk.


Anxious to get back down to Orlando for more NXT tapings as @JohnCena will join the party on Thursday May 2 @FullSail University in Winter Haven, Fla. I'm curious to see who has improved their game since we were last there notwithstanding how many have gotten stronger and more athletic.

I'll soon be involved in a meeting with the NFLPA in Washington D.C. to further discuss the recruiting process of former NFL players with the aptitude and other requirements to become a candidate for WWE training.

Anxious to watch the NFL Draft Thursday night on ESPN for the selections but not so enthralled to have to listen to all the talking heads essentially shout out their conversations. The live audience in Radio City Music Hall in NYC will likely make WWE fans think of the live crowd at RAW the night after WM29.

I wonder when the 'brain surgeons" who make the decisions regarding CFB conferences, etc will stop and study basic geography while at the same time putting their fans first before counting the massive TV money that is currently coming their way?

Favorite match considerations for me would be Dr. Death vs. Terry Gordy and Doc and Bam Bam vs. the Steiners. Anyone remember those wars? They weren't for the weak at heart I assure you.

I'm a proud, life member of the Cauliflower Alley Club and wholeheartedly encourage all true wrestling fans to check out their website http://www.cauliflloweralleyclub.org and consider joining the club. The annual reunion just happened in Vegas, it was a blast, but I'm still of the mindset that CAC would be infinitely better served if the event moved to June where kids could come with their parents and more WWE talents could attend as well. Just my two cents.

I don't see Chael Sonnen beating Jon 'Bones' Jones this Saturday night on PPV in an eagerly anticipated fight for the #UFC Light Heavyweight Title but one never knows. Knockouts and submissions can come quickly and without notice in the Octagon. Sonnen and Michael Bisping have both done an excellent job of 'selling' the PPV but the same can't be said for Bones who stands to make much more money for his company and himself by doing more 'selling.' Whether some purists, et al like it or not, we live in a 'hype' society that thrives on the 'sensational' aka the 'must see' and a well marketed, promoted event. Hell, @DuckDynastyAE season finale will likely have an audience of 7M+ because of the hype and the uniqueness of sending a gaggle of Louisiana duck hunters to Hawaii. Hype. Sensationalism. Salesmanship. Sizzle.

So, yes. Bones Jones can learn a thing or two from Si Robertson. That's the first time those two names have been used together in a sentence IN THE HISTORY OF BLOGGING!!!!

I will be live Tweeting during the @UFC PPV Saturday night if anyone cares. Should be some outstanding fights with some unforeseen outcomes.

Follow me on Twitter @JRsBBQ.

Try some JR's BBQ Sauces, Chipotle Ketchup, Main Event Mustard and All Purpose Seasoning and don't forget our hottest selling product...five flavors of custom, made from head to toe, JR's Beef Jerky which is 97% Fat Free.

The Q&A's here on the site are updated.

Boomer Sooner!

04-27-2013, 01:40 AM
Fri, 04/26/2013 - 11:57am — J.R.
Posted in:Wrestling
Welcome back to our website and thanks for dropping by as we appreciate the visit. I've updated the Q&A's as of Friday midday and invite you to check out the quick reads while you're here. With that said...we grill.

Looking forward to watching Friday Night Smackdown tonight as the Undertaker takes on the Shield's Dean Ambrose. I don't expect to see Taker on TV that much at all in the future but what an opportunity for Ambrose and his teammates to shine with a future Hall of Famer.

RIP country music legend George Jones aka "The Voice" who passed away earlier today. In the wrestling world he was known as the late Paul Bearer aka Percy Pringle's all time favorite entertainer. I remember when Percy got to meet "The Possum" after a concert back in the day and Percy told me the story just as a child would about meeting Santa Claus. He remembered what George was wearing, what George said and seemingly every aspect of their brief meeting.

I once booked country music talent for a large club in Tulsa called Duke's Country back in the 80's and booked Jones to appear live three, different times....he showed once. Our crowd was light the night that Jones finally made it and we did not have all his money prior to show time. His manager said that George wouldn't go on without his money even though I explained that the legend had become "No Show Jones" on us twice and that the fans were skeptical and did not buy many tickets in advance.. I asked to speak with George and went on his tour bus to explain our dilemma. The former Marine understood, went on and played a great show.

For the record, he got all his money before leaving Tulsa and I he and I ended up having a great conversation after the show as I counted out his cash. Yes, cash...no checks please.

I remember someone playing a rib on Percy back in the day, late 90's I think, where a new crew member was told to break the news to "Paul Bearer" that George Jones had just passed away. The kid did not know any better and was told that if he gently broke the news to Percy and grieved with him that the veteran would appreciate it and that it would be a great ice breaker/bonding experience.

I never heard so many inventive curse words in my entire life that Percy/Paul spewed at the youngster who was the victim of a stiff, wrestling rib. Percy/Paul was that loyal and devoted to George Jones. Hopefully, their paths have crossed again in Heaven.

The OKC Thunder losing all star guard Russell Westbrook to minor knee surgery is a tough blow to the team's playoff hopes but stranger things have happened and the Thunder won't tap just yet. OKC isn't obviously as good without Westbrook, but sometimes things like this can bring a team closer and inject a new found sense of urgency in a small, NBA sized roster. Kevin Durant has to become more selfish and take more shots but the cupboards are not bear in OKC...just not as well stocked. Durant must take over.

I was asked recently on Twitter who I thought was one of the most underrated athletes in the WWE locker room I mentioned that an argument could be made for more than one but off the top of my head I'd go with @WWEMcGillicutty. The son of the late Curt Hennig is the complete package and is only getting better. Some of his bouts in NXT have been excellent. I like the kid a great deal and hope that he sticks with the goal of achieving his dream to follow in his dad's footsteps and to create his own legacy.

When asked if I thought the WWE Saturday Night's Main Event was returning on a regular basis, I don't know but can't we all agree that WWE is producing enough weekly TV? I know that I do.

Manti Te'o will obviously get drafted into the NFL but does anyone else think that his 40 time had more to do with him falling from the first round than the whacky, faux girlfriend silliness? Another factor may be that the legend of Norte Dame and the hype that the program receives may have made Te'o a better linebacker than he actually was. I know that has happened at Oklahoma on occasion where a player wasn't quite as good as the school's hype for him.

The @Rams and Minnesota Vikings seem to have great first round NFL Drafts from where I was sitting. I follow both teams because of Sam Bradford and Adrian Peterson, two former OU stars.

Yes...I joked with @LaneJohnson69 about coming to #WWE IF the 'NFL thing' didn't work out. Obviously,. being the 4th overall pick in the draft indicates that the 'NFL thing' is going to work out just fine for the former #Sooners offensive lineman who I consider a great kid and have enjoyed being on the sideline for essentially every game of his OU career. @Eagles fans are going to love the 6'6"-303 pounder who ran a 4.72 forty.

Hopefully, some of the great athletes who tryout for the NFL as free agents this summer and who do not make it will find their way on the WWE radar. That's one reason that we are meeting with the NFLPA in a couple of weeks. Notwithstanding creating an opportunity to where some young, former players who have a WWE aptitude and who might want to step in the ring and see how they adapt their legit, athletic skills into becoming a WWE performer.

Nice to see that Bones Jones has picked it up in recent weeks in the promotion of this Saturday night's UFC PPV as he defends his light heavyweight title against Chael Sonnen. Like any great, pro wrestling villains and just as Muhammad Ali did back in his heyday, some fans will buy #UFC159 just to see @sonnench get his ass whipped and whipped convincingly by the talented Jon Jones. The mark of any great, sports or sports/entertainment villain is to create so much antagonism and angst that the paying customers will invest their cash to see said bad guy get beaten up and humiliated.

Sonnen's long term career is behind a UFC mic as the brand continues to build it's announcer roster just as they are their fighter roster. Just like WWE, UCC will be built for long term success via fighting talent and television and having great story tellers to embellish and enhance great fighters/fights is imperative. Sonnen can tell stories and he can sell product. Chael might evolve into a helluva ringside, color commentator some day if provided that opportunity even though his studio work has been stellar.

I'm anxious to see who steps up Saturday night and tries to steal the show and create a name for themselves on the card headlined by Jones vs. Sonnen. Opportunity awaits and I'm curious as to who will capitalize.

Must be a slow news day for some to dissect this past Monday's Foley-Ryback segment on Monday Night Raw. I thought Foley's delivery was impassioned and timely. He was the perfect set up man for what transpired. Ryback is refining his verbal skills as he goes which is exactly what guys used to do in the territory days. Every outing for a talent like Ryback is learning experience and if he has some rough edges, in the eyes of some, then so be it. I'd rather see in ring, live or live to tape, rough edges on display than someone routinely reciting a promo exclusively from memory. Was the segment perfect? Nope but what is? Did it better position Ryback in the role that he is being cast? Without question, in my view.

Big week in NXT Thursday night at Full Sail University in Orlando/Winter Haven, Florida. Young talents are expected to be better than they were when we taped five, one hour broadcasts prior to WrestleMania 29. If someone claims that they are 'peaking' at this young age because the scenery is getting stale then they are helping themselves out the door. John Cena is set to join us on Thursday May 2.

Are you set for grilling season? Take a moment and visit the JR page at http://www.wweshop.com and see all the great deals that await.

Our associates in Manchester, England @americansoda has great offers on JR's products that they promptly deliver throughout the UK, Europe and Ireland from their website http://www.americansoda.co.uk.

Happy 46th birthday today to Kane who is one of the greatest superstars to ever appear in a WWE ring. The consummate pro who is one of the most intelligent athletes that I've ever known and is a model talent and a future WWE HOFer without question. He's a locker room leader, a voice of reason to many young, immature talents, is one of the greatest big men ever and an overall class act. I saw him for the first time while doing some commentary for Jim Cornette's Smoky Mountain Wrestling when Kane was wrestling under a mask and was known as 'Unabomber.' It did not take long for me to get him a tryout and then to sign him to a WWE contract where he has been ever since. I can't see Kane being any where but in WWE and if I had a vote I'd want the big man to mentor as many young NXT talents as is possible. I have great respect for the former college athlete who has his degree even though he "BBQ'ed" me back in the day. I healed...for the record.

You're invited to follow me on Twitter @JRsBBQ.

I've written many blogs here over the past week and hope that you'll check them out.

Boomer Sooner!

04-28-2013, 07:14 PM
Source: JRsBarBQ.com

Jim Ross is back with a new blog over on jrsbarbq.com. Here are some highlights:
- @TheRock says that he 'might' have wrestled his last match. I say its not the season for 'mights' and that a performer/athlete like Dwayne Johnson goes out on his terms and not because of a fixable injury.

- If I were the NXT talents I'd add a little sauce to my meal this Thursday night at Full Sail University for the TV tapings. The next call ups should be all that those kids should be thinking about and more specifically, am I on that list?

- I'm not planning on doing a podcast at this time but will be a guest on @steveaustinBSR podcast in the future.

- Some fans still believe that a TV rating, specifically TV14, is what makes a wrestling show either good or not. Some fans continue to clamor for WWE to return to a TV14 rating but I don't see it happening. What made the Attitude Era successful was the talent roster that was dotted with main event level, hungry, competitive athletes who had no issue pushing a peer out of the way to get to the main event level and then fight like hell to stay there. I contend that great talents can make PG rated TV be ultra successful over the long haul if the presentation is smart and strategic.

- I see @RealJackSwagger stepping up his game, especially lately, and @WWEZeb deserves much of the credit. Even a pet coon goofy blind man can see that Swagger is a great athlete but there is more to becoming a star in ring performer than just athleticism of which many of us covet. It's the intangibles such as in ring psychology that must also be in place. The veteran Zeb looks to be an excellent tutor for the former Sooner wrestling all American.

04-29-2013, 06:04 AM
Sun, 04/28/2013 - 11:22am — J.R.
Posted in:Wrestling
After storms destroyed our home's roof, guttering, etc a few days a go, we are now bracing for a sunny, 80 degree day or two here in the bipolar weather center of the universe, Norman, Oklahoma. Let's grill....

Enjoyed UFC 159 last night on PPV from Newark headlined by the incomparable @jonnybones aka Jon Jones first round defeat of Chael Sonnen. Jones has upped his game and his long, athletic frame is problematic for any one who can't match up with Bones physically. The former amateur wrestling star prospect, at least for the present time, is his own worst opponent as I don't see any one on the current UFC map that can handle him including the legendary Anderson Silva.

If Jonny Jones doesn't allow out of Octagon issues to adversely affect his game he has the @UFC world by the Spauldings. A major, stadium event vs. Silva seems doable in the future and I feel that it will be highly successful. I'd love to see it in Cowboys Stadium as that would be a drive for me to be able to attend in person.

BTW....I don't think that Silva can beat Jones.

For those asking, No I do not think that @sonnench aka Chael Sonnen will be migrating to WWE any time soon. Could I see a 'one off' type of performance by the talkative and talented Sonnen in WWE? Possibly. But Chael has too much to offer UFC as a broadcaster notwithstanding who said that Sonnen was definitively done as a fighter? Sonnen is a UFC guy and I see him contributing to the brand's continued growth for year's to come.

Enjoyed @JoeRogan candor when it came to the officiating and the issue of inadvertent eye pokes during UFC159. Rarely is a broadcaster given the latitude to be open and honest about a subject that likely many fans are thinking about as well. @DanaWhite is street smart and certainly has his finger on the pulse of the UFC fanbase to allow the talented Rogan to be so honest with Joe's opinion.

Thought the booking of UFC159 was on the money especially with how the PPV kicked off. The importance of a great start on a PPV whether it be in the sports world of UFC or the entertainment side of WWE, can't be stressed enough. It sets the stage for the event that the fans paid good money to see and engages, hopefully, the live audience to verbally embrace the presentation.

WWE.com reporting that WWE Champion John Cena has sustained an injury while on the European Tour. The report states that Cena has issues with his right, Achilles tendon which can be a dicey matter. Achilles injuries can be puzzling especially if they aren't torn and don't require surgery. In other words these types of injuries can linger if one doesn't get the proper rest and allow the tendon to heal. The injury is legit as Cena has been suffering through this matter for several days even though he hasn't missed any bookings. Always said the man has the work ethic and toughness of an offensive lineman which is a good thing.

Imagine being gone for close to two weeks, away of one's home country, visiting several other countries a few hours at a time and then, on the last night of your long, odyssey, having to take a two hour bus ride to catch a flight from Warsaw, Poland to get to Columbus, Ohio...yeah...non stops are scare...just to get to work Monday night. Critics of the sports entertainment genre can blow all the smoke that they want but when it comes right down to it, the work, sacrifice and dedication hat it takes to be successful these days in WWE is amazing. It's so much harder than in the territory days of wrestling when the vast majority of trips were made via car and were more comparable to a weekly or bi-weekly route where airplane trips were infrequent.

Based on my previous experience with some talents, that will remain nameless, after a long, albeit successful, European tour here's what I suggest that some do with their gear....BURN IT! Not even the strongest Febreze application can cure what ails some of the tights, ETC that have visited several countries the past several days.

Second suggestion, if you have multiple pairs of any thing 'black' in your travel wardrobe, replace it. It's likely toxic.

One of the reasons that the former 202 pound QB Lane Johnson grew to become a 6'6"-303 pound offensive lineman at Oklahoma University and become the 4th overall pick of the NFL Draft by Philadelphia was the work that Lane did in the weight room under expert supervision and the athletic training table where the proper foods were provided the athletes. Yes, I Know that genetics has a hand in this matter too. This is the same, basic theory of having a full time strength and conditioning coach at the new, WWE Performance Center along with a world class weight room. NXT prospects will be provided the opportunity to get bigger, stronger and faster the right way under trained, expert supervision. The results will, ideally, result in a better developed level of athlete in WWE rings as time moves forward.

After 8 years, we are buying a new grill. Having a tricked out Weber Grill delivered Monday. Business just picked up in our backyard!

Another cookbook idea is being discussed but it's far from a done deal. The concept that we've come up with, nonetheless, would be a blast to write. Do you think that a cook book entitled "Flatulence Foods" is a little coarse? I'm kidding...

Hard to believe that the great Lou Thesz passed away on this date in 2002 at the age of 86. Meeting Lou Thesz was one of my greatest thrills as a professional which I assume is much akin to a baseball broadcaster finally meeting Babe Ruth. Without question, Lou Thesz belongs in the WWE Hall of Fame. Lou's stories of having 90 minute draws with Dan Hodge kept me on the edge of my seat as he had amazing recall and could remember the smallest of details. If memory serves me correctly the last time I ever saw Lou and Gordon Solie alive they were standing together at the hotel bar at a Cauliflower Alley function back in the day in New Jersey. I have the snapshot in my mind but which that I had a camera phone then to memorialize the moment.

The Q&A's are updated here on the site. Check them out and leave your own questions if you choose.

Business has picked up with the online shopping aspect of JR's family of products both at http://www.wweshop.com and in Manchester, England with http://www.americansoda.co.uk. American Soda does a great job shipping door to door within the UK, Ireland and Europe. Of course, the folks at WWEShop.com get you your JR's within a matter of days, as a rule, in the USA, Canada and far beyond.

I invite you to follow me on Twitter as we are approaching 800,000 followers @JRsBBQ

Boomer Sooner!

05-01-2013, 12:48 AM
Mon, 04/29/2013 - 10:35am — J.R.
Posted in:Wrestling
Here's hoping that everyone has a great week and enjoys the live, Monday Night RAW tonight from Columbus, Ohio at 8/7 central. Let's see how the weary travelers respond live for the world to see. Until then...let's grill

Monday Night Raw emanates from Columbus, Ohio tonight for another 3 hour broadcast that finds the talents just returning in the past few hours after an exhaustive tour of Europe.

As The King always says, "one can't grieve forever" and the show must go on and go on it will as the adrenaline of the live audience will always push the pros to deliver in their respective segments.

Perhaps Time Tebow will show up and do a "run in" as he's looking for work. Perhaps trying WWE would be a nice fit for Tebow who would undoubtedly be an antagonist in today's defiant world. Of course, I jest regarding Tebow in WWE but stranger things have happened.

Anxious to hear more info on the condition of John Cena's Achilles injury and what it means, if any thing, to his WWE Title defense at Extreme Rules vs. Ryback. Got a feeling that Ryback won't be too sympathetic regarding @JohnCena medical ills.

Cena worked through his injury while in Europe which many would not have done but I'm under the impression that he's pushed it about as far as he can at this point in the process.

Amused by the 'hate emails' that I receive at our Q&A section regarding how WWE cannot be successful being a PG rated show versus being TV14 and how stupid that I am for believing such. I read, cringe and delete while respecting the opinion's of others. However, being successful in this genre has every thing to do with compelling and 'must see' talents who are embroiled in long arcing, smart, creative storylines.

Some one asked if I thought an all womens promotion could be successful on a national basis. It all depends on the business model, I suppose, including the TV deal and the talent pool from which to select but my gut instinct would be a polite, "no."

Was asked on Twitter @JRsBBQ if I had issues personally with Bart Gunn after he KO'ed Steve "Dr. Death" Williams in the ill fated Brawl for it All, the answer is a resounding no. Was I disappointed that Doc tore his quad which essentially ended his career? Absolutely. Did I embrace the fact that many in the locker room found it amusing that "JR's boy" got his lights turned out by the powerful punching of Bart Gunn. Nope. However, that's where it ended and any speculation that I held a grudge or didn't respect Bart Gunn is simply not accurate but makes for a nice tale.

Yes, we had hoped that the late, Dr Death would win the contest to help us launch a new antagonist but Bart Gunn was simply the better man on that occasion and especially under the circumstances.

The best man won in what was an ill fated idea to begin with and the booking of Butterbean to face the winner of the Brawl for it All was something that was planned all along. 'Bean' wanted to do more business with WWE and that was to be an entree to other appearances that simply did not work out as we all had hoped.

Looks as if the trio of @MichaelCole @JerryLawler @JCLayfield will be the permanent, Monday Night Raw broadcast team or so it seems. I think that's a good idea with the flagship broadcast now being three hours long. Guest color commentators also don't hurt the presentation as it provides talents the opportunity to expose their personalities in a different forum.

I'm anxious to work with the young announcers, by the way, none of the three, aforementioned broadcasters qualify as "young", this week at NXT. We expect great things to go down at Full Sail University.

Buying a new grill today. Excited about that as we grill several times per week and got about 8 years worth of use out of our old grill. Going the Weber route this go around. @WeberGrills is rated the top of the line and if they need a spokesman, I'm available.

JR's All Purpose Seasoning/Rub can be your secret weapon when grilling or seasoning dishes in the kitchen. My wife made a 15 Bean Stew using Turkey Sausage, onions, tomatoes, and our Seasoning which made a super, one dish meal Sunday night. She soaked the beans overnight and then cooked them for several hours Sunday with the Turkey and it ended up being a protein heavy, healthy meal. I added some JR's Chipotle Ketchup to my piping hot dish and it enhanced the flavor up another level.

Working on a new and improved "JR's Onion Burger" that includes chopped onion and JR's BBQ Sauce mixed into the bulk 80/20 ground beef. I also have made this recipe with smaller patties and placed a slice of cheese between patties to make one main event level burger that includes cheese, onion and JR's BBQ sauce all inside the burger. Working with Turkey Burgers too.

Order JR's now for grilling season from http://www.wweshop.com or http://www.americansoda.co.uk if you are in the UK, Ireland or Europe.

Join me on Twitter @JRsBBQ.

The Q&A's are updated here on the site and I must say that the questions are getting better but they still need to be somewhat succinct. I don't need to know how to make the watch just tell me what time it is.

Boomer Sooner!

05-06-2013, 01:43 AM
I hope that everyone is having a great weekend and I appreciate you stopping by our site. Let's grill!!

Random Thoughts:

Great trip to Orlando for the NXT tapings Thursday night. Sell out, turn away crowd was thoroughly entertained. Four, one hour broadcasts were taped. The first one airs next weekend for the record. No, I don't know when NXT is going to air in the USA but efforts are being made to make that happen. Stay tuned and be patient in the USA. NXT has developed a great international following and there are multiple suitors for the brand in the USA.

NXT Divas are evolving nicely under the coaching of Sara Del Rey. Emma and Paige are on the road this weekend on the main tour to see how they do. Sara is a great coach.

Several kids stood out this past week in Orlando including Aiden Neville, Bo Dallas, The Bray Wyatt Family, Sami Zayn, Kassius Ohno, Summer Rae (Yep, the same long legged young lady who is now with Fandango), Curt Hawkins, Big E Langston, and Damien Sandow among others. This is not a compete list but I'm simply going off my aged memory. Some newcomers and a couple of new tag teams stuck their toe in the water plus I saw some talents who have viable verbal skills in an organic delivery which is always best.

Every talent is seemingly giving it their all. If they are not, they will be discovered and be wished well in their future endeavors. I do love their overall attitudes and work ethic. Some new individuals are being rapidly prepared to start doing significant things on NXT TV when it returns to Full Sail on Thursday May 23 highlighted by a visit by @Ryback22.

The coaching staff at NXT led by Bill DeMott are also doing great work serving as not only coaches/teachers but also as role models for the impressionable kids who are in the pressure cooker. Mentoring NXT athletes today, in my estimation, is damn near as important as teaching one the proper way to apply a headlock.

The announce teams of William Regal/Tony Dawson and Tom Phillips/Brad Maddox had their best night to date at NXT. @MichaelCole and I both enjoy working with them in pre show prep and during the broadcasts.

NXT personnel expect to be in the new, Performance Center by July if all continues to go well with the contractors. This facility will be for NXT talents AND regular WWE talents who are presently touring on RAW and Smackdown. The new strength and conditioning coach is already on the job and making a positive impact.

Once the new facility opens my plan is to be there on a semi regular basis.

Don't be surprised if Nattie Neidhart and the Bella's don't steal the new WWE Divas show when it comes to E. Natalya is a valuable asset to WWE on so many fronts as are Nikki and Brea.

Amazing TV bout Wednesday night on ION featuring US Champ Kofi Kingston and Antonio Cesaro. Cesaro is an amazing performer and along with guys like Daniel Bryan is one of the best in ring performers in the world. Bar none.

Mason Ryan has made some significant improvement since being back in NXT and I look for him to be able to contribute on the next level if he continues to push himself and receive his coaching as he has been. There's no substitute for hard work in the ring and through study out of it. To be great can't be accomplished simply while a prospect is "on the clock" but takes extra effort including studying the game.

Long car trips with one's peers has been replaced, somewhat, by individual DVD study of the business. That's not a fair trade but that's the way of the world and one either adapts and changes or one becomes irrelevant and missing in action.

Check out this podcast from earlier today...yahoosportsradio.com/?p=47294. Or if this doesn't work just hit the http://www.yahoosportsradio.com website and listen to Saturday morning's show with @SeanPendergast.

@OKCThunder caught a break against an overachieving Houston team in the first round of the NBA playoffs but my favorite NBA team has their work cut out for them against a physical, Memphis Grizzly outfit. No...I have no wagers with the King, @JerryLawler, on this series that OKC will be fortunate to escape victorious. Why? Jerry's too thrifty. I'd venture to say that I follow the NBA closer than my former broadcast partner. Losing Russell Westbrook hurt the OKC squad on the floor in multiple ways but Russ was the 'DAWG' of the team which now Kevin Durant has to assume and it's not a role that naturally fits KD. The lack of strong, inside offense and defensive presence in the paint against a big, physical Memphis team is an area of concern for OKC fans.

Our new @WeberGrills is amazing. Grilled steaks last night using JR's All Purpose seasoning, some hickory flavored liquid smoke and a hint of Worcester sauce. Home run!

@TripleH and his lovely wife Stephanie are attending the @FloydMayweather fight on PPV tonight (Saturday).

Enjoyed doing some recent work on the new, 2K WWE video game but I'm keeping the creative under wraps. Had a blast, however, I must say.

I updated the Q&A section of the site so please take a look and submit your questions if you choose.

Follow me on Twitter @JRsBBQ as I actually attempt to interact with my followers as best that I can.

Remember that you can easily order JR's products online with quick delivery from http://www.wweshop.com and from Manchester, England online at http://www.americansoda.co.uk.

Thanks for stopping by and come back again soon for another visit.

Boomer Sooner!

05-06-2013, 10:43 PM
Credit: JRSBARBQ.com

Jim Ross posted a new blog entry today. Here are the highlights…

On The Possibility of Tim Tebow to WWE: My idea that Tim Tebow might find success in WWE apparently struck a chord with some media types. It’s not the worst idea I’ve ever spewed. Tebow is young, 25, big and athletic, enjoys working with charitable organizations ala Make a Wish Foundation, etc and is coachable. Tim could be a positive role model in the ring and touch lives around the world via the WWE’s global footprint. (Of course, being a positive role model in the ring in today’s world often times means getting booed out of the building.) Is Tebow to WWE a long shot? Absolutely. I doubt, but don’t know, that it’s ever been seriously discussed within the WWE. But it’s certainly an intriguing idea if for nothing else for a well constructed, long-term storyline that could culminate at WrestleMania 30 in New Orleans. The headlines an offer would garner, if formally made to the former Heisman Trophy winner, would be widespread. ESPN’s Skip Bayless would likely be appalled. Oh, the humanity….

On WWE Pre & Post Game PPV Shows: For those that have asked, I am unaware of when WWE will have another on-site, pre and post game show for a PPV. If I had to simply guess, I’d assume it would be at Summer Slam but that’s far from official. I’m also not aware of what talents would appear on said show if one does air. Personally, I had a great time participating in the last one but I’m not sure that many fans were aware of it or even watched it nor do I know if it will be on the WM29 DVD.

On NXT’s Enzo Amore: Keep an eye on Enzo Amore in NXT as he made a great, first impression on yours truly last Thursday night at the NXT taping at Full Sail. Significant, verbal upside. Not that familiar with his in ring work yet.

05-07-2013, 07:37 PM
Thanks for stopping by for a quick visit...always appreciated. The Q&A's are updated as of midday Tuesday. Check them out too. Grilling with JR's season is upon us so...let's grill!

Really enjoyed the guest commentator's interaction on RAW Monday night featuring Zeb and Mark Henry joining the RAW team of Cole, Layfield, and Lawler. The contrast entertained me and it sparked some fun debate and opinion. Occasional, verbal fireworks at the announce table, when well timed, can really add to a show especially one that is three hours in length.

Paul Heyman seemed to enjoy himself a little too much while watching Brock Lesnar ransack, intimidate and destroy WWE property all captured by @HeymanHustle himself. At one time I used to office in that same space after leaving Talent Relations and working in Business Strategies.

Did you catch the photo of the JR's Cookbook laying on the floor in the wake of the "Psycho Viking" figurative F5 tore through the office?

Mark Henry is one of the most intimidating and legit beasts in all of WWE and he "feels" it without question. The stout Texan isn't playing a role. The World's Strongest Man is who he says he is. Mark Henry is who we thought he was...thanks Denny Green.

The aftermath of a strap..Country Whipping..type match can be long lasting. I stumbled through two of them ala a cow on ice once upon a time and enjoyed not a single minute of either. One has to swing for the fences with a leather strap for the integrity of the bout. The most sadistic guys that wielded a strap in my memory were the Freebirds who might have just liked the pain...just a little too much.

Any one who can conclusively say who out of the Shield is going to spin out the trio and become THE top, singles star is zooming themselves. There are too many uncontrollable variables to factor into that equation to put all one's cash on one talent.

Why can't all three become top, singles hands in time? I think that might be the goal. :) But let's not rush the process.

Regarding the Shield, some wrestling fans have the patience of a 5 year old or maybe it's just that there are 5 year old's on Twitter bitching about every phase of creative.

Loved the tale of the tape WWE used to tease the Ryback vs. Kane match. Nice nuance.

Thought Jack Swagger had a beastly appearance on RAW in Roanoke. Perry, Oklahoma's second toughest man is nasty with a ladder in his hands.

I'm working on 2-3 pretty exciting new projects and will inform you when the time is right.

Scheduled to go hog hunting with @ShawnMichaels next week on his Texas ranch. This will be taped for a future episode of HBK's Outdoor Network TV show. I might end up being a cross between Si on @DuckDynastyAE and the patriarch of the family on American Hoggers. I'm going to use a cross bow to 'harvest' some feral hogs. Yep, a BBQ is being planned as well.

We're counting on your support throughout the summer especially when allowing JR's products to be a part of your grilling experiences. Shop efficiently and safely online at either http://www.wweshop.com which carries EVERY product that we make including our amazing, JR's Beef Jerky which comes in 5 flavors. OR, check out http://www.americansoda.co.uk which is based in Manchester, England and they ship quickly throughout the UK, Ireland and Europe.

Read online that @JerryLawler is returning to the ring for Dory Funk, Jr promotion in Ocala, Florida on May 25. I haven't talked to Jerry in a good while but wish him well if this is what he wants to do. Obviously, King's cardiologist has been consulted one would assume on this matter. Jerry had much rather wrestle than announce any day and he's getting back in the ring north of 60 years of age because he loves it and not because he needs the cash. I wish him the best as always.

Enjoyed talking to Cowboy Bill Watts recently who just turned 74. He's excited that WWE is going to be marketing some of the Mid South content that WWE owns after the acquisition of the Watts Family video library. The multi disc set comes out in September which is exciting. Certainly some of the bouts on the DVD will have to come with a warning because they are intensely graphic in nature.

Some ECW enthusiasts might not agree with this statement but Mid South was 'Extreme' long before it became a marketing slogan and mantra for ECW of which I was a fan.

Thanks for the visit. Come back soon.

Boomer Sooner!

05-09-2013, 08:34 PM
Thu, 05/09/2013 - 10:16am — J.R.
Posted in:Wrestling
Our online, family business continues to grow at http://www.wweshop.com which carries everything that we produce and for our UK, Irish and European fans at http://www.americansoda.co.uk. The only place to purchase JR's, retail wise, is still the four, Norman, Oklahoma @HomelandStores. Thanks for everyone's support and now...

WWE World Champion Dolph Ziggler has a serious concussion which may be a redundant statement because what concussion isn't serious? There's no timeline as to Ziggler's return as WWE will be particularly cautious in dealing with any injury but especially a head injury.

Scary thought is that years ago, in the territory days specifically, wrestlers worked through a litany of injuries including concussions because if they didn't wrestle they didn't get paid. For those that constantly love to embrace the "good, old days" as the be all, end all, keep that in mind. I miss many aspects of yesteryear as much as any lifelong fan but how talents were medically treated back in the day is unsettling.

Certainly the same can be said of the NFL as the horror stories as told by former players and coaches of the "good, old days" sound similar to pro wrestling in previous generations.

The medical advances in WWE are extremely understated. A team doctor is at every WWE event including a licensed, certified athletic trainer. Medical evaluations done on an annual basis and to all who enter the developmental program are extensive and through.

Jerry Lawler would be dead today if it had not been for the medical procedures that WWE has in place.

It worries me to think of the issues that many independent wrestlers face as it relates to injuries in today's world because many of them do not have affordable access to needed medical care and many of the promotions and promoters can't afford it either.

The new, WWE Performance Center will always have a full time trainer on hand, ready access to medical personnel and a full time Strength and Conditioning coach who will help the athletes get stronger and more fit as that will help prevent some injuries.

New talents coming to WWE go through a through, extensive process including through medical evaluation before they are allowed to report to work.

Hard to debate that anyone on WWE TV this week was MORE effective than @TheMarkHenry as he and @Sheamus prepared for what appears to be a Leather Strap match at the Extreme Rules PPV. Mark has come into his own over the past couple of years and his "realness" resonates through the TV screen. Sheamus' very white skin will be marred with painful images when these two men finish with one another at the next WWE PPV. In my opinion, Henry has slowly evolved into a franchise type antagonist and his facials and promo skills as as authentic as one could ask for.

My two experiences in a Strap Match or Country Whipping Match as a 'clumsy as a cow on ice, why in the hell am I in a wrestling match' came against Jonathan Coachman on RAW from Chicago and in a tag with @JerryLawler vs. @MichaeCole & @RealJackSwagger on PPV. There is just no way to go through that process without significant pain being a part of the presentation.

If there is, then I didn't get the memo.

The Fabulous Freebirds were the most memorable guys that I recall who made the leather strap matches really standout as they brought it in those 'not for the weak at heart' bouts.

@WWEBrayWyatt and Corey Graves @WWEGraves will be on the next WWE, live event tout this weekend as the NXT representatives get the opportunity to gain more experience with the main roster. Both men are keepers and Wyatt especially has some special traits that one cannot teach. He's a near 300 pounder who has the valued and rare, second gear and has a natural gift of gab much like his grandfather, the legendary Blackjack Mulligan, WWE HOFer.

Graves is a Pittsburgh kid who sort of reminds me of a young, @CMPunk at times. Very bright and very aggressive.

@JakeSnakeDDT is earning remarkable success in his battle to gain sobriety and change his life. It will be a daily battle until the day that he dies that I pray he will endure and succeed and the same for @ScottHallNWO. Even though I truly believe that both men can add value to ANY creative process and have the skills to help many young talents, the focus of them regaining their health has to remain their top priority which it seems to be.

Too many of Jake and Scott's fans only see their return to the ring as the ultimate end game of which I totally disagree. Those returns, it they ever occur, are only going to be a by product of the success that they achieve through their efforts to become clean and sober. @DDPYoga is to be commended for his role in this effort.

If you have questions for me please utilize the Q&A section of this site. It's free, no obligations to use it and I read every question even though I don't answer all of them as some are, well, pet coon goofy.

I am not a devout, learned European football fan but I can appreciate the accomplishments of Sir Alex Ferguson. Funny how I got lambasted on Twitter @JRsBBQ for even mentioning it by some of Sir Alex's detractors and by his fans for calling it a "news item." Can't win for losing sometimes.

Too much bitching about sports officiating on @ESPN, etc. It's a part of the game and has ceased to become a compelling topic of which to hear talking heads and others pontificate. The beauty of sports is that the game is played and largely governed by humans and no humans are perfect or infallible. MLB umpires and NBA officials make mistakes...just like the coaches and players. Get over it.

Raw is in Tulsa on Monday night and tickets are moving briskly and are still available. It's going to be a big night in 'T Town.' Sorry I'll miss it as I will be hunting feral hogs with @ShawnMichaels. There will be no taking the hogs down and hobbling them for me, as we will be using crossbows and...I hope...side arms. We're also going to have a big BBQ which will be documented for HBK's TV show and will air later this year.

I will be in Salt Lake City to host "Shawn Michaels Appreciation Night" on Friday May 24. Will fly there from NXT the night before in Orlando. Really excited to meet some great fans in SLC and to be a part of a special night honoring the WWE HOFer. Hopefully we will have a big, loud crowd.

The @steveaustinBSR podcast is money. Check it out.

Also, highly suggest you check out the @MichaelCole and @JCLayfield show online. That's significant praise from an Okie to two men with Texas roots. Download the @Layfield Report. Very handy for news, opinion and more.

Loving our new, @WeberGrills. Wife Jan aced this purchase as she got the S-330 model and I've used it several times already and we've only had it a few days. Last night 85/15 burgers seasoned only with JR's All Purpose seasoning and then Pepper Jack Cheese the final minute or so of the grilling process. Home run...or as the beloved Nancy Grace would shout..."BOMBSHELL!!"

Thanks for dropping by...please tell a friend about our site...and follow me on Twitter @JRsBBQ.

BTW...great day to order JR's online.

Boomer Sooner!

05-11-2013, 08:03 PM
Fri, 05/10/2013 - 11:04am — J.R.
Posted in:Wrestling
The weekend is upon and we hope everyone enjoys their's. It's always a good weekend to go online and order JR's products from http://www.wweshop.com or from our British friends in Manchester at http://www.americansoda.co.uk. If you are in the Norman, Oklahoma area you can get JR's at the four, Norman @HomelandStores and save on shipping and handling. We are still attempting to make a variety of deals to get JR's products into grocery stores and as soon as something positive occurs I will let everyone know. With that said.....Let's Grill!

I'm getting hammered by SEC football fans on Twitter @JRsBBQ over comments that were casually made by my friend and OU head football coach Bob Stoops this week where he acknowledged the SEC's dominance in college football, especially the top half of the SEC, but also added that the Big 12 wasn't so shabby either.

CFB pundits, especially those in and around Alabama, have taken strong exception to Bob's casual, factual statement as the well earned legacy and reputation of the SEC does receive ample and positive PR from many media types. That's really no revelation sports fans. The media loves to follow the big winners.

The irony here is that Stoops and 'Bama coach Nick Saban have great respect for each other and are friends.

It's another case of the college football media, on a slow news day, shooting their own angle that they can't pay off.

Craziest question I've gotten today...what type of cell phone does the Undertaker use? Following my Twitter timeline @JRsBBQ is actually pretty entertaining. We get some 'beaut's.'

Happy Birthday today to Darren Mathews aka @RealKingRegal who is one of the most valuable assets within WWE not to mention one of the funniest, most organic/natural performers in the entire company. Very few wrestlers can pull off a comedy skit on a wrestling show but Regal can as good as anyone I've ever been around. He's also a treasure as it relates to WWE Talent Development. We've been down many roads together and I consider the Blackpool lad one of my best "wrestling friends." Tough dude too...not to be trifled with.

In case some of you are wondering, I don't direct message (DM) strangers on Twitter as I don't want to get indirectly implicated in BS that is none of my business. I also don't want to see my statements taken out of context and then used in the Internet Wrestling Community.

I can be reached at Contact Us which is located on the homepage of this site.

Who's the NXT big star to matriculate from developmental to a main, WWE roster? No one knows for sure. No one. Too many variables involved in the situation to adequately answer to the satisfaction of any one with an average IQ. However, @WWENXT has several young talents currently training that have a legit shot to make it to the next level. Many don't want to hear this as it's not as exotic a story as the" mysterious, powers that be holding someone down" theory but success is largely dependent on who one sees in their mirror. Irresponsible, young wannabe stars who keep shooting themselves in the feet aren't gonna win any races. It's really simple...essentially "Do Right" and devote ample time outside the facility to better prepare for what hopefully will come in time. I wonder how many DVD's the majority of the NXT talents studied this week. Hmmm.

Been asked a lot lately with the weather warming up but, YES, http://www.wweshop.com ships JR's regularly to Canada as we have NO retail outlets in Canada at this time. Shop safely and efficiently online at WWEShop.com.

Best former NCAA Champion turned pro wrestler? Easy for me but I'm biased...the late, Jack Brisco who lost one match in college was a two time all American at Oklahoma State, National Champion and then had the mountainous task of being the NWA World Champion when the title was arguably the most prestigious in all the biz. No former NCAA Champion Wrestler traveled more miles and had more great matches than did "Handsome" Jack who is considered by any aficionado of the genre to be Rembrandt-like and the wrestling ring was his canvas. That means that I respectfully go with 'BRISCO' over Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar who I both worked closely with at WWE from their star in WWE.

Next week is my feral hog hunt with @ShawnMichaels for his Outdoor Network TV show. Unlike those folks on 'American Hoggers' I'm not hobbling any wild pigs just so you know. Should make for some fun TV.

@OKCThunder MUST win a game in Memphis to live to fight another NBA series. Not sure that OKC's interior can hold up against the Grizz.

Here's a dandy match idea for you fantasy bookers....Chael Sonnen @sonnench vs. @TimTebow as a special attraction contest at WM30 in New Orleans. @NFL @ESPN @UFC entities would claim blasphemy of sorts.

Anyone else get the feeling that @UFC is hoping that one of their talented heavyweights picks up the pace on the media side to create a little more interest in what should be their most marketable division? @DanaWhite is teh best salespeson in UFC whichis akin to the old school promoters being their own star because they knew that they could always depend on themselves. I find that marketing strategy to be on the money/

Grilling idea...grill the fish of your choice and when the fish has been turned and is about a minute or two away from being finished, drizzle on some JR's Main Event Mustard. If you season the fish with JR's All Purpose Seasoning you have done enough but by adding a drizzle of our mustard you have made the grilled fish even more special.

I will be doing the @steveaustinBSR podcast soon. Download them all. Good stuff from Steve.

Thanks for stopping by and please check out the Q&A's here on our site. Feel free to ask your questions there too.

Boomer Sooner!

05-15-2013, 01:27 AM
JR's Mother's Day Memories

Sun, 05/12/2013 - 10:52am — J.R.
Posted in:Wrestling
Happy Mother's Day to all observing the special day. Here's a short blog with my Mother's Day thoughts before I fo fire up the @WeberGrills in the backyard.

My Mom, Elizabeth Ann Ross, died suddenly on December 5, 1998 in Westville, Oklahoma at the age of 64. My Mama was my biggest fan and never missed a single Little League Baseball game or a football game in which I played throughout my childhood. I was an only child and I was the center of her life which was both, at times, a blessing and a curse. Most 'only children' can relate to that statement but at the end of the day I wouldn't have had it any other way.

My Mom also was a devout viewer of Monday Night RAW and the TBS WCW Saturday Night show before that and would often have some of her friends over to her mobile home in Westville, Oklahoma to watch her son on TV. Her homemade BBQ sauce is the inspiration of our family brand of sauces and condiments. Yep, Mama continues to influence my family's life long after she's been gone.

I was traveling with my WWE family on the day Mom passed and was sitting in a small, London Hotel room when the obnoxiously, loud ring of the telephone awakened me. It was my wonderful wife Jan calling me to give me the sad news. Jan was brave, full of love and so caring when she succinctly broke the news to me that Mama was gone. No wife should ever be dealt that hand but my Pittsburgh Italian bride rose to occasion.

Jan had already talked to Vince and Linda McMahon earlier that morning to let them know the news as she knew that I might not mention it and internalize it especially considering that we had a WWE, UK PPV to get on the air. Capitol Combat emanated from London and was a big day for our company and the great fans of the United Kingdom and beyond.

The McMahon's were gracious enough and willing to fly my wife over to London from our Connecticut home to be with me or fly me home to begin funeral arrangements for my mother. I opted to stay at work because I truly believed that's why my Mom would have wanted. I still believe that to this very day.

So the PPV went off, seemingly without a hitch but I don't really remember much of it , except for the fact that I suffered another attack of Bells palsy which would put me on the sideline from December 6,1998 until March 28, 1999 when I would return, face hanging, to Philadelphia to call the main event at WrestleMania XV which was the first @steveaustinBSR vs. @TheRock main event at 'Mania of the three that they had.

My Mama's fiery attitude and passion, for whatever she was doing, along with the support and love of my wife Jan and our WWE family pulled me through that day in Philly as I had never been more scared to walk out of the curtain in my life as I was that day. Not even at WM9 on my debut in Las Vegas. I looked like a stroke victim and also knew that I would have hold my face in place so that I could be understood while calling a main event of which I had made a significant, emotional investment in the two talents who were headlining the biggest WWE event of the year.

So now, every Mother's Day brings with it a plethora of special memories that generally relates to my Mama and to some form of the business that I love. My Mom indulged my crazy passion for the business when I was a kid. Even while my Dad said that pro wrestling was show biz, my Mom allowed me to suspend my disbelief and enjoy the product for whatever I perceived it to be.

Now, today, is the first Mother's Day that my wife is experiencing without her Mom who passed away a few weeks ago. She was a wonderful woman who was the perfect mother in law. A highly skilled professional in the nursing field, Lois Grillette was a Renaissance woman who loved to travel and to see the world. I always felt honored to marry into the family largely because of the matriarch who was a fun loving adventurer and who lived her 80 years to their fullest. I pray that I'm as full of P&V when I'm 80 if I'm allowed to hang around that long.

So, no matter if your Mom is still with you or not, enjoy Mother's Day and recreate some of the wonderful times and memories that you have had with your Mom over the years. Memories last a life time and no one can ever take those memories from us. Embracing the lady who brought you into this world with a hug, whether it be literal or figurative, should be the order of the day.

Never take days like this for granted and remember that none of our tomorrow's are guaranteed. Count your blessings and hug your Mama.

Boomer Sooner!

05-16-2013, 03:13 AM
Wed, 05/15/2013 - 12:28pm — J.R.
Posted in:Wrestling
Rainy day in Norman, Oklahoma so a good day to pen a quick blog. Remember that you can order JR's products here during the grilling season from http://www.wweshop.com and from http://www.americansoda.co.uk which is headquartered in Manchester, England. Ordering online is quick, easy and provides home delivery. Let's grill...

I had an amazing time this week going on the first hog hunt of my life with the great Shawn Michaels, @ShawnMichaels, and his hunting partner Keith Mark, @KeithMarkmra, on HBK's Texas ranch. This hunt will be televised later this year on MacMillan River Adventures which airs on the Outdoor Network.

Arrived at Shawn's sprawling, Texas ranch after approximately a 6 hour drive on Monday mid afternoon and within a hour or so we were in a deer blind waiting for a pack of hogs to come near us. I was armed with a crossbow which was another first for me.

To show you how fortunate that I was, with my first shot at a live animal I scored the hit that we were looking for and the arrow hit the 300 pound hog right behind the shoulder which is actually where I was aiming. The arrow went through the animal and it and its cohorts ran for the brush and for cover. I did not think that I had hit the animal but we found the bloody arrow which traveled through the hog.

The search by foot began through cactus and mesquite trees until we finally found the animal who had expired. These hogs are of the Russian Boar species and are destructive and non productive on Texas, among other state's, ranches. The animals are given to the Texas Food Bank for processing and the meat is then provided to needy families. None of the meat goes to waste and if a land owner doesn't manage these herds of feral hogs the state will come in and do it for the landowners.

As always, HBK and Keith were amazing teachers and guides while Shawn's family showed me the utmost hospitality. Using Shawn's hunting lodge as our base camp created a memorable time and provided me with the total hunting experience that I will never forget. I even got some great, hunting gear from @RockyGear including some amazingly comfortable, "snake proof" boots to combat the threat of rattlesnakes which are at home in the area.

A grilling session, of which was also filmed, will be a fun aspect of this upcoming broadcast as well.

It was the most fun that I've had in Texas since the last Sooner win over the Steers in the Cotton Bowl.

It's a must win tonight for the @okcthunder versus the Memphis Grizzlies in OKC. Gut says OKC squeaks out a win tonight but the enviable seems likely as OKC couldn't find a way to win in Memphis. Kevin Durant isn't getting enough help from is teammates and the Grizzly "bigs" are dominating. It looks like @JerryLawler and his hometown team are about ready to raise their hands in victory.

Watched Raw on DVR upon arriving back home and thought the show had some compelling moments as it relates to the building of this Sunday's Extreme Rules in St. Louis on PPV.

Thought the elimination tag match was well done. Episodic TV is infectious when done well as are matches that tell a viable, easy to follow story. Elimination tags, where the person defeated leaves and only ends when one team has been completed eradicated, are about as easy to follow as it gets. (That's why I enjoy the occasional 2 out of 3 fall bout or a rare, best of 5 or best of 7 series of bouts.)

WWE Champion John Cena is in a vulnerable position leading into Extreme Rules where many feel that the polarizing WWE Champion will fall to #1 Challenger Ryback. I can't make a valid argument against that theory.

If the Brock Lesnar vs. HHH Steel Cage match doesn't close the PPV, it's going to make whatever follows this Slobber Knocker have to really hunker down to top what I expect to be the most anticipated bout at Sunday's PPV. The physicality in this contest will be prominent and I expect a no frills, in your face, main event.

Don't discount @HeymanHustle Paul Heyman's involvement in this Sunday's ferocious festivities as Lesnar's "representative" who one would assume will be stationed at ringside. Will Heyman play a role in a Lesnar win Sunday?

I'm thinking that WWE's Extreme Rules will be somewhat of a "sleeper" PPV and that it will exceed the expectations of many who seemingly have gotten more into the card the past couple of weeks after recovering from their WrestleMania 29 hangovers.

One thing is for sure, Extreme Rules, if one objectively analyzes the card from top to bottom, has the potential for some younger talents or talents looking to regain needed momentum to have memorable nights. "Maximizing one's minutes" was never more applicable than it will be for many inside the ring in St. Louis this Sunday night.

Extreme Rules is certainly not a one dimensional PPV and I'm anxious to watch it.

It's hard to believe that May 14 passed quietly yesterday which would have been the 53rd birthday of my late, friend Dr. Death Steve Williams. I've never known a tougher more competitive athlete than Doc. He beat every thing in his path in his life except cancer. I thought of him like family. When we hired Doc to make his long awaited WWE 'run' the former four time All American wrestler from Oklahoma University was on the downward side of his illustrious career that was filled with physicality and, at times, controversy. However, we felt that Doc may have had another good run in him and that he could help some of the younger guys on the card.

The ill fated 'Brawl for it All' essentially sealed Doc's fate as he tore his quad off the bone before continuing to fight the impressive Bart Gunn, who would become the eventual winner, and who would then KO Doc. Some talents loved the outcome because of their allegiance to Bart who was legit nice guy and a great complimentary tag team partner for Billy Gunn when they were the Smoking Gunns.

The ill conceived "Brawl" has seemingly taken on a life of its own in the minds of many over the years but the event was NEVER created to be a vehicle to be used to establish Doc as a star. In hindsight, I wish the entire thing had never occurred because several talents were injured during the legit competition not to mention that it caused some mixed, and not always positive, reactions within the locker room which weren't healthy in my view.

Nonetheless the 'Brawl' was only a small detour on Doc's amazing athletic career that saw him play in four Bowl Games for Oklahoma as an offensive lineman while becoming one of the most dominating amateur wrestlers who ever competed 'part time' in Division 1. Winning All American honors four times is extraordinary for any grappler much less one that came straight from the gridiron to the wrestling mat.

Some of Doc's bouts in the UWF vs. the One Man Gang, Big Bubba Rodgers aka the Big Bossman, and Terry Gordy were bona fide classics. Notwithstanding Doc's many bouts in Japan in both tags, with Gordy as is partner, among others, and in singles bouts against the best Japanese and American wrestlers of that era. You Tube has a plethora of these bouts plus you'll get a taste of the young Doc when the Mid South DVD comes out in September from WWE.

Anyone remember the Doc/Gordy vs. the Steiner Brothers tag bouts in WCW? I sure do...some of the best I ever saw.

One can only imagine how proficient Steve Williams might have been in UFC if if had been around as it is today when Doc came out of OU looking to earn a living. @DanaWhite would have loved the good Doctor.

I miss my friend. I am happy that he is finally pain free and living a better life inside the Pearly Gates. RIP Doc.

Thanks for stopping by and please keep our family of products in mind here during the long, grilling season. http://www.wweshop.com or http://www.americansoda.co.uk await you and will be happy to help obtain the best BBQ Sauces, Ketchup, Mustard and Seasoning on the market delivered right to your front door. Plus, WWEShop.com also sells all 5 flavors of JR's 97% Fat Free Beef Jerky.

Boomer Sooner!

05-18-2013, 10:19 PM
Fri, 05/17/2013 - 9:18pm — J.R.
Posted in:Wrestling
Greetings and welcome to our website. This weekend you can save up to 30% on JR's products from http://www.wweshop.com. Take a look at our page there. It's a great opportunity to share an order with another not withstanding Father's Day is on the horizon. Let's Grill...

St Louis will host @WWE Extreme Rules this Sunday on PPV. Arguably the most physical PPV of the year from WWE because any time inanimate objects become involved in the grappling equation, any thing can happen. If every WWE Superstar comes out of St. Louis unscathed, I will be "Extremely" surprised. I wish everyone involved the best of luck.

Here are my predictions: (No wagering, please)

Cody Rhodes, if you weeill, hasn't won many bouts since growing the 'stache and he won't Sunday either vs. The Miz. This is on the pregame show. (Have you heard about the WWE app?? Watch the pregame there)

Chris Jericho beats Fandango in what will surprise some.

Mark Henry will whip Sheamus' achromatic hide like a Government Mule with a leather strap made in Idaho and will then touch all 4 ring posts to win in controversial fashion.

The Shield win the WWE Tag Titles over Team Hell No. Reigns beats Kane for the deciding fall.

Dean Ambrose wins the United States Title vs. Kofi Kingston in a match that could eventually push Kofi over the proverbial edge. Can Ambrose restore luster to the US Title?

Randy Orton won't lose in his hometown, one would assume, but we all know what occurs when we assume. Nonetheless, I'm going with Rockin' Randall but somewhat reluctantly.

Will Jack Swagger tap to Alberto Del Rio's cross armbreaker OR could Ricardo Rodriguez throw in the towel ala Arnold Skaaland for Bob Backlund years ago to cause Swagger to win? Hmmm...don't see the newly minted hero ADR losing but stranger things have happened.

Ryback takes advantage of John Cena's tender heel/Achilles and snatches victory out of the jaws of defeat to become the NEW, WWE Champion!! (In The Fink's voice)

Been pondering the Steel Cage match scenario for a few days and I keep coming back to BA-ROCK....LES-NAR!! w/ the help of Paul Heyman winning the rubber match over HHH. The Meyer Lansky of WWE, @HeymanHustle, seemingly has as much on the line here as BA-ROCK....LES-NAR as Dr Heyman-stein and his monster win in the city that Muchnick built.

Wow...according to me it sounds like it may be a long night for the fan favorites on PPV Sunday night but a little antagonist angst makes for interesting television as in a hot, Monday Night Raw in Kansas City.

St Louis will be sold out Sunday Night which is always great and enhances the work rate of everyone involved especially if the crowd is emotionally invested in the proceedings. Look for some "sleeper" performances by some talents who have the golden opportunity to take another step forward as they maximize their minutes. Opportunity awaits and I wonder who will seize it?

Guessing we are due a couple of shockers as the build to Summer Slam unofficially gets underway Sunday night, too. (Could the Black Scorpion return to STL to the infamous scene of an old crime?)

Broadcasters Cole, JBL and The King should have a productive night as the matches are generally unique and there are some compelling stories to tell with the goal, as always, being to tell compelling stories and enhance everyone who steps into the ring while being entertainingly witty with their repartee.

The Mrs. and I will be watching from the comfort of our Norman home on PPV and I'm looking forward to seeing what fans are talking about once the PPV has concluded.

BTW...I will be live Tweeting during the PPV @JRsBBQ.

Got caught in a mild hailstorm over killing a feral hog on Shawn Michaels' Texas ranch this past week from some folks on Twitter @JRsBBQ. People need to research feral hogs and learn how destructive and non productive they are. Their only redeeming qualities, that I can think of, are pork chops, bacon, etc for deserving families who need the free groceries. This is a "Lighten Up Francis" moment if there ever was one.

Check out how to save up to 30% OFF this weekend during the EXTREME SALE at http://www.wweshop.com on JR's products just in time for the grilling season.

If you live in the UK, Ireland or anywhere in Europe, visit our friends in Manchester @americansoda on Twitter and shop online for JR's deliciousness at http://www.americansoda.co.uk.

Boomer Sooner!


05-20-2013, 03:58 AM
Sun, 05/19/2013 - 11:27am — J.R.
Posted in:Wrestling
If you are reading this on Sunday, the EXTREME SALE at http://www.wweshop.com where you can save up to 30% OFF on JR's products ends tonight. Hit the website and check out the deals and be ready for grilling season. Some fans are telling me that they are sharing an order with friends or family members plus getting Dad something for Father's Day. Let's Grill!

Big night in St. Louis tonight with one of the world's most significant, wrestling cities hosting WWE Extreme Rules on PPV.

Lots of pivotal moment in my career had a St. Louis impact. The WCW PPV in the historic, Kiel Auditorium where Ric Flair was revealed to be the masked, Black Scorpion was a memorable night. Flair in a mask was unique but actually calling matches in that facility was a big moment for me personally.

It was in St. Louis where we learned that our friend Brian Pillman had died the night before in Minnesota. Every time that I'm in the Scott Trade Center I vividly remember where I was standing when given the horrific news.

It was in ST. Louis where we got many of the former, NWA World Champions together to be honored at a WWE event. Even legendary promoter Sam Muchnick attended the festivities. Sam was truly the Meyer Lansky of the NWA back in its heyday as he wielded ample power and influence within the Alliance and brought a level of business savvy and civility to the organization.

One of the best nights of my career was sitting in my hotel room with Jack and Jerry Brisco until the wee hours talking old times, listening to Jack talk of the grueling schedule of being the NWA Champion and the ridiculous amount of one night stand bookings. Plus the issues of collecting his money from some promoters who always wanted to "forget" that it was their obligation to pay for the Champion's travel to their next booking.

The burnout factor in being the NWA Champion was intense as the responsibility of being the champion was never ending. I used to wonder how the champ's even got a workout in or did something as mundane as do their laundry or dry cleaning.

I've been lucky to work some amazing events for WWE in St. Louis and always felt the cities special place in the b\fabric of our business. I hope that everyone involved on Sunday's PPV understand this as well whether it be in ring talent or broadcaster. The market is ripe with wrestling history including producing the great Lou Thesz who won his first, NWA title in St. Louis in 1937 at the age of 21.

Of course it was in ST. Louis on Monday night Raw that we celebrated the life of Owen Hart after he accidentally fell to his death the night before in Kansas City at the Over the Edge PPV.

Poignant memories in deed for me in the city of St. Louis, Missouri.

Larry Matysik has written several books based on his experiences in the biz in St. Louis of which I've enjoyed and encourage those who like to read about wrestling history to check out.

It's really too bad that WWE was unable to buy the St. Louis Wrestling TV tape library so it could have been preserved for years to come to the largest audience possible. We tried and just couldn't get it done.

I do expect St. Louis to be a host city for a WrestleMania some day, too.

To address some Tweets @JRsBBQ:

WWE is about as likely to work w/ Impact Wrestling on an event as I am wearing burnt orange to the Oklahoma-Texass Red River Rivalry Game. Ain't gonna happen. WWE has zero to gain by this and I'm surprised that some fans actually think that it "could" happen.
TNA Owner Dixie Carter is a bright lady and made a timely sound byte that many fans, I'm sure, were excited to read but let's be honest...it's not going to happen.

The Mid South Wrestling DVD from WWE will be released in September and I'm getting an advance copy likely in early to mid June. Some of the biz' biggest stars will be highlighted when they were jut getting started including the duo of the Bladerunners, Sting and Rock aka the Ultimate Warrior, young Rob Ricksteiner who became the incomparable Dog Face Gremlin Rick Steiner, the Midnight Express vs. Rock n Roll Express rivalry which was as good as it gets in tag team wrestling that I ever witnessed, and even some RARE footage of yours truly going to a Muslim Church with Muhammad Ali and my poolside interviews with "The Champ" at this LA home prior to him coming to Mid South for a Super Dome show and SO much more in the three disc set. The DVD is not a documentary but does contain some extensive interviews from many of the men involved in the promotion that were recorded at WM29 and other locales.

Thoughts on the controversial, MSG 'Curtain Call' that took place 17 years ago today in New York City....I've mellowed on this one over the years. When it first occurred, I was so 'Old School' that I did not like it but as the years have gone by, like many things in my life, I've stepped back and taken a longer look at such matters. It certainly did not 'kill the business" nor did it affect the business in any significant way other than Hall and Nash left WWE and had great success in WCW and spearheaded the Monday Night Wars which was good for everyone involved in my view.

For those who are asking, I am still working one a 'One Man Show' concept that is in the formative stages. It won't be a stand up routine as I don't have an act, per se, but will be more autobiographical and, hopefully, motivational & informative. I will also engage the audience in conversation with Q&A time. I'll keep every one posted as I'm going to need to sell some tickets.

Speaking of Q&A's, the Q&A's section here has been updated as of Sunday midday.

I will be live Tweeting @JRsBBQ during @WWE Extreme Rules tonight.

My compete list of Extreme Rules predictions are here in a blog that I posed Saturday. Check them out.

Remember to visit http://www.americansoda.co.uk for JR's products in the UK, Ireland and Europe. Follow them on twitter @americansoda.

Thanks to those who support our efforts, as well, at http://www.wweshop.com.

Enjoy Extreme Rules on PPV!

Boomer Sooner!

05-27-2013, 05:46 PM
Credit: JRSBARBQ.com

Jim Ross has posted a new blog entry, discussing the possible relationship between WWE and the NFLPA. Here are the highlights…

“I flew to Washington , D.C. Tuesday evening and met with the NFLPA on Wednesday morning. It was a productive meeting as the NFLPA group is in contact with literally hundreds of high level athletes who become detached from the NFL and are looking for their next career opportunity.

Obviously, not every former football player will fit into WWE Developmental but some will and those that do have a chance to use their God given athleticism and their extroverted personalities to fit into the system and hopefully become WWE stars some day.

Over the years, the wrestling business has been dotted with stars who have had a football background including Bronko Nagurski who was a former NWA Champion and is a member of the NFL’s inaugural Hall of Fame class.

Some critics say that WWE is making a mistake going this route to which I wholeheartedly disagree. We are looking for athletes who have outgoing personalities and who are fans of the genre of sports entertainment and who WANT to become WWE Superstars. Great athletes who don’t have any emotional investment in the world of sports entertainment need not apply.

The great thing about a former NFL player, no matter their level of league experience, is that we know that we are getting an athlete of a high level and their pedigree and background can be thoroughly checked to make sure that it’s a good ‘marriage.’ There are literally scores of talented, educated young men who have lived their football dreams and are now ready to embark on another career course. If we are successful matching athleticism with the necessary aptitude of a given talent, then WWE and its fanbase wins.

Time will tell how this potential arrangement works out for all involved but WWE will continue to look far and wide for potential WWE talents including other sports groups and organizations worldwide, the independent wrestling circuit, and beyond.”

05-28-2013, 07:00 PM
Jim Ross posted his latest blog at JRSBBQ.com. Here are some highlights:
Daniel Bryan: "For my money, no one on any WWE broadcast over shadows Daniel Bryan who is arguably the best technical wrestler in the business and his consistent performances week after week often times goes unmentioned."

The Shield: "The Shield continues to evolve and their unit is becoming one of the hottest entities within WWE in years. If they can stay healthy, which there are no guarantees, and continue to evolve and master their craft these three can be big time players in WWE for years to come. Hopefully, they will continue down their current path as I would like to see where that would take the trio at WM30 in New Orleans."

Bray Wyatt Family vignette: "The Bray Wyatt Family vignette was spot on and after seeing them perform as much as I have in NXT I can attest that they will, without question, contribute positively to WWE once they arrive on RAW and/or Smackdown.

"Wyatt has success and athleticism in his blood and has that rare, second gear that most big men do not possess. I can't stress how important that is.

"Luke Harper and Erick Rowan are big, rugged dudes who, at times, remind me of a young Mick Foley or Bruiser Brody inasmuch as they are 'brawlers' who move well for being such big men."

05-31-2013, 07:05 PM
Tickets are on sale now in the UK for my first, Spoken Word tour in London on Sunday August 25 and in in Manchester on Monday August 26. The Cardiff date had issues with the venue and a new, third date has been finalized. @PSI_Events has more details on this.. Let's Grill!

Apparently tickets started very briskly Friday morning when they went on sale in London and Manchester for the first ever "Evening with Jim Ross" events...my first foray into the Spoken Word world.

Just got word that the Cardiff date will be held on Saturday August 24 at the Hilton Hotel Cardiff and tickets are on sale as of 7 PM UK time at jrcardiff.evenbrite.co.uk.

I will take the live audience on a journey that starts when I became a wrestling fan growing up as an only child in Westville, Oklahoma through the early days of my career in the territories, the corporate years in the wrestling business, overcoming a few hurdles along the way and up until the present day. These events will also feature a healthy, Q&A session and will conclude with a VIP, personal meet and greet, photo and autograph session.

If our concept works in the UK we hope to schedule more dates there and there's been talk of doing a tour in Australia, where I've never traveled, and in North America as well. Time will tell but It's something that has me excited as I feel the presentation has potential.

I've updated the Q&A section of the site and appreciate many submitting good, succinct questions. I hope that you will check them out and leave your own questions if you choose.

For fans attending our Spoken Word tour we are trying to work out with @americansoda to have JR's BBQ Sauces, Ketchup and Mustard on sale at the events for those asking.

This Saturday morning I return to yahoosportsradio.com with @seanpendergast at 10:30 am central time to talk a little WWE and more. Listen on your radio or online. Great, 30 minutes of radio.

One of the most frequently asked questions that we get here is when a NXT wrestler is going to be brought up to either a RAW or Smackdown roster. Firstly, I am far removed from the creative loop that makes those decisions so I generally hear later in the process. Secondly, the NXT talents should NOT want to be called up until there is a definitive plan for them such as we are seeing with the Wyatt Family. I like the idea of doing several weeks of vignettes on the talents so that when they do appear their debut has more significance and the audience has been somewhat preconditioned to the TV personas of the talent featured. Just to show up on a TV show usually doesn't move the needle in my view.

While some fans have issues with the TV persona of Fandango, I find him to fit within the flamboyant, sports entertainer category of which there have been many predecessors. Obviously, Fandango's exclusivity comes from his dancing. Great talents like Gorgeous George, the Honky Tonk Man , exotic Adrian Street, Nature Boy Ric Flair and countless others come to mind when one uses the word flamboyant or colorful to describe a wrester. The jury is still out, in my view, whether Fandango will be a fan favorite or a villain as it seems, at least to me anyway, that the fans haven't fully made up their mind on that distinction. I like Summer Rae, who is essentially a valet, working with Fandango as I feel she has a significant up side based on her work that I've seen in NXT. The good news about this pairing is that both talents are hungry for success and Fandango has proven to me on various occasions that he can get the work done bell to bell.

Good to see that @CMPunk has been able to take some time off and decompress before he returns to the grind of the road in his hometown of Chicago at Payback. Going on nothing but my own gut instincts, I'd suggest that we fans don't see Punk until the night of the PPV in Chicago. He's going to receive a massive ovation from the always rabid All State Arena crowd and will arguably be the most popular wrestler in the arena that night. I might be wrong but it seems as if the fans enjoy cheering Punk more than they do jeering him.

Planning on attending the Softball World Series in OKC where my Oklahoma Sooners are the #1 seed,

Too many sports types bitch about the officiating in the NBA playoff and the umpires in MLB for that matter. It's all a part of the game. Get over it. Players make turnovers, errors, and coaches soil the sheets with lame brain decisions....it's all a part of the game. Be creative sports people and come up with something more compelling than the officiating storyline. It's old. Next.

I do the same thing in NCAA Women's Hoops but normally with tongue in cheek and in an attempt to find some humor in their ineptness.

Anxious to see an advance copy of the Mid South DVD that is to be released in September by WWE. Those that are familiar with Mid South seem as if they can't wait on the release while others, likely younger fans haven't a clue as to what , when, who, Mid South was. I expect to preview the DVD in early to mid June.

Getting lots of questions on Bob Holly's book especially as it relates to the ill fated Brawl For It All but I haven't read the book so I can't speak to Bob's opinion on what occurred. I do hope that Bob does well with the book and I enjoyed working with him in WWE and always kept my word with Bob and treated him fairly and like a man. We certainly supported Bob during his injuries and would do it all over again if given the opportunity. Bob was a tough, old school guy who was likely underrated by many which is unfortunate.

Keep JR's products in mind for Father's Day gift packages from http://www.wweshop.com and in the UK, Ireland and Europe from http://www.americansoda.co.uk.

Thanks for stopping by and please follow me on Twitter @JRsBBQ where we have exceeded 800,000 followers.

Boomer Sooner!

06-03-2013, 03:42 PM
Sun, 06/02/2013 - 10:42am — J.R.
Posted in:Wrestling
Catching a beautiful Sunday here in Norman, Oklahoma after more tornados this week that killed 9 people in our area. We have been very fortunate thus far and certainly need to build a tornado shelter here at our home. That matter has been re-prioritized I can assure you. Let's Grill...

We have less than 100 tickets remaining for our Spoken Word show in London on Sunday August 25. The VIP Meet and Greet tickets for London sold out in the first few hours tickets went on Friday.

Tickets are also on sale, including the VIP Meet and Greet tickets, for Cardiff which is our first date on Saturday August 24 at the Cardiff Hilton Hotel and for the Manchester Comedy Store on Monday August 26.

Tickets can be purchased for this first ever Spoken Word tour for all three events at http://www.psievents.eventbrite.com/

I can't wait for the opportunity to interact with the fans in such intimate settings and I look forward to not only talking about my journey that started on a farm in eastern Oklahoma, working in the territory era, and culminating with being an Executive Vice President of WWE and being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. The Q&A portion of the three shows should be a blast.

I've updated the Q&A section of the site as of Sunday morning Okie time. Check them out and feel free to ask your own questions but I encourage you to keep them succinct.

RAW last week had an increased freshness to it. If one looks back a year ago you will find many talents who were not on the RAW radar but today are prominent on the WWE's flagship broadcast.

Perhaps the Wyatt Family introductory vignette put the freshness tag over the top for me and I consider "new' as being better more often than not. The Wyatt vignettes were expertly produced and edited which isn't surprising coming from WWE TV personnel.

Speaking recently on Bray Wyatt's "2nd gear" that some did not understand it is essentially the same thing as a great, defensive lineman in the NFL being able to explode off the ball and then change gears again when needed to make a play. It's not something that every athlete, no matter their size, possesses. Wyatt's grandfather, WWE HOFer Blackjack Mulligan was a massive beast who was once recruited to play college football by the legendary Bear Bryant along with football coaching legend Bum Phillips so athleticism runs in the family. Wyatt's father, Mike Rotunda was an outstanding, two sport star at Syracuse in football and in wrestling. So the bottom line is that Bray Wyatt has good athletic DNA.

Nonetheless the level of success that the Wyatt Family achieves is going to be largely up to them and not the family scrapbook. I like the trio and feel that they will contribute quickly once they arrive in WWE on RAW or Smackdown. I'd also assume that we will see another Wyatt Family vignette on RAW this week.

The key for any young talent getting the 'call up' is to never rest on their laurels as if they have 'made it.' They haven't 'made it.' They've only been provided the opportunity to 'make it' as becoming great and becoming a perennial main eventer is an on going, evolutionary process. It includes conducting one's self like a professional, continuing to study the game and maintaining an aggressive regime with their strength and conditioning program.

I'd also assume that we will see more of the on going breakout build continue for Curtis Axel who's now being mentored by Paul Heyman. @RealKingRegal and I have both said for months that, after seeing various Curtis Axel matches on NXT, that the 3rd generation athlete was ready for something significant. However, even though a talent is 'ready' there has be be a place for him or her to make an impactful entry or re-entrance to RAW or Smackdown.

Pairing Axel with @HeymanHustle is highly strategic and having the young Minnesota native face HHH and John Cena his first two weeks on RAW has people talking. That's more than they were doing when the kid was named McGillicutty.

Bottom line based on the feedback that I receive either on Twitter @JRsBBQ or here at our Q&A section of the site, is that many fans have little to no patience to allow a talent to organically evolve or a storyline to develop in a deliberate, logical manner. Many fans, again I assume the younger ones, want instant gratification as in '30 minutes or it's free' sort of a deal.

Got an email that reported that Bobby Eaton was slowly improving and was up and walking around in the hospital and would likely get a pace maker installed this coming week to help Bobby's heart condition. Please keep Beautiful Bobby in your prayers.

It's hard to name a ton of teams that were better than the Midnight Express...at least it is for me. They are right there with the Assassins as the TOP villain tag duo I've ever seen.

Happy to see that @HeelZiggler is getting better after sustaining a major concussion but he's still not ready to step back into he ring until he passes a battery of medical tests and is thoroughly evaluated by WWE medical personnel. Back in the territory wrestling days, Ziggler would have likely returned already because promoters only paid wrestlers when they worked. Wrestler health and safety wasn't a huge priority in past generations of the territorial system or so it seemed to me.

The "good, old days" weren't so good in many ways.

With Ziggler out, Big E Langston has been getting more in ring work which is a good thing. @BigELangston is a keeper in my view whose best days lie ahead of him. He's a quality human being who is an asset in any locker room environment which has significant value from where I sit.

Anyone who actually thinks that WWE attempting to develop a relationship with the NFLPA is wrong or ill timed has a very unique view on the recruiting of world class athletes for WWE especially with the fact that there are no full time territories developing large numbers of talents for WWE to potentially utilize. Approximately 400, excellent athletes will look for work outside the NFL each year and if they are young enough and have the required aptitude for the genre then why wouldn't WWE want to give some of them a look?

Order JR's products online at http://www.wweshop.com and in the UK part of the world at http://www.americansoda.co.uk. Keep us in mind for Father's Day shopping. Our packages make for great Dad's Day gifts.

You're invited to follow me on Twitter @JRsBBQ.

Always like to remind every one of the @steveaustinBSR podcast which is a hit and my friends @MichaelCole and @JCLayfield and their @LayfieldReport APP and radio show. It's very entertaining to hear one's friends talk about topics other than wrestling, etc. These men are serious about their respective projects and I enjoy supporting them.

Thanks for stopping by and come back and see us.
Boomer Sooner!

06-04-2013, 09:55 PM
Beautiful day in Norman, Oklahoma after an early morning storm blew through including hail. Mother Nature was angry this morning my friends. Please keep us in mind for Father's Day gift giving at http://www.wweshop.com where you can find some great packages. Same goes for our friends in Manchester, England at http://www.americansoda.co.uk. Let's Grill!!

Lots of multi tasking TV viewing Monday night with the OU Women engaged in a 12 inning thriller with Tennessee in the College Softball World Series and an enjoyable RAW from Hartford.

I watched RAW live and kept the OU Women's Softball game in the picture in picture with video only. I disconnected early from the Heat vs. Pacers game. Not a good game and too many non hoops shots of the celebs, etc in the crowd. The overt 'flopping' is taking away from the game experience too. One NBA statement I will make is to never underestimate the value of the home court advantage. If game seven had been in Indy, the outcome might well have been different. Just my two cents. San Antonio will be hard to beat 4 times for any NBA team. Great team synergy and coaching.

Thoroughly enjoyed the start of RAW with the quasi, McMahon Family reunion including the surprise appearance of Stephanie McMahon. RAW started the night with established and new 'feeling' star power. The hook established in the early moments of RAW were brought forward strategically throughout the broadcast calumniating with HHH leaving the arena.

@WWEDanielBryan was the star of RAW.

This is not the first time I've written this. No matter the role or task at hand, Bryan delivers. He's as good as anyone in the business right now, for my money. Anyone who has had training from such men as Billy Robinson, William Regal, Shawn Michaels, and Robby Brookside and who has Bryan's desire and professionalism can't be any thing but good.

Bryan stole the show from 5 other very talented performers in the 6 man tag and Bryan had one of Ryback's best bouts ever.

The Bray Wyatt Family vignettes are outstanding. Expertly produced and edited. They are worth watching multiple times to discern the subtleties of the video.

Loved Curtis Axel's aggressiveness vs. John Cena. The young, 3rd generation talent showed no hesitation competing against WWE's top star. One can't be too aggressive in the ring as a rule and Axel is hungry and it shows. Hopefully, the "I want it now" facet of the fanbase will be patient and allow the Minnesotan to evolve in his new, enhanced role.

We have a few VIP tickets remaining for my upcoming, First Ever Spoken Word tour of the UK in late August. Cardiff on Saturday August 24 at the Hilton Hotel has a handful of VIP Meet & Greet tickets left. This will be my first ever trip to Wales and I'm excited to meet fans in an area that I've never traveled.

VIP tickets for London sold out quickly and less than 100 regular tickets for the Sunday August 25 Show remain.

The Manchester Comedy Store event is on Monday August 26 and there are a handful of VIP seats remaining for the storied venue.

For tickets and other info on this first ever tour of its kind for me please check out http://www.psievents.eventbrite.com/

Between my stories of how I've navigated a blessed career from rural Oklahoma to WrestleMania, and beyond, and your Q&A's, we are going to have a great time at all these shows. For those who have VIP Meet and Greet tickets, I assure you that you won't be rushed through the line like cattle as I enjoy meeting fans who make everything possible for those of us who earn a living in the biz.

The Q&A's are updated here on the site. Please submit your questions if you'd like and I ask that everyone keep them succinct.

Excited for @steveaustinBSR 3rd season of Redneck Island on CMT that debuts Wednesday night. I've got my DVR set for the entire season just in case I have a senior moment. I know...what's next...adult Pampers?

I find it amazing, but perhaps I shouldn't, that so many folks that Tweet me @JRsBBQ or email here seem to want me to knock TNA. Some of today's fans are amazing with their unquenchable thirst for dirt, gossip and negativity. I have many, many friends who work for TNA and I hope that they have continued success and continue to grow. Why would I wish them ill will? That makes no sense to me. I'm a fan of the genre and the more people who can be successful within it the better.

I'm envious of the great product placement for JBL's wife's new book on RAW with Damien Sandow. Mrs JBL, Meredith Whitney, is one of the most brilliant individuals on Planet Earth and her just released book "Fate of the States" will be a page turner for those of us wondering what the future may hold regarding our money, the State in which we live and our family's future. I'm sure there is more info @LayfieldReport APP or follow @JCLayfield on Twitter.

I'm a regular listener and you should be too of the Layfield and Cole radio show even though the tough talking Texan takes pot shots at me occasionally. As long as they can touch on the JR's products that we sell at WWEShop.com, I'm good. Seriously, you try to fill as much TV time as JBL and @MichaelCole do every week and you'd know that one will reach for anything that vaguely relates to the genre to use in an entertaining way. I don't envy their workload.

Thanks for stopping by and be sure and stock up on JR's products here during the heart of the grilling season. My family thanks you all for supporting our efforts.

Boomer Sooner!

06-10-2013, 09:42 PM
Good day to all. Let's get to grilling....

I updated my observations at the recent WWE Tryout Camp I participated in down in Tampa on my last blog that I posted on Sunday after I arrived back in Oklahoma. Check it out.

Big night in Richmond tonight as RAW emanates from the Coliseum that is seemingly timeless. It was the home for many Mid Atlantic Wrestling events over the years. My first TV taping for Crockett Promotions after the Crockett's bought out Cowboy Bill Watts was in Richmond for a double taping of one NWA Pro broadcast and one Worldwide Wrestling show. Bob Caudle and I did the the NWA Pro show which was considered the 'B' show while Tony Schiavone and David Crockett did the 'A' show which was Worldwide.

Those shows were 6 segments in length with five commercial breaks and were the norm in that generation within the genre as it related to local, one hour wrestling shows. Bob and I would tape our show first, sort of the warm up act for Tony and David, and then be through for the evening. These shows were done live to tape and not voiced over in post production.

I'd expect more Payback PPV bouts to be made official tonight considering that this is the last Monday Night RAW prior to the PPV in Chicago on Sunday.

Curious to follow the storyline involving HHH, Mr. McMahon, Stephanie McMahon and, subsequently, Curtis Axel on RAW tonight. I have no idea where this matter is headed but I can say that for Curtis Axel to be in this conversation with the aforementioned individuals is nothing but good for the son of Mr. Perfect.

Will Daniel Bryan continue to steal the show tonight on WWE's flagship broadcast as he has the past few weeks? I'm relatively certain that he will find a way. We had a young man in the recent Tampa tryout camp who reminded me of Daniel Bryan a great deal. I suggested to him that he watch every Daniel Bryan match that he could find. Same body type and a perfectionist in mastering the in ring drills. Plus, he won a Gold Medal at the Pan American Games in wrestling.

John Cena vs. Ryback is the official headliner for the Payback PPV but they will be hard pressed to follow CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho in Punk's hometown and with both men's penchant for show stealing. Two, highly skilled, proud performers like Jericho and Punk will make it very difficult for whatever immediately follows them to succeed. I could see a Divas match being held immediately after Punk/Y2J finish their business in the Windy City.

It's been smart of WWE to continue to hold World Champion Dolph Ziggler out of contact. There should be no rush and to err on the side of caution is always best for any injury especially a concussion. I expect Ziggler to make his presence felt in a big way tonight on RAW just six days prior to Payback. Ziggler is one of WWE's most valuable resources and I fully expect for him to have a breakout year in 2013 leading into something significant at WM30 in New Orleans.

One of the best attributes of the new, WWE Performance Center will be the presence of a full time strength and conditioning coach who will have world class equipment with which to work. Over time, we will see talents transform their bodies and become stronger and more explosive thanks to an organized, systematic training regime that has never been utilized to this degree ever in the business. This matter hasn't been discussed that much but, trust me, it is a huge feature of the new facility.

Just ask successful D1 college sports programs such as Alabama and Oklahoma how important their strength and conditioning programs are. Same goes for the good programs within the NFL.

I've always stressed that any athlete entering WWE Development, or even the Indies, should have a viable, Plan B in their 'back pocket' because most who enter the program, based on the math, won't make it to the main roster. Perhaps those who don't make it and then lash out is because they don't have a viable plan B. However, who's to say that they can't work the Indies and then try to come back to WWE? It's been done in the past. Bottom line is to not burn any bridges in a business as small as sports entertainment or, for that matter, any business.

Only a handful of tickets remain for the VIP Meet and Greet portion of my 1st ever, Spoken Word Tour in the UK coming up in late August. All tickets are selling fast and it looks likely that all be sold out come show time. For info on these shows or to buy tickets just go online to http://www.psievents.eventbrite.com/.

Remember that JR's products make great Fathers's Day gifts that can be used on the grill or in the kitchen. Online ordering is easy and efficient that includes delivery to your home by simply logging onto http://www.wweshop.com or in the UK, Europe, etc to http://www.americansoda.co.uk. Amazon in the UK also sells JR's BBQ Sauces, Chipotle Ketchup and Main Event Mustard.

You're invited to follow me on Twitter @JRsBBQ.

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy RAW tonight LIVE from Richmond.
Boomer Sooner!

06-12-2013, 09:28 PM
On Easter Sunday morning a massive hail storm struck our home and destroyed our roof and gutters. Because we have had so much bad weather including a great deal of rain, the roofers are here today and started hammering incessantly at 6:30 this morning. Nails and shingles particles are everywhere. I'm essentially under "house arrest." Sadly, I can't even access my grill but "one can't grieve forever" as the King used to espouse so, here we go..

The more I peruse the WWE Payback PPV card slated for this Sunday in the All State Arena in Chicago the more intrigued I am. Several matches have the opportunity to be really good or better and several talents have the opportunity to stamp their own mark on the PPV.

Competition amongst talents is healthy. No one should be 'grandfathered in' as it relates to being a main eventer but should be required to earn it in an ongoing basis. At least, that's my opinion. We had great locker room competition among the talents during the Attitude Era because the roster was so deep with experienced, main event level talents who all wanted a taste of the big money.

No one rested on their laurels. The advantage then over now is that WWE had more top hands who could carry a main event than they currently do. The good news in that assessment is that the roster today is getting younger and I can see very soon down the road where the competition component is going to return in earnest because everyone can't go on last and everyone can't earn the top money on a given show.

I spoke with WWE HOFer Dusty Rhodes Tuesday night and I'm happy to report that 'The Dream' is feeling much better and is looking forward to attending the NXT TV taping next Thursday at Full Sail University near Orlando. Big Dust is already back at work down in Tampa and was in great spirits when we spoke.

Take solace in this Miami heat fans...the way the San Antonio Spurs shot the ball Tuesday night the Eastern Division All Star NBA team would have lost too. Now the big storyline will be how resilient the Heat have been all season after losing a game. The two teams play again in San Antonio Thursday night with the Spurs up two games to one.

I've discovered that the Steve Austin Podcasts are great traveling companions on fights. I've downloaded them to my IPad and listen while flying. You can follow @steveaustinBSR on Twitter. Steve's interview skills are unique and fun to listen to.

Yes, it was the old promoter in me that suggested that Tim Tebow would be able to earn his keep quickly if he ever came to WWE if for nothing else a one off PPV shot. Think of the outside the box publicity that Tebow would garner if he were to ever step in a WWE ring as a performer which is, granted, a long shot at best.

Realizing how much some talents want to make the NXT roster and to subsequently 'graduate' to the next level of WWE, it's not so hard to understand the dismay some talents have when they are either released or not signed following a tryout. I only suggest that they all take the high road and continue to work toward their dreams. The selection process is a subjective one and no one ever said it was infallible.

Enjoying working with the young broadcasters in NXT including veteran William Regal who is actually highly skilled at this aspect of the business. It is my opinion that every announce desk should have a degree of contrasting opinions all traveling in the same direction that should be entertainingly expressed but never at the expense of telling an accurate story of what is being displayed on the monitor.

Brad Maddox has an opportunity to evolve into an entertaining albeit abrasive color commentator if his early work in NXT is any indication. Both NXT broadcast teams are doing really well as of late.

I've updated the Q&A section of the site as of Wednesday morning and invite you to check them out.

Tickets for my first ever Spoken Word Tour which will take place over four night in late August in the UK are selling quickly but a few VIP seats and regular seats are still available. For ticket info, please visit http://www.psievents.eventbrite.com/

Portions of this presentation will be largely autobiographical but my instincts tell me that the Q&A aspect of the nights will be a blast as well. Many fans have never heard stories of the territory days and how a non wrestler, non relative with no business contacts can essentially enter the back door of the guarded pro wrestling fraternity and parlay that into a near 40 year career.

Great savings on several items on the JR page of http://www.wweshop.com including our JR's Cookbook which is loaded with wrestling stories and is authentically and personally autographed by yours truly on sale for only $12.99. WWEShop ships these books to any location in the world. With this sale going on, it's a great time to stock up on JR's products for the grilling season.

http://www.americansoda.co.uk will be selling JR's products at all our UK events in August.

Thanks for stopping by and I invite you to follow me on Twitter @JRsBBQ.

Boomer Sooner!

06-18-2013, 04:45 PM
Source: JR's BBQ

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with a new blog on jrsbarbq.com, featuring thoughts on Payback and more. Here are some highlights:
- Good for Cutis Axel, the new IC Champion. I wish some cynical fans would stop second guessing every more this kid makes until he can get a little farther down the road in his career journey. I'm confident he will evolve into a significant asset for WWE.

- The Ziggler vs. Del Rio match had some psychological qualities of the WM13 bout between Bret Hart and Stone Cold. Great in ring storytelling that provides more questions than answers and plenty of follow up material for episodic TV. Del Rio seems more comfortable in the antagonist tole than he does as a fan favorite. However, I do think that many Hispanic fans will still support their countryman. I'm more interested in the personas of both ADR and Ziggler now than I was prior to Payback.

- With the return of RVD to MITB in July and coming off the heels of a strong Payback PPV, it seems as if WWE is building discernable momentum and potential, potent, PPV selling storylines for Summer Slam in LA.

06-23-2013, 08:53 PM
Sun, 06/23/2013 - 10:35am — J.R.
Posted in:Wrestling
Great Sunday here in Norman, Oklahoma after a busy week for yours truly that included trips to Orlando/Winter Park Florida and then spending Saturday in Stillwater, Oklahoma. More on both in this blog. Let's Grill....

My observation, in general, on the NXT taping Thursday night at Full Sail University was that the four, one hour programs were as solid and as full of energy as any we've done in the ever growing developmental program.

The taping started at 6:30 P.M. and ended just before 10 P.M. local time which was efficient and kept the capacity crowd engaged throughout the evening.

Lots of talents continue to develop in NXT and many have, seemingly, a date with the WWE main roster in their future at some point in time. Continued hard work in the effort to improve one's game and making the right decisions both in and out of the ring are imperative for those dreams to be facilitated.

Lazy, immature, overly insecure, problem children need not apply.

I like the duo of Adrian Neville and Cory Graves as they have the potential to compliment each other well and to grow as a team for as long as they are together. The new Ascension duo also has potential.

Bo Dallas and Leo Kruger both had solid nights, among several others,Thursday evening as I don't recall seeing any bouts that were cringe worthy.

Arguably, the 'stars' of the Thursday NXT taping were all the Divas who had a series of fundamentally sound bouts including many within the first ever, NXT Womens Title tourney.

Sara Del Ray has done a marvelous job in coaching and teaching the females in NXT and her efforts are certainly obvious to any fan of the genre.

Ric Flair was on hand to see his athletic daughter, Charlotte, make her in ring debut and Charlotte did well for her first outing. She's approximately a 6 footer who has a viable upside.

The Wyatt Family had a strong night and they are ready for a successful entry into the WWE sooner than later. Luke Harper had an especially physical and solid match with WWE Superstar Sheamus on one of the taped programs.

The new, WWE Performance Center will officially open on Thursday July 11 which is also the next time we tape NXT at Full Sail. This grand opening is not open to the public and will be via invitation only to the media and a variety of WWE business partners, etc.

The Performance Center begins a new era in the development of WWE talents that is truly exciting. I went through the facility again last week and it is amazing. There is not a NFL training facility that exceeds what WWE has done with this facility. With that said, the training of these future WWE Superstars will be amped up and the expectations raised not only for the athletes but for the coaches as well.

The higher expectations also include the number and quality of young athletes that are recruited and signed to begin their WWE journey in NXT.

Speaking of recruiting , Jerry Brisco and I spent the day and most of the evening Saturday in Stillwater, Oklahoma observing the United States World Wrestling team trials to determine the Free Style and Greco Roman teams for the World Games to be held in Hungry.

We have a top recruit who has tried out with WWE in a recent camp and who did well in the Stillwater competition that we hope to sign in the next few weeks.

Gerald Brisco and I met with many coaches and amateur wrestling officials who are supportive of their athletes getting a chance to make WWE their next career move. Being a star on WWE TV on a Global basis, helps promote amateur wrestling in a significant way. Any student of the genre can look back in history at the great number of amateur wrestlers that have made successful transitions to the pro's since the 20's and 30's.

For the foodies out there, we had to have lunch at the world famous, Eskimo Joe's in Stillwater which is a must if one is in the area. Interesting seeing former Olympic Gold Medalist Rulon Gardner enjoying Eskimo Joe's and Rulon, at one time, was interested in trying his hand in WWE but it never could be worked out. Nice, BIG man though with who had a nice visit.

There is no area of athletics that WWE will not scout for physically gifted athletes who have the aptitude to potentially become WWE Superstars. The collegiate wrestling ranks perceives the sports entertainment genre much differently than in previous generations as many coaches embrace the opportunity to see their wrestlers make WWE a career.

For those devout fans of indy wrestling, WWE will continue to be aware of the independent wrestling talent and look to sign the best of the best from that world too.

Actually, next year's class of seniors at the collegiate wrestling level is greatly anticipated as several top amateur grapplers have demonstrated a strong interest in seeing if they can transition from college to WWE. I feel that 2014 will be a banner, recruiting year for WWE in this particular area.

Plus, WWE will continue to cultivate a relationship with the NFLPA in hopes of finding a handful of former football players each year who want to begin a new career using their natural athletic abilities and charisma. It's amazing how many life long fans of WWE that there are in the NFL.

Interesting days are on the horizon for WWE fans if last week's Payback PPV, RAW and Smackdown broadcasts are any indication. The show's are feeling fresher, new talents are getting more established by the week and more, new talents are on the way. Plus, some of the new rivalries are intriguing for the fan in me.

WWEShop.com, http://www.wweshop.com, is having a HUGE sale on JR's products just in time to stock up for July 4th and the summer grilling season. Save BIG and ordering is safe and easy online with delivery right to your home. Check out my page at WWEShop.com for all the bargains.

Hope to get an update tomorrow on how tickets are going for my first ever, Spoken World Tour which will debut in the UK in late August hitting cities such as Cardiff, London, Manchester, and Glasgow. Tickets can be purchased quite easily online at http://www.psievents.eventbrite.com/. VIP tickets include a private meet and greet with autograph and photo ops but are sold out already in London and Manchester and are selling quickly in Cardiff and Glasgow. I'm going to talk about my career from the beginning of the unlikely journey through the present and then do a lengthy Q&A session with those present in what will be an entertaining and intimate environment. Join me if you can.

For fans attending my shows in the UK, http://www.americansoda.co.uk or @americansoda on twitter will be on site selling JR's products which will save everyone on shipping and provide a nice opportunity to stock up.

I'm working on updating he Q&A's elsewhere on this site so check them out and throw me your questions if you'd like.

You're invited to follow me on Twitter @JRsBBQ.

It's a great day for grilling here in Norman and that's where I'm headed! Have a great balance of the weekend.

Boomer Sooner!

07-01-2013, 03:32 PM
Source: JR's BBQ

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with a new blog on jrsbarbq.com. Here are some highlights from this entry:
- Enjoyed watching Ric Flair and Rowdy Roddy Piper on ABC's Celebrity Wife Swap Sunday night. The Naitch isn't going to slow down for anyone until he's six feet under which I hope won't be years and years. That's just the way that Ric's wired...for better or for worse. I tend to lean more toward Hot Rod's life style as I keep it low key here in Norman and have never been overly comfortable being what some might perceive as a 'celebrity.'

- Hard to believe that it was 15 years ago this past week in Pittsburgh that the Undertaker threw Mankind/Mick Foley off the top of the Hell in a Cell at the King of the Ring PPV. My calls from various aspects of that match have been dubbed into some insane, sports video clips over the years and others seem to pop up on a regular basis. I'm not saying that the Taker-Foley match from 1998 was the 'greatest match that I ever broadcast' (I'm never able to answer that one) but it is without a doubt the most memorable match I ever called. One reason for that is because fans simply won't allow that night to be forgotten.

- Many new, wrestling fans are seeing the War Games for the first time now that the collection of Dusty Rhodes' creation is available from WWE on DVD. I'm especially pleased to see my dear, late friend Dr. Death Steve Williams remembered as Doc was a participant in multiple War Games matches. I'd suggest that you give this DVD a look as some of the most famous and infamous stars in the genre appeared at one time or another in this marquis match. Doc military pressing Terry Gordy multiple times in one War Games match still vividly sticks in my mind.

07-06-2013, 03:43 AM
Jim Ross has posted his latest blog online. Check out the highlights:

On ‘Sting to WWE’ rumors: “My Twitter, @JRsBBQ, timeline is being hammered with the latest Sting rumors of him coming to WWE at some point in the future. Are these rumors of any significant difference than the basic, same ones that we’ve been hearing since WCW closed their doors or every time Sting’s contract nears it’s end? As best that I know, Sting is very happy where he is currently working and has no plans to launch a WWE in ring career at the age of 54. I’ve known Sting since day one and have immense respect for the man and do feel that he will be a WWE HOFer some day.”

On his new ESPN project: “The project that I worked on with ESPN.com on OU football will be published this coming Tuesday at espn.com. Five of our all had a fantasy draft to comprise an offense and a defense including specialists of former Sooners. There were actually two men drafted that had distinguished, pro wrestling careers.”

On being part of a “best calls” tournament: “Check out the poll that’s ongoing now at Awfulannouncing.com as one of my old calls is in the competition.”

07-07-2013, 03:30 AM
Sat, 07/06/2013 - 11:24am — J.R.
Posted in:Wrestling
It's a beautiful Saturday in Norman for the @TobyKeithMusic Benefit Concert at OU's Gaylord Family Memorial Stadium to benefit the tornado victims of our area. Over 70,000 fans are expected to attend and 100% of the proceeds go to helping rebuild the local communities affected. With that said, .....LET'S GRILL!

The WWE Performance Center is a game changer in many ways. It will put added pressure on the recruiting efforts by all involved to bring big time, world class athletes into the program plus it will demand even a higher level of coaching and mentoring by the staff. The facility is a show place and the expectations for enhanced results are, as they should be, going up.

Saw a video online where a fan assaulted a wrestler at ringside which did not work out so well for the 'civilian.' Back in the Mid South Wrestling days, whenever a civilian would attack a wrestler inside the barricades or in the ring, the perpetrator would be escorted to the back of the arena usually to a dark, secure location. There the assailant would be provided the opportunity to continue their 'assault.' Often times, it left the brave soul in the hands of promoter Cowboy Bill Watts while police turned their heads and looked elsewhere. The end result was the assailant was usually jailed for trespassing, criminal mischief and assault and spent the evening in jail usually in need of stitches and dental work.

If you haven't checked out 'Ray Donovan' on @Showtime then I highly recommend it. It has a 'Sopranos" feel to it inasmuch as it's violent, gritty, feels real, has great characters, spot on writing and allows one to escape reality and to enjoy the ride. Of course, I read no 'spoilers' before watching it either or any reviews. I judged the show on what I thought and without being preconditioned. I have watched last Sunday's premier episode three times and it is now must see TV for me. (I'm not a fan of 'spoilers,' obviously.)

I've added Showtime's Dexter and Ray Donovan to my DVR list of programs that I record weekly.

I swear that you can grill virtually anything, within reason, on your grill and use only JR's All Purpose Seasoning/Rub and love what you produce. It's the best, single ingredient seasoning that I've ever used. It's available at http://www.wweshop.com and one bottle will usually last for months. Yes, I'm biased but try it and I feel confident that you will agree.

Aaron Hernandez seemingly has made so many life changing/destroying problems largely because he could not detach from his bottom feeding friends. I've seen young wrestlers with great promise attach themselves to bottom feeders who were just happy to have a job and knew that their days were numbered within the system and that they had little or no chance of reaching the main event level of WWE. The impressionable, young talents had to make the decision to detach or derail. It happens in all walks of life. This is why every athletic entity including an organization such as WWE has to have great mentoring by their coaches for these impressionable young talents.

UFC 162 is tonight on PPV and I'm planning on watching unless the Mrs. unbooks me. I need to make 'fight week' some year in Vegas. What are the ramifications if Anderson Silva loses to Chris Weidman in the main event? It won't hurt Spider a bit and it makes Weidman a bigger star with a built in PPV main event rematch. If I watch, I will be live Tweeting my observations @JRsBBQ which usually pisses off the hardcore MMA fans.

The never ending tale of NBA star Dwight Howard makes my case even better that high school hoopsters would be better served to attend at least two years of college and actually go to class and pass their courses before venturing into the deep end of the money pool in the NBA. Howard is a uber talented albeit immature athlete who seemingly feels entitled and has apparently never had the chance to be a kid. His vacillation in finally deciding on which team is going to make him richer has been a turnoff except, I'm assuming, for NBA hardcores. Long term, guaranteed money is often times another form of financial insanity within the world of professional athletics.

Maturity issues are something that any organization has to deal with which is why I do not covet the signing 18-19 year old kids to WWE Developmental deals. Just my personal take.

Only Cardiff has VIP tickets remaining for my first ever, Spoken Word Tour coming to the UK August 24-27 in Cardiff, London, Manchester, and Glasgow. For show info or secure tickets simply go to http://www.psievents.eventbrite.com/. VIP tickets earn you a private meet and greet and all that entails.

Our partner in the UK, http://www.americansoda.co.uk will be on site at these shows selling JR's products that they stock in their stores and distribute online.

Notice that I will be home in time to not miss my Oklahoma Sooners home opener on Saturday night August 31. Amazing coincidence, right?

Twitter is a wonderful social media vehicle especially when one gets verbally face slapped for not wishing someone a happy birthday. I have 830,000+ followers @JRsBBQ of which we hope to push to 1M by year's end.

Bray Wyatt isn't another Jake Roberts or another Waylon Mercy as some suggest. He's going to have some of those men's tendencies or personality traits but Bray Wyatt is uniquely himself. I've seen the young man become this persona over time notwithstanding dropping a few pounds while increasing his strength and quickness. Being from an athletic family, Bray Wyatt is blessed with the '2nd Gear' that is coveted on the gridiron, etc or inside a 20X20 ring. Big men that can move have an opportunity to find a long term home within the biz and always have. That's not a new concept. The Wyatt Family debuts this Monday night on RAW.

Fun contest ongoing now at http://www.awfulannoucning.com where they have a tournament where fans can vote for their favorite 'calls' in a variety of sports from a variety of broadcasters. I'm honored to be even in the contest along with some of great broadcasters that I've admired from afar. Not sure when voting ends but check it out if you have the chance.

Really enjoyed the latest Legends Roundtable show on WWE On Demand. The topic is Wrestling and Patriotism. No other Roundtables are scheduled, that I am aware of, at this time but are fun shows in which to be a part.

Love the experts that call me an idiot for even suggesting that Sting could some day be a member of the WWE Hall of Fame because he's never wrestled in WWE. I'm not sure who the idiot is within this discussion but this development wouldn't set a precedent. Check out the list, Einstein.

I've updated the Q&A's elsewhere here on the site. Throw me your questions there if you choose and i will try and address them.

Thanks to those who support our efforts and use our JR's products on their grill and in their kitchens. You are greatly appreciated.

Boomer Sooner!

07-09-2013, 10:52 PM
Tue, 07/09/2013 - 11:34am — J.R.
Posted in:Wrestling
Greetings all as we start the grill and thanks to everyone for visiting my page at http://www.wweshop.com where you can find all JR's products and some great packages. Easy online shopping with delivery right to your front door. JR's great for the grill or in one's kitchen. Grills hot so let's get to cooking.... Enjoyed Monday Night Raw from Baltimore and here are a few of the moments that especially stood out to me: Two, outstanding wrestling matches to start and end the broadcast. Loved seeing a clear cut winner in both and appreciate the efforts and physicality of all four men involved in these two matches that helped promote Sunday's PPV in Philly. Neither man who lost was damaged in the process. The John Cena-Mark Henry segment was text book stuff and I felt helped add some steam to the WWE Title bout at MITB this Sunday. Cena not being able to control Henry's size and girth adds to the intrigue come Sunday. The overall build for the Wyatt Family from the beginning of the show including their entrance was well done. I'm curious to see what their next move will be. Smackdown? MITB? Next week on RAW? All of the above? The overall promotion for the MITB PPV this Sunday was good especially for the MITB bout for the WWE title opportunity. I'm a Daniel Bryan fan and him closing the show and dealing with Punk and Orton before ascending the ladder was great foreshadowing. Bryan's apparent 'unstableness' is intriguing and DB has organically connected with the fans notwithstanding his in ring expertise. The RVD promos certainly made Rob feel special and I'd venture to say more special than his TV persona has felt since he was last in WWE. Great video clips with, ahem, some nice sound bytes from some voice over guy. :) Brad Maddox being named the new, RAW GM provides for some interesting creative opportunities in the future. I'm curious to see where this matter goes and the political agenda that Maddox' TV persona establishes. Brad certainly doesn't have the support of the announce trio based on their comments Monday night which could provide some entertaining interaction in future weeks. Maddox reminds me somewhat of the late, Eddie Gilbert. Maddox' upside is viable. Vickie Guerrero was fantastic Monday night. I'm very proud of her work and how she has committed herself to develop as a TV performer. She's been through a great deal of challenges in her life and I, for one, am elated for her success. When I think of the great city of Baltimore I often times think of the after parties at Sabatino's with Ric Flair and friends, my pal and former Crockett Promoter Gary Juster, and me passing kidney stone fragments during the PPV broadcast of the 1991 Great American Bash. Not sure what was worse, the pain of the kidney store particles or the PPV itself. Thank goodness there were ample video packages during the show and the announcers were on the stage in the Baltimore Arena and not at ringside. Check out my fantasy OU football draft that I did for ESPN.com at /www.es.pn/12hZlfQ and vote to help my team be named the best. More info on Twitter @ESPNSoonerNation. Will @UFC Anderson Silva's shocking TKO loss Saturday night to Chris Weidman cause harm to "Spider's" legacy? Likely not too much if any at all. However, Silva's unprofessional approach to the #ufc162 main event was embarrassing even though it will be defended by some as simply being a part of the former champion's 'strategy.' I'm not buying it. A Silva vs. Weidman rematch a given. It's always been a given since the moment Silva lost the title. It's a great PPV main event, that has a sound reason (a story) for happening plus there's too much money to be earned especially for Weidman who hasn't had the massive paydays in his career thus far that Silva has. For those that say Silva "doesn't need the money," they're being naive. No athlete or performer ever has TOO much cash as most talent's egos won't allow them to refuse that lucrative trip to the pay window. My 1st ever Spoken Word tour that will land in the UK August 24-27 still has a handful of tickets available and they can be had at http://www.psievents.eventbrite.com/. This will be my first trip to Wales as we start the tour in Cardiff, my first trip to Scotland as we end the four day tour in Glasgow. London, last I heard, had a total of 4 tickets remaining for the Sunday August 25 show. I'm also very excited about playing the famous, Manchester Comedy Story on Monday August 26 and great seats are still available for that event. Our promoter feels that all the tickets will be sold before I ever leave the USA to fly over to London to begin our adventure. I'm going to share some great stories, fully invest in the Q&A portion of each show, and I always enjoy the private, meet and greets that come with a VIP ticket. Plus, http://www.americansoda.co.uk or @americansoda on Twitter will be with us each night selling JR[s BBQ Sauces, Chipotle Ketchup and Main Event Mustard with no shipping costs included which is a savings. Heading to Waterloo, Iowa this weekend for the annual festivities at the Dan Gable Museum including a tryout camp where I will help out Gerald Brisco on Friday and then attend the indy event on Friday night, a meet adn greet Saturday afternoon at the Gable Museum and then the banquet on Saturday evening where several stars will be recognized. I'm bringing JR's Beef Jerky and some new photos to make a nice, package deal for those that are interested. For info on the Waterloo event contact dgmstaff@hof.org or call 319-233-0745. Great time for all fans and is family friendly along with being affordable. The official grand opening of the new, WWE Performance Center is this Thursday In Winter Park, Florida via invitation only. Lots of VIP's slated to attend and I can assure one and all that this facility is a 'difference maker' as will see in the years to come. Everyone involved in the process will have to now up their respective games as expectations have increased substantially. The Q&A's here at the site have updated. Check them out. Follow me on Twitter @JRsBBQ. Hoping to hit 1M followers by year's end. WWEShop.com has some great packages available on JR;s products at http://www.wweshop.com. These are not only super for your grill but are kitchen friendly as well and they make great gifts for any occasion. Thanks for stopping by and come back and see us. Boomer Sooner! J.R. @JRsBBQ

07-15-2013, 08:44 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has published a new blog entry on JrsBarBq.com. Here are some highlights.

On the WWE Performance Center: No one is more excited than am I about the Performance Center. Years ago our team had a vision to start the Development Program in WWE and I always dreamed that we would have a state of the art facility someday but I never dreamed of anything the magnitude of what WWE now has.

On Damien Sandows MITB victory: Never saw Damien Sandow's win coming but thanks to hard work and re-inventing himself, Sandow is now the winner of MITB and his career got another boost Sunday night. Damien is a great example of never giving up and doing what one has to do improve himself and to eventually "make the team." He's also taken a piece of creative, made it his own, and has become what was creatively envisioned for him and more.

Cody Rhodes: Cody Rhodes took a big step toward renewed relevancy after his controversial loss to Sandow in the MITB contest. Lots of winners can potentially come out of these multi person bouts.

AJ's performance at MITB: AJ using her Octopus Submission made famous by Antonio Inoki is sound strategy to me. AJ is the focal point of the WWE Diva scene and her eyes tell a compelling story more often than not.

Jericho vs. Ryback: Thought Jericho and Ryback had a solid, sound wrestling match that had a surprising ending with Ryback using a cradle rollup to win. Another ending that I did not see coming.

Del Rio vs. Ziggler: Del Rio vs. Ziggler was a masterpiece. Some fans will bitch and complain about "AJ ruining the match" due to her in ring involvement but I didn't see it that way. ADR and DZ had ample time to tell a compelling story and they accomplished that. AJ's involvement just adds another element to the storyline that has to be addressed and could lead to more, interesting things for Ziggler to sink his teeth into.

Cena vs. Henry: Cena vs, Henry was the type of match that I used to covet calling back in the day. Straight forward, easy to understand story that made sense. Of course, those that aren't Cena fans likely weren't happy that Cena won but that's nothing new. Mark Henry really came to play Sunday night and was impressive especially when one considers that he is a 400 pounder. I also loved the lighting for this WWE Title contest. It felt classic, old school.

MITB Ladder match for the WWE Title shot: The final match of the evening, the MITB Ladder match for the WWE Title was a human demolition derby of epic proportions that delivered in a multi layered, big way. Several issues were forwarded, everyone in the match got an opportunity to shine and, at least for me, the winner, Randy Orton, was unexpected.

RVD got the major star treatment largely in part to the partisan Philly crowd and Van Dam's debut couldn't have been in a better place on Earth.

The Heyman/Punk element adds a significant log to the fire of what looks to be as hot a personal issue as WWE has had in a good while. Bring on Lesnar!

Daniel Bryan's flurry of offense late in the MITB match was a thing of beauty and his natural emotion and intensity was riveting. Young talents can learn a great number of lessons on that one sequence of offense. Simply amazing stuff.

There has to be many banged up men today and some with multiple staples and stitches, This ain't ballet and the toughness of many of the WWE Superstars is admirable. To think that most of the men who went to hell and back last night will be up again tonight in Brooklyn for a sold out Monday Night RAW is amazing to me.

08-01-2013, 05:23 AM
Tue, 07/30/2013 - 6:54pm — J.R.
Posted in:Wrestling
Business is booming at http://www.wweshop.com and in Manchester, England at http://www.americansoda.uk.co for JR's products that are perfect for grilling or your kitchen. At WWEShop.com we are rocking the JR's Beef Jerky or as someone used to say "Business has picked up!" It's GRILLING TIME Enjoyed Monday Night RAW as the broadcast seemed to have ample in ring content of which I enjoy. I also thought @MichaelCole and @JerryLawler had a good night even though I missed the mountain climbing @JCLayfield. The end game for the McMahon Family conflict interests me especially considering that #1 contender for the WWE Title @WWEDanielBryan is in the middle of it. Where is this matter heading? I'm happy that I have no idea. If Daniel Bryan were to win the WWE Title at Summer Slam, how would that affect the 'family' dynamic? Hmmm @TheMarkHenry has 'presence. His facials are extraordinary. I can see the big Texan doing well for WWE as a newly minted fan favorite. Enjoyed RVD's bout with Fandango while it lasted. RVD has been an outstanding 'get' for WWE since he returned at the MITB PPV. His style is unique, it's physical and he has done what every star must do to be a star....connect with his audience. AJ Lee continues to pilot the crazy train and she is arguably the most compelling Diva in WWE. Interested in seeing Dolph Ziggler vs. Big E again especially if they're in the ring longer. Loved the Del Rio vs. Christian match. Great story. ADR focusing on the damaged arm of Christian made the match easy to follow. Isolating a body part is a key component to story telling. A really, solid TV bout. The follow up on the Sandow-Cody issue was good. I'd like to see them in a high profile match ala Summer Slam to see how they would deliver under the hot lights of a major PPV. Sandow speaking poorly of Cody's family made me squirm. Daniel Bryan continues to be, arguably, the best in ring talent in the business and "Fear the Beard" countering Kane and winning with an inside cradle was perfect execution. Thought that IC Champ Curtis Axel had one of his better outings as he seemed more poised and comfortable Monday night. The 'Perfect Son' sounded like an old pro on the mic which is vital and always has been since wrestling moved to TV. Ryback had a good night even in a losing effort in the Tables Match vs. @JohnCena. Ryback seems to really enjoy his antagonist role and it fits him better and better each week. Being a great, wrestling villain is a skill that isn't easily or quickly acquired. If Ryback had came along in the 70's or 80's, some promoter likely would have made him a 'Russian' or another non American to capitalize on a Nationalism story. My wife and I enjoyed the premier episode of Total Divas on the E Network Sunday night. I had a few 'flashbacks' from my talent relations days watching the ladies interact with each other and the WWE folks in general. When I became head of talent relations, we had only one or two women on the roster. That aspect of the team grew quickly and the Diva locker room soon became a complex and unique entity. That's not to say that the men didn't have their share of problems, too, but the ladies presented an entirely different ballgame. In the days before cell phones, texting, etc, my home phone rang at all hours of the night and quite often it was a Diva with an issue as the ladies usually wanted to vent right away while the guys would often times 'stew' over what was bothering them. Ah, the stories. New drinking game, take a shot every time 'The Count' on 'Counting Cars' says, "Brother." Upon further review, forget the previous statement. Excited to be heading to LA for Summer Slam to do some work with 2K Sports regarding the new video game that I've done some work on the past several months. I also have an AXXESS autograph appearance Sunday 1-3 pm. I'd be remiss without noting that The Wyatt Family had a solid night on RAW and that their vignettes introducing them to the WWE Universe were more golden than many perceive. They had an identity before they ever showed up in person on RAW. Reminds me of how Bill Watts established the Rock 'n Roll Express in the Mid South Territory using music videos before Morton and Gibson physically arrived in the 80's. Thanks for contributing to our Q&A Section here on the site. If your questions don't make the cut they were likely WAY too long or just Pet Coon Goofy. Tickets for my show in Manchester are still available for Monday August 26 at the Comedy Store via http://www.psievents.eventbrite.com/ . There are just a handful of tickets left for Cardiff as well and available at the same site but they will be gone at any time now. London and Glasgow are both sold out. If you aren't watching 'Ray Donovan' on Showtime, I feel for you especially if you love great TV. Awesome show! Jon Voight is amazing as patriarch Mickey Donovan who has some evil, Mr. McMahon qualities about him. Plus, I have become hooked on 'Dexter.' Boomer Sooner! J.R. @JRsBBQ

08-02-2013, 09:01 PM
Credit: JRSBARBQ.com

Jim Ross once again answered questions on his website. Here are the highlights…

On Bray Wyatt’s in-ring ability: “Many of us have seen him wrestle a great deal in NXT. He’s a keeper.”

On favorite Mid-South Wrestling angles: “Had many favorites and am looking forward to the Mid South DVD WWE is releasing on Sept 10. Ted [DiBiase] and [Junkyard] Dog were hard to beat.”

On Dean Ambrose’s potential when The Shield eventually breaks up: “The goal is always for any entity to have more sizzle and potential when they split and become single stars. Ambrose will be interesting to follow along with Rolins and Reigns.”

On a possible U.S. & IC Title unification: “I don’t see the value in doing so. It’s not hard to make them both mean more.”

You can read the full Q&A session by clicking here (http://www.jrsbarbq.com/jrs-qa).

08-05-2013, 05:25 AM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross published a new blog entry on jrsbarbq.com. Here are some highlights:
Friday's SmackDown:
Thought Friday night Smackdown was a really solid wrestling show highlighted by Punk vs. Fandango in what I thought was Fandango's best outing and the Triple Threat match featuring Orton, Christian and RVD. I'm a much bigger fan of a wrestler earning a title opportunity than being granted, willed, decreed, etc a championship match. Yeah, I'm old school. Alex Riley did a really nice job in filling in for the mountain climbing JBL Friday night. Alex has done some commentary down in NXt and I've enjoyed working with him there. Riley is a bright young man who has a viable future in WWE and is the son of talentd broacdater Kevin Kiley

CM Punk's matches:
Does @CMPunk EVER have a bad match? I don't recall one.

If WWE will ever go back to the TV-14 rating:
You asked...I do not feel that WWE will or do they need to go back to TV14 ratings for their broadcasts. There are lots of reasons but one is simple....advertisers do not covet spending big money on prime time, TV14 rated shows as much as they do PG programming. Plus, the talent, and not the TV rating, made the Attitude Era so successful. Cursing, foul language, edgy gestures, ect did not draw ratings and set WWE on fire but instead it was the talents who brought intensity and created a competitive nature in the locker room where several Type A personalities 'needed' to be the top star.

Prediction for CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar:
You asked...Punk vs. Brock prediction at Summer Slam....I love this match and will be in LA to see it live and I think that Lesnar wins thanks to a little diversion from Happy Heyman aka @HeymanHustle. I do feel that this will be a compellingly physical contest between two alpha males who don't' enjoy not having the top billing. This match will be challenging to follow. The key to Punk winning, however, may be is feet. More on that soon.

08-06-2013, 09:04 PM
Credit: JRSBARBQ.com

Jim Ross recently did some Q&A on his website. Here are the highlights…

If WWE Will Ever Release A DVD On Sting’s Career: “Seems like a lock to me.”

His Favorite WWE Era: “I live in the now. Whatever ‘generation’ now is would be my answer. I have never not enjoyed being in the business. “

His Thoughts On Brutus Beefcake’s Career: “Why? Seriously, why? I wasn’t around him that much. He was a solid hand. Being friends with Hogan helped him greatly. I’m not the guy to ask because I never really worked with Beefcake.”

If The WWE Performance Center Will Hold Open Tryouts: “Nothing is planned as best that I know at this time. When will a NFL team have open tryouts at their facilities for potential football players? Same deal.”

Why There Is So Much Hate Towards Chris Benoit When His Autopsy Showed He Had Extensive Brain Damage: “We don’t know what happened that fateful day, conclusively. or what mental state Chris was in or why he was in it, either. I don’t ‘hate’ Chris and most of his friends do not either. It’s a topic that you or I cannot solve to everyone’s satisfaction. I’m really tired of addressing it.”

08-07-2013, 10:12 PM
Source: JRsBarBQ.com

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his Q&A section on jrsbarbq.com. Here are some highlights:
If Total Divas is scripted: "What reality show on TV isn't scripted to some degree? I can answer that... none of them that I've seen."

Working with Jerry "The King" Lawler: "Jerry is very easy to work with and is a light hearted, fun person to be around. He's like family to me."

On Steve Austin walking out on WWE back in 2002: "Steve had a legit issue but I felt like he handled it wrong."

08-12-2013, 09:28 PM
Source: JR's BBQ WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated the Q&A section on jrsbarbq.com. Here are some highlights: What happened with Chyna? "There is plenty of info online about Joanie that you can research and read. We simply could not come to a mutually agreeable contract for her to stay in WWE."

Did he agree with the decision to remove Kane's mask? "I don't recall any one asking my opinion but in hindsight I'd have rather Kane stayed masked."

Thoughts on Jimmy Del Ray and Tom Pritchard, the Heavenly Bodies? "Extremely fundamentally sound team who were likely underrated by many. Dr. Tom has always been one of my favorite people as he did great work for me and our department back in the day."

Is Santino Marella's Italian accent legit? "Uh, no. He's Canadian...not that there's any thing wrong with that. Funny guy."

08-22-2013, 02:53 AM
Credit: JRSBARBQ.com

Jim Ross has posted a new blog entry. Here are the highlights…

On Summerslam and Daniel Bryan: Enjoyed the Summer Slam PPV and it was a real masterpiece from a TV production standpoint and look of the show. Very slick and well produced. No one does live TV better than WWE but I’ve been saying that for years. Cena/Bryan/HHH/Orton created a most memorable moment at Summer Slam that certainly has a great deal of fans talking. It sets up some potential, interesting scenarios down the road. Bryan winning the title from Cena and then being able to celebrate before the pedigree and Orton’s pin was well done. Daniel Bryan may be more popular today than if he had actually won the WWE Title at Summer Slam. Bryan will now apparently chase new Champ Randy Orton and the thrill of the fan favorite chasing the antagonist has always interested me as a fan.

On Punk vs. Lesnar: Punk vs. Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman was another masterpiece. I predicted that it would be overtly physical and it certainly was in delivering a ‘DEE-LUX’ Slobber Knocker of a match. Great intensity and physicality rarely fails to deliver when the money is on the line in a major PPV. Simple gameplan….great results.

On Christian vs. Del Rio: Del Rio vs. Christian also had a terrific bout and one that many young, wrestling students could learn from as it relates to fundamental skill set and in ring psychology.

On WWE’s Young Talent: Lots youth on the WWE roster and they continue to work hard in improving their game and to compete for viable, roster spots. Competition within the locker room is a positive thing. That was an Attitude Era trait however patience is needed by many fans who want instant stardom….yesterday.

09-04-2013, 11:18 AM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has published a new blog entry on JrsBarBq.com. Here are some highlights.

Daniel Bryan Raw promo: Thought Daniel Bryan's promo directed at Randy Orton and referencing Orton's heart was effective. The 'David vs. Goliath' main event made early and built throughout the night was a solid thread that ran the duration of the three hour broadcast.

The Prime Time Players improvements: The Prime Time Players have upped their game or so it seems. I'm beginning to take them more seriously. They're playing like every match is in the 4th quarter. If these two keep upping their game they will quickly realize the results.

AJ Lee future: If she continues down her current path, AJ Lee has the opportunity to be in the same discussion with the all time best Divas in WWE history.

Cody Rhodes Raw match & promo: Orton vs. Rhodes was a stout match that could have been even longer for my tastes. Liked the back and forth, the battle for momentum, and the near falls. Cody's exit promo was his best verbal work to date in my opinion.

09-08-2013, 04:08 AM
The following are highlights from a recent website Q&A from WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross:

On whether or not the Internet Wrestling Community is killing the business: “Far from it. So, no.”

On whether or not WWE still views Survivor Series as one of the “Big 4″ PPVs: “I can only speak for myself but I’d say yes. Having 12 PPV’s makes it challenging for all of them to be special.”

On if he’d like to see Jake “The Snake” Roberts back in WWE, possibly in the Royal Rumble: “I’d love to see Jake clean, sober & healthy living a happy, productive life.”

On if there is a reason WWE holds PPVs on Sunday nights: “I’d assume that there is research to indicate that Sunday is the best night for WWE PPV’s plus it is and has become a tradition that I don’t see changing. Plus, it works well with the cable and satellite operators which is critical.”

On his opinion of Abdullah The Butcher, and if he deserves to be in the WWE Hall Of Fame: “Abby had an amazing, LONG career and was an independent business man who was a main event star around the world. He was unique.”

You can check out more Jim Ross Q&A online at this link (http://www.jrsbarbq.com/jrs-qa).

09-11-2013, 11:51 PM
Greetings from 39,000 feet on American Airlines. Great deals w/ JR's family of products online at http://www.wweshop.com & http://www.americanoda.co.uk.

Always enjoy the Toronto fans. Love it when an audience lets their feelings be shown....good or bad. Makes for good TV.

The verbal interaction between HHH/Edge was compelling & a great way to start off Raw. Would love to see those two go at it but that's never going to occur.

Paul Heyman feigning a knee injury was funny. Reminded me of an old time promoter who pulled that stunt in grocery stores to score paydays back in early 70's.

Punk's act of caning was timely and memorable.

Antonio Cesaro, one of my personal favorites, and his marathon Giant Swing was big league. Shades of Killer Kowalski & Don Leo Jonathan.

Great chemistry between Daniel Bryan & Dean Ambrose. Could I have seconds, please?

Big Show is percolating and he's going to blow.....but when?

Anxious to see what the eventual destination will be for Bray Wyatt & Family. Remember, big men w/ a 2nd gear are special. Was actually surprised to see Wyatt vs Ziggler on Raw for some reason.

P.S......when traveling to Canada...carry on one's bags...don't check them...right, King? :)

Great build up for Goldust vs Orton. The match was a good one too w/ the last five minutes hitting another level w/ all the near falls.

Enjoyed the pace of Goldust vs Orton too. Far too many talents in the biz wrestle too fast more often than not & if the audience doesn't have the time to process and feel what they are seeing, then who wins?

if Texas A&M beats Alabama Saturday, I will be shocked. I'm pulling for the Aggies as head coach Kevin Sumlin is a great friend.

QB issues at Oklahoma or are there? Lots of speculation on this matter. Sooners need more consistent play as their schedule begins to get nasty in two weeks.

Follow me in Twitter @JRsBBQ. Approaching 1M followers.

Q&A's here on the site are updated.

Boomer Sooner!



09-23-2013, 09:03 PM
Jim Ross has posted a new blog entry. Here are the highlights…

On working a weekend indy event: Had a great time Saturday in Fishkill, New York at their Wrestling Under the Stars event. Promoter Michael Lombardi does a wonderful job at his events. Great seeing Jerry Lawler, Charles Wright, Rikishi, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Matt Striker, John Morrison and many others. Scott looked great and has made legit, giant steps in getting healthier. I’m so proud of him. Scott’s son Cody Hall is an excellent, young prospect who’s being coached & mentored by his Dad. The young man has major potential. The event Saturday was my last, scheduled wrestling booking for 2013.

On Sami Zayn: Keep an eye on NXT talent Sami Zayn. He’s a keeper and likely will be on a WWE main roster this year or so I think. Great attitude and skill set. There are several excellent prospects in NXT. How they are introduced to the masses is a huge key.

On Broadcasting WWE events from Chicago: Loved broadcasting WWE events at Chicago’s All State Arena. So many memorable moments there for me. My WWE Hall of Fame induction announcement there in 2007 was a game changer for me personally and professionally. Hope WWE has a strong show Monday night. The main, corporate storyline puts many talents potentially in a position to maximize their minutes. Hopefully, they realize that.

On Saturday’s UFC 165 event: The Jon Jones- Andrew Gustafsson main event at UFC165 was an amazing fight to say the least. A physical and mental war that tested both athletes in every way and built to an automatic, organic, big money, rematch. I had Jones winning but arguably the fight could have gone either way. Jones is developing the Floyd Mayweather syndrome in that some fans buy his fights to see Bones lose. Muhammad Ali had the same affect on some fans early in his career.

09-25-2013, 05:09 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has published a new blog entry on JrsBarBq.com. Here are some highlights.

Raw's main event: "11 on 3 mismatch in the favor of the 'good guys' was most unique. It actually ended up well. Spotlight on Bryan but others got some positive minutes too. Exceeded my expectations for the concept."

CM Punk's returning to his hometown: "CM Punk had an awesome night in his hometown. He felt more like Stone Cold than I can ever recall. Home field advantage didn't hurt."

What's next for him: "Interesting days lie a head for yours truly. I'm in no rush to get back to work. Having some interesting irons in the fire. But for now it's football time in Oklahoma."

10-07-2013, 09:49 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has published a new blog entry on jrsbarbq.com. Here are some highlights.

Finish to WWE Battleground: Controversy abounds following the WWE PPV Battle Ground Sunday night in Buffalo. Many fans hitting me on Twitter @JRsBBQ with ample venom regarding the finish of the show. Obviously, it was a way to continue a storyline between Bryan and Orton. Pro wrestling creative is more subjective today that ever in my lifetime. Like most theatrical productions that I watch, I enjoyed some aspects of the PPV and wasn't as enthralled with some of the other content.

Payoff for Cody Rhodes: The payoff on the personal issue involving the Rhodes clan and the Shield, representing the establishment, was spot on in my view. The spotlight was on Cody Rhodes as it should have been. Now, let's see where it goes from here and if Cody evolves into the main event level superstar that many feel he is capable of doing.

Goldust's performance: There is no doubt that Goldust can still contribute in today's WWE at least for the short term IE through WM30.

Antonio Cesaro's giant swing: Cesaro's Giant Swing, among other nuances, had the crowd in Buffalo cheering for the villains vs. the comedy duo of Khali and Santino. Tough match to call for the announcers which one website took as me criticizing the match. I wasn't for the record but was simply stating fact.

Returning to pro wrestling announcing: Was asked on Twitter @JRsBBQ, actually several times a day, it seems, if I was ever going back to pro wrestling commentary. At this time, the answer is a definitive "No, thanks." I've learned to never say never but I have zero plans to re-enter that world. Very proud of my career and have nothing left to prove within it.

Confusion on Undertaker's WrestleMania XXX opponent: Here's another Twitter beaut...someone asked me who I thought would wrestle Undertaker at WM30? I said that I had NO IDEA. That's, NO IDEA. I added that I'd likely put Ryback and Cena on a short list that could include several names. Now, I've got some who feel I'm endorsing Ryback as Taker's WM30 opponent and they think that I'm insane.

10-11-2013, 12:49 AM
Source: JR's BBQ

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has published a new blog entry on jrsbarbq.com. Here are some highlights:

On being drafted to SmackDown back in 2008:
I was asked about being 'drafted' to Smackdown in 2008 and my reaction to such. Obviously, if you were watching I wasn't enthralled about that creative move which I think was an inside joke that someone in creative sold upper management on just to see my reaction. Of course, I could be wrong but I did not, and still do not, see any reason for breaking Jerry Lawler and me up.

That's simply how i feel and it may well be my ego talking so take those comments with a grain of salt. That was a turning point for me as it relates to truly having fun on the road doing TV. At that point, it came more like a job which is how many broadcasters today perceive their work. Until then, I had never approached that role in that manner. I had been told the night before the Draft in San Antonio that I wasn't going any where and that why would WWE break up "Madden and Summerall?"

WWE Performance Center:
Nothing in WWE is more important than what goes on in the WWE Performance Center. Nothing. I expect that procedures there to continue to evolve in every way including the personnel who are depended upon to coach up the prospects. Over time, I'm thinking that WWE must continue to invest in that process as it relates to teaching methods and overall approach. Every great system has to be continually re-evaluated and refined. The future of WWE rests in Orlando at the Performance Center.

Danny Hodge in the WWE Hall of Fame:
On the WWE HOF topic that so many ask me about, for Dan Hodge not to be in the WWE HOF is another name that can be added to the list of 'head scratchers.' Hodge is in every Hall of Fame in the sport, both amateur and pro, except WWE, if I'm not mistaken. Dan was a legend in the days before cable TV, etc and of all the Oklahomans who are in the WWE HOF Danny Hodge is the most deserving. Plus, Hodge was a star in the Louisiana territory aka Mid South Wrestling that made New Orleans it's top market. Dan is in his 80's and can likely still beat a large percentage of pro wrestlers in the biz or at least those that play the role of a pro wrestler on television.

10-21-2013, 09:16 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has published a new blog entry on JrsBarBq.com. Here are some highlights.

Alberto Del Rio needing momentum: World Champ Del Rio needs as much momentum as he can get before facing the returning, face of WWE John Cena for the World Title. Cena's absence hasn't been that long and I wouldn't see him live on TV until the PPV. ADR needs all help he can get ASAP to be able for Cena to be perceived in some level of jeopardy. Heroes who are not in jeopardy or in danger of losing don't move the needle. Cena's surgically repaired arm should be a talking point for the announcers and for ADR. (Perhaps a cross arm breaker fit for a King??)

Contract signing: The contract signing between Orton and Bryan should not be over thought. It's the blue light special. An angle alert. Fans expect fireworks and they should be provided such. Another question is fan support of Bryan to begin to wane in his role of the undersized, overachieving underdog? Fans of heroes have to maintain 'hope' that their guy can get it done in a fair fight. It's simple, human nature/psychology.

Shawn Michaels' presence: If Shawn Michaels is on RAW tonight then he should be better utilized than last week. A HHH-HBK confrontation in virtually any form would be good TV and it all ties into the Bryan-Orton HIAC match for the WWE Title.

Punk & Heyman: What's left to do that is compelling in the Heyman-Punk saga? I love their work but really need to see something compelling and memorable tonight. Knowing those two, we will get it.

Bound for Glory: Someone on Twitter said that I wouldn't admit it if I watched the TNA PPV Sunday night. Wrong, Einstein. However, I did not watch their show as I was watching the Manning vs. Irsay Bowl on NBC plus my regular Sunday night fare including HBO's Boardwalk Empire and Eastbound and Down.

However, if any company changes five titles in one show, which one is supposed to standout to the average fan? Apparently that's what occurred. Sounds like TNA hit the "reset" button on the whole shooting match. No dog in the hunt except for my many friends who work there and I'm pulling for them and their families.

10-23-2013, 04:03 AM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has published a new blog entry on JrsBarBq.com. Here are some highlights.

On WWE having 3 great hours of solid wrestling: The in ring product last night was solid and enjoyable for the most part. Any one who thinks that WWE, or any one else, can have three hours of great, TV rasslin and it all be really good needs to be drug tested. That's not going to happen any time soon. I honestly don't think that's possible at this time in the business.

Dean Ambrose vs. Daniel Bryan: Ambrose vs. Bryan was a really, nice match. Bryan provided his fans 'hope' while Ambrose taking a clean loss gives him something to bitch about and to plot for his retribution. Great selling and near falls which are two essentials of any good, pro wrestling bout.

Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler: Orton vs. Ziggler was another good bout that Orton needed to win and Ziggler provided the 'shine' for that outcome. Another loss that did not destroy Dolph who has proven to me that he is one of WWE's top talents. Many fans are growing impatient of Ziggler's current status on the card but all he can do is continue to out perform as many of his opponents as he can on a regular basis and his time will come. That's akin to HBK being considered only a tag team wrestler and never any thing else for years until Shawn got into one on one bouts and, over time, became a show stealer.

Comedy segment on Raw: As I wrote in my last blog, the obligatory comedy segment was what it was. I'm an old school guy and I'm of the belief that the final RAW prior to any PPV should be all about selling the PPV especially when one is selling the 2nd PPV on a monthly billing cycle. Nonetheless, Santino Marella 'gets it' when it comes to comedy within the genre.

Big E Langston's push: Enjoying the opportunity that Big E Langston is getting and hope that he allows his personality to be unleashed and that E becomes a star. Very bright, athletic kid who played defensive tackle at Iowa after being a state heavyweight wrestling champion in Florida. I enjoyed working with Big E when I would make my trips to Florida in both Tampa and Orlando.

HIAC: It will be interesting to see how many titles change hands come Sunday at the HIAC PPV in Miami. I'm also curious as to what main event closes the show.

12-06-2013, 12:52 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with a new blog on jrsbarbq.com. Here are some highlights:

- Tickets for RINGSIDE: An Evening with Jim Ross go on sale Friday at http://www.ticketmaster.com and at the Gramercy Theater Box Office in New York City. I'm doing my first ever, one man shows in the USA on Saturday March 1 in NYC and am hopeful that tickets sell quickly. Hopefully fans from throughout the Northeast United States will join me for one of two shows on March 1 starting at 4 and 8 pm. There are a limited number of meet and greet tickets for both shows.

- I am meeting via conference call later today about producing my own podcast and beginning soon. Seems like the thing to do and I love guesting on them and think I could have a blast interviewing a variety of guests and answering fan's questions as well. That's all to be determined but it looks positive. I will keep you informed here or on Twitter @JRsBBQ where we now have over 990,000 followers.

- It appears that the smart money, or is it, is on Brock Lesnar facing the Undertaker at WM30. That seems to be the strongest sentiment making the rounds online. For the record, I don't know as it's not my hill to die upon these days and I'm merely speculating. On paper, Lesnar vs. The Undertaker is an impressive match IF Lesnar is re-branded/re-energized to the WWE fan base as the indestructible "killer" that he can be. One matter to address is how often will either Taker or Brock appear on Monday Night RAW building up to the encounter to add adequate logs to the promotional fire? It sounds as if Paul Heyman will have to return to be the mouthpiece for Brock as Paul has done in the past, and done it damn well, but having the combatants appear on RAW only sporadically hampers the potential number of PPV buys which one would assume would lessen each man's potential earnings.

- It's really strange as to who doesn't contact their "old friends" when they are in one's home market ala Monday Night Raw this past week and, conversely, who does reach out from one's former company.

12-19-2013, 11:03 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his Q&A section once again at JrsBarBq.com. Here are some questions he answered.

Given that the two biggest full time stars on roster are John Cena & CM Punk it's rather strange that they haven't gone at it at WM. Any thoughts on this bout occuring at WM 30? I'd like to think that some day that match will occur at WrestleMania. Time will tell. Don't see it this year though for some reason.

I know this a long shot but if they asked you would you call one last match at wm30 so your fans could see and hear you one last time. That isn't a decision that is up to me. That's 100% a WWE call.

If Austin's career wasn't cut short due to his neck injury, who would you have like to have seen him match up with, either past or present roster? Punk, Bryan, HHH, Orton, etc. Lots of likely candidates.

Any reason we don't see Booker T wrestle anymore..insight? I don't know but it's likely a mutual decision or Book may have injury issues to address.

Do you know if WWE own the Memphis territory library and if not do you see them acquire it in the future? I don't think so nor do I know who actually owns the Memphis Wrestling library as it has been in an unorganized state of flux for years.

What's your opinion on CM Punk being face? Don't you think that he's better as a heel or as a tweener? Also, do you think that Paul Heyman's tweet about Randy Orton is a teaser to a possible Randy Vs Brock at WrestleMania 30? I'm not a big 'tweener' guy. Heyman knows how to play the fanbase. Obviously, Lesnar will be back soon as WM30 approaches but in what role, I don't know.

02-05-2014, 11:38 PM
- Jim Ross recently did a lengthy interview with Newsday and talked about the CM Punk situation:

"This whole locker room has a different feel to it, and a different -- they're not as edgy as the Attitude Era locker room. They're not as competitive. I don't know that they're as hungry. But now, CM Punk is different. [Compared with] today's corporate wrestler, CM Punk is a little bit of a rogue. And I don't mean that in a negative way."

"Over the last two of three years, he's been my favorite WWE performer to watch in the ring, without question. He would've been a huge star in the Attitude Era, without question. Here's the deal: He's a very cerebral guy, who has an old-school spirit, that really cares about every aspect of the business. I think that he needed time off, ample time off, to recharge his batteries. I think he has, for lack of a better term, a major case of burnout. And I think the problem should have been recognized and addressed much earlier than letting it get to a head and him being so frustrated and such a sense of hopelessness that he decided to go home. Walking away from a problem is never a solution. Never. Solve the problem."

02-05-2014, 11:38 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross updated his Q&A section of JrsBarBq.com. Here are some highlights:

Orton has now lost to Daniel Bryan and Kofi Kingston in "non title" matches. I am confused as to why i should be taking him as champion seriously. It's an old school philosophy. The champion losing non title bouts gives the impression that the title holder is vulnerable and ripe for the pickings.

Hey J.R., have you ever thought of a Daniel Bryan vs Kurt Angle match ? I feel if they are given 25 - 30 minutes they can deliver an all time classic. Your thoughts ? If both were healthy and the match was creatively presented as it should, there is no doubt that those two wouldn't have a great performance.

How do you think WWE should handle the RAW in Chicago? I mean they refuse to handle the fans now so what are they going to do when 15,000 fans are screaming for CM Punk? The show must go on and hopefully it will have enough good content to help some fans move on so as to not to negatively disrupt the broadcast to an unwatchable degree.

Hey JR,what do you think is the reason for all The Batista hate? I'd guess it was merely the fall out of the Daniel Bryan situation and not directed directly at Batista.

Christian - Elimination Chamber - why? One more match? One too many. I respectfully disagree.

02-08-2014, 12:20 AM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with a new blog on jrsbarbq.com. As always, you can purchase JR's BBQ products on WWEshop.com. Here are some highlights from this entry:

- Gearing up to have Steve Austin as my first Ross Report @PodcastOne guest that will drop to the world on Wednesday February 19. We plan on hitting the ground running! Slobber Knocker time and best of all the Ross Report will be FREE at PodcastOne.com and on ITunes. Looking at a variety of ways to make the shows fan friendly and interactive.

- Congrats to friends Adam Copeland and his lady Beth on the birth of their baby daughter. I knew of this info a couple of weeks ago but sat on it until the proud Mom and Dad were ready to announce it. Everyone is healthy and happy as another happy citizen resides in Asheville, North Carolina.

- The speculation of what will or won't be booked at WM30 is running rampant. I'm pleased that I have no dog in the fight and am more than willing to see how the card shakes out beyond the Elimination Chamber. I have a feeling that the final WM30 might not resemble what many folks think that it will be. I have actually been enjoying following WWE more now than I'm simply a fan who refuses to read spoilers or most other 'leaks' from the inside.

- I've heard nothing new on the CM Punk front. I've not reached to one of my all time favorite wrestles out in respect for his privacy. Let's not over analyze this matter too. Punk's burned out, he's worn out and he's not likely to return any time soon. However, I'd be remiss to speculate that he's 'done' with the business for good.

So...it's going to be interesting to see who steps up and wants to earn Punk's 'spot.'

Who's got the courage and confidence to demand that prime, TV time and spotlight? This matter has much more to do with individual talent's attitude than one might think. The WWE can't simply wave a magic wand and create a star.

02-11-2014, 06:59 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with a new blog on jrsbarbq.com. As always, you can purchase JR's BBQ products on WWEshop.com. Here are some highlights from this entry:

- Raw can be best described by yours truly as a solid show, not spectacular, but serviceable over the three hour 'cruise.'

Some of the in ring product was good and will mean more with the same level of bouts in the future if the rivalries and the skill sets of the talents continue to be addressed.

Appears to be very obvious that many talents need to kick their way out of their comfort zones and tweak a few wrinkles of their in ring presentation. The same sequencing week after week doesn't make one special.

It makes them the same.

The same is not wrestling code talk for 'special.'

- The follow up on Roman Reigns success at the Royal Rumble was timely. Newly minted, potential main eventers cannot grow on an every other week basis. Reigns needs his weekly moments on RAW to eventually arrive at the Promised Land including a 'moment' at WM30. Don't over think it...Reigns needs to leave NOLA with an enhanced perception. Case closed...per the late Ernie Ladd.

- WWE has done a really nice job of rehabilitating the TV image of the Usos who seem poised to win the Tag Titles sooner than later. Just a year ago the WWE Tag Team scene was flaccid but it's making a nice comeback.

- Admire Orton and Cena working hard and telling a viable story in their main event in a 20+ minute main event. I like these longer main events and even though these two have wrestled countless times, I felt that they had a solid, show closing bout. At the end of the night, I am not quite sure how much momentum WWE World Champion Orton is going to have going into the Elimination Chamber and to a lesser degree for WM30 which may be the game plan.

- Very proud of Amy Dumas aka Lita who will be inducted in the WWE HOF class of 2014 in NOLA the night before WM30. I had heard this info leaded from WWE a couple of weeks ago but did not want to contribute to spoiling the surprise. I did vividly remember meeting Amy in my Stamford office years ago when she came in for a job interview. She had been bold and brave enough to live alone in Mexico to train and develop a different skill set from other females and she eventually became one of WWE's biggest stars, male or female, during my time in talent relations. There;s a funny story about her less than dainty shoulder tattoo that played into her job interview that I tell on our RINGSIDE shows.

02-17-2014, 11:48 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has published a new blog entry on JrsBarBq.com. Here are some highlights.

Tonight's Raw: WWE really needs to hit a home run on RAW this week to build some much needed momentum for the Elimination Chamber. During a three hour RAW broadcast there is SO much info disseminated that it's challenging for any viewer of the three hour broadcast to leave the show at signoff and remember every thing that has been thrown at them. 15 commercial breaks doesn't help matters but that's simply the way it is and is not WWE's fault.

One suggestion would be to provide their info/news while doing their announcer on cameras (King would love that) and with more through use of graphics. If one 'sees' the info while 'hearing' the same it is more likely to be remembered. To over sell during a match can create a disconnect.

Certainly the point has been made in recent weeks that Orton, WWE World Heavyweight Champion is beatable and Mr. RKO surviving the Elimination Chamber is unlikely.

CM Punk update: Many have asked but I'm unaware of any new, @CMPunk news. I'm still hopeful that a mutually agreed upon resolution can be worked out sooner than later. I'd love to see Punk steal the show at WM30 and then chill for as long as it takes to get him back on WWE TV in a win-win scenario. If Punk wanted to take off until WM31, simply plan for it. The guy is too talented, has had a tremendous amount of TV time, etc invested in him and the roster is too thin to not see Punk back at some point.

I know if I ever do a show in Chicago I'd LOVE for CM Punk to be my special guest/MC and grill me with questions. Maybe we could take in a Cubs game and eat at Lisa Varon's Squared Circle eatery while in the Windy City.

As I've said Punk is a favorite of mine and I'd have loved to see him back in the day as one of Cowboy Bill Watts bookers.

Still of the mindset that the upcoming RAW in Chicago should be a fun show to watch for viewers as the rowdy, live audience generally always enhances a broadcast and more often than not in a positive way. It's merely a matter of being able to call audibles and being honest with the viewers.

02-20-2014, 09:42 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with a new blog on jrsbarbq.com. As always, you can purchase JR's BBQ products on WWEshop.com. Here are some highlights from this entry:

- Not sure that I would be as motivated to watch TNA tonight or Friday Night Smackdown if I succumb to reading the "Spoilers." As you know the only "Spoiler" that I enjoy are the memories of the work done by the late, Don Jardine who's in every conversation that one can have regarding the best masked wrestlers of all time.

- Our team is very happy with the results of the first Ross Report podcast that dropped this week. Thanks to the efforts of Steve Austin and Podcast One and, of course, many of you, our first venture into Podcasting was a hit.

We had some audio issues that will be evident on the first two shows but after that we will good to go. It's my responsibility to make every show better than the last and I can assure you that I won't phone any thing in and hope that you will come along on this journey with us.

We have some great guests lined up for future shows including Trish Stratus, Mauro Ranallo, Mick Foley, Lita, Scott Hall, and ESPN's Robert Flores among many others.

- Just food for thought but the more 'corporate' wrestling organizations become the more they should remember that the best feedback they can receive isn't from focus groups or the opinion from executives who aren't passionate about the biz or students of the game. The best feedback one can receive is from the paying customers who are sitting in the arenas.

Always remember that an empty seat speaks volumes.

02-23-2014, 06:42 AM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with a new blog on jrsbarbq.com. As always, you can purchase JR's BBQ products on WWEshop.com. Here are some highlights from this entry:

- The VIP tickets for next Saturday March 1 RINGSIDE: An Evening with Jim Ross are sold out for the 8 pm show and there are only about a dozen left for the early show at the Gramercy Theater. Tickets are still available nonetheless for both shows at http://www.ticketmaster.com. Hope to see you in NYC on Saturday March 1.

- Did an interview for the online version of Fortune Magazine Friday talking about the WWE Network. It will be available soon I'm told and I will tweet it out from @JRsBBQ.

- Great PR Friday night for DDP on ABC's Shark Tank. No deal made but a helluva segment on prime time, national TV for the hardworking Diamond Dallas Page...if that is his real name. DDP Yoga is magic. DDP will be guesting soon on the Ross Report Podcast as will Jake Roberts.

- As I wrote in this space many, many weeks ago, it's a smart move by WWE to come to an arrangement with @HulkHogan for WM30 and beyond, I assume. I'm unaware of any details but I see Hulk as a great PR vehicle for the WWE Network and to appear a selected events. I do not see Hogan needing to wrestle to add value to WWE efforts.

02-24-2014, 08:35 PM
Jim Ross has updated the Q&A section on jrsbarbq.com. Here are a few highlights:

Mr. Ross, Over the years, WWF/WWE has hired various non-wrestling celebrities (Uecker, Tyson, Pete Rose, Burt Reynolds, etc.) to appear at Wrestlemania. My question is, do you think their appearance fees were justified by the incremental revenues i.e. the increased eyeballs? Aside from Tyson, who helped WWE garner great PR in the Attitude Era, you'd likely be surprised at what the other celebs earned. Good paydays but not overpaid and they took nothing away from the talents payoff pool for the event.

After last nights response to Batista in the ring that can't possibly be thinking of still running Batista vs Orton as the Wrestlemania main event can they? That would be crazy, right? I expect some intriguing, creative changes to occur in WWE on the road to WrestleMania and they could start tonight on RAW.

Considering the reactions Batista and Orton got at the elimination chamber .. their match is going to be murdered by the Mania crowd. They are just not connecting with the audience, and the crowd hates them. What is the WWE doing ? Doesn't it listen to its fans ? What are your thoughts? I think that WWE listens and will react accordingly. How could any one NOT hear what we all hear? They can't. Just hang around and be patient or turnoff the shows and wait until things are to your liking.

02-25-2014, 06:27 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with a new blog on jrsbarbq.com. As always, you can purchase JR's BBQ products on WWEshop.com. Here are some highlights from this entry:
- Very pleased that my old pal Mick Foley is going to sit in with me Saturday night at our late show at the Gramercy Theater on the Q&A portion of RINGSIDE: An Evening with Jim Ross in NYC. That's was a nice surprise for me and I appreciate Mick taking the time out of his schedule to support our efforts to build a brand with these one man shows.

- The rumblings of Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar at WM30 was made official on RAW or that's what I got out of it. I think that these two will exceed most fan's expectations at WM30. Not sure I can tell you why but it's merely a gut feeling that I have. I think that they keep it basic, physical and at an old school pace which isn't plodding but one that fans can process and 'feel' what they are seeing.

- Getting way too much negative feedback here about how Batista is positioned as if it is Dave's fault. It's really no one's 'fault' as sometimes talents are simply miscast. I've see it happen since the day I walked into the biz in 1974. The great thing about TV Wrestling creative is that the most powerful weapon in the business can be called upon.....the eraser.

I have always thought that Batista, because of the Daniel Bryan phenomenon, was a better fit to be a villian but that's easy to say now. I expect that to occur later this week on Smackdown.

- Great pop for Hulk Hogan and did you notice that WWE gave Hulk his spotlight uninterruptedly and did not align him with anyone nor did they have anyone confront Hogan.....yet. Good to see Hulk back on WWE airwaves. Hogan was more 'over' in 5 minutes on WWE TV than he ever was on TNA Impact.

- Daniel Bryan wants HHH at WM30 but will that keep or make Bryan's fans happy? Likely not. WWE has a golden opportunity to provide Bryan and his fans a 'magical moment' in the Mercedes Benz Super Dome come WM30. Time will tell if that happens. It seems too obvious that it should happen for it to not occur.

Role Model
03-12-2014, 07:23 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with a new blog on jrsbarbq.com. As always, you can purchase JR's BBQ products on WWEshop.com (http://shop.wwe.com/JR%27s-BBQ/shop-wwe-products-jrsbbq,default,sc.html). Here are some highlights from this entry:

- This week the Ross Report podcast has 2013 WWE Hall of Fame inductee Trish Stratus as my guest in one of the most compelling and informative interviews we've had. She tells it like it is from a female's perspective. Honest, candid content from Canada's greatest export. The new podcast will drop late this Tuesday or by Wednesday at the very latest.

- Even though I have no plans on attending the WWE HOF Induction Ceremony at this time due to other obligations, there's no way that I'm going to miss it on the WWE Network of which I enjoy every day. Warrior is a highly intelligent person with unique perspectives on a variety of things and his acceptance speech should be truly unique and intriguing.

Jake Roberts will have a blow away acceptance speech too. Anxious to see who inducts all these deserving folks.

- Thought TNA Lockdown was a better than many TNA PPV's I've watched and was an average presentation in my eyes. I am not a fan of every match being a cage match. I'm not indicting anyone but making every match a cage match puts immense, creative pressure on the talent and there is too much "sameness."

James Storm, Bobby Roode, Samoa Joe, Bully Ray, and Gail Kim are 'players' without question while others in TNA have the opportunity to be as well if they force themselves to continue to change/evolve and not to be comfortable in their current presentations.

Gail Kim is arguably the best female wrestler in the business.

As I have said, I hope ALL wrestling organizations are successful because the more talent that's earning a good living in the biz the better for all involved.

I do think that the 'evil administration' story line served its purpose long ago within TNA. I find it hard to 'dislike' the Dixie Carter TV persona.

- RAW emanates from Memphis tonight and one has to be curious to see if Jerry Lawler survives RAW in his hometown or if he's used to generate 'heat' by some up and coming TV Wrestling villain. I hear that some folks don't fare so well in their home towns on RAW. :) Good luck, King!

Role Model
03-12-2014, 07:25 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with a new blog on jrsbarbq.com. As always, you can purchase JR's BBQ products on WWEshop.com. Here are some highlights from this entry:

- Cena and Hulk worked for me and Hogan's role at WM30 seems to nicely fit the veteran who WILL get a little physical at WM30....BROTHER!

What if I told you that John Cena and Bray Wyatt will arguably steal the show at WM30? Roll your eyes if you want but when you pair two, athletic performers with legit football backgrounds, both offensive linemen, expect their work rate to increase and their match to be a '10' on the physicality chart.

- Daniel Bryan had another terrific night and WWE is booking DB expertly even though some critics will micro analyze the storyline and find fault with it because that's simply what they do.

As I have said for many weeks, I fully expect Daniel Bryan to have a significant "WrestleMania Moment" in NOLA on April 6.

Just waiting on a handful of fans to complain now that the Bryan story is now too "predictable." Please...stop my pain.

- Not totally surprised that WWE is going to have a 30 man battle royal in the name of Andre the Giant as WWE usually adds a multi person match to attempt to get as many talents on WrestleMania as possible. I still remain firm that appearing on WM30 is an earned opportunity and not anyone's right of passage. With that said, I'm not unhappy that several talents will now get in the game. Good for them and hopefully it doesn't cause the four hour marathon to be shorted on the time needed for specific main event level bouts.

- Without question the bell to bell content of Monday Night RAW has improved significantly over the past few weeks. Yeah, I know that I[m old school and the butt of the occasional joke on RAW but I know what I like and I like physicality, believability and realism....not bad acting or failed attempts at humor.

Role Model
03-16-2014, 07:45 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with a new blog on jrsbarbq.com. As always, you can purchase JR's BBQ products on WWEshop.com (http://shop.wwe.com/JR%27s-BBQ/shop-wwe-products-jrsbbq,default,sc.html). Here are some highlights from this entry:

- Got my tickets for the NCAA Wrestling Championships today via Federal Express. Going to attend w/ WWE HOFer Jerry Brisco who is scouting the event for WWE. I'm going as a fan and to keep my Okie friend company.

If Jerry is lucky, he might find another Brock Lesnar, however, jocular, Hereford Bulls come along very rarely.

WWE is smart to invest in educated, athletic, young people with big personalities who, hopefully, grew up watching some TV Wrestling. Brock was not a pro wrestling fan when he signed with WWE but he burned through the pro wrestling drills in OVW like the beast that he is and was as natural as anyone we ever signed.

- Got a call today from Podcast One telling me that the current Ross Report with Trish Stratus is killing it. Last I looked on the iTunes Sports Podcast Top Ten, it was #1 in USA, #3 in UK, #5 in Australia, and #1 in Canada. Downloading is free at iTunes and http://www.podcastone.com.

Next week Mick Foley is my guest in one of the funniest shows of which I've been a part so be sure and check us out.

- Speaking of WM, I'm not answering any questions regarding who is going to win the Andre the Giant 30 Man Battle Royal because I'm not even sure who's in it. The irony of this attraction is that many participants wouldn't have been on the card if not for this match but they will be some of the same individuals who complain about their pay offs.

03-18-2014, 11:20 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with a new blog on jrsbarbq.com with thoughts from last night's RAW. As always, you can purchase JR's BBQ products on WWEshop.com. Here are some highlights from this entry:

- Loved the antagonist angst aka 'heat' that the show produced for the primary storyline going into WrestleMania 30 in NOLA. The opening segment was stellar. Now the winner of the HHH vs. Daniel Bryan one on one match is going into the main event, WWE Title bout with Triple Threat rules and that match now has more intrigue. Good booking from where I'm sitting.

The last segment of RAW rocked as I like "heat" (no jokes please) and HHH got an ample amount of steam on Daniel Bryan which added a great deal to the WM30 scenario. The hay is largely in the barn for this storyline but I'm anxious to see if WWE adds any thing new to the scenario that will culminate in a couple of weeks in the Super Dome in a likely show closing presentation.

Good stuff with the Shield on RAW even though I feel that there is something suspicious about their fan favorite turn as many Tweeted me about during the show @JRsBBQ. I am intrigued by this trio and what goes down with them at WM30.

Bray Wyatt had a great promo which is becoming the norm on Monday nights but it's frightening to think how good Wyatt will be over time. Reminiscent of his grandfather Blackjack Mulligan who was a colorful promo talent in his vaunted heyday. Speaking of Bray Wyatt, I think it's pretty cool to have a grandfather who was recruited to play college football for Bear Bryant and Blackjack's personal recruiter was Bum Phillips, two football coaching legends. The kids got great DNA as his dad, IRS/Mike Rotunda, was grossly underrated.

A fresh match with an up and coming new star vs. the face of the company is an announcer's dream. Wyatt vs John Cena is a match that certainly has my interest I think it will kick ass. I know it will be physical because that what two, former, college football offensive linemen do.

The Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal with 30 men in an over the top rope rules scenario, BROTHER, is actually gaining more of my interest. The talents talking about being in it have piqued my curiosity. Funny how that works. I'm assuming that some talents will be in the Battle Royal and in other bouts at 'Mania but that's an assumption.

Got a kick out of Christian on commentary Monday night. Highly underrated talent who is a tremendous asset to WWE in a variety of ways. He and Sheamus have made their rivalry mean something with still more to come I'd think.

Role Model
03-20-2014, 07:23 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with a new blog on jrsbarbq.com. As always, you can purchase JR's BBQ products on WWEshop.com (http://shop.wwe.com/JR%27s-BBQ/shop-wwe-products-jrsbbq,default,sc.html). Here are some highlights from this entry:

- Big few days in OKC with the NCAA Division 1 National Wrestling Tournament in town which will air on ESPN. Heading up soon to catch up with Jerry Brisco of WWE to watch the kids he's been recruiting. in the meanwhile, we're burning daylight...

- Anxious to see how the two hour pre game show for WM30 turns out. I think the pre and post game shows can be a legit asset for WWE if they are smartly produced and the talents step up and deliver provocative content. The upside of these programs are limitless.

- One of the great old school wrestling villains passed away this week as Lorenzo Parente who I first saw in the 60's on Lee Roy McGuirk's Championship Wrestling was a true wrestling heel who was rugged and believable. Parente had a great series of matches for theh NWA Junior Heavyweight Title vs the Legendary Dan Hodge.

- The WWE has gold a magnificent Daniel Bryan/HHH/WWE Title scenario story. Now the challenge is to get other story lines at or near the same level. The history of any WrestleMania is that most cards are essentially a 2-3 bout show and the best one's are where a non main line, main event match over delivers and steals the show. Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle is a good example of such. The early Money in the Bank Ladder matches fit that description as well.

03-23-2014, 11:10 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has published a new blog entry on JrsBarBq.com. Here are some highlights:

Jerry Brisco scouting talents: Saw some real studs at the Nationals in OKC the past few days. Jerry Brisco has seen many of these athletes multiple times this season and has a strong group considering WWE as a career choice. When a scholarship athlete makes it to the Nationals one doesn't have to worry about their athleticism so it's their personality that becomes the focus. Plus, it always helps if they are a fan to some degree of the pro wrestling genre. Thanks to Jerry's efforts over the years, the amateur wrestling community looks at a company such as WWE in a new, positive light. In the old days, there was a divide between the amateur's and the pro's.

If just half the kids that have been recruited sign, WWE will have a gifted group of big personality athletes with which to work with in their Performance Center.

Ross Report Podcast with Mick Foley: Getting great feedback on my interview with Mick Foley this week on the Ross Report Podcast. Mick and I had a great deal of fun and had a conversation between two friends and did not do a 'performance' where the guest went solo for long periods of time. For those that think that I interrupted Mick too much, I apologize, but my interview style is to be interactive and to ask questions and/or to simply interject what I'm thinking.

That's not changing. I'm going to engage every guest and present them with as many topics to discuss as I can not to mention going 'off road' if the topics warrant such. It's not much different than if two friends were on a car trip or sitting next to each other on bar stools.

Some listeners seem to be especially entertained apparently by my definition of 'slow burn' booking and a few examples of what is 'slow burn.'

Lita appearing on The Ross Report: This week on the Ross Report I've got Lita in a GREAT interview dropping Tuesday pm. @AmyDumas is one of my all time favorite people that we signed during my time in WWE. She sat in my office in a business suit, the only one she owned, looking for work back in the day and went on to build a Hall of Fame level career. The Ross Report can be downloaded for free at podcastone.com and iTunes.

Jake Roberts appearing on The Ross Report: This week on the Ross Report Podcast I'm visiting with Jake Roberts for a feature that will air after WM30 where Jake will deservedly go into the WWE Hall of Fame. Again, Lita airs this Tuesday pm while Mick Foley is up now.

Role Model
03-26-2014, 03:37 AM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with a new blog on jrsbarbq.com with thoughts from last night's RAW. As always, you can purchase JR's BBQ products on WWEshop.com (http://shop.wwe.com/JR%27s-BBQ/shop-wwe-products-jrsbbq,default,sc.html). Here are some highlights from this entry:

- Great house in Brooklyn. Packed RAWS always help sell WrestleMania. Good routing for WWE being in Brooklyn before going into their biggest event of the year. Same goes for Washington D.C. next Monday.

Thought Stephanie McMahon was spot on during the first segment on RAW. Her TV persona equates to an excellent villian. Strange how people on Twitter often times can't tell fiction from reality.

The 4 Way to determine the #1 contender for Big E's IC Title was a solid match that featured a ample hard work by all. The IC Title is in need of more 'shine.'

It seems as if Damien Sandow shaved off his momentum.

Miz....watch out for AH-NOLD's back fist....oops...too late.

Thoroughly enjoyed the Luke Harper vs. John Cena bout. Good showing for Harper. Harper's a keeper and, yes, he reminds me, and others, of the late, Bruiser Brody. Next time he's on TV, take a long gander into Luke's eyes....they're empty...great trait for a wrestler of Luke's ilk.

Don't be shocked if Bray Wyatt upsets John Cena at WM30. I expect the two, former, college. offensive linemen to bring the physicality.

I know that there will be a multi, multi divas title bout in the Super Dome but I missed the concept nor do I know if it's going to be on the PPV or the pre show. I like AJ to prevail at WM30.

BTW...I watched some of the pre game show. Great to see my dear pal Mick Foley paying tribute to Andre the Giant by wearing one of Andre's old sport coats. If I can be serious for a moment (Thx Citizen Storm), Mick was an amazing guest on our podcast the Ross Report this past week.

Congrats to Scott Hall aka Razor Ramon for his induction into the 2014 class of the WWE Hall of Fame. Shame on me for suggesting on Twitter @JRsBBQ that Scott's son Cody induct his father. I got 'woodshedded' for that suggestion as most people want Scott's nWo teammate and long time friend Kevin Nash to do the honors. That works for me too.

Solid, old school style tag team match featuring the Shield and the Real Americans. Aggressive...physical...good emotion by the heroes especially Rollins. In the territory days, many bookers would have loved to have a villain duo like Cesaro and Swagger for many reasons.

Surprised to see the physicality between Lesnar and the Undertaker on RAW. First the hocus pocus and then just a splash of saucey aggression which saw Taker with the upper hand and Lesnar exit a hot kitchen.

Role Model
03-30-2014, 06:31 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with a new blog on jrsbarbq.com. As always, you can purchase JR's BBQ products on WWEshop.com (http://shop.wwe.com/JR%27s-BBQ/shop-wwe-products-jrsbbq,default,sc.html). Here are some highlights from this entry:

- We're doing another RINGSIDE show in Toronto on Friday May 9 at the Danforth Music Hall and tickets for the show go on sale THIS TUESDAY in Toronto at the box office of the Music Hall and via ticketmaster.ca. It's one show only and it's the night before the ROH-New Japan show in TO. VIP Meet and Greet tickets will go fast and are limited. We will h ave the meet and Greet before the show on the Friday May 9 event.

- Thanks for the great feedback on this week's Ross Report with Lita aka Amy Dumas. Next week my podcast guest will be DDP Diamond Dallas Page who I suspect will induct Jake Roberts at the 2014 WWE Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony the night before WM30. That's not a conformation but my personal assumption. Without question DDP impacted the lives of both Jake and Scott Hall in a major, life saving way.

Great lineup of guests coming to the Ross Report podcast via PODcastOne including, the aforementioned Robert Flores, Jim Cornette, Gail Kim, Shawn Michaels, Bill Goldberg, ESPN's Michelle Beadle and Eric Bischoff, among others.

- WWE has invited me to attend the WWE Hall of Fame next Saturday night in New Orleans. I'm going to endeavor to attend. Grat night for some very deserving performers.

- Some seemed surprised that I applauded michaelCole work in WWE recently on the Q&A's here. Cole is without question the hardest working on air talent in WWE and his job has become so multi faceted that it exceeds the boundaries of being a play by play man. I'm not even sure that WWE calls it play by play any longer but nonetheless Michael does a helluva job steering a diverse ship on 5 hours of prime time TV for WWE.

04-06-2014, 08:05 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with a new blog on jrsbarbq.com with thoughts from WrestleMania XXX week. As always, you can purchase JR's BBQ products on WWEshop.com. Here are some highlights from this entry:

Certainly want to thank all the fans who joined us at the House of Blues Thursday night. Having enthusiastic audiences who care about wrestling is a blessing to the folks up on the stage. MC John Pollock of the Fight Network Canada was stellar. Old friends Jim Cornette and Steve Austin joining me was a helluva surprise for the fans. I sincerely appreciate them both. They always make me look better than I am.

Spent a lot of time with Steve Austin & 'brainstorming' some potential projects.

Our next RINGSIDE: Evening w/ Jim Ross show will be in Toronto on Friday May 9 at the Danforth Music Hall. Tickets for the one show only event are on sale now at ticketmaster.ca or hit jimrosslive.com. There are only 100 VIP Meet and Greet tickets and the meet and greets will be before the show in TO. This is our biggest venue to date but I'm confident that Toronto will respond and join me on Friday May 9 which is the evening before the ROH- New Japan event in TO that I plan on attending.

Getting some super feedback from wrestling people and fans alike on the Ross Report podcast. DDP is up right now and next week I visit w/ Jake Roberts who had a superb WWE HOF speech Saturday night. Jake and I talk about wrestling philosophy and what it takes to make it in today's wrestling biz. Download the Ross Report podcast free at PodcastOne.com or via iTunes.

Want to thank WWE for the invite and for the great seats to the HOF. Long event for the over hydrated. Lots of memorable soundbytes paired w/ raw emotions throughout the show. Anxious to see how it played on TV.

The speeches were certainly unique as they should be and my only critique, and Lord knows most fans love critiques, is that some could have gone shorter. I wish some fans who seemingly have an obsession to verbally interject themselves would re-think that mindset.

I'm optimistic that WM30 will exceed what some perceive to have been a unique or less that aggressive top to bottom build for the event. Amazing behind the scene preparation has been ongoing and if ever one was going to maximize their minutes, no matter one's role, is paramount at WrestleMania.

I expect some unique creative, a few surprises, some twists & turns, and the return of some of WWE's all time greats in the Super Dome.

Being as old school as I am, what will happen bell to bell has my utmost interest. Always.

Hoping for a big night for Daniel Bryan, among others.

Role Model
04-09-2014, 02:05 AM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with a new blog on jrsbarbq.com. As always, you can purchase JR's BBQ products on WWEshop.com (http://shop.wwe.com/JR%27s-BBQ/shop-wwe-products-jrsbbq,default,sc.html). Here are some highlights from this entry:

- While answering the Q&A's here on the site, I've received a ton of questions about my thoughts on the STREAK being broken at WM30 by Brock Lesnar. I was legit shocked that it happened and I still find it hard to believe that it occurred. What's done is done and I'm interested now to see where the Undertaker goes from here notwithstanding if WWE takes advantage of the major win for Lesnar. Brock has never truly been on a legit roll since returning to WWE from UFC and if there ever was a time to pull the trigger on that matter, that time is now.

I could see Brock eventually becoming the WWE Champion and defending the title at WM31.

- Memorable night for Daniel Bryan who continues to dodge 'authority bullets' as the new, WWE World Champion and had a stellar night Monday. Bryan is beginning to feel more comfortable on the mic which is essential for him. This goes for anyone as the verbal side of pro wresting is and always had been imperative to one's success.

- Great night for Antonio Cesaro as he's taking his wrestling persona to a new and more upscale address. I do feel it will be challenging for fans to boo Cesaro on a regular basis as his work, consistency and the Cesaro Swing certainly seems to make him prime, fan favorite material even if he is a Heyman Guy.

- Speaking of Paul Heyman, Paul had a magnificent night on RAW delivering a home run on the Lesnar beating Taker promo. Heyman is the best talker in the business and continues to do amazing work and has to be considered as one of the greatest managers of all time on a short list that includes Bobby Heenan and Jim Cornette. Before all is said and done, Paul may be the best, pure manager to ever fulfill that role in the history of the business.

Heyman's duo of Cesaro and Lesnar, who I'm sure some fans have already started fantasy booking to face each other down the road, may be destined for strong, fan favorite roles if the Monday night audience has any thing to say about it.

- The Shield declaring their true colors as the show went off the air was significant. This gives WWE creative plenty of options going forward and the chance for Reigns, Ambrose and Rollins to take another step vertically not to mention when one or more of them 'changes jerseys' how big a deal that will be. I'd hope that metamorphous is not any time soon as the hotter The Shield becomes as fan favorites the more impactful they will be as antagonists when the time is right.

- I'm optimistic that Alexander Rusev and Lana can be hits within the WWE. Rusev is an athletic big man while Lana is one of the most unique and marketable females to arrive in WWE in a long while. I love her accent and delivery.

- Paige has a significant upside and I can see her potentially having a Trish-Lita type rivalry with the talented AJ Lee who is still WWE's most consistent, in ring diva. Both ladies have marketable, bell to bell skills and both can be aggressive in the ring which translates well to all audiences.

04-19-2014, 11:13 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with a new blog on jrsbarbq.com. As always, you can purchase JR's BBQ products on WWEshop.com (http://shop.wwe.com/JR%27s-BBQ/shop-wwe-products-jrsbbq,default,sc.html). Here are some highlights from this entry:

- We have booked interviews in the immediate future with Shawn Michaels, Bill Goldberg, ESPN's Michelle Beadle, Eric Bischoff, Ted DiBiase, Cowboy Bill Watts and Tony Schiavone among others. Looking forward to also having Stan Hansen, Taz, MVP and many others from the pro wrestling world on the show sooner than later. We also plan on visiting with Rock 'n Roll Hall of Famer ZZ Top's Billy Gibbons down the road.

- Several new RINGSIDE: An Evening with Jim Ross events are being added to the calendar as the year progresses. Live Nation is really being aggressive in scheduling yours truly for more events. As soon as more dates are finalized, I will let you know but LA in August (insert your own joke here) and a show in Chicago are definitely on the drawing board.

- Where did the info come from that ESPN was interested in Renee Young? Not saying it's true or not but it certainly made the rounds quickly within the IWC. Renee is a talented, young woman, without question, and I wish her the best no matter what she decides to do long term with her career. Renee has skills, a great look and isn't a high maintenance talent but is easy to produce.

- Getting tons of questions regarding Sting signing with WWE of which I don't know the answer and if I did and was asked to keep it confidential I would, for the record. However, I see it as a no brainer for WWE to sign Sting and to begin immediately in monetizing his intellectual property. WWE owns virtually every minute of video tape that Sting has appeared on except his work in TNA. Some of the UWF content and early WCW matches are particularly outstanding. It's a match made in grappling heaven even if Sting never wrestles in WWE. In my perfect, booking world, which actually doesn't exist and is an oxymoronic statement, Sting would have one match...a retirement match at WM31 against a suitable villain even though some will lobby for that retirement match opposition to be Undertaker. A smaller, athletic young talent who needs the "rub" would arguably be ideal.

04-22-2014, 02:47 AM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with a new blog on jrsbarbq.com. As always, you can purchase JR's BBQ products on WWEshop.com. Here are some highlights from this entry:

- Some Twitter followers JrsBBQ are already growing weary of Daniel Bryan being WWE Champion as their logic is now that the undersized, highly skilled wrestler has won the title there's nothing left for him to conquer of which I find to be extremely misguided. Some might even say that theory is downright stupid.

Bryan is and always will be the physical underdog in 99% of his bouts and if the announcers tell a timely and fitting story, DB will be a WWE World Champion who will go into the vast majority of his Title Bouts as the underdog. If that isn't a sellable story, then I don't know what is.

When a scenario finds the 'hero' in jeopardy, it is generally a good thing in the genre of pro wrestling as it relates to telling a story both in the ring and at the announce table.

I also said that Bryan got over organically which is the best way possible and he will stay over if he continues to be positioned as I just described and he maintains his high standard of bell to bell excellence. The Champion's biggest challenge is to continue to improve on his mic work and I expect that he recognizes such and will continue to address that phase of his game. Nonetheless Daniel Bryan is a credit to the business and WWE, or any one else, can't get too many performers with his character and professionalism.

Hopefully Daniel Bryan's reign as the WWE World Champion will be longer than the cup of coffee that many of his fans fear but I do think it is inevitable that Brock Lesnar will be the next top dog in WWE and a Lesnar-Bryan match at Summer Slam would be a great attraction.

- Someone smarter than me, however, will have to explain why I should automatically think that Lesnar and wweCesaro should be perceived as villains in the squared circle simply because they are affiliated with Paul Heyman. Neither wrestler cheats or rarely takes unfair shortcuts and 'retreat' isn't too prominent either. Perhaps in today's marketplace it simply doesn't matter to those in charge of any wrestling organization even though the hero/villian dynamic is alive and well in UFC, NFL and in the NBA Playoffs.

- Love how some fans are so quick to blame 'creative' when something goes awry, in their view, on a pro wrestling TV show. Crafting consistent, 'money' creative is 50/50, at best, so smart wrestlers should always plan that they are going to have to add their own touches to make the creative that they are provided better than it is.

04-25-2014, 12:18 AM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with a new blog on jrsbarbq.com. As always, you can purchase JR's BBQ products on WWEshop.com (http://shop.wwe.com/JR%27s-BBQ/shop-wwe-products-jrsbbq,default,sc.html). Here are some highlights from this entry:

- This week we announced our first show ever in Chicago which will be Saturday AFTERNOON May 31 at 2 p.m. at the House of Blues. Tickets to the general public go on sale this Friday April 25 via ticketmaster.com. There are only 80 VIP Meet/Greet tickets so please don't delay if that ticket is of interest to you. One must be 17 and above to attend our Chicago event @HOBChicago.

Chicago is a very special city to me inasmuch as it was in Chicago in 2007 at a Monday Night RAW where it was announced that I would be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame class that year at WM23. That was a night that I will never forget and I hope to return the favor by providing the Chicagoland fans an afternoon that they will never forget on Saturday May 31. The doors open at noon and the show starts promptly at 2 p.m.

- WWE Hall of Famer Jerry Brisco has an amazing roster of world class athletes from the amateur wrestling world set to descend on Orlando and the WWE Performance Center soon to begin the process to see if they have what it takes to transition from amateur beasts to sports entertainment performers. I saw some of Jerry's recruits at the Division One Nationals recently in OKC and from a physical standpoint they are damned impressive. The key is to see if they have the aptitude and the personality to match their physical gifts. That matter becomes a collaborative effort between the talents and their coaches with the results, hopefully, being positive for all involved specifically the fans if these men make it.

- Amazing that some 'fans' are jumping off the Daniel Bryan bandwagon now that the highly skilled star has won the WWE World Title and the reason is that they feel that the 'chase' is over and therefore DB has no more challenges ahead of him. Has anyone noticed that Bryan is STILL smaller than virtually everyone he wrestles and is STILL an underdog even as the champion? Keeping a fan favorite in varying levels of jeopardy or peril works....it always has and always will. It has worked in films and in main stream sports since their beginning, which is why they keep score, keep track of the standings, and play for something at the end of the year. If Bryan can continue to amazingly overcome the odds and retain the WWE World Title in non fluke wins, when the time comes for him to lose the championship, to Brock Lesnar would be my suggestion, say at Summerslam or even in November at Survivor Series, DB won't fade away. The best pure wrestler in the world isn't going to disappear unless he is removed from TV or he suddenly forgets how to perform his craft.

The Daniel Bryan situation as it relates to going forward this year is seemingly being 'over thought' by many fans who have WAY too much free time on their hands.

IMO Lesnar should not lose in 2014....at some point become WWE World Champion and then pass the imaginary torch to a young, up and coming star at WM31 ala a Roman Reigns, etc.

05-05-2014, 09:17 AM
- WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with a new blog on jrsbarbq.com with predictions for tonight's WWE Extreme Rules pay-per-view. As always, you can purchase JR's BBQ products on WWEshop.com (http://shop.wwe.com/JR%27s-BBQ/shop-wwe-products-jrsbbq,default,sc.html). Here's what he wrote:

Daniel Bryan defeats Kane, overcomes the odds from a battered body and a much bigger, stronger opponent and then begins to get prepared for an eventual challenge to the WWE World Title from Brock Lesnar. Still of the mindset that the Bryan vs. Kane match exceeds expectations.

Thinking that The Shield overcomes Evolution in what should be a really strong 6 Man Tag. I expect this match to be very well produced and executed. Anxious to see it and hopefully the younger trio prevails to continue their ascension to the top of the roster.

Predicting that Bray Wyatt wins the cage match versus John Cena and I hope that it isn't via escaping the cage as that was designed years ago in another era to help 'save' the hero's image. Those days are long gone and Wyatt beating Cena by pinfall inside the cage helps build of the Wyatt persona and doesn't aversely harm Cena but instead facilitates the rivalry of which Cena will eventually prevail.

Can't see why Cesaro shouldn't to win the three man elimination match that actually should be really good featuring RVD and Jack Swagger as well. I'm a fan of all three men's work and have high expectations for this match.

If Bad News Barrett doesn't win the IC Title Sunday Night against Big E then WWE is missing a great opportunity to elevate a much needed antagonist and to continue to rehabilitate the image of the IC Title that used to mean so much in WWE. A loss to Barrett doesn't do significant damage to Big E who has cooled off since winning the IC Title and 'E' can easily become relevant by being on the chase in an attempt to regain it.

Paige should retain the Divas Title in her first major title defense against Tamina Snuka. Was asked on the Q&A's elsewhere here if Paige was called up too early and my answer was an emphatic no. Paige is young and being on the road is a challenge to all especially younger talents but as far as in ring action is concerned, the Brit has been ready a while. I see Tamina imposing her will and Paige battling from underneath to prevail. Keep it simple, logical and easy to execute. Plus, give these women time to tell a story.

Rusev is pitted against both R Truth and Xavier Woods as I assume that Truth & Woods will act as a tag team. Nonetheless Rusev should win but winning quickly is an important consideration. If WWE continues to play to Rusev strengths and the announce team continues to point out all the positives of the Bulgarian Brute, the rookie has a shot at getting over as in a year from now. I do like the package of Rusev and Lana as she has a distinctive look and accent that makes her different. Being different in today's world of pro wrestling, just like yesteryear, is imperative.

The obvious thing to do in the Hornswoggle vs. Torito match is to make the audience happy in this comedy outing and see the diminutive and talented masked grappler prevail but I'd go the other way and spotlight Horney as a way to promote his upcoming movie and to further the issue with Torito.

Anxious to see what 'shocking' moments or major surprises that WWE has in store on this show as those types of things are important to have in place to continue to aggressively market their WWE Network when folks hear what they have missed. If one is a wrestling fan and the Network is available to you, I can't see why one wouldn't subscribe for the $9.99 price tag per month.

WrestleMania 30 provided the end of The Streak and I'm curious to see what tonight brings. With that said and with the possible physical issues that Taker may be living with, one can make more sense of The Streak abruptly ending at WM30. I was/am a 'Streak' guy and it ending still has many of us talking about it weeks afterwards which is the sign of a shrewd promoter.

07-05-2014, 10:56 AM
Jim Ross posted the following at JRsBarBQ.com.

On Interviewing AJ Styles:

Last night I interviewed AJ Styles for a future Ross Report and he was terrific. I missed on him during the WWE/WCW buy out as he was a young talent under contract to WCW when the deal went down. We got a good laugh at that obvious mistake on my end. AJ is one of the top workers in the world and his tenure in New Japan and in the indies has him busier than ever. I love his work and feel that he would be a definite asset in anyone’s company. BTW…AJ agrees with me that ROH Wrestlers should slow down a gear and sell more just as I’ve been discussing. Simple fix to make their in ring product better.

On The Upcoming Paul Heyman DVD:

Just got copy of the Paul Heyman DVD and I plan on watching it over the July 4th holiday. heymanHustle has perfected his craft and I remember so very well working with him on his first, national TV gig which was at TBS in Atlanta and tutoring Paul on the art of broadcasting pro wrestling. He was obviously a brilliant student and was a sponge when it came to absorbing info. However, he could test one’s patience from time to time. :)

On Battle Royals:

For the record, I’m not a battle royal guy. Never have been since the days of when I was a Ref. Too much fun and games at times during these matches and generally fans don’t emotionally invest until the match it down to a small, handful of talents. I can see one occurring annually like the old San Francisco Cow Palace days, etc but that’s about it. I hope it works out better than I expect for WWE to crown a new IC Champion via the Battle Royal route.

On Chris Jericho’s Return:

Chris Jericho looks physically good and that’s thanks to DDP Yoga considering Jericho’s massive work load and travel schedule. Bray Wyatt will have a positive experience working with someone new and that’s better than him in the immediate future. This is good, strategic booking with the goal to obviously have some entertaining TV but to help Bray continue to grow as a talent.

07-16-2014, 04:41 AM
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with a new blog on jrsbarbq.com. As always, you can purchase JR's BBQ products on WWEshop.com. Here are some highlights from this entry:
- The Mrs. and I attended @RealMickFoley show in OKC Monday night which was a sellout of about 200 or so great fans. Mick did a stellar job and he even invited me up on stage to participate in the Q&A section of his performance. I can't believe the miles that Mick is logging on his tours as he drove in Monday from Austin which is approximately an 8 hour drive, after starting in Florida, and had to leave Monday night for Huntsville, Alabama where he performs tonight. Mick has a great show that I encourage any wrestling fan or fan of comedy to attend. Great stories of a magical career. We provided Mick ample JR's Beef Jerky which I know doesn't compete with his favorite, Whataburger, but it will be a nice snack and is 97% Fat Free.
- The CM Punk promotional material for the WWE Network is a good way to create interest and sell subscriptions for the Network and I don't think it means any thing more than that which is merely my speculation and not based on any 'inside' knowledge.
- Great video done by 2K Sports to promote Sting as a player on their upcoming, WWE video game. Sting will be available if one pre orders the game as I understand it. Does this mean that Sting will be wrestling in WWE? It's not a lock whatsoever and I'd suggest it is a long shot but things can always change. I'd love to see Sting have a WrestleMania moment in his career but I'll admit that I'm biased.
Sting will be a guest on my podcast on July 29 of which we've already taped and it's a great conversation.
- Expecting Jericho vs. Wyatt Sunday to be a really solid affair. Wyatt looks to be in the best shape that he's been in since arriving in WWE and Jericho loves to steal the show and is more competitive in his mindset regarding such than most people would think. Everyone on the card should have that philosophy but unfortunately that's not the way that it is in life. Nonetheless, I thought Chris should have been more serious and even P.O.'ed.