View Full Version : WWE vs. TNA At WrestleMania 29?, 3-Hour RAW Updates

02-08-2013, 09:04 PM
With other wrestling promotions including TNA running shows in the New York area over WrestleMania weekend, WWE is planning to keep their talent busy and away from TNA stars.

– The Wrestling Observer has released statistics about RAW’s expansion to three hours last summer. The extra hour has resulted in 33% more matches per show and matches going 33% longer. The amount of in-ring wrestling doubled to 78%.

Wrestlers who have benefited from the longer TV time include John Cena, Alberto Del Rio, Dolph Ziggler, Big Show, Sheamus, Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow, Primo and Epico.

Wrestlers who had less TV time are Zack Ryder, Tensai, David Otunga, The Great Khali and Santino Marella.
