View Full Version : Update: Bruno Sammartino’s Relationship With Vince McMahon

02-10-2013, 06:02 AM
WWE Hall of Fame inductee Bruno Sammartino made an appearance on the “Busted Open” satellite radio show talking about how things came together with Triple H to make his induction possible this year and if this will ever fix his current relationship with Vince McMahon.

“Here is how I feel. As I criticized Vince as you guys are fully aware of. But I also know that these changes came about because Vince was a part of it. I’m sure Vince is the big boss. I’m sure Paul and Vince had many serious conversations and obviously Vince had to agree to everything. My feeling is yes I criticized, but I will also praise him because he took all the steps. I will criticize you if you deserve to be criticized, but I will praise you when that’s proper. He has made all these changes and I praise him for that. I have not talked to Vince. I have not seen him. But when the time comes, probably when I get there, I’m sure a meeting will be held. I will be glad to meet with him and have conversations with him.”

As noted earlier, Sammartino and McMahon have not spoken yet but plan on doing so at the WWE Hall of Fame ceremony. Triple H recently told ESPN.com the following: Vince asked me, ‘Hey, do you think I should call Bruno? I’d like to talk to him.’ At the same time, Bruno said, ‘Do you think I should have a conversation with Vince?’ And I said no to both of them. I didn’t think it was right to do over the phone. They had bad blood for a long time, and we’ve all kind of buried the hatchet here, and it’s a new beginning and a fresh start and everybody is in a great place with this. But going back to what Bruno said about being old-school, I think we should all get in the same room together and the two of them should look each other in the eyes and shake hands. This should be in person. I don’t think it’s right to do over the phone. They both agreed to do that, and while it hasn’t happened yet, Hall of Fame is probably where we’ll make that happen. Vince and Bruno will see each other for the first time in years and officially, in person, look each other in the eyes and bury that hatchet.”
